Liberals upset over Trumps hat

despite the hysterics of the "triggered" tweakers, this thread is not about maxine waters or liberals.

once the thread gets past all the pathetic jokes, recognize that ETHICS COMMITTEE (which i cited above) actually acknowledges the fact that the commercial hat wearing isn't considered illegal, just generally unethical...

not to mention cheesy!

This is the only hat the deranged Left loves....*yuck* :mad-61:

Sure the complaint is silly. A more logical question being whatever happened to the days when it was considered bad etiquette to wear a hat indoors? I blame Kennedy.
despite the hysterics of the "triggered" tweakers, this thread is not about maxine waters or liberals.

once the thread gets past all the pathetic jokes, recognize that ETHICS COMMITTEE (which i cited above) actually acknowledges the fact that the commercial hat wearing isn't considered illegal, just generally unethical...

not to mention cheesy!


I bet you wore one of the pussy hats? Maybe it's the only way you can get someone to look at yours, so to speak.
Sure the complaint is silly. A more logical question being whatever happened to the days when it was considered bad etiquette to wear a hat indoors? I blame Kennedy.

I know but sadly, Kennedy never wore a hat. All the hat wearers in this world blame him for that.:p
Sure the complaint is silly. A more logical question being whatever happened to the days when it was considered bad etiquette to wear a hat indoors? I blame Kennedy.

My husband still does this, taught the kids it as well. (I think it's a military thing, my father was big on it too - though it didn't hit me often, I hate hats heh)
The loony Left is totally unhinged and unbalanced. :cuckoo:

And getting worse by the second.
And the left is saying that President Trump is insane and deranged. What morons they are

Yes, they project their own feelings and derangement to other people, in this case to the President.

That's what losers like them do. :dunno:

The Leftist Maniacs are going to completely implode soon, I would say perhaps a couple more months and it will be total implosion.

They collectively began their descent into borderline insanity nearly ten months ago, they are very near crossing the Rubicon into actual Clinical Insanity. The Leftist Maniacs are not great in number, like their Perpetual Victim Status Groups they drag around with them, they are a Fringe element.

There are hundreds of millions of normal sane people who are watching them and thinking WTF Lock These Nutbags Up or just start shooting the bastards and put them out of their misery.

Nobody should intervene to stop their implosion.

Old Chinese Proverb:

Never interrupt your enemy when they are headed off the cliff.
Wishful thinking. The Campus Commie Scum have connections.
Liberals claim Trump wearing his USA hat while visiting the hurricane damage in Houston is an ethics violation. They are calling it a campaign hat, and say it's against the law to wear it.. .... :cuckoo:

Heaven forbid our President should wear a hat with USA on the front and an American flag on the side. .... :cool:

I guess liberals think that they aren't citizens of the USA.....and I think a lot of their voters aren't.
not liberals, a bipartisan ethics committee.

Ethics group: Trump shouldn't wear campaign hat on trip to support Harvey victims

What has also received air time? The "Official USA 45th Presidential Hat," for sale by Trump's campaign for $40.

The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, points out that the president has been pictured wearing the hat, both in red and in white, in two official photos released by the White House. He wore the white version on his trip to Houston Tuesday.

"Even removed from the hurricane, it's pretty inappropriate," CREW spokesman Jordan Libowitz said.

The issue at play here is free advertising for Trump products, according to CREW.

Ethics group: Trump shouldn't wear campaign hat on trip to support Harvey victims

Will he be forgiven if he wears one BLUE? You know the color of the donkeys?
Liberals claim Trump wearing his USA hat while visiting the hurricane damage in Houston is an ethics violation. They are calling it a campaign hat, and say it's against the law to wear it.. .... :cuckoo:

Heaven forbid our President should wear a hat with USA on the front and an American flag on the side. .... :cool:


The reality is, when you start a war, people will fight back.
The hat was appropriate, CREW needs to be ignored on this subject.
This here is a good example of how rediculious the left has gotten on "symbols" and "hijacking of" - to example the racist fucks hijacking the confederate flag, nazi's hijacking the swastika, and now President Trump has supposedly "hijacked" USA hats. Completely rediculious. Next they're going to say that American flag lapel pins are "advertising" because Trump wore one while campaigning. ~SMH~
This is what libs did to Sarah Palin. She was sued because the label on a jacket she was wearing showed. She was sued over thank you notes. That's what drove her out of office. Her entire staff was doing nothing but reponding to endless papering by these lawsuits.

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