Liberals Who Are "Outraged" Over Roe v. Wade Reversal Couldn't Define "Woman" a Few Days Ago

The government didn’t take any rights away you moron. Just sent the decision back to the states where it always belonged. We don’t want to read any more of your nonsensical racist screeds either.
What about NY? They are entitle to make their own gun laws.
um you certainly did
This is my first post.

I think you right wing gun loving nutcases need to be quiet. You don't give a damn about human life after its born. Because you can't define a woman either. And posting illiteracy from crap like the federalist is why this country is swirling down the toilet. White right wing religious zealots are trying to return America to the days of the Puritans. What's next crazies? Burning people at the stake. Witch trials?

I did not say I could not define a woman. I said:

Because you can't define a woman either.

Which means YOU right wingers can't define a woman. I know what a female is. Do you?

Because you guys seem rather obsessed with gay and transgendered people. Myself, I say let them live in peace.
What about NY? They are entitle to make their own gun laws.
they are…their laws however can’t violate the US Constitution

look…these are big subjects…why don’t you tackle what a women is first? leave these difficult questions to the grown ups
This is my first post.

I did not say I could not define a woman. I said:

Because you can't define a woman either.

Which means YOU right wingers can't define a woman. I know what a female is. Do you?

Because you guys seem rather obsessed with gay and transgendered people. Myself, I say let them live in peace.

apparently you don’t define a women and project that on others
The other irony is that yourself of all people would support the Sanger vision. Unbelievable.
Actually, I don't. Sanger is dead. She died years before Roe. What I support is giving a woman any option but a clothes hanger. Margaret Sanger doesn't have a damn thing to do with this.
One huge difference between liberals in our day and liberals in the 1980s and 1990s is that nowadays liberals are increasingly godless and openly hostile to religion. This is why liberals in our day are going off the deep end on moral issues. This is why they are increasingly embracing perverse views that even most liberals in the '80s and '90s would have found repugnant.

In the '80s and '90s, the vast majority of liberals, probably 99% of them, would not have been caught dead arguing that children should be able to undergo transgender surgery without their parents' permission or that males who "self-identify" as females should be allowed to compete in female sports. In those days, most liberals respected people of faith and religious tradition, even though they did not attend church and were often immoral in their personal lives.
they are…their laws however can’t violate the US Constitution

look…these are big subjects…why don’t you tackle what a women is first? leave these difficult questions to the grown ups
I think she knows what a woman is. How about you quit repeating that silly comment. Because the grown ups know that you guys have not stopped abortions. What you have done is cause them to be performed underground by quacks or by women doing self abortions. So what you have worked for will now kill the woman and the child.
One huge difference between liberals in our day and liberals in the 1980s and 1990s is that nowadays liberals are increasingly godless and openly hostile to religion. This is why liberals in our day are going off the deep end on moral issues. This is why they are increasingly embracing perverse views that even most liberals in the '80s and '90s would have found repugnant.

In the '80s and '90s, the vast majority of liberals, probably 99% of them, would not have been caught dead arguing that children should be able to undergo transgender surgery without their parents' permission or that males who "self-identify" as females should be allowed to compete in female sports. In those days, most liberals respected people of faith and religious tradition, even though they did not attend church and were often immoral in their personal lives.
Bullshit. You right wingers know nothing about religion. You're a bunch of modern day Pharisees.
I think she knows what a woman is. How about you quit repeating that silly comment. Because the grown ups know that you guys have not stopped abortions. What you have done is cause them to be performed underground by quacks or by women doing self abortions. So what you have worked for will now kill the woman and the child.
um no she clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge on what makes the sexes
Wrong. I think she knows better what a woman is than your male ass.
nope she clearly showed she doesn’t

she think hormones make you male or female.

so like you, and apparently the dembot cult…you ignore science, facts, and reality
You dumb asses have just supported the beginning of the unelected rule by lifetime justices.

How exactly would the reversal of Roe and Casey be the beginning of a rule by unelected lifetime Justices ...
When it reversed the attempt by unelected Justices to Legislate from the bench, and put it back in the hands of elected officials in each State?

Actually, I don't. Sanger is dead. She died years before Roe. What I support is giving a woman any option but a clothes hanger. Margaret Sanger doesn't have a damn thing to do with this.
Sanger is dead but her vision is alive. Abortion was not banned. It was put in the hands of the States.
and most of republicans are angry.
Anger is rioting, looting, and defacing a city when the process does not go your way. The latest is not from Republicans:

The same liberals who are now screaming about "a woman's right to choose" supposedly being taken away are the same folks who could not even define "woman" just a few days earlier. In response to the Supreme Court's humane, moral decision to allow states to protect unborn children from execution, liberals are (temporarily?) abandoning their nutty PC term "menstruating people" and are using the normal terms "women" and "woman" in their protests.

Liberals celebrate the end of slavery in America, but they oppose emancipating unborn children from abortion. Liberals don't like to mention the fact that it was the Republican Party that ended slavery and the Democratic Party that fought ferociously to preserve it.

You keep using the term "liberal".

Actual liberalism involves protecting the weak against harm caused to them at the hands of the powerful. There is no greater harm one person can cause another than killing them and there is no greater disparity in degrees of power inherent in human interactions than that between adult and baby.

I would argue that a true LIBERAL would seek to protect the life of the child against the adult who only wants to kill it.

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