Liberals suspend college student for criticising Islam, mexicans, and Baltimore rioters.

Again, freedom of speech applies only to the relationship between government and those governed, not between private persons and private organizations.

If a liberal student was suspended for using the word "cracker" on facebook, you libs would be howling about how his right to free speech was violated.
That would change the situation not in the slightest. Schools have rules, follow them or face the consequences.
I'm sure the code of conduct doesn't apply to a social website.

You might want to paint your house another color. Green with envy is so unbecoming.
False most codes of conduct govern all aspects of behavior.

Nah. Its just PC bullshit pushed by a bunch of liberal college administrators who are PC idiots.
Wrong look it up or stay ignorant
You'll do the latter.

I believe in the freedom of speech. You apparently don't have a clue what that is.

You're a PC worshiper.
You've just won the trifecta of stupid.

You just won the triple crown of PC bullshit.

False most codes of conduct govern all aspects of behavior.

Nah. Its just PC bullshit pushed by a bunch of liberal college administrators who are PC idiots.
Wrong look it up or stay ignorant
You'll do the latter.

I believe in the freedom of speech. You apparently don't have a clue what that is.

You're a PC worshiper.
You've just won the trifecta of stupid.

You just won the triple crown of PC bullshit.

How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Bullshit. What someone posts on a social site is their business. Not the business of the college or anyone else. The freedom of speech.

The college has no business censuring anyone for what they put on a social website. That's that person's business. Not the business of the college.

If it offends others then they can shut the damned computer off. Nothing says they have to read anyone's posts.
Unless he's identifying himself as a student or employee of the college.
Of course if that's the case then he's in the wrong.

If he's just a student then he's perfectly within his rights to post whatever the hell he wants to on a social website.
How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Why is it that some people conservatives and Liberals think (if you can call it that)
Freedom of expression has no consequences ?
Could it be the word free fucks them up?
How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?

And yet it's ok to call white people crackers. Super-lib chris matthews even does it on national tv and nobody bats an eye.
where is it okay to call white people crackers, aside from Florida?

LOL I was once called a cracker in NC.

The man calling me that was black. I told him I'd never before met a ****** before that day.

The man apologized. I apologized and that was the end of it.
Of course if that's the case then he's in the wrong.

If he's just a student then he's perfectly within his rights to post whatever the hell he wants to on a social website.
Unless he's representing himself as a student of the University. If the University lets him get away with it, they are condoning and tacitly underwriting it. They are free to do so if they wish and they are also free to protect their reputation via the student code of conduct and punish him for it.
How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Why is it that some people conservatives and Liberals think (if you can call it that)
Freedom of expression has no consequences ?
Could it be the word free fucks them up?
Freedom of expression only has consequences if those who would issue the consequences choose to do so.

If your goal is to simply punish and intimidate, then that's what you do.

If your goal is to actually improve race relations, that's not what you do.

How is calling Mexicans beaners considered a free expression of ideas?
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Yes, I'm virulently, passionately, psychotically against PC, because I think it divides and has damaged a lot of lives because it stifles open debate and retards progress, which is what we desperately need.

And - who knows why this is - I can still picture the moment in grade school when a teacher told us about the phrase "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it". That really stuck with me, because it seemed so pure and consistent and brave. So yeah, I often find myself defending an asshole's right to be an asshole.

But I also reserve the right to use an asshole's words to shine the light on them and (hopefully) change their mind. I can't do that if they're in the shadows, just getting worse.

Maybe you really don't understand this.

First of all, allowing some bigot to scream "beaners" (I'm half Hispanic by the way, my father in law is Mexican, and we don't give a crap about that) is in itself promoting the free expression of ideas. Great, use that word, look like a fool, I'm good with that. I'll shine a light on it, thanks for your help.

Then, in a more tolerant and open society, that person would be heard and engaged in debate. Not screaming down, not attacked, not getting kicked off the campus. Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason (what nice life training for young people, wouldn't you agree?). That would be another promotion of free expression. I've done this in various forms a zillion times and I find it to be fascinating and stimulating.

I'm not afraid for people to have views that conflict with mine, and I have no interest in punishing them for those views. I want to know who the bigots are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that when they're kept in the shadows, causing their bigoted beliefs to fester and intensify and spread to others, which is what is happening right now.

I taught my kids this when they were young, and they got it. I'm not so sure why this so complicated elsewhere. But on the other hand, I want to improve race relations, unlike those who just want political victories. What is happening on campuses is the very antithesis of that.

I made that as clear as I can, and I'm not expecting you to agree. Or, perhaps, even understand.

You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Which is very 'PC.'
You are free to debate with people that call Mexicans beaners all you please. If you find such a person that is willing to engage in "Actual debate that requires critical thinking, patience, intelligence and reason, " give us a shout.
I just used those elements of communication with you, and you weren't interested. You'd rather wait for someone else to be brave and make the first move.

Judging by the way you folks already react and behave, you're a part of the problem.

I'd rather see improved race relations. Political victories are irrelevant to me.

I wasn't going around calling people beaners. If you are interested in improved race relations, why do I never see you taking on the racists down in the race relations forum?
Because I know it's a waste of time in this venue, and that goes for both ends of the spectrum on virtually all issues. A lot of people (or at least their online personnas) are essentially caricatures here. Plus, I'm just not into personal insults and name-calling. Golden Rule, all that.

I sure as hell address them in real life, though, because I can look them in the eye. But I never raise my voice, ever.

Attacking racists only makes them worse, it only adds to the animosity. Surely we know that, so I have to wonder about the agendas of some.

But you attack people that point out racism on a fairly regular basis and are always going on about the PC police. In other words, you attack people you disagree with. Except racists and bigots.
Which is very 'PC.'
Ravi and I are having a reasonable conversation. Perhaps you could try a bit harder.

There are liberals at Texas Christian University?

Regardless - it's a private institution - they can set their own codes for free speech.
Not if they accept federal education subsidies.
Sure they can. Notre Dame does and has its own code. So does BYU and Baylor.
Their code is fine unless it violates people's civil rights. Then it's null and void.
They are private entities, and the student can go elsewhere.
There are liberals at Texas Christian University?

Regardless - it's a private institution - they can set their own codes for free speech.
Not if they accept federal education subsidies.
Sure they can. Notre Dame does and has its own code. So does BYU and Baylor.
Their code is fine unless it violates people's civil rights. Then it's null and void.
They are private entities, and the student can go elsewhere.
That's not sufficient an excuse to deny people their constitutional rights

Educate yourself from an organization successful at lawsuits defending free speech

Hate Speech on Campus American Civil Liberties Union

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