Liberals Spouting False Information About Terrorism


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.

awwwww.... fake news trumpster loon pretending reality doesn't exist. :cuckoo:
Trump´s ban is neither perfect nor does it cover all threats while it covers also non-threats. Given that Iran is a major player in the war on terror and does not have terror cells the ban is not justified and just political. On the other hand, a major player in the war against Syria, Saudi Arabia, is a hotbed of terrorists and is not affected by the ban.
Ah yes, but must not affect nations in which the orange clown has economic interests. No matter how many Americans in America their citizens kill. The clown's economic interests are so much more important than the lives of American Citizens. So ban citizens from very minor players in this game. And do it in such a clumsy manner as to create animosity in most of the nations in the world. The clown's trademark.
Ah yes, but must not affect nations in which the orange clown has economic interests. No matter how many Americans in America their citizens kill. The clown's economic interests are so much more important than the lives of American Citizens. So ban citizens from very minor players in this game. And do it in such a clumsy manner as to create animosity in most of the nations in the world. The clown's trademark.
Flimsy portrayl. :eusa_snooty: The 7 nations are just the beginning, and they were Obama's work. Don't judge artist's painting until it's finished. :biggrin:
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.

awwwww.... fake news trumpster loon pretending reality doesn't exist. :cuckoo:
fake news trumpster loon pretending reality doesn't exist
Your reality doesn't
Ah yes, but must not affect nations in which the orange clown has economic interests. No matter how many Americans in America their citizens kill. The clown's economic interests are so much more important than the lives of American Citizens. So ban citizens from very minor players in this game. And do it in such a clumsy manner as to create animosity in most of the nations in the world. The clown's trademark.
Ah yes, but must not affect nations in which the orange clown has economic interests.

Why did Obama coordinate with Trump when he named those countries?
Trump´s ban is neither perfect nor does it cover all threats while it covers also non-threats. Given that Iran is a major player in the war on terror and does not have terror cells the ban is not justified and just political. On the other hand, a major player in the war against Syria, Saudi Arabia, is a hotbed of terrorists and is not affected by the ban.

Iran is a major player alright, but not against, they are the biggest supporters of terrorist actions. Don't be confused that because they are bombing ISIS that they are not perpetuating terrorism. You need to do a little more studying.....Shia vs Sunni and which group is supported by who.
And many others have been arrested for terror plots from these countries. Thankfully we got them before they got us.
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.
Trump´s ban is neither perfect nor does it cover all threats while it covers also non-threats. Given that Iran is a major player in the war on terror and does not have terror cells the ban is not justified and just political. On the other hand, a major player in the war against Syria, Saudi Arabia, is a hotbed of terrorists and is not affected by the ban.

Iran is a major player alright, but not against, they are the biggest supporters of terrorist actions. Don't be confused that because they are bombing ISIS that they are not perpetuating terrorism. You need to do a little more studying.....Shia vs Sunni and which group is supported by who.
I am really aware of what I am saying. Of course, you can show up with the Hezbollah argument but is the Hezbollah really a terrorist org? Do you have a proper example for a Hezbollah terrorist attack? In addition to the lack of the terror criterion, Hezbollah does not violate the democratic process in Lebanon, does not occupy others´ soil and enforce their religion on it and many Christians are Hezbollah members.
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.

You'll notice they also put in the caveat "in the US". They don't want to acknowledge that many terror attacks in Europe have been committed by Islamic terrorists from those countries. Nor do they want to mention the vast amount of terrorism and war within those countries where the Muslims are killing each other off.
What I've heard is this: ZERO -->The number of Americans killed on US soil from 1975 to 2015 by citizens of the countries affected by Trump's travel ban. I have yet to come by anything that makes it untrue and your OP doesn't make it untrue.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar....A naturalized citizen...

That would make him an American, now wouldn't it.

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting

He was born in New Mexico and was an American.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

How many people did he kill?

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

How many people did he kill?​
What I've heard is this: ZERO -->The number of Americans killed on US soil from 1975 to 2015 by citizens of the countries affected by Trump's travel ban. I have yet to come by anything that makes it untrue and your OP doesn't make it untrue.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar....A naturalized citizen...

That would make him an American, now wouldn't it.

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting

He was born in New Mexico and was an American.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

How many people did he kill?

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

How many people did he kill?​

On Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar. >> The Nadler quote, as well as many others that liberals are blabbing about says "came from". What country he is a national of now, isn't what they say, or the point they make.

On Al Awlaki - Hardly matters where Al Awlaki was born. He lived in Yemen from 2004 - 2011, and was busy perpetrating jihad from there, including the Fort Hood Massacre. In addition, Al Awlaki was connected to all these terrorist attacks >>
On Dahir Adan - so he was shot dead by a security guard. This makes his attack somehow not a danger to Americans that illustrates the need for the protections that Trump is enacting > Strange the way liberal think. Downright pathological.

PS - your statement is FALSE. From 1975 to 2015, numerous Americans were killed by citizens of the countries affected by Trump's travel ban.

Couple of Examples -

1 Abdul Ramin Yasin - Iraqi who helped make the bombs used in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center in New York, in which people died.

2. On August 31, 1980 An Iranian student gunned down his neighbors in a jihadist attack.
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What I've heard is this: ZERO -->The number of Americans killed on US soil from 1975 to 2015 by citizens of the countries affected by Trump's travel ban. I have yet to come by anything that makes it untrue and your OP doesn't make it untrue.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar....A naturalized citizen...

That would make him an American, now wouldn't it.

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting

He was born in New Mexico and was an American.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

How many people did he kill?

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

How many people did he kill?​

On Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar. >> The Nadler quote, as well as many others that liberals are blabbing about says "came from". What country he is a national of now isn't what they say, or the point they make.

On Al Awlaki - Hardly matters where Al Awlaki was born. He lived in Yemen from 2004 - 2011, and was busy perpetrating jihad from there, including the Fort Hood Massacre. In addition, Al Awlaki was connected to all these terrorist attacks >>
On Dahir Adan - so he was shot dead by a security guard. This makes his attack somehow not a danger to Americans that illustrates the need for the protections that Trump is enacting > Strange the way liberal think. Downright pathological.

On Al Awlaki - Hardly matters where Al Awlaki was born.

Of course it hardly matters because for your class of conservative facts just don't matter...And, yes, that's you in a thread about liberals having no regard for the truth, yet you're saying that the man's being an American doesn't matter. run with that....

many others that liberals are blabbing about says "came from". What country he is a national of now isn't what they say, or the point they make.

That may be so. The statement I posted came from conservatives. I first heard of it here:

On Dahir Adan - so he was shot dead by a security guard.

I didn't ask or remark about his demise. I asked how many people did he kill. Do you know? Let's see if you have the capacity to figure it out. I suspect you don't.
What I've heard is this: ZERO -->The number of Americans killed on US soil from 1975 to 2015 by citizens of the countries affected by Trump's travel ban. I have yet to come by anything that makes it untrue and your OP doesn't make it untrue.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar....A naturalized citizen...

That would make him an American, now wouldn't it.

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting

He was born in New Mexico and was an American.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

How many people did he kill?

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

How many people did he kill?​

On Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar. >> The Nadler quote, as well as many others that liberals are blabbing about says "came from". What country he is a national of now isn't what they say, or the point they make.

On Al Awlaki - Hardly matters where Al Awlaki was born. He lived in Yemen from 2004 - 2011, and was busy perpetrating jihad from there, including the Fort Hood Massacre. In addition, Al Awlaki was connected to all these terrorist attacks >>
On Dahir Adan - so he was shot dead by a security guard. This makes his attack somehow not a danger to Americans that illustrates the need for the protections that Trump is enacting > Strange the way liberal think. Downright pathological.

On Al Awlaki - Hardly matters where Al Awlaki was born.

Of course it hardly matters because for your class of conservative facts just don't matter...And, yes, that's you in a thread about liberals having no regard for the truth, yet you're saying that the man's being an American doesn't matter. run with that....

many others that liberals are blabbing about says "came from". What country he is a national of now isn't what they say, or the point they make.

That may be so. The statement I posted came from conservatives. I first heard of it here:

On Dahir Adan - so he was shot dead by a security guard.

I didn't ask or remark about his demise. I asked how many people did he kill. Do you know? Let's see if you have the capacity to figure it out. I suspect you don't.

Facts ? It's also a fact that Al Awlaki had brown eyes. Guess what. Doesn't matter

No, it doesn't matter if he's an American politically. What matters is, he lived in Yemen for the last 7 years of his life when he was jihadistly involved, and it's from THERE that his jihad came. This is about PROTECTING the American people, not women giving birth. Get it ?

And after all the LIES that Hillary spouted, and the MSM presented on her behalf, you are a laughingstock to try to put dishonesty on conservatives. HA HA HA. Thanks for the laugh.

As for Dahir Adan, if he killed people or not isn't the point. He is an example of jihad DANGER to America, whether he killed anyone of not. Again it's about PROTECTING America.
Ah yes, but must not affect nations in which the orange clown has economic interests. No matter how many Americans in America their citizens kill. The clown's economic interests are so much more important than the lives of American Citizens. So ban citizens from very minor players in this game. And do it in such a clumsy manner as to create animosity in most of the nations in the world. The clown's trademark.
Flimsy portrayl. :eusa_snooty: The 7 nations are just the beginning, and they were Obama's work. Don't judge artist's painting until it's finished. :biggrin:
Really? I don't remember a fubar concerning these nations during President Obama's terms like that we are seeing today. The orange clown is a complete idiot, and is going to lose the US many allies while he is busy kissing Putin's ass.
The latest line from liberals is that the 7 countries stipulated in President Trump's immigration/travel restrictions, have not given us any terrorism since 9-11. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said >> "The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president's executive order."

Once again, Democrats put their collective foot in the mouths The Nadler statement (being repeated by thousands of liberals in America), is simply FALSE! Actually, there have been quite a few terrorist acts by terrorists as well as planned attacks which were foiled. These are connected to immigrants from Iran, Somalia Yemen.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife.

Another was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

Still another was in September 2016, > Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali.

In addition, one might wonder about the reason for only spotlighting those who immigrated to the US. There are many who didn't immigrate but from other countries, they call the shots that happen here. Also is the fact that many US Muslims have been inspired by ISIS and other foreign terrorists within the 7 countries (picked by Obama).

Another one was Anwar al Awlaki, the mentor and mastermind of the Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 American soldiers and wounded dozens more. Awlaki was born in the US but lived much of his life in Yemen.

awwwww.... fake news trumpster loon pretending reality doesn't exist. :cuckoo:

Now their entire industry seems to be "Its not what it seems and here is why?" followed by a bunch of crap thats as reasonable as "I tripped and fell inside her"

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