"Liberate Michigan"

Trump nutters are the science deniers. Trump nutters and Tea Baggers. Everyone knows that.

Tump nutters, Tea Baggers, Anti-Vaxxers, Flat-Earthers. All cut from the same flawed mold.

Democrats are fine with science. They even approve of science being taught in schools.
Speaking of science deniers crazy angry leftists, like yourself, want everyone to curl up in a ball in their homes and stay there while the nation shuts down (and this may be why they want everyone in lock down making
the entire nation an internment camp).
But science shows that sunlight, uv rays, can kill corona virus germs. How UV light may protect us from the coronavirus

So why shouldn't people be out and about fighting disease rather than hiding in your cave prolonging
it? I mean, if you believe in science.
They did that in Italy. And they did that in NYC. It's not working out so well. 500+ people died yesterday in NY.

But I'm fine if the anti-virusers want to gather together in a southern state. Shake hands, touch your face, lick the doorknobs. Get yourselves infected and ride it out in the sunshine. Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid-19, have it notarized and go for it! You've got nothing to worry about.

Arkansas could work, they don't have statewide stay at home orders.
It is my obligation to not cough on you
It’s not my obligation to assure that no one else does via Everybody being locked up.
They did that in Italy. And they did that in NYC. It's not working out so well. 500+ people died yesterday in NY.

But I'm fine if the anti-virusers want to gather together in a southern state. Shake hands, touch your face, lick the doorknobs. Get yourselves infected and ride it out in the sunshine. Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid-19, have it notarized and go for it! You've got nothing to worry about.

Arkansas could work, they don't have statewide stay at home orders.
You dear foolish person, people are without jobs and hope ALL over the nation. Not just in the South
though you seem to have fetishized your hate for that region (I don't live there, by the way).
That's your hang up.

People riding the NY subways are not dropping dead and the protesters in Michigan didn't all get the
corona virus and all those dump kids partying in Florida on Spring Break have not all become sick.

Could it possibly be you are wrong about the Covid 19 virus pandemic? Yes, lots of people have died
but they seem to be, almost without exception, older people with pre existing health problems of their

Maybe instead of following error riddled projections and keeping everyone in lock down we should have put the most vulnerable people in quarantine to start (which is what we do every flu season) and let the healthy people go on with the business of living their lives.

Lots of people die every flu season. It's a natural cycle. Maybe you didn't know.
They did that in Italy. And they did that in NYC. It's not working out so well. 500+ people died yesterday in NY.

But I'm fine if the anti-virusers want to gather together in a southern state. Shake hands, touch your face, lick the doorknobs. Get yourselves infected and ride it out in the sunshine. Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid-19, have it notarized and go for it! You've got nothing to worry about.

Arkansas could work, they don't have statewide stay at home orders.
You dear foolish person, people are without jobs and hope ALL over the nation. Not just in the South
though you seem to have fetishized your hate for that region (I don't live there, by the way).
That's your hang up.

People riding the NY subways are not dropping dead and the protesters in Michigan didn't all get the
corona virus and all those dump kids partying in Florida on Spring Break have not all become sick.

Could it possibly be you are wrong about the Covid 19 virus pandemic? Yes, lots of people have died
but they seem to be, almost without exception, older people with pre existing health problems of their

Maybe instead of following error riddled projections and keeping everyone in lock down we should have put the most vulnerable people in quarantine to start (which is what we do every flu season) and let the healthy people go on with the business of living their lives.

Lots of people die every flu season. It's a natural cycle. Maybe you didn't know.
I don't like stupid red state voters. The south votes red. It's why they always rank at the bottom in education and healthcare and always at the top in poverty rates.

And they don't learn. But you misunderstood. I don't care where you live. The point is you can gather in the south and freely infect yourselves without too much government interference.

Covid-19 is not the seasonal flu, which we have a vaccine for, btw. And I'm not going to argue further about that because your position is ignorant and contrary to what doctors and scientists are telling us. Even Trump, idiot that he is, understands the difference. He just doesn't care if people get sick and die because his election is more important and this virus is interfering.

Lots of people have died, lots more will die. I hope they are all Trump nutters. They deserve nothing less.

And it won't be me who is wrong about this virus. I am listening to the doctors and scientists. They will be the ones proved right or wrong. I am not a doctor.
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Quest for perfect health=end of perfect freedom
Health addicts-we are not responsible for your well being at the greater expense of our freedom
Here's an idea -

Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid19 document, have it notarized and carry it on your person. Then do whatever the fuck you want. Shake hands, touch your face, go to Walmart and lick your shopping cart.

Healthcare workers should not be responsible for your idiot choice to ignore the doctors and epidemiologists.
Then you and your smoking, obese, drinking pals are to be required to sign a waiver. You are not to be treated for anything. We are not responsible for your idiocy.
Don't smoke, don't drink, never had a weight problem and don't live in the deep south so I've had access to good healthcare all my life.

You are projecting, bless your heart.
You would be wrong. Obviously the point went right over your head. And I’ll guarantee I’m in a hell of a lot better shape than you.
When I see the same avatar on three consecutive posts I don't read any of them because the poster obviously has a severe case of Alzheimer's and forgets he/she/it has already posted the same shit several times immediately before.

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