Liberals Worst Nightmare - 100% Conservative SCOTUS

I find that if I hold the left click button on my mouse, while it is on a post, the post will stay there long enough for me to read, without the obnoxious video ad blocking out what I am trying to read. As long as I am typing in the reply box, every time I hit a key, the reply box comes back and the video ad move out for a split second. Most of the time, my default screen on this site is a video ad.
I find that if I hold the left click button on my mouse, while it is on a post, the post will stay there long enough for me to read, without the obnoxious video ad blocking out what I am trying to read. As long as I am typing in the reply box, every time I hit a key, the reply box comes back and the video ad move out for a split second. Most of the time, my default screen on this site is a video ad.
I've messaged the USMB admin about this many times. If enough people speak up, hopefully they will make a change... It is super annoying.
HISTORY would disagree with you. If the trend of this presidency continues the GOP is only going to have a 4 year stretch... The pendulum shift may be quicker than you realize.
I see it completely different. As time goes by, Trump gets stronger, not weaker, and the never-Trumpers will sell the outsourced stocks or invest in returned companies, and join the Trump train. As for liberals, they played their last cards. Much of their political power has rested on illegal aliens voting by the millions. With that erased by mass deportation, liberalism is a memory.
HISTORY would disagree with you. If the trend of this presidency continues the GOP is only going to have a 4 year stretch... The pendulum shift may be quicker than you realize.
I see it completely different. As time goes by, Trump gets stronger, not weaker, and the never-Trumpers will sell the outsourced stocks or invest in returned companies, and join the Trump train. As for liberals, they played their last cards. Much of their political power has rested on illegal aliens voting by the millions. With that erased by mass deportation, liberalism is a memory.
The problem is you need to get out of your own mind and view the situation with objectivity. I get my news from many different sources. I watch shows on Fox, CNN and Morning Joe. I listen to Levin and Hannity on conservative radio, and I watch my local news stations. I understand the narrative that the Trump supporters are pushing, that conservatives are pushing, and that the anti-Trumpsters are pushing... I know you only believe polls that work in your favor but the numbers don't lie. Look at Trumps approval numbers, there may be a margin of error in their accuracy but the trends reflect a closer reality. They have been trending down for a while now are are embarrassingly low. Trump is a good talker and he paints a picture of strength and victories, but that is not how most people see it. His credibility has taken a hit, and he has yet to prove a significant political victory. If the trends continue he is not going to get reelected
The problem is you need to get out of your own mind and view the situation with objectivity. I get my news from many different sources. I watch shows on Fox, CNN and Morning Joe. I listen to Levin and Hannity on conservative radio, and I watch my local news stations. I understand the narrative that the Trump supporters are pushing, that conservatives are pushing, and that the anti-Trumpsters are pushing... I know you only believe polls that work in your favor but the numbers don't lie. Look at Trumps approval numbers, there may be a margin of error in their accuracy but the trends reflect a closer reality. They have been trending down for a while now are are embarrassingly low. Trump is a good talker and he paints a picture of strength and victories, but that is not how most people see it. His credibility has taken a hit, and he has yet to prove a significant political victory. If the trends continue he is not going to get reelected
Oh, but the "numbers" most certainly DO LIE. Just like they lied during the campaign, when they laughably told us Hillary was going to win big. "Trends" ? LOL.

No, Trump's credibility has NOT taken any hits, other than the phony craps that the media tries to sucker us with. But that is just more of their BS. - like the Hillary TV commercials. remember them ? Don't tell me you fell for them too. If you did I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for you. :biggrin:

Sounds to me like you are saying what you WANT to believe, rather than anything remotely approaching objectivity.
Now that we seemingly have thrown in the towel on bipartisan cooperation, what is going to prevent the Dems from continuing to change the rules when they regain power so they can appoint a Liberal SCOTUS?

2nd Amendment.
Good point, why shouldn't the Dem's go nuclear on the second amendment and repeal it if they have consensus from their party? Or any other policy? Do you see how reckless and dangerous this, rule changing "nuclear option" is? Reid started it and it was a big mistake. If the Reps follow suit they are just as guilty.

Blame that on Harry Reid don't you dare point fingers at the Republicans, we warned you.
Now that we seemingly have thrown in the towel on bipartisan cooperation, what is going to prevent the Dems from continuing to change the rules when they regain power so they can appoint a Liberal SCOTUS?

2nd Amendment.
Good point, why shouldn't the Dem's go nuclear on the second amendment and repeal it if they have consensus from their party? Or any other policy? Do you see how reckless and dangerous this, rule changing "nuclear option" is? Reid started it and it was a big mistake. If the Reps follow suit they are just as guilty.

Blame that on Harry Reid don't you dare point fingers at the Republicans, we warned you.
I do blame Harry Reid and all who supported his actions, just as I blame the Reps and people like you who make excuses for them making the problem worse. Y'all are a bunch of hypocrites
The problem is you need to get out of your own mind and view the situation with objectivity. I get my news from many different sources. I watch shows on Fox, CNN and Morning Joe. I listen to Levin and Hannity on conservative radio, and I watch my local news stations. I understand the narrative that the Trump supporters are pushing, that conservatives are pushing, and that the anti-Trumpsters are pushing... I know you only believe polls that work in your favor but the numbers don't lie. Look at Trumps approval numbers, there may be a margin of error in their accuracy but the trends reflect a closer reality. They have been trending down for a while now are are embarrassingly low. Trump is a good talker and he paints a picture of strength and victories, but that is not how most people see it. His credibility has taken a hit, and he has yet to prove a significant political victory. If the trends continue he is not going to get reelected
Oh, but the "numbers" most certainly DO LIE. Just like they lied during the campaign, when they laughably told us Hillary was going to win big. "Trends" ? LOL.

No, Trump's credibility has NOT taken any hits, other than the phony craps that the media tries to sucker us with. But that is just more of their BS. - like the Hillary TV commercials. remember them ? Don't tell me you fell for them too. If you did I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for you. :biggrin:

Sounds to me like you are saying what you WANT to believe, rather than anything remotely approaching objectivity.
IM and not one to defend but let's be honest they were within the margin of error and Hillary won by 3 million votes. And as far as I'm concerned Trump does not have much credibility at all half the things he says are lies or blatant manipulation to the truth
The problem is you need to get out of your own mind and view the situation with objectivity. I get my news from many different sources. I watch shows on Fox, CNN and Morning Joe. I listen to Levin and Hannity on conservative radio, and I watch my local news stations. I understand the narrative that the Trump supporters are pushing, that conservatives are pushing, and that the anti-Trumpsters are pushing... I know you only believe polls that work in your favor but the numbers don't lie. Look at Trumps approval numbers, there may be a margin of error in their accuracy but the trends reflect a closer reality. They have been trending down for a while now are are embarrassingly low. Trump is a good talker and he paints a picture of strength and victories, but that is not how most people see it. His credibility has taken a hit, and he has yet to prove a significant political victory. If the trends continue he is not going to get reelected
Oh, but the "numbers" most certainly DO LIE. Just like they lied during the campaign, when they laughably told us Hillary was going to win big. "Trends" ? LOL.

No, Trump's credibility has NOT taken any hits, other than the phony craps that the media tries to sucker us with. But that is just more of their BS. - like the Hillary TV commercials. remember them ? Don't tell me you fell for them too. If you did I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for you. :biggrin:

Sounds to me like you are saying what you WANT to believe, rather than anything remotely approaching objectivity.
Its not the numbers that are lying... I'm not one to stand up for polls as i think they are way over used and over emphasized during campaigns. But the polls said that more people favored Clinton and 3 million more people voted for her. I believe all scientific polls were correct within the margin of error except for one or two states.

As for Trumps credibility... That is so far lost in the mud and just sinks deeper and deeper with each lie he tells. If you really think it hasn't taken a hit over the past few months then you are living in a fantasyland my friend.
Its not the numbers that are lying... I'm not one to stand up for polls as i think they are way over used and over emphasized during campaigns. But the polls said that more people favored Clinton and 3 million more people voted for her. I believe all scientific polls were correct within the margin of error except for one or two states.

As for Trumps credibility... That is so far lost in the mud and just sinks deeper and deeper with each lie he tells. If you really think it hasn't taken a hit over the past few months then you are living in a fantasyland my friend.
1. Hillary DID NOT win by 3 million votes. She lost the popular vote by millions, and this will be proven in the 2020 election, after millions of illegal alien voters are deported from the country, if proper steps are taken to prevent them from re-entering or voting from outside the US. I would guess this will happen.

2. As for the polls, they were a laughingstock, and you are showing yourself to be quite naive ( a common trait among liberals nowadays)

3. Trump's credibility is only being questioned by a minority of Americans, who voted for Hillary, who ran the most DIShonest campaign in US history. Look at all her lying TV ads.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.
It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.
So say you. You think anyone who is not of your particular thinking strays from the law. You know you have some fucked up thinking.
No, I think that anyone who is not of the Constitution's particular thinking, strays from the law. This has been demonstrated time and again through the course of U.S. jurisprudence.

One of us has "fucked up thinking", but it isn't me.

So you think that a bunch of old men sitting around on September 17, 1787 foresaw the year 2017 (like nostradamus) and said between drinks and peyote, certainly what we write and sign today will pertain to 330 million American's in 230 years from now. We just can't be wrong. It's just a matter of opinion and how it should be interpreted today.
Doesn't matter to me what the make up of the SCOTUS, what matter's to me if they stray from the law.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.

It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.

Too bad you and the other goons don't want to have a court that just does their job and upholds the laws. SCOTUS is not supposed to be biased.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.
It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.
So say you. You think anyone who is not of your particular thinking strays from the law. You know you have some fucked up thinking.
No, I think that anyone who is not of the Constitution's particular thinking, strays from the law. This has been demonstrated time and again through the course of U.S. jurisprudence.

One of us has "fucked up thinking", but it isn't me.

So you think that a bunch of old men sitting around on September 17, 1787 foresaw the year 2017 (like nostradamus) and said between drinks and peyote, certainly what we write and sign today will pertain to 330 million American's in 230 years from now. We just can't be wrong. It's just a matter of opinion and how it should be interpreted today.

Their only transportation was by horseback and the only light they had was by candle. But Thomas Jefferson was a man who could see around corners when he wrote that the Constitution was like a young boy who would outgrow his clothes and we must change our laws accordingly
For example >> Judge Robard straying from the law in negating Trump's Muslim ban, which only the president has power to do, not some dopey judge in Washington.
But the Million Dollar Question is 'How the hell is he getting away with it?' and 'why is he not being impeached for judicial over reach?'

I guess you need a lecture about this country's system of separation of powers ( so this country doesn't get stuck with another tyrant.)
I simply cannot believe Ginsburg didn't retire when Obama was reelected in 2012.

What a colossal blunder.
Its not the numbers that are lying... I'm not one to stand up for polls as i think they are way over used and over emphasized during campaigns. But the polls said that more people favored Clinton and 3 million more people voted for her. I believe all scientific polls were correct within the margin of error except for one or two states.

As for Trumps credibility... That is so far lost in the mud and just sinks deeper and deeper with each lie he tells. If you really think it hasn't taken a hit over the past few months then you are living in a fantasyland my friend.
1. Hillary DID NOT win by 3 million votes. She lost the popular vote by millions, and this will be proven in the 2020 election, after millions of illegal alien voters are deported from the country, if proper steps are taken to prevent them from re-entering or voting from outside the US. I would guess this will happen.

2. As for the polls, they were a laughingstock, and you are showing yourself to be quite naive ( a common trait among liberals nowadays)

3. Trump's credibility is only being questioned by a minority of Americans, who voted for Hillary, who ran the most DIShonest campaign in US history. Look at all her lying TV ads.
All three of your points are a complete joke. You have a sliver of truth in #3. Hillary was a very dishonest candidate, I don't make any excuses for her or her lies. I don't see how a rational person can acknowledge Trumps part in this as well. I've never seen a person outright lie as often as he did during the campaign and now continues to do in the White house. If you think Clinton was bad... She doesn't even hold a candle to Trump. How do you excuse that?
But the Million Dollar Question is 'How the hell is he getting away with it?' and 'why is he not being impeached for judicial over reach?'
I guess you need a lecture about this country's system of separation of powers ( so this country doesn't get stuck with another tyrant.)
Lol, that is funny.

The power to impeach rogue judges is in the Constitution, idiot.
Doesn't matter to me what the make up of the SCOTUS, what matter's to me if they stray from the law.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.

It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.

Too bad you and the other goons don't want to have a court that just does their job and upholds the laws. SCOTUS is not supposed to be biased.
They are supposed to be favor of the Constitution.

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