Liberals need Conservatives - Conservatives don't need Liberals

No carpetmuncher. It is why California is broke; Too many libs, not enough Conservatives

California is "broke" because they voted themselves lots of candy and no way to pay for it. It's the kind of "Direct Democracy" you guys say you hate all the time.

Like I said: Too many libs, not enough Conservatives

Too many on social programs (Libs) and not enough people to pay for it (Conservatives)

You can't just keep taxing more you fool. Conservatives are already fleeing the state. If they tax anymore I will leave too. Then who will pay for your filthy programs?

I always like Win/Win situations.
Liberals need Conservatives - Conservatives don't need Liberals

Now that is utter bullshit. Who would the conservatives blame everything on without liberals?

The non-true conservatives.

Little slow on the uptake today?:lol:
They vast majority of zero liability voters are liberals looking for hand outs. They could not survive without the conservatives, and you dipshits know it.

Wow. Great way to show everyone that your posts are worth LESS than nothing in the future. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Did insulting someone over the internet make you feel like the cowboy in your avatar? You probably wouldnt know a horse from donkey.
amazing...just amazing...

We are having a discusssion of ideology...and you chime in with partisan politics.

Yeah, please leave all fact based statements at the door. There is no room for that in this thread.

I can sit here and state may political facts as well...but this is a discussion about ideology. prefer she make this a partisan discussion, go for it. I prefer not.

Perhpas that is becuase no political party represents my ideology properly...and I see both parties as nothing more than groups of people with free air time to voice their fear mongering as they spin the intentions of the other party...all in an effort to get re-elected.

Of course this was not already a partisan discussion before my post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Conservatives DO need Liberals to blame things on.....sure enough.
Is that why Red states get MORE back from the Feds in services than they pay out in taxes and Blue states pay out more in taxes than they get back in services?

amazing...just amazing...

We are having a discusssion of ideology...and you chime in with partisan politics.


As if this entire thread isn't about partisan politics.....:rofl:

Good one, Jarhead.....:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Now I see your poroblem. You dont understand the difference between having an ideology and having a party you are attached to.

Thus why you are continually defending adverse actions of those in the democratic party. Look at your posts. Seems a democrat has NEVER done anything wrong...EVEN WHEN THEY WORK AGAINST YOUR IDEOLOGY.


I called the Rangel thing a witch hunt....(for example)

I never refer to any democratic politician as a moron or an idiot. I disagree with many of them, but respect their intelligence and position.

Can you say the same?

Well...wait...actually, I take that back. That guy from Florida....cant recall his name...the "die quickly" guy....HE was an idiot.
Yeah, please leave all fact based statements at the door. There is no room for that in this thread.

I can sit here and state may political facts as well...but this is a discussion about ideology. prefer she make this a partisan discussion, go for it. I prefer not.

Perhpas that is becuase no political party represents my ideology properly...and I see both parties as nothing more than groups of people with free air time to voice their fear mongering as they spin the intentions of the other party...all in an effort to get re-elected.

Of course this was not already a partisan discussion before my post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Conservatives DO need Liberals to blame things on.....sure enough.

yep...thats exactly what I said in my multiple posts in this thread.

Learn to read. You will be a much better debater if you do.
It is really simple. We don't want the social programs. Libs do. You have anything we want. Libs want everything handed to them.

Is it really that hard to understand?

Try telling your elderly friends/parents that they don't need Medicare.

Except medicare isn't handed to the elderly who worked thoir whole lives and paid into it. It is handed to those elderly who never worked.. however. next?
I can sit here and state may political facts as well...but this is a discussion about ideology. prefer she make this a partisan discussion, go for it. I prefer not.

Perhpas that is becuase no political party represents my ideology properly...and I see both parties as nothing more than groups of people with free air time to voice their fear mongering as they spin the intentions of the other party...all in an effort to get re-elected.

Of course this was not already a partisan discussion before my post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Conservatives DO need Liberals to blame things on.....sure enough.

yep...thats exactly what I said in my multiple posts in this thread.

Learn to read. You will be a much better debater if you do. were SERIOUS???? :lol::lol::lol:
Of course this was not already a partisan discussion before my post. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Conservatives DO need Liberals to blame things on.....sure enough.

yep...thats exactly what I said in my multiple posts in this thread.

Learn to read. You will be a much better debater if you do. were SERIOUS???? :lol::lol::lol:

No discussion of discussion of red or blue...till you chimed in.

It was a discussion of ideology and how one person (American Cowboy) misconstrues the liberal ideology.
It is really simple. We don't want the social programs. Libs do. You have anything we want. Libs want everything handed to them.

Is it really that hard to understand?

Try telling your elderly friends/parents that they don't need Medicare.

Except medicare isn't handed to the elderly who worked thoir whole lives and paid into it. It is handed to those elderly who never worked.. however. next?
Ryan wants to take Medicare from those under 55 who have paid into Medicare for like 35 years.
So this means, hypothetically, if a certain president passed an enormous social security bailout in let's say........the 1980's, that all conservatives would be disgusted with said individual. Correct?

Only if that certain president also allowed amnesty for Illegals.....then all conservatives would be TOTALLY disgusted with that president.

The more you know lol

In theory, if this happened, just cuz.

I'm more than certain he would have been giving back money to SS b/c pols took toooo much out over time.

And that we learned not to grant amnesty again, since it was a bad idea in the first place and a bit of an insult to immagrants everwhere.
Try telling your elderly friends/parents that they don't need Medicare.

Except medicare isn't handed to the elderly who worked thoir whole lives and paid into it. It is handed to those elderly who never worked.. however. next?
Ryan wants to take Medicare from those under 55 who have paid into Medicare for like 35 years.


Ryan wants to make sure that Medicare is still around when those that are currently under 55 are old, physically unable to work and on a fixed income when they really NEED medicare.

Stating it the way you did is spin of what his intentions are.

Why must you spin it? DO you not feel strongly about your own position?

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