Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending


Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller

No I think you guys are jerks for saying you want to control spending, but when there's an opportunity to do entitlement reform in exchange for new revenue that wouldn't hurt growth and would have 3-4 times more cuts than taxes .... you walk away from the table. The gop and teaparty no more want to control spending than Randian Paul wants vaccines.
They want war...
Spending can be cut, start with the DOD. It's not the cutting, it's what you want to cut. The Fed budget is roughly 3,500 billion. Find that cash and tell us how much you are going to save?

And you can also grow the economy and raise taxes. You are off and running.

US Federal Budget Definition - Spending Breakdown Deficit Debt Pie Chart
BTW, without a strong and ready military, we don't get to have the freedom to discuss these things
I wish that were true, but it isn't. Killing people on the other side of the globe isn't protecting Free Speech here.
Well yeah it kinda does. For example, save for Hawaii and a few other US territorial islands in the Pacific, WWII was fought on foreign soil...Would you rather have the conflict HERE?

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller
Good idea. Let's do away with all spending and all taxes. Privatize everything including the military. If you're really serious about what you're asking this makes perfect sense. I say put your mouth where you're money is.
That's fucking stupid. And it is in violation of the US Constitution....
Hey newbie, sit back and be quiet. The adults are conversing. Here's the remote to the tv.
My you're so irritable when agrees with read my last post newbie. I daresay I've been around about 40 years longer than you have. And by the way, agreeing with you is by necessity exactly the same mocking you. It was of course entirely unnecessary, you mock yourself every time you say something. Are you so arrogant that you don't even realize when you're being made the fool?

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller

No I think you guys are jerks for saying you want to control spending, but when there's an opportunity to do entitlement reform in exchange for new revenue that wouldn't hurt growth and would have 3-4 times more cuts than taxes .... you walk away from the table. The gop and teaparty no more want to control spending than Randian Paul wants vaccines.
They want war...

Not really anymore than Obama or Hillary do, which is an irony of Netandyahoo, but that's really beside the point. The point is if there is any controlling spending, you have to cut soc sec and medicare, and when Obama was open to cuts to growth in the programs for a fraction more in revenues from special interests that don't go to the middle class, Boehner ran screaming from the room at the notion he'd have to confront 20-30 tea partiers in his party.
Nope. But thanks for playing.

Provide a link for that and we'll discuss.

Really?....You need a link for that?


Why would you need a link to something you don't dispute?
Because I did dispute it you lying POS

Post a link backing up your claim or STFU

Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? NeoCon's are always talking about "the takers" yet have no problem spending money on weapons we don't even need. Here's just one example.

U.S. Republican Frontrunner Touts Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Inter Press Service

U.S.: Republican Frontrunner Touts Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy

WASHINGTON, Oct 7 2011 (IPS) - In his first major foreign policy address of the 2012 presidential campaign, Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney Friday presented a largely neo-conservative platform similar to that pursued by George W. Bush, although he never mentioned the former president by name.

Speaking at The Citadel military academy in South Carolina, Romney promised to increase defence spending – and the size of the U.S. Navy – as part of a strategy designed to ensure that the United States remain the world’s dominant military power and that the 21st century be “an American century”.

“The United States should always retain military supremacy to deter would-be aggressors and to defend our allies and ourselves,” he told the Citadel cadets. “And know this: If America is the undisputed leader of the world, it reduces our need to police a more chaotic world.”

Once again.... prove your point.

What is the purpose of the federal government? It's not to provide a cushion for the poor.

The governments original purpose was to ensure our liberties and safe guard our country and our lives.

What is the purpose of the Federal Government

Really?....You need a link for that?


Why would you need a link to something you don't dispute?
Because I did dispute it you lying POS

Post a link backing up your claim or STFU

Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? NeoCon's are always talking about "the takers" yet have no problem spending money on weapons we don't even need. Here's just one example.

U.S. Republican Frontrunner Touts Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Inter Press Service

U.S.: Republican Frontrunner Touts Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy

WASHINGTON, Oct 7 2011 (IPS) - In his first major foreign policy address of the 2012 presidential campaign, Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney Friday presented a largely neo-conservative platform similar to that pursued by George W. Bush, although he never mentioned the former president by name.

Speaking at The Citadel military academy in South Carolina, Romney promised to increase defence spending – and the size of the U.S. Navy – as part of a strategy designed to ensure that the United States remain the world’s dominant military power and that the 21st century be “an American century”.

“The United States should always retain military supremacy to deter would-be aggressors and to defend our allies and ourselves,” he told the Citadel cadets. “And know this: If America is the undisputed leader of the world, it reduces our need to police a more chaotic world.”

Once again.... prove your point.

What is the purpose of the federal government? It's not to provide a cushion for the poor.

The governments original purpose was to ensure our liberties and safe guard our country and our lives.

Is that why they helped out a poor ex-president like Jefferson by buying his library?
And the big picture with what can't be cut, like paying for the debt:
Genius......You cannot discuss paying down debt when YOU are the cause of the debt.
the only way this gets fixed is to put an end to baseline budgeting and automatic yearly spending increases.
I'm still waiting to hear what you would cut, how much it would save us, and when you think we should start actually paying our bills?
You don't get to fixate on a micro idea and expect others to kowtow to your premise.

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller

No I think you guys are jerks for saying you want to control spending, but when there's an opportunity to do entitlement reform in exchange for new revenue that wouldn't hurt growth and would have 3-4 times more cuts than taxes .... you walk away from the table. The gop and teaparty no more want to control spending than Randian Paul wants vaccines.

Provide a link to the Republicans in the last election who ran on cutting defense.

that makes no sense at all. Why would anyone in their right mind cut defense with all of the new threats we have today.

ISIS taking Northern Iraq
Russian aggression
Chinese expansion
Al Qaeda is growing again
Talliban is growing

See? At least you admit I was right.
Wrong. You said they wanted to increase defense spending. I argued that defense cuts now is simply irrational.

No, US interventionism and imperialism and playing world policeman is what is wrong.

So, again, which Republicans want to cut defense?
Amazing how the US got by just fine when we were not the world's protector..
We spent hundreds of billions in Haiti for 'humanitarian' purposes.
That was spent under the military budget.
What say you?

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller

No I think you guys are jerks for saying you want to control spending, but when there's an opportunity to do entitlement reform in exchange for new revenue that wouldn't hurt growth and would have 3-4 times more cuts than taxes .... you walk away from the table. The gop and teaparty no more want to control spending than Randian Paul wants vaccines.


you're so cute when exposed for the bullshit you post. LOL
that makes no sense at all. Why would anyone in their right mind cut defense with all of the new threats we have today.

ISIS taking Northern Iraq
Russian aggression
Chinese expansion
Al Qaeda is growing again
Talliban is growing

See? At least you admit I was right.
Wrong. You said they wanted to increase defense spending. I argued that defense cuts now is simply irrational.

No, US interventionism and imperialism and playing world policeman is what is wrong.

So, again, which Republicans want to cut defense?
Amazing how the US got by just fine when we were not the world's protector..
We spent hundreds of billions in Haiti for 'humanitarian' purposes.
That was spent under the military budget.
What say you?
They should have done like Washington did when the slaves of Haiti were rebelling, Washington loaned them 40k...
Cut 500 billion and you'll have a roughly balanced budget. Cut one trillion and you can start paying down the debt. Post cuts below and make sure to do the math:

There are three million non military federal employees. We don't need half of them. And the federal pension can go away. Federal workers should be on a 401k like plan just like everyone else.
Lets see.....Oh, there should be no....Dept of education. Education is a local matter. The states should be taking care of this. End all federal funding for public education,. Fire all federal bureaucrats and their staff.
Dept of housing and urban development.....More pork...Get rid of it. The federal government has no business being in the building maintenance business.
Federal grants for the arts? Please. If the public does not find certain so called art stimulating enough to spend their money to see/watch it, then I guess its not worth it.
Federal funding for mass transit....Dump it...If a city's mass transit cannot be made to operate efficiently and within a budget, the taxpayers should not be subsidizing it.
Small city airports. Again, the federal govt sees a need to funnel money into these small airports that have maybe 5 or 10 scheduled commercial flights per day....all because some US senator or house member needs a way to get to and from Washington....Too bad...Move closer to a larger city.
Cut all non defense related military spending. Sell off all non defense real estate holdings such as golf courses and other non essential to defense areas.
If it doesn't supply materiel, cut it.
Cut all salaries to elected members of congress and their staff members by one third. If a member of congress cannot live on $140k per year, tough. And their highest paid staffers making over $50k per year? Find a room mate if you cannot afford your own apartment.
DC is expensive because of the well above market rate wages.
Don't give me the ideology, give me the numbers?
You are demanding that I write a federal budget?
You are a presumptuous individual.
See? At least you admit I was right.
Wrong. You said they wanted to increase defense spending. I argued that defense cuts now is simply irrational.

No, US interventionism and imperialism and playing world policeman is what is wrong.

So, again, which Republicans want to cut defense?
Amazing how the US got by just fine when we were not the world's protector..
We spent hundreds of billions in Haiti for 'humanitarian' purposes.
That was spent under the military budget.
What say you?
They should have done like Washington did when the slaves of Haiti were rebelling, Washington loaned them 40k...
That's not an answer.
Repubs have cut defense thru sequester........ try to keep up

Sequestration was Obama's idea.
And sequestration did what?
According to democrats, the sky fell.
According to the Pentagon it was hurting them, the right is always claims that the military is mostly GOP members, so I guess some of the GOP voters in the Pentagon thought the sky was falling also...

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