Liberals, Ignore the Polls! Hillary is Still Ahead!

Be afraid Dims, be afraid.

Poll: Nine weeks out, a near even race

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party's Jill Stein at just 2%.

Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton -

And that's only asking their viewers who's ahead.
From the piece: But most voters say they still expect to see Clinton prevail in November, and 59% think she will be the one to get to 270 electoral votes vs. 34% who think Trump has the better shot at winning.

All that matters are the electoral votes, and the only polls that matter are the battleground states. Trump could win the popular vote and lose.

Hillary started the campaign with a clear EV advantage and still has it. We'll see how the battleground states go.

they seem to be standing firm. she also isn't losing the popular vote. they're just cherry picking the outlier because that's what the loony toons do.

Do you have vertigo, yet?............:lmao:
Once the cumulative effect of the fat old diaper-wearing hag's crimes and corruption take hold, this election will make Reagan/Carter look like a photo-finish.
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party's Jill Stein at just 2%.
Why the hell do people on both sides keep posting polls that support their candidate and then proceed to gloat 2 months before the election and before any debates??? Seems like a huge waste of time.

That why I like the above CNN poll. They had to gag that one out. They are doing everything they can to get Hitlery elected, and has to tell us that Trump is in the lead. Painful.
I have this funny feeling that the sales of Extra Strength Immodium AD are going to go up.


"Tuesday on her campaign plane, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri cut off a reporter asking about a CNN national poll showing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leading her 45 percent to 43 percent.

When a reporter asked, “What do you think about the CNN poll that shows you…” Palmieri quickly inserted “OK, we’ll come back.”

Clinton added, “We’ll come back. We’ll come back, guys. We’ll come back. Just saying good morning.”

Clinton Camp Cuts Off Press When Asked About Poll Showing Her Trailing Trump - Breitbart
I have this funny feeling that the sales of Extra Strength Immodium AD are going to go up.


"Tuesday on her campaign plane, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri cut off a reporter asking about a CNN national poll showing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leading her 45 percent to 43 percent.

When a reporter asked, “What do you think about the CNN poll that shows you…” Palmieri quickly inserted “OK, we’ll come back.”

Clinton added, “We’ll come back. We’ll come back, guys. We’ll come back. Just saying good morning.”

Clinton Camp Cuts Off Press When Asked About Poll Showing Her Trailing Trump - Breitbart

Her camp also told a reporter to get a life when the reporter asked about her coughing up hairballs
Excatly right, Hillary has this thing locked up..

Never mind the roughly 5% of people who wont admit to planning to vote for Trump.

Never mind Trumps huge lead with independents (his problem is with his own parties ideological zealots).

And mostly never mind the multitudes of first time voters who are not Registered and thus who dont show their strength on almost all of these polls today and from whom Trump is likely to pick up another 7% to 12% gain, oh, no, they are totally irrelevant, all of them.

Hillary's got this baby tied down, lol, so just keep partying on, bubba.

Excatly right, Hillary has this thing locked up..

Never mind the roughly 5% of people who wont admit to planning to vote for Trump.

Never mind Trumps huge lead with independents (his problem is with his own parties ideological zealots).

And mostly never mind the multitudes of first time voters who are not Registered and thus who dont show their strength on almost all of these polls today and from whom Trump is likely to pick up another 7% to 12% gain, oh, no, they are totally irrelevant, all of them.

Hillary's got this baby tied down, lol, so just keep partying on, bubba.

I'm just looking at the polls as they relate to electoral votes. That's all I've got.

If you want to replay the "skewed polls" and "Bradley Effect" memes of 2012, that's fine with me.

I don't claim to know more than pollsters, that's not my area.
If you want to replay the "skewed polls" and "Bradley Effect" memes of 2012, that's fine with me.

The "skewing" of 2012 has ZERO to do with what is making the polls of 2016 skewed, in fact the skewing of 2012 was about 3% in Romney's favor as those polls left the millions of social conservatives who stayed home uncounted. Nominating "moderates" like McCain and Romney always has had that affect - leaving the average conservative home on election night watching reruns of Gun Smoke.

That you liberals still dont grasp this simple distinction is heart warming, though.

But that is all irrelevant anyway as Hillary is just inevitable, isnt she?

That has been her main strength since this election year began; INEVITABLE!
If you want to replay the "skewed polls" and "Bradley Effect" memes of 2012, that's fine with me.

The "skewing" of 2012 has ZERO to do with what is making the polls of 2016 skewed, in fact the skewing of 2012 was about 3% in Romney's favor as those polls left the millions of social conservatives who stayed home uncounted. Nominating "moderates" like McCain and Romney always has had that affect - leaving the average conservative home on election night watching reruns of Gun Smoke.

That you liberals still dont grasp this simple distinction is heart warming, though.

But that is all irrelevant anyway as Hillary is just inevitable, isnt she?

That has been her main strength since this election year began; INEVITABLE!
You'll have to play this "inevitable" game with someone else. I'm terrible at predicting politics, so I don't claim to know.

Seems to me any number of things could happen to trip her up, from her health to legal stuff. Or some combination therein.

Right now, based on the numbers and electoral vote projections, she's in the lead. I'll leave it to you political experts to make the predictions.

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