Liberals must grow the government as big aspossible to grow their power and wealth, that is the goal


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.
Growing government is not exclusive to Democrats. No matter who controls the branches of government, it grows.

Oh, sure, there may be certain departments or regulations which one party may limit or get rid of while in office, but overall? It doesn't matter which party is ascendant. Government keeps getting bigger. It's one of the main reasons I would like to see more third party/independent candidates get into major offices, on the off chance they might actually try to reduce the growth of government, or even shrink it. It's probably just a pipe dream, though. :dunno:
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

So ultimately it’s about raising taxes, you are giving insight into how they disguise it.

Tax hikes are not as unpopular as you think.

The whole “The rich need to pay their fair share” is telling the “poor”that the rich are inherently unfair and it’s a means to class warfare.

The left speak in code and only succeed by telling you how bad things are and how fucked you would be without them to save you from all the bad people out o exploit you...meanwhile, they are sodomizing you with a pylon.

If you think it’s unfair that have been jerking off to Cosplay porn in your mom’s basement fothe past decade, and you think it’s not fair that during that same time, some people have been working very hard and have created wealth for themselves, do us a favor and stop being a parasite.
Growing government is not exclusive to Democrats. No matter who controls the branches of government, it grows.

Oh, sure, there may be certain departments or regulations which one party may limit or get rid of while in office, but overall? It doesn't matter which party is ascendant. Government keeps getting bigger. It's one of the main reasons I would like to see more third party/independent candidates get into major offices, on the off chance they might actually try to reduce the growth of government, or even shrink it. It's probably just a pipe dream, though. :dunno:

Sure there are lying RINOS.

Democrats are primarily tax and spend big government twats, and there are many Republicans are really Democrats. I agree with that.

Trump isn’t a conservative, he is a populist.

While there are Republicans who lie that they are conservative, there are no smalll government Democrats, unless you can name them.

List the small government Democrats currently in th US Congress.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

So ultimately it’s about raising taxes, you are giving insight into how they disguise it.

Tax hikes are not as unpopular as you think.

The whole “The rich need to pay their fair share” is telling the “poor”that the rich are inherently unfair and it’s a means to class warfare.

The left speak in code and only succeed by telling you how bad things are and how fucked you would be without them to save you from all the bad people out o exploit you...meanwhile, they are sodomizing you with a pylon.

If you think it’s unfair that have been jerking off to Cosplay porn in your mom’s basement fothe past decade, and you think it’s not fair that during that same time, some people have been working very hard and have created wealth for themselves, do us a favor and stop being a parasite.

The American people are smart enough to see through some of these Dem schemes. They tried the 'tax the rich' crap in Washington State. To slap a 5% income tax on the 'rich' and only the rich. It was failing so then they promised to give all the money to the poor and middle class. It went down in flames with over 60% of voters telling Dem's to go to hell.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.

No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.

:bigboy:and admit it.
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.

And in order to do this constitutionally ColonelAngus
they'd have to turn the Democratic Party and all public schools
into a huge voluntary political religious organization similar to the
Catholic Church running all its own schools and finances donated
voluntarily by members who agree to participate in the terms of their programs!

Prison and health care reform can be managed locally, nationally and globally
by running services through medical schools, clinics and teaching hospitals
to train doctors, nurses, and resident interns earning their education by serving
the public. Including mental and criminal illness to cut the cost and rate of crime,
so those billions in resources per state can cover cost of health care education
and services. Democrats can do this, but in the way the Catholic church operates
worldwide on a voluntary basis. They aren't allowed to force their Right to Life agenda on the public and make taxpayers pay for it. And neither should Democrats have any right to push their political beliefs in Right to Health Care and force anyone else to pay using their system.

But it's perfectly legal to set up group systems of health care and education,
and rely on donations, investments or govt grants like other faith based groups
that may or may not qualify for govt funding.

In the end, I believe we will end up with a hybrid mix of public and private.
The govt may pay to keep sites located in every district so there is equal access
to FACILITIES that are safe and secure, licensed and inspected for health, safety
and medical regulations.

but the programs run through each site would be left to the local district, county,
state, etc. to decide democratically or voluntarily if it is privately operated by
charities, businesses or churches so the control and decisions remain local
and protect/reflect individual choice and consent. That part can't be run through
govt without imposing restrictions on individual choice and beliefs about health care,
including reproductive health care decisions that are definitely private and not govt business.
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No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.

:bigboy:and admit it.

I admit your argument is pathetic and, well typical for the left.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

So ultimately it’s about raising taxes, you are giving insight into how they disguise it.

Tax hikes are not as unpopular as you think.

The whole “The rich need to pay their fair share” is telling the “poor”that the rich are inherently unfair and it’s a means to class warfare.

The left speak in code and only succeed by telling you how bad things are and how fucked you would be without them to save you from all the bad people out o exploit you...meanwhile, they are sodomizing you with a pylon.

If you think it’s unfair that have been jerking off to Cosplay porn in your mom’s basement fothe past decade, and you think it’s not fair that during that same time, some people have been working very hard and have created wealth for themselves, do us a favor and stop being a parasite.

The American people are smart enough to see through some of these Dem schemes. They tried the 'tax the rich' crap in Washington State. To slap a 5% income tax on the 'rich' and only the rich. It was failing so then they promised to give all the money to the poor and middle class. It went down in flames with over 60% of voters telling Dem's to go to hell.

It works in California and New York.

I am not just talking about Federal taxes. Many taxes that affect me are state and local.

Fees and taxes to register my car.
Fees and taxes to open a business.
Fess after taxes to build my house.
Fees and taxes to keep my house.
Fees and taxes to build a lake on my property.
Fees and taxes to register my boat.
State income tax.
County income tax
City income tax

It goes on and on and on.

The more they run our lives, the more power they have. Some people love government running every aspect of their lives, many do not.

I actually find big government Republicans to be more evil than big government least we know that Big Government Democrats are lying twats who want all of your money.

Republicans are supposed to be for smaller government.

Anyone who says they are a Republican, but they fight for bigger government is a liar and should be voted out of office.

Including Trump...if that guy signs another bullshit budget lie he did last year, I will criticize him severely, BUT IT DOESNT MEAN I WOULD VOTE FOR A LIBERAL WHO WANTS AN EVEN BIGGER GOVERNMENT THAN TRUMP DOES.
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.

And in order to do this constitutionally ColonelAngus
they'd have to turn the Democratic Party and all public schools
into a huge voluntary political religious organization similar to the
Catholic Church running all its own schools and finances donated
voluntarily by members who agree to participate in the terms of their programs!

No we are pro public schools, and we will not let the Protestants take over the schools.
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.

And in order to do this constitutionally ColonelAngus
they'd have to turn the Democratic Party and all public schools
into a huge voluntary political religious organization similar to the
Catholic Church running all its own schools and finances donated
voluntarily by members who agree to participate in the terms of their programs!

No we are pro public schools, and we will not let the Protestants take over the schools.

You people fail at public schools.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.

I agree, and I hope Trump cuts the budget, as it needs to be cut.

We haven’t had Congress pass a balanced budget since Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress of the late 1990s.

They can vote this time to cut the budget....they all can, Dems and Republicans can cut the budget as much as they want and Trump will sign the bill.
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.

And in order to do this constitutionally ColonelAngus
they'd have to turn the Democratic Party and all public schools
into a huge voluntary political religious organization similar to the
Catholic Church running all its own schools and finances donated
voluntarily by members who agree to participate in the terms of their programs!

No we are pro public schools, and we will not let the Protestants take over the schools.

Right Penelope I'm saying to separate the schools and let Democrats run them their
way SIMILAR to how Catholic schools are run privately so they can implement whatever policy they believe in as well.

If you want LGBT policies and Catholics want pro God and pro Life
then SEPARATE the funding and the schools. So you can both practice
your beliefs without interference or imposition by the other system.

Exactly! I'm saying to separate and treat them EQUAL.
Not fund one and not the other, but give taxpayers equal choice
of which schools they want to run under their own policies and pay for those.

so the Govt/public funds from taxpayers only pays for the SITES.
what programs the people want in each school depends on that district
and the community using that school. So that way the buildings/facilities
can be used according to what represents the local taxpayers and members
of that community. if they can't agree, then they clearly need separate sites
or programs, these can still be run through the same sites if needed; if not
possible, then more than one site becomes necessary so it's proportional
to the demand in that district, county etc.
Growing government is not exclusive to Democrats. No matter who controls the branches of government, it grows.

Oh, sure, there may be certain departments or regulations which one party may limit or get rid of while in office, but overall? It doesn't matter which party is ascendant. Government keeps getting bigger. It's one of the main reasons I would like to see more third party/independent candidates get into major offices, on the off chance they might actually try to reduce the growth of government, or even shrink it. It's probably just a pipe dream, though. :dunno:

Sure there are lying RINOS.

Democrats are primarily tax and spend big government twats, and there are many Republicans are really Democrats. I agree with that.

Trump isn’t a conservative, he is a populist.

While there are Republicans who lie that they are conservative, there are no smalll government Democrats, unless you can name them.

List the small government Democrats currently in th US Congress.

Who said anything about small government Democrats? Are you incapable of having a conversation without assuming someone is defending either Democrats or Republicans? I clearly said that BOTH parties grow government.

To put it very, very generally, Democrats are tax and spend, while Republicans are cut taxes...and spend. Neither party has shown any real trend toward cutting spending.

Beyond the parties, bureaucracies seem to all have an inherent desire to grow.

When has the government not grown in the last, oh, half century or so? Whether it's constantly increasing spending and debt, or legislation like the ACA or the Patriot Act, or the thousand and one small laws that get passed, I don't remember a time where government didn't seem to be growing.
No OP its much worse. Raising taxes is unpopular with the people, Dem's can't get elected by promising tax increases. Instead Dem's are busy increasing state and federal debt as fast as possible to force tax increases. The talking point is "sorry we had to raise taxes but we have to pay our bills". This talking point is already in use in many Dem's states and you hear these scumbags using the same excuse in congress from time to time.

Well unfortunately ever GOP Potus leaves us so far in debt and without anything, that the Democrats need to.

^ Says Penelope who categorically rejects the science of spiritual healing
that is the key to affordable sustainable if not free health care; while supporting
Obama's push for health care through govt that still doesn't cover the costs of
medical procedures (which could be drastically cut or prevented by teaching
spiritual healing and health in the first place).

So liberals like Penelope refuse free help to solve problems of drugs, crime and disease,
then want to push the cost of SYMPTOMS on taxpayers to pay for, then whine when
taxpayers so no we don't want to pay for PROBLEMS that cost more,
we want the solutions that cost less!
Bigger their budget, the more workers they can hire, who have a vested interest in voting Democrat so they keep their jobs.

That’s why Dems love regulations and permits and fees for every single thing. It’s a means to power.

They get power by telling you that you cannot do things. They do NOT get any power by leaving you alone.

If they can hire someone to be in charge of measuring your hedges to make sure they are not above the government determined height they will do it. Now they have to tax you to pay for the “Department of Hedge and Shrubery Compliance”. That department needs a brick and mortar office, many inspectors to cover the geography of their covered municipalities, and of course we need to process all the paperwork so we need administrators.

Now once that department is up and running, it has to grow...and if you want to get rid of hat Department, the argument is that you want all of these people to be unemployed and living on the street! You want to remove their livelihoods!

If Democrats could take every single dime that you earn and triple the size of government overnight, they would do it.

This is why I am conservative. Fuck all that nonsense. Fuck shutting down lemonade stands run by 8 year old girls because they didn’t purchase a business license from the county.

....and fuck any government oversight for Twitter and Facebook and YOUTUBE. Let them censor Alex Jones, they are private companies and can do what they want...and consumers can choose not to use them.

I don’t need the government to save me from Facebook censorship. I’m good.
Repubs have controlled congress for years and government grows...

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