Liberals suspend college student for criticising Islam, mexicans, and Baltimore rioters.

Denial driven by hardcore partisan ideology is a very, very powerful thing.

Student suspended for insulting Islam Mexicans

The libtards will find nothing wrong with this while those that care about the constitution will. To libtards if its offensive it should be banned but only if its offensive to THEM or something or someone they want protected...straight white males,christians,etc need not apply.
He has Free Speech, he also signed a Code of Conduct. Should he get kicked out he's going to have back all the free speech he desires.
Pepperdine University

As a private Christian university, Pepperdine's code of conduct has some special requirements. One of the general principles of the code is based on religious beliefs: "... all members of the University community are encouraged to respect the teachings of Jesus and historic, biblical Christianity." As with most institutions of higher education, Pepperdine's code also prohibits harassment, violence and any activity that may violate local, state or federal laws. The code also singles out the use of false identification, advertising on campus without permission and sexual activity outside of marriage. Students seeking to study in a Christian environment may find Pepperdine (and other Christian colleges) offer exactly what they want.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Yes, I'm virulently, passionately, psychotically against PC, because I think it divides and has damaged a lot of lives because it stifles open debate and retards progress, which is what we desperately need.

And - who knows why this is - I can still picture the moment in grade school when a teacher told us about the phrase "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it". That really stuck with me, because it seemed so pure and consistent and brave. So yeah, I often find myself defending an asshole's right to be an asshole.

But I also reserve the right to use an asshole's words to shine the light on them and (hopefully) change their mind. I can't do that if they're in the shadows, just getting worse.

A lot of things you see as a PC issue I see as simple rudeness. This little guy was rude and as a representative of his university his university had every right to discipline him. It doesn't really matter if he is a bigot or not, it only matters that he has no manners or concept of self discipline.

IMO your constant harping on PC simply means that any and all rudeness is acceptable without consequence.
It's much, much, much more than that.

It's the stifling of debate brought directly about by the threat of consequence.

I want the bigots to feel absolutely free to self-identify and tell me all about their bigotry, loud and clear.

I'll take it from there.

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Clearly you do not know the law on this matter. Don't think you can go to Texas College and attack pentecostalism or Bob Jone University and attack their principles publicly.

You keep avoiding the question. If this student was suspended for calling white people "crackers", would you still agree the suspension was proper.?
Clearly you do not know the law on this matter. Don't think you can go to Texas College and attack pentecostalism or Bob Jone University and attack their principles publicly.

You keep avoiding the question. If this student was suspended for calling white people "crackers", would you still agree the suspension was proper.?
That is not what happened, son. Your question is immaterial. You and I are both white, and, hint, we are not victims in this society.
I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Yes, I'm virulently, passionately, psychotically against PC, because I think it divides and has damaged a lot of lives because it stifles open debate and retards progress, which is what we desperately need.

And - who knows why this is - I can still picture the moment in grade school when a teacher told us about the phrase "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it". That really stuck with me, because it seemed so pure and consistent and brave. So yeah, I often find myself defending an asshole's right to be an asshole.

But I also reserve the right to use an asshole's words to shine the light on them and (hopefully) change their mind. I can't do that if they're in the shadows, just getting worse.

A lot of things you see as a PC issue I see as simple rudeness. This little guy was rude and as a representative of his university his university had every right to discipline him. It doesn't really matter if he is a bigot or not, it only matters that he has no manners or concept of self discipline.

IMO your constant harping on PC simply means that any and all rudeness is acceptable without consequence.
It's much, much, much more than that.

It's the stifling of debate brought directly about by the threat of consequence.

I want the bigots to feel absolutely free to tell me all about their bigotry, loud and clear.

I'll take it from there.

So you won't let the market decide.
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Yes, I'm virulently, passionately, psychotically against PC, because I think it divides and has damaged a lot of lives because it stifles open debate and retards progress, which is what we desperately need.

And - who knows why this is - I can still picture the moment in grade school when a teacher told us about the phrase "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it". That really stuck with me, because it seemed so pure and consistent and brave. So yeah, I often find myself defending an asshole's right to be an asshole.

But I also reserve the right to use an asshole's words to shine the light on them and (hopefully) change their mind. I can't do that if they're in the shadows, just getting worse.

A lot of things you see as a PC issue I see as simple rudeness. This little guy was rude and as a representative of his university his university had every right to discipline him. It doesn't really matter if he is a bigot or not, it only matters that he has no manners or concept of self discipline.

IMO your constant harping on PC simply means that any and all rudeness is acceptable without consequence.
It's much, much, much more than that.

It's the stifling of debate brought directly about by the threat of consequence.

I want the bigots to feel absolutely free to tell me all about their bigotry, loud and clear.

I'll take it from there.

So you won't let the market decide.
I'm just one guy who wants to improve race relations.

I can't make you do anything.


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