Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

And that is their argument. Because not all pit bulls are vicious none should be accountable

Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

I am surrounded by cowardly people who own these fuckin dogs. One of my neighbors sell em'. Should I ever survive an attack, I will personally make sure the owner ends up not only homeless but naked, cause I plan to sue the bastards into complete and utter poverty.
I cannot disagree....I had a neighbor that had a mix with pit bull. The dog was very aggressive.
The dog was in my yard menacing my then 5 year old. So i threw a piece of wood and hit the dog. Didn't phase the animal...I called the cops. They came into my driveway and there was the dog trotting across the yard into the owner's yard and went over a chain link fence .
The cop went over to talk the neighbor and let him know that this was not going to go well for him or the dog.
A couple days later the guy starts giving me a ration of shit about not his dog terrorizing my kid, but because I called the police to resolve the issue.
I told this prick in in no uncertain terms that if the dog was in my yard again, the dog would not be coming back home.
He wanted to argue. I interrupted him and told him the talking was done.
In the world I inhabit, any dog that kills livestock is a dead dog. A couple of years ago, the neighbors had a couple of hound mixes they were breeding for sprint racing. One of the dogs could not be contained. Well, I spooked it out of my goat pens one morning but not before it had killed six of my kids. I called animal control, they tried to talk to the guy but he wouldn't answer his door. Funny thing, that hound disappeared not long after. Once a livestock killer, always a livestock doesn't matter whether it's chickens, sheep, goats, or whatever.
I tried to talk to this guy, he told me he was unable to contain that hound.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
Almost every pit I've run into has been an aggressive type. I beg to differ with you.
I can't agree.

I have been close to three pit bulls owned by three different people. All were wonderful dogs, but then their owners were smart people.

I once evicted a tenant because he had two pit bulls in my unit against my rules. Both those pits were nasty. Turns out the guy was a drug dealer and is now doing hard time.

So again, a properly trained pit is a great dog.
Unfortunately, most people have no idea how to properly train a dog, let alone a pit. And many who do know choose to use the pit's natural proclivities to the best of their abilities.
Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
He's a weirdo but not trash. He's a pilot.
Owners need to be held accountable.


Let the insurance companies make it unaffordable to own a pit bull

Insurance needs to charge what they need to charge to make a profit. Why are you in favor of insurance companies making obscene profits. I thought you liberals hate obscene profits?
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...

I have some tenants that were threatened by one of those dogs down the street. The pet owner is not much of an owner at all and the dog pushes through the screen door because the latch doesn't work properly and tried to attack my tenants dogs that weigh about five pounds each. They were very upset.

The dogs are okay, but I told him that might not be the case next time. I advised him to take his hand gun with him and shoot the dog if he ever tries to attack again. He's a CCW holder and has every right under the law to protect himself and his wife. It's just a shame it has to come down to that.
Insurance companies charge based on risk

If you own a pit bull, you are a greater risk
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
He's a weirdo but not trash. He's a pilot.

Not one of your pot,smoking buddies, just a weirdo? Lol!
SO, I am dumb because...???? When you start to make sense and realize how stupid YOU are, perhaps you will realize I am NOT so dumb!
You are dumb because you can't comprehend what you read, just like my last post.
Most literate people cannot read YOUR posts, idiot; See if you can understand MINE:

View attachment 53111

Yep, a dumb shit owner who taught the dogs to be aggressive, they guy needs to go to jail for a long time.
So, tell me genius, how am I supposed to tell the difference out on the trail... in split seconds?
One clue is when the dog is growling and barking at you while it approaches at race track speeds... er... do I sound stupid now?

Hey you are the fucktard that said the pit bulls fear you, you lying then or now? Let me know. The owner of the dog that attacked the girl needs to pay for it. The dog needs to be destroyed and the owner jailed, just as if he shot the girl with the gun.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?

Why make it illegal to own a lion or a tiger?
You are dumb because you can't comprehend what you read, just like my last post.
Most literate people cannot read YOUR posts, idiot; See if you can understand MINE:

View attachment 53111

Yep, a dumb shit owner who taught the dogs to be aggressive, they guy needs to go to jail for a long time.
So, tell me genius, how am I supposed to tell the difference out on the trail... in split seconds?
One clue is when the dog is growling and barking at you while it approaches at race track speeds... er... do I sound stupid now?

Hey you are the fucktard that said the pit bulls fear you, you lying then or now? Let me know. The owner of the dog that attacked the girl needs to pay for it. The dog needs to be destroyed and the owner jailed, just as if he shot the girl with the gun.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?

Why make it illegal to own a lion or a tiger?

I never advocated making legal or illegal to own a tiger or a lion. Rightwinger was the one that brought up choosing different breeds. You probably need to ask him.
Most literate people cannot read YOUR posts, idiot; See if you can understand MINE:

View attachment 53111

Yep, a dumb shit owner who taught the dogs to be aggressive, they guy needs to go to jail for a long time.
So, tell me genius, how am I supposed to tell the difference out on the trail... in split seconds?
One clue is when the dog is growling and barking at you while it approaches at race track speeds... er... do I sound stupid now?

Hey you are the fucktard that said the pit bulls fear you, you lying then or now? Let me know. The owner of the dog that attacked the girl needs to pay for it. The dog needs to be destroyed and the owner jailed, just as if he shot the girl with the gun.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?

Why make it illegal to own a lion or a tiger?

I never advocated making legal or illegal to own a tiger or a lion. Rightwinger was the one that brought up choosing different breeds. You probably need to ask him.

I think you've now succeeded in so totally clouding up your own position that you can't be argued with.

Was that your goal?
I talked to buddies at lunch about this. They have softened me a little on this issue. They remind me that when we were kids, Doberman's had a bad rap before Pitbulls. And they all had stories about how they all know people with great pitbulls or they had them themselves.

But they admitted you got to be careful with them and a lot of bad owners. They agreed maybe not every tom dick and harry should have a pitbull. Even with a fence those things need to be on a leash. So we just gotta make sure people in white trashville and the hood keep their dogs properly secured. Or wherever there is a irresponsible dog owner. But I still wouldn't lose sleep if they stopped making pits.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
He's a weirdo but not trash. He's a pilot.

Not one of your pot,smoking buddies, just a weirdo? Lol!
Nope. I asked and he didn't want to buy any from me.
Yep, a dumb shit owner who taught the dogs to be aggressive, they guy needs to go to jail for a long time.
So, tell me genius, how am I supposed to tell the difference out on the trail... in split seconds?
One clue is when the dog is growling and barking at you while it approaches at race track speeds... er... do I sound stupid now?

Hey you are the fucktard that said the pit bulls fear you, you lying then or now? Let me know. The owner of the dog that attacked the girl needs to pay for it. The dog needs to be destroyed and the owner jailed, just as if he shot the girl with the gun.
And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?

Why make it illegal to own a lion or a tiger?

I never advocated making legal or illegal to own a tiger or a lion. Rightwinger was the one that brought up choosing different breeds. You probably need to ask him.

I think you've now succeeded in so totally clouding up your own position that you can't be argued with.

Was that your goal?

Again, it is rightwingers argument not mine. My position is you can own a pit bull if you want and the owners should be held accountable for training their dog.
A buddy of mine has a German Shepard. Personally, I would have put that thing down long ago. I'm surprised he hasn't had to pay a lawsuit or lost that animal to animal control. It's bitten several other dogs and a few people, but fortunately for my friend, no one has pressed charges. I would not own an animal with that kind of aggressive instinct. He loves that thing, though...
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
He's a weirdo but not trash. He's a pilot.

Not one of your pot,smoking buddies, just a weirdo? Lol!
Nope. I asked and he didn't want to buy any from me.

Being a pilot he can be random tested at anytime. It isn't worth it to lose your livelihood because some pusher wants to make a buck.
My friend has one of thosem. He has to keep it in a cage when we come over.

He admits he didn't train it properly when it was young. Got to expose them to other people and animals.

So you have white trailer trash friends?
He's a weirdo but not trash. He's a pilot.

Not one of your pot,smoking buddies, just a weirdo? Lol!
Nope. I asked and he didn't want to buy any from me.

Being a pilot he can be random tested at anytime. It isn't worth it to lose your livelihood because some pusher wants to make a buck.
I make more than a buck.

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