"Liberate Michigan"

I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!

The so-called "expert" models were way, way wrong. Americans see it and Americans can't be fooled.

So Americans are going to the beach, and Americans want to go back to work.

Not much more complicated than that, really.
The conservative media was way, way wrong

They told us this was a mere flu
They told us warm weather would make it go away
They told us to believe what Trump was saying

I want to tell you something in all seriousness.

You Talking Points Spewers have picked your side and it's going to doom you in November. Just like Bill Maher said, Americans HATE negative messages. And Democrats have thrown in with Endless Quarantine, Pro-Virus, Nothing Will Ever Be the Same.

Oh listen. Good luck with that.

Let me tell you something

This crisis is the worst this country has faced in 80 years. It is a time that screams for leadership. The person you chose to be our leader is spewing misinformation on a daily basis, engaging in petty feuds with governors and the press, encouraging civil dispute.

The country is tired of his act and will let him know in November

This is worse than WW2.

Wow that is REALLY how running scared they have you guys. Insane, really, crazy insane.

Alllll right then
Worst since WWII

Rejected. We are also done with Leftist Puritans telling us what we NEED to do
I am an American. I have liked some presidents and disliked others. But this guy is a traitor and he poses a definite threat to the U.S. as a whole. It is astonishing that his followers wrap themselves up in the U.S. flag (as well as confederate traitor flags and nazi flags) and symbols of the Christian faith, yet truly aim to destroy our country.
It is frightening.

And it truly hurts, too. No matter what nation a person lives in, they are taught loyalty to it. I was raised to pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. I was raised Christian in a Christian family and I was taught to respect the religions of others. I was raised to be a loyal member of our community. When I was little, the adults raised money for a children's charity and an envelop was passed from door to door so that people put their money in and delivered it to the neighbors, all on the honor system. We went trick-or-treating with boxes for the UN children's fund.

trump and his followers are dedicated to tearing this all down and leaving nothing but chaos in its place. There is nothing sacred to them; not the nation, not the various religions adhered to by millions of our fine Americans, not the fellowship that we have with our neighbors. This is chilling.

BTW: I live in Virginia. This bastard better not try to cross the Potomac River.
Their loyalty is to themselves. The cult of ME !!

I remember from history (not born yet) the way the UK united in solidarity during the blitz. Everybody in together. Everybody doing their part. Even (then) Princess Elizabeth worked in the motor pool, did she not? Now we face, and everybody faces across the world, a crisis that again requires "all hands on deck." That we Americans have to cope with this crisis without a national leader who can honestly unite us is almost too much to take. This is not a time to blame it all on the opposition party and hold up relief checks so that one's name can appear on it.
Those days are gone. The royal scrounger family have all bolted to their country mansions and left the people to suffer.
We both lack leadership and its a toss up who has the worst. The world desperately needs America to step forward and show some leadership through this. Not going to happen under this clown. He kills thousands of Americans every day and these cretins cheer for him like performing seals.

No, Tommy. No. For the past 15+ years, all you whiners and anti-Americans have done is run us into the ground, sneered and derided us. Now we're supposed to "step up and show leadership"?

Screw you. You're on your own. You STILL don't get it, do you?
We never said America was not great

That is your chosen leader
I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!
While I would agree with most of what you are saying I think you are missing one thing here. Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them. In fact in most cases they would be farther apart then the so called social distancing of six feet.
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.

TDS thread 1,412.

Yes, you are correct....you are nowhere near anything except a dumbass when it comes to the U.S. Constitution.

Please spend more time narcing on your neighbors and less time looking stupid on this board.
Governors in most cases, but for xhe sake of discussion, Michigan specifically have emergency powers authorities written in their state Constitution. When the morons learn they can and will be charged criminally, pay huge fines, face imprisonment and lose their 2nd Amendment rights for being convicted felons they will slink off and disappear.
By all means throw these people in the dungeons for expressing their Constitutionally guaranteed
rights to assemble peaceably and air their grievances!

Can't have citizens expressing their dissatisfaction with a government that is drunk with the extralegal power a
pandemic has given them. Disagreeing with your inept governor makes the corona virus all the stronger!
What do these people think this is? America, or something?
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I am an American. I have liked some presidents and disliked others. But this guy is a traitor and he poses a definite threat to the U.S. as a whole. It is astonishing that his followers wrap themselves up in the U.S. flag (as well as confederate traitor flags and nazi flags) and symbols of the Christian faith, yet truly aim to destroy our country.
It is frightening.

And it truly hurts, too. No matter what nation a person lives in, they are taught loyalty to it. I was raised to pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. I was raised Christian in a Christian family and I was taught to respect the religions of others. I was raised to be a loyal member of our community. When I was little, the adults raised money for a children's charity and an envelop was passed from door to door so that people put their money in and delivered it to the neighbors, all on the honor system. We went trick-or-treating with boxes for the UN children's fund.

trump and his followers are dedicated to tearing this all down and leaving nothing but chaos in its place. There is nothing sacred to them; not the nation, not the various religions adhered to by millions of our fine Americans, not the fellowship that we have with our neighbors. This is chilling.

BTW: I live in Virginia. This bastard better not try to cross the Potomac River.
Their loyalty is to themselves. The cult of ME !!

I remember from history (not born yet) the way the UK united in solidarity during the blitz. Everybody in together. Everybody doing their part. Even (then) Princess Elizabeth worked in the motor pool, did she not? Now we face, and everybody faces across the world, a crisis that again requires "all hands on deck." That we Americans have to cope with this crisis without a national leader who can honestly unite us is almost too much to take. This is not a time to blame it all on the opposition party and hold up relief checks so that one's name can appear on it.
Those days are gone. The royal scrounger family have all bolted to their country mansions and left the people to suffer.
We both lack leadership and its a toss up who has the worst. The world desperately needs America to step forward and show some leadership through this. Not going to happen under this clown. He kills thousands of Americans every day and these cretins cheer for him like performing seals.

No, Tommy. No. For the past 15+ years, all you whiners and anti-Americans have done is run us into the ground, sneered and derided us. Now we're supposed to "step up and show leadership"?

Screw you. You're on your own. You STILL don't get it, do you?
We never said America was not great

That is your chosen leader
Sue equates America with Trump. She is limited in her thinking and cant imagine that they are two very different things.
Governors in most cases, but for xhe sake of discussion, Michigan specifically have emergency powers authorities written in their state Constitution. When the morons learn they can and will be charged criminally, pay huge fines, face imprisonment and lose their 2nd Amendment rights for being convicted felons they will slink off and disappear.
By all means throw these people in the dungeons for expressing their Constitutionally guaranteed
rights to assemble peaceably and air their grievances!

Can't have citizens expressing their dissatisfaction with a government that is drunk with the extralegal power a
pandemic has given them.
What do these people think this is? America, or something?
We are a nation of laws. Our society depends on people following laws. If you do not like laws there are ways of changing them. Civil disobedience is one way, but civil disobedience means being willing to suffer the consequences of breaking laws. Otherwise, you are simply promoting anarchy.
Governors in most cases, but for xhe sake of discussion, Michigan specifically have emergency powers authorities written in their state Constitution. When the morons learn they can and will be charged criminally, pay huge fines, face imprisonment and lose their 2nd Amendment rights for being convicted felons they will slink off and disappear.
By all means throw these people in the dungeons for expressing their Constitutionally guaranteed
rights to assemble peaceably and air their grievances!

Can't have citizens expressing their dissatisfaction with a government that is drunk with the extralegal power a
pandemic has given them. Disagreeing with your inept governor makes the corona virus all the stronger!
What do these people think this is? America, or something?
It’s a pandemic. The country has long held that if your behavior puts others at risk, it can rightfully be abridged.

The only thing these protests do is prolong the need for the thing they’re protesting against
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.

Food & supplies are needed regardless, just a question of where they are going.

Aside from the misfortune of winding up in Jersey, I haven't had any contact with anyone to buy gas in years.
He is declaring war on some States. He is sending in his army of dumbasses to protest & foment violence. He threatens the governors. Her blames them for his disastrous actions on this virus.

He goes on TV at prime time every night & lies about the virus & lies about his actions.

Every day, they talk about the lies, exagerations & inaccuracies of the previousday virus briefing. He is deliberately misleading his supporters so they refuse to follow guidelines and even gather in groups to proterst.
Its beyond belief at this stage. We watch in horrified fascination. I suspect that the US will survive this a, at least I hope it does.
Is it "horrified fascination" because Trump's moving ahead with the necessary steps to get the US economy up and going again, Tommy? The US WILL survive this but that will only happen if healthy people stop hiding in their homes and return to work. Trump will lead that effort and he'll be resisted by the Left because they desperately want the economy to stay in the toilet for another six months.

So here's how this is going to play out! Red States...led by Republican Governors...are going to open their economies first and slowly but surely things will regain a version of normality. Blue States...led by Democratic Governors will drag their feet for as long as they can on the reopening of their economies. In the five months leading up to the election...Red States are going to be prospering once again and Blue States are going to be lagging way behind! So who do you think THAT helps come November, Tommy? How many blue collar people and independents in Blue States do you think will be looking at what their leadership didn't do to save their jobs and their lives savings and vote for a Democrat?
There are protests in New Jersey. Now we can liberate New Jersey as well. There have been protests in California. Liberate California. Liberate the country. Remove every Democrat.
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.
Governors in most cases, but for xhe sake of discussion, Michigan specifically have emergency powers authorities written in their state Constitution. When the morons learn they can and will be charged criminally, pay huge fines, face imprisonment and lose their 2nd Amendment rights for being convicted felons they will slink off and disappear.
Wretched Gretchen undoubtedly is looking at the end of her political career. If she tries removing rights from citizens the next Republican governor will just restore them.

She wants to be vice president. I sincerely hope the DNC makes that decision.
He is declaring war on some States. He is sending in his army of dumbasses to protest & foment violence. He threatens the governors. Her blames them for his disastrous actions on this virus.

He goes on TV at prime time every night & lies about the virus & lies about his actions.

Every day, they talk about the lies, exagerations & inaccuracies of the previousday virus briefing. He is deliberately misleading his supporters so they refuse to follow guidelines and even gather in groups to proterst.
Its beyond belief at this stage. We watch in horrified fascination. I suspect that the US will survive this a, at least I hope it does.
Is it "horrified fascination" because Trump's moving ahead with the necessary steps to get the US economy up and going again, Tommy? The US WILL survive this but that will only happen if healthy people stop hiding in their homes and return to work. Trump will lead that effort and he'll be resisted by the Left because they desperately want the economy to stay in the toilet for another six months.

So here's how this is going to play out! Red States...led by Republican Governors...are going to open their economies first and slowly but surely things will regain a version of normality. Blue States...led by Democratic Governors will drag their feet for as long as they can on the reopening of their economies. In the five months leading up to the election...Red States are going to be prospering once again and Blue States are going to be lagging way behind! So who do you think THAT helps come November, Tommy? How many blue collar people and independents in Blue States do you think will be looking at what their leadership didn't do to save their jobs and their lives savings and vote for a Democrat?
Everything will hinge on whether there is an uptick in COVID-19 in the places where mitigation is reduced and how much the uptick is. It's a gamble some are willing to take and some are not. I am not willing the gamble my kids' health and lives with the little evidence and data currently available and warnings from medical experts.

You can't expect or demand people to gamble on their children's lives.
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This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.

Looks like Michigan would be perfect for you, you could get a job reporting everyone that leaves home.
I am an American. I have liked some presidents and disliked others. But this guy is a traitor and he poses a definite threat to the U.S. as a whole. It is astonishing that his followers wrap themselves up in the U.S. flag (as well as confederate traitor flags and nazi flags) and symbols of the Christian faith, yet truly aim to destroy our country.
It is frightening.

And it truly hurts, too. No matter what nation a person lives in, they are taught loyalty to it. I was raised to pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. I was raised Christian in a Christian family and I was taught to respect the religions of others. I was raised to be a loyal member of our community. When I was little, the adults raised money for a children's charity and an envelop was passed from door to door so that people put their money in and delivered it to the neighbors, all on the honor system. We went trick-or-treating with boxes for the UN children's fund.

trump and his followers are dedicated to tearing this all down and leaving nothing but chaos in its place. There is nothing sacred to them; not the nation, not the various religions adhered to by millions of our fine Americans, not the fellowship that we have with our neighbors. This is chilling.

BTW: I live in Virginia. This bastard better not try to cross the Potomac River.
Their loyalty is to themselves. The cult of ME !!

I remember from history (not born yet) the way the UK united in solidarity during the blitz. Everybody in together. Everybody doing their part. Even (then) Princess Elizabeth worked in the motor pool, did she not? Now we face, and everybody faces across the world, a crisis that again requires "all hands on deck." That we Americans have to cope with this crisis without a national leader who can honestly unite us is almost too much to take. This is not a time to blame it all on the opposition party and hold up relief checks so that one's name can appear on it.
Those days are gone. The royal scrounger family have all bolted to their country mansions and left the people to suffer.
We both lack leadership and its a toss up who has the worst. The world desperately needs America to step forward and show some leadership through this. Not going to happen under this clown. He kills thousands of Americans every day and these cretins cheer for him like performing seals.

No, Tommy. No. For the past 15+ years, all you whiners and anti-Americans have done is run us into the ground, sneered and derided us. Now we're supposed to "step up and show leadership"?

Screw you. You're on your own. You STILL don't get it, do you?
We never said America was not great

That is your chosen leader
I just remembered, the Red Coats actually we’re coming on this date in 1775.

Paul Revere’s Ride
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807-1882

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
He said to his friend, “If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch
Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,—
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country-folk to be up and to arm.”
Then he said “Good night!” and with muffled oar
Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
Just as the moon rose over the bay,
Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
The Somerset, British man-of-war:
A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
Across the moon, like a prison-bar,
And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
By its own reflection in the tide.........
He is declaring war on some States. He is sending in his army of dumbasses to protest & foment violence. He threatens the governors. Her blames them for his disastrous actions on this virus.

He goes on TV at prime time every night & lies about the virus & lies about his actions.

Every day, they talk about the lies, exagerations & inaccuracies of the previousday virus briefing. He is deliberately misleading his supporters so they refuse to follow guidelines and even gather in groups to proterst.
Its beyond belief at this stage. We watch in horrified fascination. I suspect that the US will survive this a, at least I hope it does.
Is it "horrified fascination" because Trump's moving ahead with the necessary steps to get the US economy up and going again, Tommy? The US WILL survive this but that will only happen if healthy people stop hiding in their homes and return to work. Trump will lead that effort and he'll be resisted by the Left because they desperately want the economy to stay in the toilet for another six months.

So here's how this is going to play out! Red States...led by Republican Governors...are going to open their economies first and slowly but surely things will regain a version of normality. Blue States...led by Democratic Governors will drag their feet for as long as they can on the reopening of their economies. In the five months leading up to the election...Red States are going to be prospering once again and Blue States are going to be lagging way behind! So who do you think THAT helps come November, Tommy? How many blue collar people and independents in Blue States do you think will be looking at what their leadership didn't do to save their jobs and their lives savings and vote for a Democrat?
But you do not know who is healthy or not. People who appear to be healthy may be carrying the virus. You do not know who is healthy because you do not test enough people.
So you let potentially sick people into the population and encourage them to mix with healthy people. You spread the virus, kill more people and set the economy back even further.
This is just desperation on Trumps part and people are going to die because of it.
We are a nation of laws. Our society depends on people following laws. If you do not like laws there are ways of changing them. Civil disobedience is one way, but civil disobedience means being willing to suffer the consequences of breaking laws. Otherwise, you are simply promoting anarchy.
I don't see anarchy breaking out in America. Where do you see it?
And what laws are broken by socially distanced people standing in public with placards and US flags
expressing disdain for the way their governor has handled this so called crisis?

Here's a hint, spanky...people die every single year from differing strains of influenza viruses.
Only this year has it been decreed people should be locked down in their own homes, young healthy or not
in an absolutely indiscriminate fashion.

Usually we quarantine the sick during a public health emergency.
This year everyone is presumed to be infected until proven otherwise when every single other year in our history it's accepted as an unfortunate fact of life that people will die during flu season.

So this has been "socialized" public health care this time. Everyone will be treated as if they were a carrier
and the nation as a whole will suffer as a result.
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I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!
While I would agree with most of what you are saying I think you are missing one thing here. Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them. In fact in most cases they would be farther apart then the so called social distancing of six feet.
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.
So you are saying that these same people are not going out to buy groceries or fuel or even toilet paper? Sorry not only do I call that BS but I will say that is likely one of the dumbest posts all week.
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

Darker than the obvious stupidity of some douche bag obsessing endlessly about the US while his own little country has so many problems of its own to worry about? Hard to believe.

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