Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

I can't believe the peace loving demonRats would actually suggest that a man beat the shit out of a woman..

who the fuck knew?
Glenn's a pussy.

Some woman slipped half a glass of wine on his wife. Then offered her napkins.

He couldn't beat the shit out of that woman on his own?


Like most conservatives.

He's a limp wristed idiot.

Glenn's a pussy.

Some woman slipped half a glass of wine on his wife. Then offered her napkins.

He couldn't beat the shit out of that woman on his own?


Like most conservatives.

He's a limp wristed idiot.


Notice how all the liberal turds in here are defending this behavior. Aren't these the same hypocrites who whined incessantly about 'civility' because some black congressman lied that a protestor spit on him?
And of course, the sob fit.

Lap it up, suckers.
This ^^^^^^^^^^ post had me wondering......maybe????
Sorry if I am a little reluctant/skeptical of automatically handing credence to a huckster like Beck.

Make sure you sign up for GBTV! Starting 9/12/11! The "truth" lives here!
Then I saw that one ^^^^^^^^^

You watch Beck, don't you?

Sure seem well-informed for someone that doesn't

No. I just watched the ad during his 12 minute sob fest.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

It's one thing to despise a person and altogether another to attack his wife and children.. and yet here you and the other leftist loons are condoning it and basically stating they deserve it..

Praying to God for rain = WRONG
Attacking women and children - GOOD

The liberal machine.

I DARE anyone to attack my child.. I DARE YOU.. You see, I have every right to defend my daughter from criminals like the left in this nation .. Self defense. Conservatives need to start remembering this.. It's time to take off the gloves. Throwing glitter, pies, wine.. all of it, IT'S OVER.. Do it again and find out what happens. I am not a Glenn Beck fan, at ALL but I wish he would have beat the ever loving dog crap out of the person who came after his family.. I WOULD HAVE.


And the conservative squawk box is kept alive by rubes like you.
The other night, I was at a restaurant with my wife. You know, just trying to enjoy some time with the Mrs. and I got attacked by some fucking Conservative Nazi Punk Ass Waiter who intentionally knocked my water into my lap.

It had to be intentional. There is no other explanation.

Naturally, this attack (which again, could only be intentional) served to reinforce my preconceived notions and now allows me to make blanket statements about conservatives.

Fucking fascist pigs!
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Without even reading this thread I'm going to take a wild guess and say there was a number of wide sweeping generalizations made about Liberals. :lol:
Glenn's a pussy.

Some woman slipped half a glass of wine on his wife. Then offered her napkins.

He couldn't beat the shit out of that woman on his own?


Like most conservatives.

He's a limp wristed idiot.


Notice how all the liberal turds in here are defending this behavior. Aren't these the same hypocrites who whined incessantly about 'civility' because some black congressman lied that a protestor spit on him?

hell, they'd throw a block party if something happened to Glen Beck. Remember how they got their jollies off thinking of Rush Limbaugh dying of kidney failure? They are real civil alright.
Glenn's a pussy.

Some woman slipped half a glass of wine on his wife. Then offered her napkins.

He couldn't beat the shit out of that woman on his own?


Like most conservatives.

He's a limp wristed idiot.


Notice how all the liberal turds in here are defending this behavior. Aren't these the same hypocrites who whined incessantly about 'civility' because some black congressman lied that a protestor spit on him?

The "black" congressman didn't get a picture of you spitting?

Notice how all the liberal turds in here are defending this behavior. Aren't these the same hypocrites who whined incessantly about 'civility' because some black congressman lied that a protestor spit on him?

hell, they'd throw a block party if something happened to Glen Beck. Remember how they got their jollies off thinking of Rush Limbaugh dying of kidney failure? They are real civil alright.

Not a block party, but I'd open nice bottle of single malt.
The Real Story Behind Glenn Beck’s Hellish Outdoor Movie Nightmare

Did you hear? Glenn Beck got jumped by a pack of ravenous urban liberals last night! Or did a drunk person just accidentally spill wine on his wife? You be the judge.

Glenn Beck took his family to New York's Bryant Park last night to see Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps. While he was there, some of our loyal readers snapped some pictures of him and his family lounging happily on the grass. They must have missed the part where Glenn Beck and his family were attacked by vengeful liberals and almost lynched.

The Real Story Behind Glenn Beck's Hellish Outdoor Movie Nightmare

Glenn Beck Catches a Movie in the Park

'It was an accident': Woman claims she saw what REALLY happened during Glenn Beck's 'public lynching' at park movie

Read more: Glenn Beck claims he and his family were attacked in New York park during movie | Mail Online

What a crying baby. He obviously needs a wambulance.

The Wambulance

He's been calling the left names for years and years and he's upset? Puleeeze.
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

what a whiny twat.

and so is beck
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

When you make your living spouting your opinion like it was the truth from God himself, you should expect things like this to happen. If he did not want this type of reaction to the things he said than he should not have said them in, here are the key words, "In Public". They had every right, like Mr. Beck, to voice their opinion, again the key words "In Public". They did not go to his home or invade his privacy in any way. They were not violent nor were they threatening. They, like Mr. beck voiced there opinions in public.

No, when you make your living disagreeing with liberals, you have to expect them to act like ill-mannered trash. Conservatives have more class than to behave this way. This is why you never hear of Michael Moore being harangued by angry mobs when he goes out in public: because conservatives are too civilized to be mobs, and have enough real cojones not to need the faux-courage of a crowd.

Speaking of which, when was the last time YOU were verbally attacked in public by even ONE person, let alone a herd of them? One wonders if you have any idea what you're really talking about, the way you breezily dismiss Mr. Beck's privacy being invaded. Just because one is in a public place does not mean one has no privacy to be invaded, and I'm pretty sure you would know this . . . if it hadn't happened to someone you don't like.

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