Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

Actually, people here who were there are saying it isn't true - that the only thing people were doing is taking pictures, and if it is true, maybe it is the fact he was enjoying free PUBLIC entertainment on the grounds of the PUBLIC library in a PUBLIC park... the very things he rails against as "socialism". He's a lying moron who cries like a self-conscious little girl named "Brittany".

New Yorkers Turned on Glenn Beck in Bryant Park Last Night [Updated] -- Daily Intel
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"He's lying" - that is your opinion. It is not fact.

So, supposing he's not lying. Suppose what he said happened, actually happened. Are you ok with his wife being intimidated because you dislike her husband or are you ashamed of the behavior of those involved? Not rocket science.

I don't like bad behavior..and I don't care where it comes from. I've met plenty of people from all spectrums of society. I treat them essentially the same. Whether that be a janitor or a CEO.

Now you're really full of it.

I believe you're the type that sits back and lets bad things happen to others. You might even cheer like some of those people were doing.

I bet you don't have the decency to stand up and defend anyone from attacks. It's not in your nature.

That would be your nature. Don't project. I've done work for Habitat for Humanity, the Red Cross and New York Cares' coat drive. When I was a trucker..I stopped each and every time I saw someone in trouble..including a time in the pouring rain a woman's car fell into a sinkhole. My helper and I pushed the car out while getting soaked. I also stopped a robbery while working at a convenience store.

Being from Tennessee..a welfare're probably use to sitting around waiting for help while eating pork rinds and drinking PBR. Was one of the worst states I ever visited. Lots of shoeless kids running around and pot bellied wild eyed louts hollering after them.
PBR is an American owned company, Coors is a South African owned company. we see who supports products produced by Americans and who does not.

I particularly admire her tweet:


She's claiming innocence on one hand but saying the fucken asshole needs to get out of her city, and I bet she's the person that spread the Beck Family photos all over the internet.
And of course, the sob fit.

Lap it up, suckers.
This ^^^^^^^^^^ post had me wondering......maybe????
Sorry if I am a little reluctant/skeptical of automatically handing credence to a huckster like Beck.

Make sure you sign up for GBTV! Starting 9/12/11! The "truth" lives here!
Then I saw that one ^^^^^^^^^

You watch Beck, don't you?

Sure seem well-informed for someone that doesn't
eating pork rinds and drinking PBR

PBR is what the cool "liberal" kids drink. People in Red States drink Coors or The Beast. Sorry, had to clear that up.

Coors is my summer beer. Not the light shit, but the full strength Coors in the gold can.

I get a 30 pack from Stop and Shop for $21. You can't beat that and it goes down like water on a hot day (like today).
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

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