Liberals, Ignore the Polls! Hillary is Still Ahead!

You'll have to play this "inevitable" game with someone else. I'm terrible at predicting politics, so I don't claim to know.

Seems to me any number of things could happen to trip her up, from her health to legal stuff. Or some combination therein.

Right now, based on the numbers and electoral vote projections, she's in the lead. I'll leave it to you political experts to make the predictions.

Well, dont worry about it bro, a Clinton Royal House succession is INEVITABLE!

I N E V I T A B L E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
What happend to polls don't matter? When Trump was down 15 points polls didn't matter. But now that he's ahead, polls mean everything. Typical right wing hypocrisy.
What happend to polls don't matter? When Trump was down 15 points polls didn't matter. But now that he's ahead, polls mean everything. Typical right wing hypocrisy.
This is interesting. What we see happening TODAY is exactly WHY polls back in May do not matter. And you still dont get it, lol.

But that is not a thing to worry about because Hillary Clinton will INEVITABLY attain the succession from her royal husband who has bequeathed her his mantle.



She's got more chins than a chinese phone book.
Dont you worry your blessed little hearts about nothing, just go back to your Huffpo and tentacle porn and never you mind what is going on.

Hillary will win, she's got a lock on the election in a LANDSLIDE, remember?

Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton -
Economist/YouGov Clinton+2

Reuters/Ipsos Clinton+2

CNN/ORC Trump+1

LA Times/USC Tie

NBC News/SM Clinton+6

IBD/TIPP Clinton+1

FOX News Clinton+6

PPP (D) Clinton+5

Monmouth Clinton+7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Dont you worry your blessed little hearts about nothing, just go back to your Huffpo and tentacle porn and never you mind what is going on.

Hillary will win, she's got a lock on the election in a LANDSLIDE, remember?

Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton -
Economist/YouGov Clinton+2

Reuters/Ipsos Clinton+2

CNN/ORC Trump+1

LA Times/USC Tie

NBC News/SM Clinton+6

IBD/TIPP Clinton+1

FOX News Clinton+6

PPP (D) Clinton+5

Monmouth Clinton+7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

That is right, Hillary has it all locked up for her coronation!

Dont worry your wittle hearts about nothing!
Dont you worry your blessed little hearts about nothing, just go back to your Huffpo and tentacle porn and never you mind what is going on.

Hillary will win, she's got a lock on the election in a LANDSLIDE, remember?

Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton -
Economist/YouGov Clinton+2

Reuters/Ipsos Clinton+2

CNN/ORC Trump+1

LA Times/USC Tie

NBC News/SM Clinton+6

IBD/TIPP Clinton+1

FOX News Clinton+6

PPP (D) Clinton+5

Monmouth Clinton+7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

That is right, Hillary has it all locked up for her coronation!

Dont worry your wittle hearts about nothing!
Oh, I'm worried but not about Clinton winning but rather it not being a landslide. If the polls continue to show Clinton ahead, there will be less volunteers working to get out the vote. If the election is close, it's going to encourage other buffoons with no qualifications other than their age and citizenship to seek the presidency.

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