Liberals: Is Destroying Government Documents/Evidence OK With You?

As long as a democrook is doing it, they're fine with it. Democrooks can commit ANY crime and they will maintain their support.

I do mean ANY crime. If you recall Ted Kennedy KILLED A WOMAN, and maintained a senate seat for decades afterward.

There is nothing beneath these parasites. They're a marxist mob.
There is no EVIDENCE that she destroyed government records, what so ever.....nada, nilch, zilch, zip, none.

It's just your own imagination that has determined such...along with the beloved right wing media rags throwing wads of crap about her against the wall, hoping something, anything will stick.....and pulling your strings...

Good luck with that.....
What Hillary has done far exceeds anything Nixon was even accused of doing, yet you Liberals seem only concerned with how it might affect her polling numbers. Am I missing something, or are you morally bankrupt?


No I'm not. I am not suprised to see a bed wetter deny reality either.

Did you even read this article?

"For liberals, generally speaking, honoring procedures—means—is the core of what being "principled" means."

Please explain how Hillary was "honoring procedures" while Secretary of State.

Wasn't speaking to your OP. Just to Sassy's thing.
Taking on Clinton, Gowdy repeats, “is not my job. That’s the job of the RNC, and the Republican candidate for president. … If they hired me for that job they hired the wrong guy. Why would you hire a not-even-two-term guy, all of whose training tells him to go where facts take him, who doesn’t even go to NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] dinners, who’s lousy at fundraisers, who hates to travel? Because that’s who you’re getting.”

The job he was appointed to do last year by House Speaker John Boehner was to chair a special investigatory committee on Benghazi after the Republican right roared its disapproval of previous failed inquiries. What does he know right now, I ask him, based on numerous witness appearances and 850 pages already submitted by the State Department?

Not all that much. He says he’s “seen no evidence” that Clinton ordered a stand-down of security forces in Benghazi, contributing to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, or any of the other more damning things the right typically alleges.

And if anyone expects him to chase the presumptive frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination to the gates of political hell to get tens of thousands of her personal emails, well, don’t bank on it.

Hillary Clinton s Enemy No. 1 - Michael Hirsh - POLITICO Magazine
Taking on Clinton, Gowdy repeats, “is not my job. That’s the job of the RNC, and the Republican candidate for president. … If they hired me for that job they hired the wrong guy. Why would you hire a not-even-two-term guy, all of whose training tells him to go where facts take him, who doesn’t even go to NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] dinners, who’s lousy at fundraisers, who hates to travel? Because that’s who you’re getting.”

The job he was appointed to do last year by House Speaker John Boehner was to chair a special investigatory committee on Benghazi after the Republican right roared its disapproval of previous failed inquiries. What does he know right now, I ask him, based on numerous witness appearances and 850 pages already submitted by the State Department?

Not all that much. He says he’s “seen no evidence” that Clinton ordered a stand-down of security forces in Benghazi, contributing to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, or any of the other more damning things the right typically alleges.

And if anyone expects him to chase the presumptive frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination to the gates of political hell to get tens of thousands of her personal emails, well, don’t bank on it.

Hillary Clinton s Enemy No. 1 - Michael Hirsh - POLITICO Magazine

Imagine that, Poltico standing up for the Hildabeast
There is no EVIDENCE that she destroyed government records, what so ever.....nada, nilch, zilch, zip, none.

It's just your own imagination that has determined such...along with the beloved right wing media rags throwing wads of crap about her against the wall, hoping something, anything will stick.....and pulling your strings...

Good luck with that.....

There is no evidence because she wiped the evidence off of her personal server when she was supposed to hand it over to the investigators............
What Hillary has done far exceeds anything Nixon was even accused of doing, yet you Liberals seem only concerned with how it might affect her polling numbers. Am I missing something, or are you morally bankrupt?
Which liberals are those exactly, with ID number also...
There is no EVIDENCE that she destroyed government records, what so ever.....nada, nilch, zilch, zip, none.

It's just your own imagination that has determined such...along with the beloved right wing media rags throwing wads of crap about her against the wall, hoping something, anything will stick.....and pulling your strings...

Good luck with that.....
18 minutes were missing in Nixon's tapes. That was enough to almost sink him by itself. We have only Hillary's word that she only got rid of personal email on that server, and her word is worth nothing.
What Hillary has done far exceeds anything Nixon was even accused of doing, yet you Liberals seem only concerned with how it might affect her polling numbers. Am I missing something, or are you morally bankrupt?
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

There can be no evidence that she destroyed government records because she may have destroyed the records.

Kind of the perfect crime there.

This is not a person who people trust, so the doubts of her veracity on this are reasonable.

What Hillary has done far exceeds anything Nixon was even accused of doing, yet you Liberals seem only concerned with how it might affect her polling numbers. Am I missing something, or are you morally bankrupt?

This is not the same country that it was when Nixon was in office. Back then, Nixon was forced to resign (by the republicans) for having "knowledge" of the Watergate break in.

Now, we are hearing that Hillary received 2.5 million dollars to her "foundation" and $500,000 for a "speech" after selling off one fifth of OUR Uranium to Russia.

Funny - I guess that the American people don't have a right to know these things any longer. After all, any correspondence concerning her shady deals was destroyed when she wiped her "personal" Email Server clean and the liberal left see nothing wrong with it.

Where does that leave us? In deep trouble. We have sunk to the lowest of the lows in this country - and the faculty lounge communists in our country celebrate it. We can not last much longer like this.
There is no EVIDENCE that she destroyed government records, what so ever.....nada, nilch, zilch, zip, none.

It's just your own imagination that has determined such...along with the beloved right wing media rags throwing wads of crap about her against the wall, hoping something, anything will stick.....and pulling your strings...

Good luck with that.....
There is no evidence because she destroyed it all.
There is no EVIDENCE that she destroyed government records, what so ever.....nada, nilch, zilch, zip, none.

It's just your own imagination that has determined such...along with the beloved right wing media rags throwing wads of crap about her against the wall, hoping something, anything will stick.....and pulling your strings...

Good luck with that.....
Conservatives aren't interested in evidence and facts, they're just interested in contriving and spreading lies.

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