Liberals Worst Nightmare - 100% Conservative SCOTUS

Doesn't matter to me what the make up of the SCOTUS, what matter's to me if they stray from the law.
If they aren't conservative, then the judge will stray from the law. Leftwingers view judges are some kind of super legislator whose job is to rewrite laws to suit leftwing preferences.
Doesn't matter to me what the make up of the SCOTUS, what matter's to me if they stray from the law.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.

It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.

Too bad you and the other goons don't want to have a court that just does their job and upholds the laws. SCOTUS is not supposed to be biased.

So where does the Constitution say anything about it applying to foreigners not residing on American soil?
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.
It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.
So say you. You think anyone who is not of your particular thinking strays from the law. You know you have some fucked up thinking.
No, I think that anyone who is not of the Constitution's particular thinking, strays from the law. This has been demonstrated time and again through the course of U.S. jurisprudence.

One of us has "fucked up thinking", but it isn't me.

So you think that a bunch of old men sitting around on September 17, 1787 foresaw the year 2017 (like nostradamus) and said between drinks and peyote, certainly what we write and sign today will pertain to 330 million American's in 230 years from now. We just can't be wrong. It's just a matter of opinion and how it should be interpreted today.

Their only transportation was by horseback and the only light they had was by candle. But Thomas Jefferson was a man who could see around corners when he wrote that the Constitution was like a young boy who would outgrow his clothes and we must change our laws accordingly

He meant we should change it by using the amendment processes, not by scumbag leftwing judges simply changing the meaning of the words.
Doesn't matter to me what the make up of the SCOTUS, what matter's to me if they stray from the law.
That's sort of like saying I don't care if we let foxes into the hen house, I only care if they eat the chickens.

It matters a lot what the makeup of the Supreme Court is. Putting liberals on the bench is like letting foxes into the hen house. Never a good idea, because they are pretty much guaranteed to stray from the law.

Too bad you and the other goons don't want to have a court that just does their job and upholds the laws. SCOTUS is not supposed to be biased.
Which SCOTUS decisions do you think were made out of bias?
The Supreme Court of the United States just sided with President Trump in a landmark case the mainstream media hasn’t been reporting on.

On behalf of Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education, Trump’s legal team has petitioned the court to make America safer, starting with our children.

In a 5-3 decision that wasn’t a difficult interpretation of the constitution, the high court ruled that public schools in this country will NOT teach the tenets of Islam or Sharia law.

Students will learn about Islam in history, as they do Christianity and all other religions, only as it pertains to the time period they are studying.

This rolls back an Obama regulation that forced children to learn about the “peaceful” religion of Islam so they would be more tolerant of terrorists.

H/T Usapoliticstoday

The age of indoctrination is over. :boohoo:
The Supreme Court of the United States just sided with President Trump in a landmark case the mainstream media hasn’t been reporting on.

On behalf of Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education, Trump’s legal team has petitioned the court to make America safer, starting with our children.

In a 5-3 decision that wasn’t a difficult interpretation of the constitution, the high court ruled that public schools in this country will NOT teach the tenets of Islam or Sharia law.

Students will learn about Islam in history, as they do Christianity and all other religions, only as it pertains to the time period they are studying.

This rolls back an Obama regulation that forced children to learn about the “peaceful” religion of Islam so they would be more tolerant of terrorists.

H/T Usapoliticstoday

The age of indoctrination is over. :boohoo:
FACT CHECK: First Full Supreme Court Ruling in Over a Year Has Obama Furious
There will be liberal justices on the Supreme Court in the future and I don't think it will be 100% conservative. Not to mention you can, indeed, have a liberal interpretation of the Constitution and have it be compatible. To have an all conservative Supreme Court would not do any good.
Lol, the Last 8 Years Prove Your 1st and 2nd(Indeed) Sentence... As far as the 3rd Sentence, One can Only Hope...! :gs:
Conservatives may have the majority, but I wouldn't bank on an all conservative Supreme Court and justices don't always make decisions based on the party ideology of who appointed them either.

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