Liberals Keep Accusing GOP Of Being Racists.So Why Wont They Name Them? Howard Dean?

Feb 1, 2013

We have all been hearing Libs and some "Rats" claim that The GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives hate Blacks,Latinos,Women,Muslims, ect. It's been going on even more intense since the 2008 election.
Ok, Fine, so why haven't they named anyone on the right who hates any of the minorities?
Why hasn't anyone (press/cable news) asked any of them to name at least one Republican who has gone on the record stating that He/She hates Blacks and Latino's?
At least finally Sean Hannity has been asking (if not at least once) his liberal radio show guests to name someone on the right who is a racist. The Caller Refused To Answer.
This would make for a great tactic for the right. A great commercial. Show footage of Democrats declaring the GOP racists, and end it with a statement disclosing that they never had any evidence.
Let's hope conservative hosts start doing this! Ask all of their liberal guests to start NAMING NAMES! if not, call them a Liar Live On Air !!!
and who hasn't seen that classic clip of Howard Dean stating that Republicans are bashing blacks,hispanics,women and muslims. why didn't the host Challenge Him!!!!, if he had any brains, he should of asked him to name some of the republicans who said they hated blacks or latinos.
Off the top of my head,

Rick Sanatorium
Rush Limbaugh
Mike Huckabee

Do you really want to get into this, because you're going to get bitch slapped in this argument.
Ok, Fine, so why haven't they named anyone on the right who hates any of the minorities? Why hasn't anyone (press/cable news) asked any of them to name at least one Republican who has gone on the record stating that He/She hates Blacks and Latino's? At least finally Sean Hannity has been asking (if not at least once) his liberal radio show guests to name someone on the right who is a racist. The Caller Refused To Answer.

Liberalism has neither logic nor empirical data to back up their idiotic ideology. So ad hominem attacks are all they have. Sadly they work.
how about the racist who claimed that everyone one the right hates blacks? the one who performed the sermon during Obama's Easter Church visit? Maybe he can name some.
I have never seen anyone on the right go before an audience and say "I Hate Black People".
I named some without even researching it. Where's my prize? Or we going to keep up this blind conservative circle jerk?
I named some without even researching it. Where's my prize? Or we going to keep up this blind conservative circle jerk?

It's interesting you used the term "circle jerk" given that you didn't back up your claim with any quotes, because you can't. So you repeated the baseless liberal accusations as fact and then treated it as if you'd established something based on that liberals all say the same thing you do. Note I just described you clearly as a member of a circle jerk.
>> Still waiting for any video of Rick,Rush or Mike declaring their hatred of blacks and latinos before a live audience.
Ok, Fine, so why haven't they named anyone on the right who hates any of the minorities? Why hasn't anyone (press/cable news) asked any of them to name at least one Republican who has gone on the record stating that He/She hates Blacks and Latino's? At least finally Sean Hannity has been asking (if not at least once) his liberal radio show guests to name someone on the right who is a racist. The Caller Refused To Answer.

Liberalism has neither logic nor empirical data to back up their idiotic ideology. So ad hominem attacks are all they have. Sadly they work.

You realize that statement is itself an ad hominem attack.

Nice fail, dude.
Pointing out any kind of reality or wrong within society=racist to these fucking idiots. lol They have no problem what-so-ever with 3/4th of all black fathers not caring or thousands of young blacks blowing each other away. O'nooo's, but 's me that has a opinion against such bs is who is bad!!!

What the fuck happen to you people?
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>> Still waiting for any video of Rick,Rush or Mike declaring their hatred of blacks and latinos before a live audience.

Any form of fighting against the free shit give away or for closed borders=hatred to the leftist assholes.

They're using this as they know it works. They understand with time this nation will look like their beloved Chicago.
I named some without even researching it. Where's my prize? Or we going to keep up this blind conservative circle jerk?

You named some people without even researching it that is the finest example of the far left mindset we could ever ask for accuse without facts declare one guilty till proven innocent thank you for making the OP point.
Democrats fear people of color seeing through their tactics and leaving in droves. Therefore, the supposed enemy has to be racist.

Don't listen to them. They're racists. They'll put you back in chains etc.

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