Liberals, Who Do You Think Provides the Kinds of Jobs You Say You Want?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Watching the latest liberal meltdown over tax reform that will allow our big businesses to keep more of their profits reminds me of the question that liberals don't like to answer: Liberals, who in the devil do you think provides the very kinds of jobs that you say you want everyone to have--you know, the jobs that pay good salaries, that have health insurance, that have paid vacation time, and that offer matching 401K retirement accounts? Who? BIG BUSINESSES, that's who! So why oh why do you oppose measures that will enable our big businesses to have more money available to expand, hire more people, open more offices, etc., etc.?

Do you realize that just about every think tank that studies American business supports lowering our insane corporate tax rate to make our companies more competitive globally and to give them more capital to expand?

Do you even know the basics of what's in the GOP tax reform legislation? Have you bothered to read anything about why our sky-high corporate income tax rate is hurting our big businesses and keeping tons of money overseas? Here:

Want to Help Small Business? Support Tax Reform

Bernie Marcus: Tax reform bills give small businesses plenty to be thankful for (article linked from The Hill)

GOP tax bill slashes taxes on Main Street: Can it keep the American dream alive?

There's a Lot to Like About Cutting Corporate Taxes (explains some of the benefits of lowering the corporate income tax rate)
Yeah it’ll all just trickle down. The massive income gap between the wealthiest and the rest of the country, that started during the last republican cash grab under Reagan, will surely start to correct itself.
Yeah it’ll all just trickle down. The massive income gap between the wealthiest and the rest of the country, that started during the last republican cash grab under Reagan, will surely start to correct itself.
------------------------------------------------------------ things were fine before Reagan but you mention Reagan . Things were fine during Reagan for me and every other blue collar family that i knew . My first thought about you liberals is that you don't know reality and that you are a jealous and envious sort of needy and whining people OldSchool . ------------- just a comment !!
I do agree wi the OP. Also I believe the middle class tax cut should be alot more than whatever is in the bill.more money in people's pockets doesn't hurt.
You see OP, the problem with liberals is that they do not understand reality. They think everything should be provided for them and have no idea who pays for things. If you think they do understand reality, just look at the 15 dollar minimum wage disaster. It has resulted in job losses everywhere it was put into place. And most places fell short of the actual 15 dollar rate.
Jobs that they want:

Where you don't have to work at all.
But still get the wages of the most hard working and intelligent (otherwise we would have unequality OMG!)

Only government theft can provide such jobs.
It's not "trickle down." It's expansion. Do you liberals just not care about economic fact, such as the fact that every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by a large hike in revenue and by economic growth? (When there were deficits afterward, it was only because the government raised spending too much.)

As for the "income gap," if the rich do indeed get richer but the middle class and the poor also get more money and see their lot improved, what is the problem? The "income gap" is no different from the "academic gap" and the "sports gap." There is usually a large difference between the elite and the average. Some people work harder and make better decisions than others, so they do better financially. Some people study harder than others, so they get much better grades than most others. It will always be like that. Some people practice their sport a lot more often than others and are born with certain natural athletic abilities, so they do far better in their sport than most others. It will always be like that. This is just a part of life.

John F. Kennedy addressed the rich-vs.-poor demagoguery by saying, "A rising tide lifts all boats." He said this as part of his advocacy for a massive tax cut for the rich, because he knew that letting job creators keep more of their profits would encourage them to expand their businesses and thus improve the lot of the poor and the middle class. Again, it's not "trickle down"--it's the economic law of gravity; higher profits go outward to expand, not downward.
Yeah it’ll all just trickle down. The massive income gap between the wealthiest and the rest of the country, that started during the last republican cash grab under Reagan, will surely start to correct itself.

Reagan's fault still huh? I guess that means all who followed are just plain incompetent. I wonder if Reagan recognizes how much power he still has over the American people and world?

Interesting how today's 1% of the 1% are primarily liberal punks with liberal ideology. Less the equal sharing of blessings of course.
Ordinary people aren't going to see that money. It's great if you're a 1% -er. Not so much if you're anyone else. Maybe you'll get enough for a trip out to Arby's once a week (while the rich are raking in millions they wouldn't have had otherwise).
Ordinary people aren't going to see that money. It's great if you're a 1% -er. Not so much if you're anyone else. Maybe you'll get enough for a trip out to Arby's once a week (while the rich are raking in millions they wouldn't have had otherwise).

And you get your "facts" from .....?
You see OP, the problem with liberals is that they do not understand reality. They think everything should be provided for them and have no idea who pays for things. If you think they do understand reality, just look at the 15 dollar minimum wage disaster. It has resulted in job losses everywhere it was put into place. And most places fell short of the actual 15 dollar rate.

Those minimum wage laws also cause prices to increase at places like Burger King.

The ones who regularly consume that kind of unhealthy shit are usually the lower-income people, and now they're paying more for their burgers, fries, and soft drinks.

Ironically many lower-income people are democrats who support laws like this. They end up paying more out of their wallets but they seem to be blind to this fact.
Ordinary people aren't going to see that money. It's great if you're a 1% -er. Not so much if you're anyone else. Maybe you'll get enough for a trip out to Arby's once a week (while the rich are raking in millions they wouldn't have had otherwise).

And you get your "facts" from .....?

The CBO. I believe a panel of non-partisan financial experts came to the same conclusion just before the vote, though I can't recall off the top of my head what they were called.

Pretty much every non-partisan analysis of this bill has had little good to say about it, with regard to the middle class. If you're rich I'm sure it's great for you, though. Though ... what isn't already?
The middle class is asked to bear the brunt again....nothing new in this so called great nation.
Watching the latest liberal meltdown over tax reform that will allow our big businesses to keep more of their profits reminds me of the question that liberals don't like to answer: Liberals, who in the devil do you think provides the very kinds of jobs that you say you want everyone to have--you know, the jobs that pay good salaries, that have health insurance, that have paid vacation time, and that offer matching 401K retirement accounts? Who? BIG BUSINESSES, that's who! So why oh why do you oppose measures that will enable our big businesses to have more money available to expand, hire more people, open more offices, etc., etc.?

Do you realize that just about every think tank that studies American business supports lowering our insane corporate tax rate to make our companies more competitive globally and to give them more capital to expand?

Do you even know the basics of what's in the GOP tax reform legislation? Have you bothered to read anything about why our sky-high corporate income tax rate is hurting our big businesses and keeping tons of money overseas? Here:

Want to Help Small Business? Support Tax Reform

Bernie Marcus: Tax reform bills give small businesses plenty to be thankful for (article linked from The Hill)

GOP tax bill slashes taxes on Main Street: Can it keep the American dream alive?

There's a Lot to Like About Cutting Corporate Taxes (explains some of the benefits of lowering the corporate income tax rate)

Let me HELP you along------->

1. Welfare recipients hire people, lolololol!

2. Illegals actually hire people, instead of screwing/killing Americans. Yeah sure!

3. We can hire the poor people, to cut our grass, and remove our snow. NO WE CAN'T! Ask the reverend, Jacksooooooooon!

4. Cutting corporate taxes help the rich? Sure it does, but it can also help the poor; which is why DEMOCRATS hate it. It ruins their narrative-)
Ordinary people aren't going to see that money. It's great if you're a 1% -er. Not so much if you're anyone else. Maybe you'll get enough for a trip out to Arby's once a week (while the rich are raking in millions they wouldn't have had otherwise).

And you get your "facts" from .....?

The CBO. I believe a panel of non-partisan financial experts came to the same conclusion just before the vote, though I can't recall off the top of my head what they were called.

Pretty much every non-partisan analysis of this bill has had little good to say about it, with regard to the middle class. If you're rich I'm sure it's great for you, though. Though ... what isn't already?

So, the CBO goes out to Arby's and talks to these folks?

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