Liberals in House are backing a bill to cut the work week to four days

What will happen is people will be expected to work the 5th day as for burn out....
Interesting.. With both husbands and wives working and commuting an hour or two each way a 4 day work week might be good. I mean as long as the work gets done. Might be good for quality of life and families.
4 ten hour days has been proven to be more efficient especially in the construction industry. More actually working happening and less set up and clean up. Further more 20 percent reduction in cost going to and from work I am all for it
4 ten hour days has been proven to be more efficient especially in the construction industry. More actually working happening and less set up and clean up. Further more 20 percent reduction in cost going to and from work I am all for it

Yeah.. Thank you.
I worked a 4-day workweek for a while, and it was great having one extra day off. Four 10-hour days
was no big deal.

That's not what they are proposing. They are proposing making 32 hours the standard work week and anything after that is overtime. What these moron don't understand is that employers will simply cut full time employees' hours from 40 to 32 and they'll make less money.
4 ten hour days has been proven to be more efficient especially in the construction industry. More actually working happening and less set up and clean up. Further more 20 percent reduction in cost going to and from work I am all for it

If that's what they were proposing, but they're not.

Sure, 4,10 hour days would be the best thing in the world for working families. One less day to travel to and from work would cut down our gasoline usage thus lowering the price. It would help businesses up north as well as they can shutdown the furnaces an extra day every week. But remember, Democrats don't do a damn thing unless it helps their party. Party first--country second.
this should be up to the business to determine.

Yeah but that's tough to do because some will and some won't. My former profession was transportation and we had companies that worked 4 days a week. While we did not have to service them on Friday, we had to service the companies they dealt with. It has to be done all together or not at all for it to work.
I did too. However OP says they want 4 8hr days, 32 hr week. Then complain the wages are not livable.

More than that what huge union would benefit from such a law that contributes to the Democrat party? That's right, the teachers unions. Supporting their teachers only working 4 days a week increases their campaign contributions at election time. After all, what good is it having just parents home an extra day a week?
Boy the left in this country just simply do not like to work do they?
They either want the government to send them a paycheck so they can stay home altogether, or they want shit like this that allows them to stay away from work as much as possible.

Democrats, not the left.

Confusing Democrats with the left is like thinking the Nazis were Jewish.
I like a 5 day work week. I tend to get bored if I am off 3 days in a row. And breaking up a 5 work sucks because my days off always seem so short and it messes up my patterns. I'd rather just work 5 days straight and be off 2.

Besides not enough Americans are working as it is. That's a contributing factor to so many complainy pants pussy as bitches. They have no purpose in life, don't have to actually earn anything. They just sit around and bitch about everything. When you have to work for what you have you appreciate things more and have satisfaction in your life.

It's the same reason old people who have a purpose in life tend to live longer and be more mentally fit. We're animals, and animals are designed to constantly be working for food, shelter, warmth and humans don't have to because of our advances. When you take away people's drive to survive you're left with a husk that is bored and instead makes their drive in life to be a bitch.

We have too many soft, weak willed people as it is that are lazy. They don't need more of an excuse to be lazy.
That's not what they are proposing. They are proposing making 32 hours the standard work week and anything after that is overtime. What these moron don't understand is that employers will simply cut full time employees' hours from 40 to 32 and they'll make less money.
Makes no sense and I do not believe that it will come to pass.
More than that what huge union would benefit from such a law that contributes to the Democrat party? That's right, the teachers unions. Supporting their teachers only working 4 days a week increases their campaign contributions at election time. After all, what good is it having just parents home an extra day a week?
I didn't even think of that aspect. I loved 4 10's. Of course microbrewerys need LOTS of maintenance so I had to do 10 on Fri too. 10 hr overtime was good.
That's not what they are proposing. They are proposing making 32 hours the standard work week and anything after that is overtime. What these moron don't understand is that employers will simply cut full time employees' hours from 40 to 32 and they'll make less money.
The problem, as I see it, is that the President was a lawyer who represented inner-city working class people. He may have no idea what financial damage this expense would do to small business.

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