Liberals On Abortion

I mean real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

I came across an interesting real-Liberal essay opposing abortion, and it is instructive to peruse.

2.“Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life
Consistency demands concern for the unborn

The abortion issue, more than most, illustrates the occasional tendency of the Left to become so enthusiastic over what is called a "reform" that it forgets to think the issue through. It is ironic that so many on the Left have done on abortion what the conservatives and Cold War liberals did on Vietnam: They marched off in the wrong direction, to fight the wrong war, against the wrong people.

3. Some of us … are now active in the right-to-life movement. We do not enjoy opposing our old friends on the abortion issue, but we feel that we have no choice. We are moved by what pro-life feminists call the "consistency thing" -- the belief that respect for human life demands opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and war. We don't think we have either the luxury or the right to choose some types of killing and say that they are all right, while others are not. A human life is a human life; and if equality means anything, it means that society may not value some human lives over others.

4. Until the last decade, people on the Left and Right generally agreed on one rule: We all protected the young. This was not merely agreement on an ethical question: It was also an expression of instinct, so deep and ancient that it scarcely required explanation. Protection of the young included protection of the unborn, for abortion was forbidden by state laws throughout the United States. Those laws reflected an ethical consensus, not based solely on religious tradition but also on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. The prohibition of abortion in the ancient Hippocratic Oath is well known.

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

Thinking Liberals, largely an oxymoron today, continue embracing rectitude over party loyalty.

I bet we have all had one of those experiences where we question whether to laugh, or cry.

I just heard of an interview that Governor Whitmer had, and she was asked why elective surgery was banned, but abortions were given the go-ahead.

You will not believe how she explained it......and if you ever doubted that Liberals lack self-awareness......wait'l you hear this:

"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said abortion is a "life-sustaining" health care procedure that must remain available during the coronavirus ... "

If there were ever two syncretic terms, they are "abortion" and "live-sustaining."
" Weighing Opportunities For A Better Quality Of Life *

* Unnecessary High Risk *

If there were ever two syncretic terms, they are "abortion" and "live-sustaining."
Individuals concerned about the future of their lives may be seriously postponing becoming pregnant due to worry for the long term health of the to be child and for managing stress factors related with social well being .
" Weighing Opportunities For A Better Quality Of Life *

* Unnecessary High Risk *

If there were ever two syncretic terms, they are "abortion" and "live-sustaining."
Individuals concerned about the future of their lives may be seriously postponing becoming pregnant due to worry for the long term health of the to be child and for managing stress factors related with social well being .

A pity you have no facility with the English language.
"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said abortion is a "life-sustaining" health care procedure that must remain available during the coronavirus ... "

Sounds good to me. Making a woman wait a month and require more work to remove unwanted tissue from her Hoo-ha sounds like an awful idea.

"Sounds good to me. "

It appears that your goal in life is to remind every reader, every day, what a fool you are.

Really, unnecessary.

Everyone remembers from one day to the next.
" Thanks For Playing "

* Smiling Confidently *

A pity you have no facility with the English language.
The term you is second person accusative , so one would do well to contemplate newtons' third law of motion and irony in reciprocity when applying it .
" Thanks For Playing "

* Smiling Confidently *

A pity you have no facility with the English language.
The term you is second person accusative , so one would do well to contemplate newtons' third law of motion and irony in reciprocity when applying it .

I said....'A pity you have no facility with the English language'

and you proved it.....

"The term you is second person accusative ..."
" Lame Tactic Of The Inept To Drag A Thread Away From The Issue "

* Focus Poke Us Of , Elective , Comma Splicing Versus Delusions Of Moral Superiority *

" Stipulations Of A Valid Debate "

* Technicalities Of A State Interest *

Actually , the legal efficacy is that laci peterson was mudered and an additional crime was committed against laci peterson which was that her fetus was unlawfully killed .

The technicality of the law is that the crimes were against the mother , laci peterson , whom does have constitutional protections .

Conjectures that a crime was committed against the fetus as it were it were a legal victim are euphemistic .

Reiterating , an act of murder is a double entendre whereby removing a wright to life of another one removes their own wright to life .

Thus , capital punishment is not available by law for the killing of a fetus as it does not have constitutional protections .
In addition to the constitutional idiocy of the religious reich on abortion , the meaning of an after life does has not changed and birth defects are a principle reason for abortion in the second and third trimesters - Diagnosis of Birth Defects | CDC .

Yet the religious reich presents a facade of propaganda that elective abortion of an otherwise healthy fetus in the third trimester is representative of all abortions , which it then seeks to apply as a justification for outlawing abortion at all stages .
" Lame Tactic Of The Inept To Drag A Thread Away From The Issue "

* Focus Poke Us Of , Elective , Comma Splicing Versus Delusions Of Moral Superiority *

" Stipulations Of A Valid Debate "

* Technicalities Of A State Interest *

Actually , the legal efficacy is that laci peterson was mudered and an additional crime was committed against laci peterson ich was that her fetus was unlawfully killed .

The technicality of the law is that the crimes were against the mother , laci peterson , whom does have constitutional protections .

Conjectures that a crime was committed against the fetus as it were it were a legal victim are euphemistic .

Reiterating , an act of murder is a double entendre whereby removing a wright to life of another one removes their own wright to life .

Thus , capital punishment is not available by law for the killing of a fetus as it does not have constitutional protections .
In addition to the constitutional idiocy of the religious reich on abortion , the meaning of an after life does has not changed and birth defects are a principle reason for abortion in the second and third trimesters - Diagnosis of Birth Defects | CDC .

Yet the religious reich presents a facade of propaganda that elective abortion of an otherwise healthy fetus in the third trimester is representative of all abortions , which it then seeks to apply as a justification for outlawing abortion at all stages .

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.


BTW....98.5% of abortions have do with the health of the the fetus.

They are simply for convenience.
Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.

And.....there is no 'religious reich.'

The Reich, the Nazis, were on the Left, as you are.
" Sew Fist Tree Sophistry "

* Childish Understanding Of Psychopomp Esoterics *

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
The words from your subconscious seem to reflect a psyche with a bizarre cinematic fantasy of being wrestlessly bound to a totem , taunted by evil savages , while anticipating that a hero will swoop in at the last moment to save you from being ravaged alive by the cannibals .

* Perceptions Of A Child Versus Responsibility Of An Adult *
BTW....98.5% of abortions have do with the health of the the fetus.
They are simply for convenience.
Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.
Perhaps that is true , and it is not of consequence to me , or to you , and especially not to a state ; rather , it is an individual responsibility to insure their own self ownership .

Facts are that your histrionics for a uniform fetish stem from a delusion that doing so will somehow allow you to wake up from a dirt nap ; however , you are too childish to understand dasein - the necessity of being there - and the reality that procreation is the means by which it continues to occur .

Are you so selfish as not to accept that your reason for living is to sacrifice yourself so that others , both literally and physically as yourself , may have an opportunity to enjoy life as you did ?

Either accept the responsibility or do not .

* Pathetic When Poorly Researched *
And.....there is no 'religious reich.'
The Reich, the Nazis, were on the Left, as you are.
Rest assured that anything anyone states for which i am not intimately familiar will be investigated and researched as an ingrained behavior .

Eye am not part of any wing and am keenly adept at innuendo enough to issue it vicously and to recognize the loathsome capacity of those resigned to pigeon hole and demonize opponents because they are incapable of accepting constitutional and ethical facts on this issue .

The term derives from the Germanic word meaning "realm" in general, but is typically used in German to designate a kingdom or an empire,

Dasein (German pronunciation: [ˈdaːzaɪn]) is a German word that means "being there" or "presence" (German: da "there"; sein "being"), and is often translated into English with the word "existence". ... Thus it is a form of being that is aware of and must confront such issues as personhood, mortality and the dilemma or paradox of living in relationship with other humans while being ultimately alone with oneself.
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BTW....98.5% of abortions have do with the health of the the fetus.

They are simply for convenience.
Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.

Fetuses aren't children. They aren't babies. They aren't people. They are lumps of cells about the size of a kidney bean when 98% of them are performed.

As a practical matter- you are not going to lock up 800,000 women a year for having abortions. So this is all a moot conversation.
" Stipulations Of A Valid Debate "

* Technicalities Of A State Interest *

Again, read my Libertarian lips ...
Women as well as men should have full LIBERTY over their own body.
The fetal homicide laws protect the fetus IF the woman intended NOT to abort her pregnancy, as demonstrated in the case of a California mother (Laci Peterson) and her fetus (Conner Peterson), who were MURDERED.
Actually , the legal efficacy is that laci peterson was mudered and an additional crime was committed against laci peterson which was that her fetus was unlawfully killed .

The technicality of the law is that the crimes were against the mother , laci peterson , whom does have constitutional protections .

Conjectures that a crime was committed against the fetus as it were it were a legal victim is euphemistic .

Reiterating , an act of murder is a double entendre whereby removing a wright to life of another , one removes their own wright to life .

Thus , capital punishment is not available by law for the killing of a fetus as it does not have constitutional protections .


How many counts of MURDER were there?
" Sew Fist Tree Sophistry "

* Childish Understanding Of Psychopomp Esoterics *

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
The words from your subconscious seem to reflect a psyche with a bizarre cinematic fantasy of being wrestlessly bound to a totem , taunted by evil savages , while anticipating that a hero will swoop in at the last moment to save you from being ravaged alive by the cannibals .

* Perceptions Of A Child Versus Responsibility Of An Adult *
BTW....98.5% of abortions have do with the health of the the fetus.
They are simply for convenience.
Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.
Perhaps that is true , and it is not of consequence to me , or to you , and especially not to a state ; rather , it is an individual responsibility to insure their own self ownership .

Facts are that your histrionics for a uniform fetish stem from a delusion that doing so will somehow allow you to wake up from a dirt nap ; however , you are too childish to understand dasein - the necessity of being there - and the reality that procreation is the means by which it continues to occur .

Are you so selfish as not to accept that your reason for living is to sacrifice yourself so that others , both literally and physically as yourself , may have an opportunity to enjoy life as you did ?

Either accept the responsibility or do not .

* Pathetic When Poorly Researched *
And.....there is no 'religious reich.'
The Reich, the Nazis, were on the Left, as you are.
Rest assured that anything anyone states for which i am not intimately familiar will be investigated and researched as an ingrained behavior .

Eye am not part of any wing and am keenly adept at innuendo enough to issue it vicously and to recognize the loathsome capacity of those resigned to pigeon hole and demonize opponents because they are incapable of accepting constitutional and ethical facts on this issue .

The term derives from the Germanic word meaning "realm" in general, but is typically used in German to designate a kingdom or an empire,

Dasein (German pronunciation: [ˈdaːzaɪn]) is a German word that means "being there" or "presence" (German: da "there"; sein "being"), and is often translated into English with the word "existence". ... Thus it is a form of being that is aware of and must confront such issues as personhood, mortality and the dilemma or paradox of living in relationship with other humans while being ultimately alone with oneself.

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
BTW....98.5% of abortions have do with the health of the the fetus.

They are simply for convenience.
Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.

Fetuses aren't children. They aren't babies. They aren't people. They are lumps of cells about the size of a kidney bean when 98% of them are performed.

As a practical matter- you are not going to lock up 800,000 women a year for having abortions. So this is all a moot conversation.

What would those fetuses be if you kept your bloody hands off them?
" Mindless Drivel For Public Policy From Fools Ignorant Of Consequentialism "

* Identity Politics And Minding Your Own Damned Business *

What would those fetuses be if you kept your bloody hands off them?
Considering haiti used to be 98% tropical jungle and now it is 98% dirt , because the catholic church forbid contraception and birth control , a vast many of them will be generational welfare recipients that economic liberals of the religious reich rave are not their responsibility to surrogate once they are born , but the economic conservative left will demand taxpayers support as part of the social welfare safety net .

And just think , as historically between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of the abortions , along with the significant correlation between low iq and poverty , the consequences of the religious reich would likely be to outnumber themselves with non kindred clads and also satisfy the left wing demand for an indiscriminate egalitarian idiocracy , while they blubber about climate change , pollution and animal extinction while both the religious reich and the left wing gloat about a need for gluttony in the hue mammon population .
" Religious Reich Following The Unqualified Success Criteria Indicative Of The Left Wing "

* Like Accusing Gawd Of Favoring The Miscarriage *

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
So the new attempt at being clever revolves around the term " human ", while hue mammon maintains for itself a classification of homo sapiens sapiens .

Now sentience is a prerequisite for sapience and sentience in the hue mammon animal requires Thalamocortical radiations - Wikipedia that bridge the autonomic nervous system of the thalamus to the higher order thinking of the cerebral cortex .

A valid basis for empathy of suffering requires sentience and that onset is fairly coincident with natural viability .

Though enthralled with an indiscriminate classification of hue mammon from conception , the religious reich seems to forget that for at least 6 months a fetus has not met the physical criteria of sentience for sapience and yet they want them included as homo sapiens sapiens members .
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" Religious Reich Following The Unqualified Success Criteria Indicative Of The Left Wing "

* Like Accusing Gawd Of Favoring The Miscarriage *

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
So the new attempt at being clever revolves around the term " human ", while hue mammon maintains for itself a classification of homo sapiens sapiens .

Now sentience is a prerequisite for sapience and sentience in the hue mammon animal requires Thalamocortical radiations - Wikipedia that bridge the autonomic system of the thalamus to the higher order thinking of the cerebral cortex .

A valid basis for empathy of suffering requires sentience and that onset is fairly coincident with natural viability .

Though enthralled with an indiscriminate classification of hue mammon from conception , the religious reich seems to forget that for at least 6 months a fetus has not met the physical criteria for sapience and yet they want them included as homo sapiens sapiens members .

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
" Curious About Those Fantasies "

* Dealing With Necessities *

So you're still in favor of human sacrifice.
The reference being made to sacrifice does not include a specific meaning for me .

Now that we've established your desire to kill the innocent, a question:

Out of a deep curiosity, which of these is your reason for support of abortion?

  • Your desire to have an unrestricted ability to kill those human beings that represent an inconvenience to your lifestyle….almost 100% of abortions are simply for convenience, and nothing else.
  • The ease of abortion as post sexual congress birth-control?
  • As obeisance to the dark forces that the Judeo-Christian faith has battled for eons?
  • Or simply a moral malaise, finding it too much of a burden to have any sense of responsibility for your own actions….the actions that produced that baby?
  • The mistaken belief that the unborn is a part of the mother's body, and not a separate, unique human being?

Warning.....if you are actually attempting to answer the question.....and this is the first time you actually tried to might be susceptible to an aneurysm.

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