Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

So? Easy to get a German Shepherd. Siberian Husky. Doberman Pincher.

Not to mention that anyone selling pit bull puppies for a couple hundred bucks a piece is not to be trusted. The preliminary vet costs alone would be at least that much. Likely, it's some backyard scammer who is selling mutts that happen to have a square head/jaw appearance. Probably not a drop of APBT in the things.

What is the amount required to hold a puppy?

We require a 300.00 (non-refundable but transferable) deposit to hold any puppy till the age of 8 weeks.

If the price of the puppy is more then 3000.00 we require a 1000.00 deposit
There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
One of mine is an AmStaff. I believe you could beat her to death or dog. and she wouldn't growl at you. Never saw her growl at a human or dog. My Rat Terrier takes full advantage of her, I gotta straighten him out on a regular basis.
There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
One of mine is an AmStaff. I believe you could beat her to death or dog. and she wouldn't growl at you. Never saw her growl at a human or dog. My Rat Terrier takes full advantage of her, I gotta straighten him out on a regular basis.

AmStaffs are amazing dogs. Absolutely amazing. They're also a boon for the soap industry.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
Almost every pit I've run into has been an aggressive type. I beg to differ with you.

I've been around two, both were extremely laid back

Pitbulls vary hugely in size, build and temperment - they are hardly a "breed" but a collection of a number of breeds and strains. If they vary physically they also vary in temperment. I've a friend who has an all breed rescue and a soft spot for pits. In her current household she has Pit's that are couch potatos, and pits who are high energy joyful party girls. There's a lot of variation. She is picky about temperment - and you should be with any dog coming into rescue - so hers are good with cats, dogs, people. They are great dogs.

One of my favorites is a big strong boy - he won't start a fight - but if someone starts it, he will join - otherwise he's very good and very tolerant. When I was visiting recently, there was a skirmish between him and another male - in the melee, a small dog walked passed and got grabbed by the pit who had his head in his mouth. We were all freaking out trying to seperate them. When we did - the only mark the small dog had was a scratch on his ear. The Pit could have easily killed him, but he didn't. That is some serious bite inhibition. As dogs people need to look at them as individuals and also understand that yes - they were bred for dog fighting, dog-dog aggression is something to be aware of in the breed, like all terriers. But they aren't monsters - far from it.

I hate to look at those dogs in her household and think people want to kill them. They are wonderful.
Stop saying we want to kill them! Not one person here is suggesting it. Just maybe either spade and neuter them all or breed the violent nature out of them. Just stop making this dog.

It is very harmful to the conversation when you are hearing arguments that we haven't even made. This proves your side is a long way from being rationale or reasonable on this discussion.
Let me hear some ideas from someone on your side. What would you do to lower the number of pitbull attacks.

I would make dog fighting a capital offense.
I'm thinking bout the people in poor neighborhoods who have neighbors who have violent home security dogs. Their pitbulls get loose next thing you know some kid is dead. Then you can't Sue because the dog owner has nothing. Maybe they need to better regulate who can breed these dogs.

I know poor people love their pitbulls but that's too much power in the hands of so many fools. Pitbulls should cost $2000 and a waiting list to get one. And it comes spade or neutered.
There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
One of mine is an AmStaff. I believe you could beat her to death or dog. and she wouldn't growl at you. Never saw her growl at a human or dog. My Rat Terrier takes full advantage of her, I gotta straighten him out on a regular basis.

AmStaffs are amazing dogs. Absolutely amazing. They're also a boon for the soap industry.
I looked up breeds and didn't see AmStaffs but I didn't see my buddies dog on there either.
That article was written in 2006 I believe. LONG before Republicans starting having a problem with cheap labor flooding our markets. We told them it would but they didn't believe it would ever affect them. They didn't DREAM any mexican, indian or asian could ever do their job.
You are not thinking.

Republican pols LOVE illegal immigration just about as much as Ds. For example, they are about to make an open borders guy Speaker of House.

A majority of Americans want illegal immigration stopped. It does matter if they are Ds or Rs...but the establishment wins over the wishes of the people most times...and this is one of those times.
Republican voters are now anti illegals because they now see the flood of cheap labor into our country affects all of us. They didn't think it would affect them until the end of Bush's presidency.

Hate to say we told you so.
There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
One of mine is an AmStaff. I believe you could beat her to death or dog. and she wouldn't growl at you. Never saw her growl at a human or dog. My Rat Terrier takes full advantage of her, I gotta straighten him out on a regular basis.

AmStaffs are amazing dogs. Absolutely amazing. They're also a boon for the soap industry.
I looked up breeds and didn't see AmStaffs but I didn't see my buddies dog on there either.

There is only one breed of pit bull, namely the American Pit Bull Terrier. However, there are several breeds that are colloquially lumped together as "pit bulls," largely out of ignorance and fear. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are generally lumped into breed specific legislation against "pit bulls."
One of mine is an AmStaff. I believe you could beat her to death or dog. and she wouldn't growl at you. Never saw her growl at a human or dog. My Rat Terrier takes full advantage of her, I gotta straighten him out on a regular basis.

AmStaffs are amazing dogs. Absolutely amazing. They're also a boon for the soap industry.
I looked up breeds and didn't see AmStaffs but I didn't see my buddies dog on there either.

My boss told me originally pits were bred to watch over babies in Europe?

I'm sure we can solve this problem wo having to outlaw this breed.

Got to leash them at all times.

Funny story I had a beagle and I always kept it off a leash. This dog always attacked other dogs. Not all other dogs but some. I don't know how my neighbors put up with it for so many years and I did get fined a couple times by the condo association but she was just a beagel and never hurt these other dogs. Maybe that's the difference
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
That's only one issue I have with it. Different if an American does it. Lots of small start ups do it.
The threat of an irresponsible dog owner with a Chihuahua and a pit bull is not the same

Many pit bull owners are trying to make a statement...... Don't fuck with me

And most aren't. Just typical stereotyping.
They choose a pit bull over a golden retriever why?

Why choose a golden retriever over a lab? Why choose a lab over a Dob? Why choose a poodle over a Dob?
Why not allow a pet bear or a pet lion?

Go for it.
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
I also buy things made in china even though I'm against it. And I litter.

And I jack off in my car even though I think it should be illegal.

And I would cut a child rapists penis off if I could get away with it even though I know that is wrong and illegal.

I ate a grape at Kroger but I'm anti shoplifting.
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
That's only one issue I have with it. Different if an American does it. Lots of small start ups do it.

Americans do do it. Who do you think is paying under the table?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
That's only one issue I have with it. Different if an American does it. Lots of small start ups do it.

Americans do do it. Who do you think is paying under the table?
Different if a mom and pop does it if they are paying another American.

I'm talking about LaGuardia airport being staffed by all illegals. Hiton hotels maids. Landscapers hiring all illegals.

Once you get big you got to start paying taxes or get caught.

Only problem is during the 8 bush years we stopped looking. Actually the problem started on Reagan's watch.
Liberals love animal cruelty, they just busted an illegal alien cockfight ring in the Pacific NW confiscating hundreds of birds. In related news this week they also busted an illegal alien meth ring that was bringing tons of meth into the USA. Who's giving these people sanctuary? Yeah liberals, shocker.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
I also buy things made in china even though I'm against it. And I litter.

And I jack off in my car even though I think it should be illegal.

And I would cut a child rapists penis off if I could get away with it even though I know that is wrong and illegal.

I ate a grape at Kroger but I'm anti shoplifting.

You are an admitted drug dealer and you get paid under the table, illegally. You admitted it, now live with your hypocrisy.
It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
That's only one issue I have with it. Different if an American does it. Lots of small start ups do it.

Americans do do it. Who do you think is paying under the table?
Different if a mom and pop does it if they are paying another American.

I'm talking about LaGuardia airport being staffed by all illegals. Hiton hotels maids. Landscapers hiring all illegals.

Once you get big you got to start paying taxes or get caught.

Only problem is during the 8 bush years we stopped looking. Actually the problem started on Reagan's watch.

Who you are not only a hypocrite, you are a racist. You can lie cheat and steal as long as others don't do it. The more you post the worse you sound.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

Who's to blame for all the illegals coming here? The people who hire them. Corporations!

It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
I also buy things made in china even though I'm against it. And I litter.

And I jack off in my car even though I think it should be illegal.

And I would cut a child rapists penis off if I could get away with it even though I know that is wrong and illegal.

I ate a grape at Kroger but I'm anti shoplifting.

You are an admitted drug dealer and you get paid under the table, illegally. You admitted it, now live with your hypocrisy.
Pharma distributor
It's people that pay people under the table.
I hear Pits are popular with drug dealers. You know I want to buy 2 now, right? They can protect the 2 ounces of pot at my home. God forbid someone steals $300 in weed from me. God what would I do? Oh yea, I forgot, I'm rich.

Any thing to side track the fact that it is people paying under the table that are creating the immigration issue. Right?
I also buy things made in china even though I'm against it. And I litter.

And I jack off in my car even though I think it should be illegal.

And I would cut a child rapists penis off if I could get away with it even though I know that is wrong and illegal.

I ate a grape at Kroger but I'm anti shoplifting.

You are an admitted drug dealer and you get paid under the table, illegally. You admitted it, now live with your hypocrisy.
Pharma distributor

If that's what hypocrites need to do to feel better.
Do we really need to supersize everything?

Have we banned whistling at women yet?

I'm sorry America is too ghetto or white trashy to own pits.

Get a nice German Sheppard.

Who is "you guys"? Are you afraid of answering the question or are you dense as a door.

I can own any dog I want, you don't dictate to me what I buy. Just because you are afraid of them doesn't mean you dictate what I do.

If I want a super large fry or Coke, who the hell are you to tell me no. We don't need fucking pot, fucking drug dealers or assholes that rip other taxpayers off by working under the table, but you seem ok with those ILLEGAL activities. But you want to control, my pets, my food and my life.

Why not get a fucking life of your own and keep your ass out of mine.

I am an avid walker/jogger/bicyclist and have seen the darker side of dog ownership up close all too frequently.

1. Dog poop on hiking /fitness trails and walk paths attracts flies and other vermin, not to mention the unsightly mess fresh dog shit makes. Too often dog owners just don't clean up after their pets and, like smokers, screw everyone else as long as your dog gets his exercise. Nothing ruins your breakfast faster than coming u-on a steaming pile of fresh dog shit right in the middle of the walkway on your morning walk.

2.You don't have to be a liberal to be afraid of a furry powerful alligator with a short snout; especially one that bears the name "pit bull." If you fat assed "conservatives" would get off your asses and exercise outside, other than walking your dogs a couple of minutes on walking trails, you might appreciate the angst large dogs and especially pit bulls generate.

When I venture onto a fitness trail, I usually carry a 3ft Iron pipe to defend myself against loose dogs that frequent those areas, sometimes with the owners standing nearby holding a disconnected leash while the dog runs towards you and has to be called back. Usually the whistling sound of a pipe swung through the air or the clanking made while striking one end of it on the ground is enough to thwart any would be attack.

On occasion, I have armed myself with a small pistol just in case I meet a pack of dogs on some isolated part of the long trails I hike. I find that strategy especially reassuring after I read about some jogger or hiker being attacked or killed by several escaped pit bulls. If I ever encounter these "nice animals and one of them happens to be yours...too bad, it is going down if the beast gets too close and threatening and I even THINK it has nefarious intentions.
That is one reason I believe in the 2nd Amendment for self protection. And that includes against your fucking dog if necessary.


Dumb fuck, I don't own a dog, if a dog attacks you on a trail shoot it. If I owned a dog it would be well behaved like my last dog and wouldn't on your fucking trail bothering your loser ass, dip shit.

Own a dog, own a gun, I don't give a fuck. If I own a gun or a breed of dog you don't like, I don't give a fuck. It's none of your business

So you won't shoot my dog, so shoot away. Stupid liberals
Look. DAWG, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. But, judging by your aggressive attitude, if you have a dog it is probably a potential killer. I don't have a problem with you owning a killer dog as long as it does NOT infringe upon community safety and you pick your dog's shit up when you walk it on public trails.

Judging by your aggressive attitude you are a walking mass murder. Got anything else nutter?

I don't have a dog shit head, so you pick up your own shit.
Have you ever heard of an American mass murderer who did the deed after turning 50 years of age? Most mass murderers, lately, have been young males.

YOU DON"T HAVE A DOG? WIth all the bluster and grandstanding one would think you bred and raised pit bulls. You certainly insinuated as much. But I should have known a fat ass bloke like you would rather have a hot dog than a "kind and loving" pit bull.

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