Liberals responsible for all the violence all around the world:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Exactly, all the fighting is to control govt and then use govt's power to force everyone to do as the victors want. If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it. Everyone could live in a peaceful Jeffersonian, Aristotelian, libertarian world with little to no central govt violence. Make sense?
If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it.

When is the last time conservatives meaningfully shrunk the size/power of the government? They are just as guilty as the left. Though even if what you said wasn't nonsense, do you really believe people wouldn't fight for control of a government that controls an extremely powerful military? Use your brain.
Exactly, all the fighting is to control govt and then use govt's power to force everyone to do as the victors want. If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it. Everyone could live in a peaceful Jeffersonian, Aristotelian, libertarian world with little to no central govt violence. Make sense?

Yes and no EdwardBaiamonte
If the govt was focused on what govt is designed for, then churches nonprofits businesses and schools
can do the social work they are better designed for, too. And that does more to stop violence and fighting
when people have adequate support and resources
to be productive instead of destructive.

Govts are authorized to manage defense,
crime and justice by authority of law.
Churches and nonprofits cannot perform these duties.

Likewise the spiritual healing, therapy and relationship counseling needed to identify the
cause and cure of abusive or addictive disorders
behind crime and violence can only be administered
voluntarily by individuals choosing personal programs
and cannot be forced, regulated or managed by govt.

You cannot mix or blame the capacity and role
of the public govt authority and the private sector
and expect to untangle problems and organize solutions.

The Conservatives are right that we need to separate social programs and decisions that are private choices of individuals and get them out of govt jurisdiction.

The Liberals are right that we do need to promote the general welfare for all people to have equal protection security and justice.

The goals are right, and we just have to agree on the means and methods to get there.

The main obstacles I have run across
Liberals do not trust churches/Christians to have solutions that can empower people to solve problems directly so they keep relying on govt to mandate and manage programs for the people.
Conservatives do not believe that Liberals really want to achieve these goals of helping society enough to work and pay for it themselves; but fear the Liberals just want to push this burden onto govt to make taxpayers pay for social programs without accountability.

The solution I see is we give tax breaks and incentives for conservative business leaders to invest, lend and mentor liberal leaders to set up and manage their own locally owned and operated programs, so the members learn the value of the hard work it takes to provide free health care and education instead of relying on govt.

So taxpayers are not forced to pay for benefits without accountability, but the lenders investors and donors set up terms by which they agree to put the money or resources in to help create these programs outside govt.

Both Obama and Ben Carson have recognized microlending and business training as the key to ending poverty the right way that is sustainable, instead of reliance on govt welfare and handouts.

So why not set up partnerships between the two parties and approaches, and help create these sustainable solutions that rely on people leading and managing and owning their own programs
not relying on govt. The most govt might do is ensure sites are set up and sustained in each district for education and medical programs to provide for the populations and demand using the same resources
and facilities currently expended on failed prisons and mental health wards that don't work. If the Democrats agree to focus resources and taxes on reforming prisons to afford health care for all, and the Republicans agree to fund VA reform to fix the problems with military spending and invest in jobs in security for Veterans, then all parties can achieve their goals and taxpayers can have a choice which to fund.
If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it.

When is the last time conservatives meaningfully shrunk the size/power of the government? They are just as guilty as the left. Though even if what you said wasn't nonsense, do you really believe people wouldn't fight for control of a government that controls an extremely powerful military? Use your brain.
The left is still to blame, because the conservatives have to stay on the defensive against the left wanting government control, and so in order to keep them out, then the conservatives have to create more ways to try and keep the left out. Behind every bad thing is a leftist it seems, and when we see the stuff that we see today in response, it's because it's meant to counter the radicalized left at every turn.
Exactly, all the fighting is to control govt and then use govt's power to force everyone to do as the victors want. If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it. Everyone could live in a peaceful Jeffersonian, Aristotelian, libertarian world with little to no central govt violence. Make sense?

Yes and no EdwardBaiamonte
If the govt was focused on what govt is designed for, then churches nonprofits businesses and schools
can do the social work they are better designed for, too. And that does more to stop violence and fighting
when people have adequate support and resources
to be productive instead of destructive.

Govts are authorized to manage defense,
crime and justice by authority of law.
Churches and nonprofits cannot perform these duties.

Likewise the spiritual healing, therapy and relationship counseling needed to identify the
cause and cure of abusive or addictive disorders
behind crime and violence can only be administered
voluntarily by individuals choosing personal programs
and cannot be forced, regulated or managed by govt.

You cannot mix or blame the capacity and role
of the public govt authority and the private sector
and expect to untangle problems and organize solutions.

The Conservatives are right that we need to separate social programs and decisions that are private choices of individuals and get them out of govt jurisdiction.

The Liberals are right that we do need to promote the general welfare for all people to have equal protection security and justice.

The goals are right, and we just have to agree on the means and methods to get there.

The main obstacles I have run across
Liberals do not trust churches/Christians to have solutions that can empower people to solve problems directly so they keep relying on govt to mandate and manage programs for the people.
Conservatives do not believe that Liberals really want to achieve these goals of helping society enough to work and pay for it themselves; but fear the Liberals just want to push this burden onto govt to make taxpayers pay for social programs without accountability.

The solution I see is we give tax breaks and incentives for conservative business leaders to invest, lend and mentor liberal leaders to set up and manage their own locally owned and operated programs, so the members learn the value of the hard work it takes to provide free health care and education instead of relying on govt.

So taxpayers are not forced to pay for benefits without accountability, but the lenders investors and donors set up terms by which they agree to put the money or resources in to help create these programs outside govt.

Both Obama and Ben Carson have recognized microlending and business training as the key to ending poverty the right way that is sustainable, instead of reliance on govt welfare and handouts.

So why not set up partnerships between the two parties and approaches, and help create these sustainable solutions that rely on people leading and managing and owning their own programs
not relying on govt. The most govt might do is ensure sites are set up and sustained in each district for education and medical programs to provide for the populations and demand using the same resources
and facilities currently expended on failed prisons and mental health wards that don't work. If the Democrats agree to focus resources and taxes on reforming prisons to afford health care for all, and the Republicans agree to fund VA reform to fix the problems with military spending and invest in jobs in security for Veterans, then all parties can achieve their goals and taxpayers can have a choice which to fund.
way to long can you comment on op???
So why not set up partnerships between the two parties and approaches, and help create these sustainable solutions that rely on people leading and managing and owning their own programs
not relying on govt.
because liberals are would be communists who believe in govt with religious zeal!!
If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it.

When is the last time conservatives meaningfully shrunk the size/power of the government? They are just as guilty as the left. Though even if what you said wasn't nonsense, do you really believe people wouldn't fight for control of a government that controls an extremely powerful military? Use your brain.
What’s that have to do with the OP?
It's not so much "liberals" as such responsible for the violence worldwide

as much as "Globlalists" and "New World Order" criminals.
If enough people were conservative govt would have little power and no one would want to control it.

When is the last time conservatives meaningfully shrunk the size/power of the government? They are just as guilty as the left. Though even if what you said wasn't nonsense, do you really believe people wouldn't fight for control of a government that controls an extremely powerful military? Use your brain.
What’s that have to do with the OP?
Liberals imagine that if conservatives have a tiny majority in govt they have control and can freely shrink govt. A tiny majority is not enough to do anything and failure at do something does not mean you are not conservative.
do you really believe people wouldn't fight for control of a government that controls an extremely powerful military?

who is talking about an extremely powerful military?????

There will be a military and the government will control it. You really think people won't fight for that power no matter what?

fighting to control the military and fighting to control everything are very different things. If enough people were conservative they would have no use for a military. liberalsim is naturally about violence. Govt is legal violence. Do you understand?

liberals are opposite they want to control everything so always want to fight. Now do you understand?
It's not so much "liberals" as such responsible for the violence worldwide

as much as "Globlalists" and "New World Order" criminals.


If this board is any indication, liberals should be placed on the endangered species list.
Yeah, he is posting all over today. He thinking cons are small government and for individual freedom.

Yeah, I know: funny.

It's not so much "liberals" as such responsible for the violence worldwide

as much as "Globlalists" and "New World Order" criminals.
why are globalists criminals??? whats a globalist and new world order???

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