Liberals On Abortion

" Constitutionally Consistent And Valid Empathy Ethics "

* Ignorant Of Your Own Dogma *

Now that we've established your desire to kill the innocent, a question:
When the relgious reich reconciles a conjecture for guilt from carnality and innocence , let us know .

* Syncretism And Extraterrestrials *

Sin (mythology) - Wikipedia
Try to stick to words you understand.....even if that might make you mute.

The term 'reich' has specific implications, and there is no such entity in America.

Now....why do you favor human sacrifice?
Why do you favor sacrificing a woman’s freedom to decide her procreation preferences? Are you a Nazi lover?
I know you've proven to be a moron, but see if this gets through your thick skull: a woman has no more justification for slaughtering the child she helped create......and slaughtering same for nothing more than here temporary convenience.....than an individual has of shooting the neighbor who blocked his driveway.

The baby is not a part of her body. She is temporarily feeding it the same as she would be if breastfeeding a six month old.
If you get emotional & resort to stupid name-calling, we know you lost the argument, especially when you equate a neighbor to a woman’s genetic material inside her body.
Or, equating breast-feeding a born independently-breathing child to supplying nourishment to developing bio cells through the placenta.
Can you get any more idiotic? LOL!
But you are stupid.

Watch this: is the unborn a part of her body, or a separate, distinct and unique human being?
Chic, you are science stupid.

Watch this: the unborn is a part of her body AND a separate, distinct and unique “human being” (by definition) ... when she is pregnant.

So what?
So being a separate and distinct human being confers individual rights.
Yes, the human being with unique DNA gets individual rights when becoming a true individual, completely separate from its mother & breathing independently ... after birth.
That’s when they can get their own SSN!

So what?
I guess you missed the part where they have never existed before or will never exist again. It’s a one shot deal.
They? Non-sentient “beings”?
Do you care about all the sentient beings on earth that are abused or neglected?
I smell a hypocrite here.
They have exactly the attributes they are supposed to have for that stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At any point along that continuum they are fully human despite your rationalizations to see them as less than human.
“They” are fully “human” ONLY due to human DNA they have, but bio development EVENTUALLY makes them “human beings” ... if all goes well.
It’s estimated that HALF of human pregnancies are aborted NATURALLY (due to mutations, etc), many without the woman knowing she was pregnant!
They are fully human throughout every stage of their life.
“Fully human” ONLY in terms of the zygote possessing a full set of DNA from the Homo sapien sapien species.
Human beings are fully human in the practical sense when they are FULLY DEVELOPED at normal BIRTH.
A human being is a human being is a human being.

It is your attempt to dehumanize a human being which demonstrates you believe it is wrong to abort a human being.
Are you getting even more irrational with your illogical desoeration?
You don’t know the difference between a “being” consisting of only ONE cell (Zygote) and a normal baby at birth consisting of BILLIONS of cells?
Every point along the continuum is human. A very specific and distinct human. Learn some science.
If by “human” you mean “having DNA representative of the Homo Sapien species”, you are absolutely correct!
So what?
Don’t you know about phylogenetic and ontogenetic development?
I’m sure you are deficient in your science ... and philosophy of science too.
Yes. That's exactly correct. The DNA of the living human proves it is human.

You are starting to get it.
Apparently, you are not getting it. The DNA in ONE cell does not equate to BILLIONS of DNA/chromosomes in millions of patterns across billions of cells.
Do you have more than ONE brain cell? You don’t seem to add your thiughts beyond ONE.

So tell me, why do you care about one human zygote that’s not wanted by a family you don’t even know exists?
I am getting it. You aren't getting it. Ending a human life is wrong. What part of that don't you understand? Can your conscience not bear reality?
You don’t comprehend reality when it smacks you in the face.
I can see your recent ranting as evidence that you lost rational perspective & are comparing a tiny apple to trillions of oranges.

NO, absolutely not.
My conscience is very clear about losing a human zygote or embryo that I have no reason to care about. NO BIG DEAL.
Why is it a big deal for you? You never explain yourself logically or ethically.

You’re definitely not practical when there are millions of kids dying from starvation and neglect all over the world, and what do you do? Wasting your time in this forum when you can use your resources & time to “save human DNA” ... whereever it may be. LOL
There's really no difference in your position and slave owners position.
Please come down to reason, Ding!
I hate ALL slavery; i’m an ethical libertarian (live & let live, once born).
Abortion has nothing to do with slavery.
If you disagree, please EXPLAIN RATIONALLY. You never do; you’re likely afraid to ... reveal more religious irrationality.
Slaves were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

No different than what you propose for those clumps of cells as you so dehumanizingly put it.
That’s not much of an explanation, if any.
You remind me of a parent telling his young curious child, when asked many reasonable questions ... “Because I told you so!”
How more clearly do you need for me to spell it out for you? You believe that a human life in the womb is property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

That is no different than a slave owner believing his slave is his property to be disposed of at his will.
Really bad analogy.
Comparing a one cell zygote to a fully developed adult or child slave is pure foolishness.
Try again.
92% of abortions occur by week 13. Not one cell zygotes. Does this look like a one cell zygote to you?
Does this deflection of yours demonstrate that you finally agree a 1-cell Zygote is less “human” than a 13-week-old fetus and not as important to maintain for further prenatal development?

Welcome to the rational club that respects pregnant women & their basic right to privacy.
Really bad analogy.
Comparing a one cell zygote to a fully developed adult or child slave is pure foolishness.
Try again.

This comment of yours gets to the very root of the difference in the mindset / mentality between those who are pro-aborts (like yourself) and those who are anti-abortion, like myself.

You clearly / obviously define a new human being / person by a combination of the basic human (biological) traits that the new organism has and you (illogically) factor in, the traits that the new human organism temporarily lacks.

Thus, a child is NOT a child (to you) until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily decided point. . . whereafter, you can not stomach or justify your own denials anymore.

We who oppose abortion define / recognize a new human organism by the basic human (biological) traits that they HAVE. Regardless of the traits or characteristics that they may temporarily lack.


A child is a child (the YOUNG of the parents who created it) . . . From the earliest moment their physical / biological existence can be established and or detected.

It is very telling how you abort-tardz dodge questions about your "biological" father and what it is that makes your biological fathers YOUR biological fathers.

If YOU were not HIS biological child from the moment of YOUR conception, then (according to YOUR logic (sic)) the only thing he is a parent of is the Zygote that he and your mom created.

Human beings do not sexually reproduce like frogs and butterflies do (via metamorphosis) and that is why your ignorance and denials about when and how a child's life actually does begin are so fucking ridiculous and offensive to the rest of us.
Aww, you must feel really depressed about those MANY human zygotes that don’t survive ... naturally. Thank God for that!

To each their own zygotes, embryos, or fetuses, i say.
Feel free to nurture YOUR own, and good luck.

'It's Worth It If It Saves Just One Life,' Says Woman Who Supports Abortion On Demand
May 7th, 2020

NEW YORK, NY—Local progressive woman Ryanne Peterson wrote to the 20 people who follow her Tumblr blog on Wednesday that "an economic shutdown is worth it if it saves one life," though she herself supports abortion on demand.

"We must make sure not a single person dies," said the woman who supports a woman's right to kill her baby all the way up through birth and "a little bit after."

She also supports closing every single business in the country except the one that exists specifically to end the lives of babies.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
You should stick to your political propaganda, Chickie! Or, you support big Gov telling private families how to live?

Can you cite a reliable source for that quote:
"Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
OH! That source was YOU?
YOUR add-on text? :)

No woman says that about a pregnancy.

That is not a real quote. It's a lie the far right radical extremist politicalchic made up.

All they have is lies. The truth isn't on their side.

They aren't pro life. They are pro death. They want to kill thousands of living human beings with the virus. Only for money and to help trump's reelection chances.

People who start threads with the rationalization that a person isn't productive is a good reason to kill them with the virus aren't pro life. People who advocate to open up this nation before the guidelines have been met to open want to kill thousands of people. That politicalchic far right radical extremist is one of them. All of the anti abortion people on this thread are lying. They all want to kill old people with the virus only for money and political benefit.

They are pro death. In the case of abortion, they could give a flying fig about that zygote or embryo or fetus.

What they are doing with abortion is trying to make themselves feel superior over other people who don't support their views. They advocate weapons and have no problem with killing living human beings like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. They have no problem with killing anyone. They haven no problem with stealing babies out of the arms of mothers then putting them in cages.

They advocate such evil against humans that they need something to make themselves feel superior over other people. Being anti abortion is what they use. They viscously attack people in the most cruel way in some sick attempt to make themselves feel superior.

None of it works. They are horrible people who want to kill human beings and use blatant lies to do it.
Last edited:
" Constitutionally Consistent And Valid Empathy Ethics "

* Ignorant Of Your Own Dogma *

Now that we've established your desire to kill the innocent, a question:
When the relgious reich reconciles a conjecture for guilt from carnality and innocence , let us know .

* Syncretism And Extraterrestrials *

Sin (mythology) - Wikipedia
Try to stick to words you understand.....even if that might make you mute.

The term 'reich' has specific implications, and there is no such entity in America.

Now....why do you favor human sacrifice?
Why do you favor sacrificing a woman’s freedom to decide her procreation preferences? Are you a Nazi lover?
I know you've proven to be a moron, but see if this gets through your thick skull: a woman has no more justification for slaughtering the child she helped create......and slaughtering same for nothing more than here temporary convenience.....than an individual has of shooting the neighbor who blocked his driveway.

The baby is not a part of her body. She is temporarily feeding it the same as she would be if breastfeeding a six month old.
If you get emotional & resort to stupid name-calling, we know you lost the argument, especially when you equate a neighbor to a woman’s genetic material inside her body.
Or, equating breast-feeding a born independently-breathing child to supplying nourishment to developing bio cells through the placenta.
Can you get any more idiotic? LOL!
But you are stupid.

Watch this: is the unborn a part of her body, or a separate, distinct and unique human being?
Chic, you are science stupid.

Watch this: the unborn is a part of her body AND a separate, distinct and unique “human being” (by definition) ... when she is pregnant.

So what?
So being a separate and distinct human being confers individual rights.
Yes, the human being with unique DNA gets individual rights when becoming a true individual, completely separate from its mother & breathing independently ... after birth.
That’s when they can get their own SSN!

So what?
I guess you missed the part where they have never existed before or will never exist again. It’s a one shot deal.
They? Non-sentient “beings”?
Do you care about all the sentient beings on earth that are abused or neglected?
I smell a hypocrite here.
They have exactly the attributes they are supposed to have for that stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At any point along that continuum they are fully human despite your rationalizations to see them as less than human.
“They” are fully “human” ONLY due to human DNA they have, but bio development EVENTUALLY makes them “human beings” ... if all goes well.
It’s estimated that HALF of human pregnancies are aborted NATURALLY (due to mutations, etc), many without the woman knowing she was pregnant!
They are fully human throughout every stage of their life.
“Fully human” ONLY in terms of the zygote possessing a full set of DNA from the Homo sapien sapien species.
Human beings are fully human in the practical sense when they are FULLY DEVELOPED at normal BIRTH.
A human being is a human being is a human being.

It is your attempt to dehumanize a human being which demonstrates you believe it is wrong to abort a human being.
Are you getting even more irrational with your illogical desoeration?
You don’t know the difference between a “being” consisting of only ONE cell (Zygote) and a normal baby at birth consisting of BILLIONS of cells?
Every point along the continuum is human. A very specific and distinct human. Learn some science.
If by “human” you mean “having DNA representative of the Homo Sapien species”, you are absolutely correct!
So what?
Don’t you know about phylogenetic and ontogenetic development?
I’m sure you are deficient in your science ... and philosophy of science too.

Monkeys have 98% of the same DNA as a human.

That doesn't make a monkey a human.

Same with a zygote, embryo or fetus.

All the people these people want to kill with the virus are human too yet they don't give a damn about them. They are expendable as far as these far right wing extremists are concerned. It's perfectly fine to kill tens of thousands of human beings with the virus only for the reason of money and to help trump's reelection chances.

They are so far beyond sick it's disgusting.

They aren't pro life. They are pro death.
'It's Worth It If It Saves Just One Life,' Says Woman Who Supports Abortion On Demand
May 7th, 2020

NEW YORK, NY—Local progressive woman Ryanne Peterson wrote to the 20 people who follow her Tumblr blog on Wednesday that "an economic shutdown is worth it if it saves one life," though she herself supports abortion on demand.

"We must make sure not a single person dies," said the woman who supports a woman's right to kill her baby all the way up through birth and "a little bit after."

She also supports closing every single business in the country except the one that exists specifically to end the lives of babies.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
You should stick to your political propaganda, Chickie! Or, you support big Gov telling private families how to live?

Can you cite a reliable source for that quote:
"Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
OH! That source was YOU?
YOUR add-on text? :)

No woman says that about a pregnancy.

That is not a real quote. It's a lie the far right radical extremist politicalchic made up.

All they have is lies. The truth isn't on their side.

They aren't pro life. They are pro death. They want to kill thousands of living human beings with the virus. Only for money and to help trump's reelection chances.

People who start threads with the rationalization that a person isn't productive is a good reason to kill them with the virus aren't pro life. People who advocate to open up this nation before the guidelines have been met to open want to kill thousands of people. That politicalchic far right radical extremist is one of them. All of the people on this thread are lying. They all want to kill old people with the virus only for money and political benefit.

They are pro death. In the case of abortion, they could give a flying fig about that zygote or embryo or fetus.

What they are doing with abortion is trying to make themselves feel superior over other people who don't support their views. They advocate weapons and have no problem with killing living human beings like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. They have no problem with killing anyone. They haven no problem with stealing babies out of the arms of mothers then putting them in cages.

They advocate such evil against humans that they need something to make themselves feel superior over other people. Being anti abortion is what they use. They viscously attack people in the most cruel way in some sick attempt to make themselves feel superior.

None of it works. They are horrible people who want to kill human beings and use blatant lies to do it.

It's the Babylon Bee, you moron.

No site puts morons like you in their place better than the Bee.

"They advocate such evil against humans that they need something to make themselves feel superior over other people. Being anti abortion is what they use. They viscously (sic) attack people in the most cruel way in some sick attempt to make themselves feel superior."


And, I'm pretty sure that not wanting to murder the innocent unborn IS superior to folks like you who love the slaughter.
" Constitutionally Consistent And Valid Empathy Ethics "

* Ignorant Of Your Own Dogma *

Now that we've established your desire to kill the innocent, a question:
When the relgious reich reconciles a conjecture for guilt from carnality and innocence , let us know .

* Syncretism And Extraterrestrials *

Sin (mythology) - Wikipedia
Try to stick to words you understand.....even if that might make you mute.

The term 'reich' has specific implications, and there is no such entity in America.

Now....why do you favor human sacrifice?
Why do you favor sacrificing a woman’s freedom to decide her procreation preferences? Are you a Nazi lover?
I know you've proven to be a moron, but see if this gets through your thick skull: a woman has no more justification for slaughtering the child she helped create......and slaughtering same for nothing more than here temporary convenience.....than an individual has of shooting the neighbor who blocked his driveway.

The baby is not a part of her body. She is temporarily feeding it the same as she would be if breastfeeding a six month old.
If you get emotional & resort to stupid name-calling, we know you lost the argument, especially when you equate a neighbor to a woman’s genetic material inside her body.
Or, equating breast-feeding a born independently-breathing child to supplying nourishment to developing bio cells through the placenta.
Can you get any more idiotic? LOL!
But you are stupid.

Watch this: is the unborn a part of her body, or a separate, distinct and unique human being?
Chic, you are science stupid.

Watch this: the unborn is a part of her body AND a separate, distinct and unique “human being” (by definition) ... when she is pregnant.

So what?
So being a separate and distinct human being confers individual rights.
Yes, the human being with unique DNA gets individual rights when becoming a true individual, completely separate from its mother & breathing independently ... after birth.
That’s when they can get their own SSN!

So what?
I guess you missed the part where they have never existed before or will never exist again. It’s a one shot deal.
They? Non-sentient “beings”?
Do you care about all the sentient beings on earth that are abused or neglected?
I smell a hypocrite here.
They have exactly the attributes they are supposed to have for that stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At any point along that continuum they are fully human despite your rationalizations to see them as less than human.
“They” are fully “human” ONLY due to human DNA they have, but bio development EVENTUALLY makes them “human beings” ... if all goes well.
It’s estimated that HALF of human pregnancies are aborted NATURALLY (due to mutations, etc), many without the woman knowing she was pregnant!
They are fully human throughout every stage of their life.
“Fully human” ONLY in terms of the zygote possessing a full set of DNA from the Homo sapien sapien species.
Human beings are fully human in the practical sense when they are FULLY DEVELOPED at normal BIRTH.
A human being is a human being is a human being.

It is your attempt to dehumanize a human being which demonstrates you believe it is wrong to abort a human being.
Are you getting even more irrational with your illogical desoeration?
You don’t know the difference between a “being” consisting of only ONE cell (Zygote) and a normal baby at birth consisting of BILLIONS of cells?
Every point along the continuum is human. A very specific and distinct human. Learn some science.
If by “human” you mean “having DNA representative of the Homo Sapien species”, you are absolutely correct!
So what?
Don’t you know about phylogenetic and ontogenetic development?
I’m sure you are deficient in your science ... and philosophy of science too.
Yes. That's exactly correct. The DNA of the living human proves it is human.

You are starting to get it.
Apparently, you are not getting it. The DNA in ONE cell does not equate to BILLIONS of DNA/chromosomes in millions of patterns across billions of cells.
Do you have more than ONE brain cell? You don’t seem to add your thiughts beyond ONE.

So tell me, why do you care about one human zygote that’s not wanted by a family you don’t even know exists?
I am getting it. You aren't getting it. Ending a human life is wrong. What part of that don't you understand? Can your conscience not bear reality?
You don’t comprehend reality when it smacks you in the face.
I can see your recent ranting as evidence that you lost rational perspective & are comparing a tiny apple to trillions of oranges.

NO, absolutely not.
My conscience is very clear about losing a human zygote or embryo that I have no reason to care about. NO BIG DEAL.
Why is it a big deal for you? You never explain yourself logically or ethically.

You’re definitely not practical when there are millions of kids dying from starvation and neglect all over the world, and what do you do? Wasting your time in this forum when you can use your resources & time to “save human DNA” ... whereever it may be. LOL
There's really no difference in your position and slave owners position.
Please come down to reason, Ding!
I hate ALL slavery; i’m an ethical libertarian (live & let live, once born).
Abortion has nothing to do with slavery.
If you disagree, please EXPLAIN RATIONALLY. You never do; you’re likely afraid to ... reveal more religious irrationality.

Abortion isn't slavery.

What is slavery is forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will.

The woman doesn't have control of her body or life if she's forced to carry a pregnancy to term then raise the child against her will.

Who thinks a person is going to raise a child right if they don't want to be a mother? That child won't get the proper love or caring for it to become a contributing member of our society.

It's not about abortion with these people. It's about feeling superior over people who are pro choice. While they have no problem killing any living human being walking this planet. They have no problem with that so they use anti abortion to make themselves feel superior over pro choice people.

They are very pathetic people.
" Constitutionally Consistent And Valid Empathy Ethics "

* Ignorant Of Your Own Dogma *

Now that we've established your desire to kill the innocent, a question:
When the relgious reich reconciles a conjecture for guilt from carnality and innocence , let us know .

* Syncretism And Extraterrestrials *

Sin (mythology) - Wikipedia
Try to stick to words you understand.....even if that might make you mute.

The term 'reich' has specific implications, and there is no such entity in America.

Now....why do you favor human sacrifice?
Why do you favor sacrificing a woman’s freedom to decide her procreation preferences? Are you a Nazi lover?
I know you've proven to be a moron, but see if this gets through your thick skull: a woman has no more justification for slaughtering the child she helped create......and slaughtering same for nothing more than here temporary convenience.....than an individual has of shooting the neighbor who blocked his driveway.

The baby is not a part of her body. She is temporarily feeding it the same as she would be if breastfeeding a six month old.
If you get emotional & resort to stupid name-calling, we know you lost the argument, especially when you equate a neighbor to a woman’s genetic material inside her body.
Or, equating breast-feeding a born independently-breathing child to supplying nourishment to developing bio cells through the placenta.
Can you get any more idiotic? LOL!
But you are stupid.

Watch this: is the unborn a part of her body, or a separate, distinct and unique human being?
Chic, you are science stupid.

Watch this: the unborn is a part of her body AND a separate, distinct and unique “human being” (by definition) ... when she is pregnant.

So what?
So being a separate and distinct human being confers individual rights.
Yes, the human being with unique DNA gets individual rights when becoming a true individual, completely separate from its mother & breathing independently ... after birth.
That’s when they can get their own SSN!

So what?
I guess you missed the part where they have never existed before or will never exist again. It’s a one shot deal.
They? Non-sentient “beings”?
Do you care about all the sentient beings on earth that are abused or neglected?
I smell a hypocrite here.
They have exactly the attributes they are supposed to have for that stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At any point along that continuum they are fully human despite your rationalizations to see them as less than human.
“They” are fully “human” ONLY due to human DNA they have, but bio development EVENTUALLY makes them “human beings” ... if all goes well.
It’s estimated that HALF of human pregnancies are aborted NATURALLY (due to mutations, etc), many without the woman knowing she was pregnant!
They are fully human throughout every stage of their life.
“Fully human” ONLY in terms of the zygote possessing a full set of DNA from the Homo sapien sapien species.
Human beings are fully human in the practical sense when they are FULLY DEVELOPED at normal BIRTH.
A human being is a human being is a human being.

It is your attempt to dehumanize a human being which demonstrates you believe it is wrong to abort a human being.
Are you getting even more irrational with your illogical desoeration?
You don’t know the difference between a “being” consisting of only ONE cell (Zygote) and a normal baby at birth consisting of BILLIONS of cells?
Every point along the continuum is human. A very specific and distinct human. Learn some science.
If by “human” you mean “having DNA representative of the Homo Sapien species”, you are absolutely correct!
So what?
Don’t you know about phylogenetic and ontogenetic development?
I’m sure you are deficient in your science ... and philosophy of science too.
Yes. That's exactly correct. The DNA of the living human proves it is human.

You are starting to get it.
Apparently, you are not getting it. The DNA in ONE cell does not equate to BILLIONS of DNA/chromosomes in millions of patterns across billions of cells.
Do you have more than ONE brain cell? You don’t seem to add your thiughts beyond ONE.

So tell me, why do you care about one human zygote that’s not wanted by a family you don’t even know exists?
I am getting it. You aren't getting it. Ending a human life is wrong. What part of that don't you understand? Can your conscience not bear reality?
You don’t comprehend reality when it smacks you in the face.
I can see your recent ranting as evidence that you lost rational perspective & are comparing a tiny apple to trillions of oranges.

NO, absolutely not.
My conscience is very clear about losing a human zygote or embryo that I have no reason to care about. NO BIG DEAL.
Why is it a big deal for you? You never explain yourself logically or ethically.

You’re definitely not practical when there are millions of kids dying from starvation and neglect all over the world, and what do you do? Wasting your time in this forum when you can use your resources & time to “save human DNA” ... whereever it may be. LOL
There's really no difference in your position and slave owners position.
Please come down to reason, Ding!
I hate ALL slavery; i’m an ethical libertarian (live & let live, once born).
Abortion has nothing to do with slavery.
If you disagree, please EXPLAIN RATIONALLY. You never do; you’re likely afraid to ... reveal more religious irrationality.

Abortion isn't slavery.

What is slavery is forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will.

The woman doesn't have control of her body or life if she's forced to carry a pregnancy to term then raise the child against her will.

Who thinks a person is going to raise a child right if they don't want to be a mother? That child won't get the proper love or caring for it to become a contributing member of our society.

It's not about abortion with these people. It's about feeling superior over people who are pro choice. While they have no problem killing any living human being walking this planet. They have no problem with that so they use anti abortion to make themselves feel superior over pro choice people.

They are very pathetic people.

"What is slavery is forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will."

How was she forced to create the baby that you now authorize her to kill?
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
Fetuses still aren't people, no matter how much you want them to be.
Chic’s source was meant to provoke; no intelligent thought there.
Her source was the BabylonBee satirical & Christian website.
It was meant to put you in your place.....and it did.

No one does it better than the Bee.
The Bee source you cited is satirical, ie FICTION. Mixes well with your other propaganda.
Do you like using the Onion as your source too?
Why not stick with facts? Or, are your Trump/Putin lovers too stupid to understand them?

The reason they don't stick to facts is the facts aren't on their side.

It's the same reason why they lie so much.
'It's Worth It If It Saves Just One Life,' Says Woman Who Supports Abortion On Demand
May 7th, 2020

NEW YORK, NY—Local progressive woman Ryanne Peterson wrote to the 20 people who follow her Tumblr blog on Wednesday that "an economic shutdown is worth it if it saves one life," though she herself supports abortion on demand.

"We must make sure not a single person dies," said the woman who supports a woman's right to kill her baby all the way up through birth and "a little bit after."

She also supports closing every single business in the country except the one that exists specifically to end the lives of babies.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
You should stick to your political propaganda, Chickie! Or, you support big Gov telling private families how to live?

Can you cite a reliable source for that quote:
"Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
OH! That source was YOU?
YOUR add-on text? :)

No woman says that about a pregnancy.

That is not a real quote. It's a lie the far right radical extremist politicalchic made up.

All they have is lies. The truth isn't on their side.

They aren't pro life. They are pro death. They want to kill thousands of living human beings with the virus. Only for money and to help trump's reelection chances.

People who start threads with the rationalization that a person isn't productive is a good reason to kill them with the virus aren't pro life. People who advocate to open up this nation before the guidelines have been met to open want to kill thousands of people. That politicalchic far right radical extremist is one of them. All of the people on this thread are lying. They all want to kill old people with the virus only for money and political benefit.

They are pro death. In the case of abortion, they could give a flying fig about that zygote or embryo or fetus.

What they are doing with abortion is trying to make themselves feel superior over other people who don't support their views. They advocate weapons and have no problem with killing living human beings like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. They have no problem with killing anyone. They haven no problem with stealing babies out of the arms of mothers then putting them in cages.

They advocate such evil against humans that they need something to make themselves feel superior over other people. Being anti abortion is what they use. They viscously attack people in the most cruel way in some sick attempt to make themselves feel superior.

None of it works. They are horrible people who want to kill human beings and use blatant lies to do it.
It's the Babylon Bee, you moron.

No site puts morons like you in their place better than the Bee.

"They advocate such evil against humans that they need something to make themselves feel superior over other people. Being anti abortion is what they use. They viscously (sic) attack people in the most cruel way in some sick attempt to make themselves feel superior."

And, I'm pretty sure that not wanting to murder the innocent unborn IS superior to folks like you who love the slaughter.
Thank God for His slaughter of half the zygotes people create!
Praise the Lord!
" Attention Span Too Short And Missed The Boat "

* Pathetic Propagandist *

Sounds arbitrary.
And why would it matter? Or do you want to rationalize killing people in their sleep too? I mean they wouldn’t be aware they were dying, right?
It is a wonder why we keep having to rehash answers to questions that have been covered .

The onset of sapience requires sentience and a valid basis for empathy is suffering that requires sentience .

The onset of sentience does not occur until the formation of thalamocortical to bridge the autonomic nervous system of the thalamus with the higher order thinking of the cerebral cortex .

The onset of thalamocortical radiations do not begin to onset any earlier than the 23rd week which is proven by histology , with the onset of sentience occurring most likely in the 29th week that has been proven by electroencehpalogram .

The time line for the onset of sentience nearly parallels but follows that for viability which is standardized as the 26th week as the minimum lower bound .

It is obvious as to why you lack any validity on the issue of potential versus actual as you continue to forward blatantly stupid thought patterns , with the first being whether an individual has a capacity for sentience and the second being that individuals which have been born are entitled to protected wrights , that includes due process to determine that they are no longer physically capable of sentience .[/QUOTE]
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"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
Fetuses still aren't people, no matter how much you want them to be.
Chic’s source was meant to provoke; no intelligent thought there.
Her source was the BabylonBee satirical & Christian website.
It was meant to put you in your place.....and it did.

No one does it better than the Bee.
The Bee source you cited is satirical, ie FICTION. Mixes well with your other propaganda.
Do you like using the Onion as your source too?
Why not stick with facts? Or, are your Trump/Putin lovers too stupid to understand them?

The reason they don't stick to facts is the facts aren't on their side.

It's the same reason why they lie so much.

That must be why you run from my posts, huh?

Too many facts.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
Fetuses still aren't people, no matter how much you want them to be.
Chic’s source was meant to provoke; no intelligent thought there.
Her source was the BabylonBee satirical & Christian website.
It was meant to put you in your place.....and it did.

No one does it better than the Bee.
The Bee source you cited is satirical, ie FICTION. Mixes well with your other propaganda.
Do you like using the Onion as your source too?
Why not stick with facts? Or, are your Trump/Putin lovers too stupid to understand them?

The reason they don't stick to facts is the facts aren't on their side.

It's the same reason why they lie so much.
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
How partisan of you!
Those “rules” apply to both major parties, ESPECIALLY to Trumsters, which seem to have learned them from Putin’s trolls ... that you remind me of.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
Fetuses still aren't people, no matter how much you want them to be.
Chic’s source was meant to provoke; no intelligent thought there.
Her source was the BabylonBee satirical & Christian website.
It was meant to put you in your place.....and it did.

No one does it better than the Bee.
The Bee source you cited is satirical, ie FICTION. Mixes well with your other propaganda.
Do you like using the Onion as your source too?
Why not stick with facts? Or, are your Trump/Putin lovers too stupid to understand them?

The reason they don't stick to facts is the facts aren't on their side.

It's the same reason why they lie so much.
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
How partisan of you!
Those “rules” apply to both major parties, ESPECIALLY to Trumsters, which seem to have learned them from Putin’s trolls ... that you remind me of.

I don't see any one from the left advocating the killing of tens of thousands of Americans with the virus only for the reason of money and to help trump win reelection.

I don't see anyone from the left cheering trump stealing babies from mothers arms then putting them in cages.

I don't see anyone from the left screaming that it's ok to murder an innocent person, usually an African America being murdered, using stand your ground laws.

I don't see anyone from the left calling women sluts, whores and trash. I don't see anyone from the left saying that children who are alive and walking this earth aren't their children and to stop mooching off people. They sure believe it's their child when it's inside a woman's body and believe they have the right to take that woman's privacy rights from her. It's all their business when it's inside a woman but when it's born it becomes a leach mooching off society and not any of their business.

No, that is behavior and words from republicans.

What the politicalchic posted applies to republicans. NOT everyone else.

It's classic republican projection. They accuse everyone else of what the republicans are guilty of but everyone else isn't guilty of.

It's very sick.

When I learned about projection and denial in the many psychology classes I took in high school and college, I never thought I would see people so far into such behavior. It's textbook behavior.

It's also pathetic.
Really bad analogy.
Comparing a one cell zygote to a fully developed adult or child slave is pure foolishness.
Try again.

This comment of yours gets to the very root of the difference in the mindset / mentality between those who are pro-aborts (like yourself) and those who are anti-abortion, like myself.

You clearly / obviously define a new human being / person by a combination of the basic human (biological) traits that the new organism has and you (illogically) factor in, the traits that the new human organism temporarily lacks.

Thus, a child is NOT a child (to you) until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily decided point. . . where after, you can not stomach or justify your own denials anymore.

We who oppose abortion define / recognize a new human organism by the basic human (biological) traits that they HAVE. Regardless of the traits or characteristics that they may temporarily lack.


A child is a child (the YOUNG of the parents who created it) . . . From the earliest moment their physical / biological existence can be established and or detected.

It is very telling how you abort-tardz dodge questions about your "biological" father and what it is that makes your biological fathers YOUR biological fathers.

If YOU were not HIS biological child from the moment of YOUR conception, then (according to YOUR logic (sic)) the only thing he is a parent of is the Zygote that he and your mom created.

Human beings do not sexually reproduce like frogs and butterflies do (via metamorphosis) and that is why your ignorance and denials about when and how a child's life actually does begin are so fucking ridiculous and offensive to the rest of us.

Aww, you must feel really depressed about those MANY human zygotes that don’t survive ... naturally. Thank God for that!

You are diverting again, fucktard. Our feelings of depression, sadness or even feelings of elation have nothing at all to do with the biological FACTS of this issue.

Your Red Herring attempt to divert only shows me how weak you actually are on the facts of the issue.

To each their own zygotes, embryos, or fetuses, i say.
Feel free to nurture YOUR own, and good luck.

Thanks for being such a great foil.

" Weak Position Shopping Misplaced Outrage "

* Actual Versus Potential Homo Sapiens Sapiens *

Learn some science when human life begins.
Rather than your arbitrary designation.
When does sapience begin ?



Court rules for brain-damaged baby
(No mother fucking sapience required)

"The condition, a congenital defect known as anencephaly, is incurable and quickly fatal without medical intervention. An anencephalic baby has a brain stem, which keeps the heart and other organs working for a time. The baby does not meet the legal definition of brain death. Lacking a cortex, it is permanently unconscious, without sensation or cognitive functions." |


"To the hospital's astonishment, Federal District Judge Claude M. Hilton ruled on July 1 that the hospital's refusal to treat the baby's next respiratory crisis would violate not only three federal laws, including the recently enacted Americans With Disabilities Act, but would also violate the mother's constitutional right under the 14th Amendment's due process clause to "bring up children" in the way she thinks best. "
" Validity Of Law Is Absent And Ignoring the Incompetence In Esoterics Is Equally Deserved "

* Subjective Terms And Conditions *

Monkeys have 98% of the same DNA as a human.
That doesn't make a monkey a human. Same with a zygote, embryo or fetus.
The fall back position of hue mammon is red herring of shadow puppets , as the person argument for an entitlement to equal protection as per the 14th amendment of us constitution has been disposed .

A 98% common dna with other hominids is close enough to qualify as hue man , as hue mammon , but none of the religious reich are clamoring for Great ape personhood - Wikipedia .

hue - form or appearance.
Human beings do not sexually reproduce like frogs and butterflies do (via metamorphosis) and that is why your ignorance and denials about when and how a child's life actually does begin are so fucking ridiculous and offensive to the rest of us.

Um, Frogs and Butterflies reproduce sexually. There's a mommy frog and a daddy frog and the have sex.

That they spend some time as caterpillars and tadpoles is besides the point. They can live separate from the parents.

Fetuses can't live outside the woman... that's why they aren't people.


You fucking idiot.

A male frog doesn't even have a penis to have sex WITH.

The female squirts out some eggs and he (the male frog) releases sperm onto the fucking eggs.

The point of my post remains unanswered. Human beings (mammals) do not sexually reproduce in the way that Frogs and Butterflies do. We (human beings) do not have sex to produce one organism, that only later goes through a metamorphic change to turn into another organism.

Human beings (unlike Frogs and Butterflies) are the very same organism the moment after conception takes place that they are as an adult (assuming they live that long.)

Human BIOLOGICAL parents don't sexually reproduce to create ONE type organism that only later MIGHT become their biological child. The ORGANISM they created at and by conception already IS their BIOLOGICAL child.
" Sick Sadistic Fuck Calls Other Fucktard "

* Mental Degenerate Wants An After Life And Thinks Dictating A Uniform Fetish To Quell Their Anxiety Over Mortality Is The Answer *

Pay attention little mind , call us what you like so long as it does not violate non violence principles , but the stupidity of your political persuasion does against which it will be defended .

* And The Answer Is - Judge You Keep The Fucking Thing In Your House On Your Dime *
Court rules for brain-damaged baby

(No mother fucking sapience required)
"The condition, a congenital defect known as anencephaly, is incurable and quickly fatal without medical intervention. An anencephalic baby has a brain stem, which keeps the heart and other organs working for a time. The baby does not meet the legal definition of brain death. Lacking a cortex, it is permanently unconscious, without sensation or cognitive functions." |
"To the hospital's astonishment, Federal District Judge Claude M. Hilton ruled on July 1 that the hospital's refusal to treat the baby's next respiratory crisis would violate not only three federal laws, including the recently enacted Americans With Disabilities Act, but would also violate the mother's constitutional right under the 14th Amendment's due process clause to "bring up children" in the way she thinks best. "
Only mentally retarded individuals such as yourself lack any respect for quality of life .

The thing was born and thereafter the state obligation is due process , unfortunately the judge is obviously not educated in the biological sciences , probably too stupid to know what anencephaly is and the judge is probably no doubt a reich wing imbecile trying to promote a political agenda .

Last edited:
The female squirts out some eggs and he (the male frog) releases sperm onto the fucking eggs.

That's still sex, buddy. I know they didn't tell you that in whatever Catholic School you went to where some frustrated lesbian in a habit hit you too many times with a ruler.

The point of my post remains unanswered. Human beings (mammals) do not sexually reproduce in the way that Frogs and Butterflies do. We (human beings) do not have sex to produce one organism, that only later goes through a metamorphic change to turn into another organism.

Uh, sorry, guy, Caterpillars and Tadpoles are STILL the species they belong to.

Human BIOLOGICAL parents don't sexually reproduce to create ONE type organism that only later MIGHT become their biological child. The ORGANISM they created at and by conception already IS their BIOLOGICAL child.

Except two thirds of zygotes conceived end up going out with Aunt Flo.

Of the third that don't, more than half are aborted or miscarry. No one really makes a big deal except the religious nuts...

Conceived zygotes aren't really that valuable. Most of them never become people.
Really bad analogy.
Comparing a one cell zygote to a fully developed adult or child slave is pure foolishness.
Try again.

This comment of yours gets to the very root of the difference in the mindset / mentality between those who are pro-aborts (like yourself) and those who are anti-abortion, like myself.

You clearly / obviously define a new human being / person by a combination of the basic human (biological) traits that the new organism has and you (illogically) factor in, the traits that the new human organism temporarily lacks.

Thus, a child is NOT a child (to you) until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily decided point. . . where after, you can not stomach or justify your own denials anymore.

We who oppose abortion define / recognize a new human organism by the basic human (biological) traits that they HAVE. Regardless of the traits or characteristics that they may temporarily lack.


A child is a child (the YOUNG of the parents who created it) . . . From the earliest moment their physical / biological existence can be established and or detected.

It is very telling how you abort-tardz dodge questions about your "biological" father and what it is that makes your biological fathers YOUR biological fathers.

If YOU were not HIS biological child from the moment of YOUR conception, then (according to YOUR logic (sic)) the only thing he is a parent of is the Zygote that he and your mom created.

Human beings do not sexually reproduce like frogs and butterflies do (via metamorphosis) and that is why your ignorance and denials about when and how a child's life actually does begin are so fucking ridiculous and offensive to the rest of us.

Aww, you must feel really depressed about those MANY human zygotes that don’t survive ... naturally. Thank God for that!

You are diverting again, fucktard. Our feelings of depression, sadness or even feelings of elation have nothing at all to do with the biological FACTS of this issue.

Your Red Herring attempt to divert only shows me how weak you actually are on the facts of the issue.

To each their own zygotes, embryos, or fetuses, i say.
Feel free to nurture YOUR own, and good luck.

Thanks for being such a great foil.

Were you looking in your “coward” mirror?
Why are you afraid to confront biological reality, starting with a ONE-cell ZYGOTE?
LOL :) :)

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