"Liberate Michigan"

Quest for perfect health=end of perfect freedom
Health addicts-we are not responsible for your well being at the greater expense of our freedom
Here's an idea -

Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid19 document, have it notarized and carry it on your person. Then do whatever the fuck you want. Shake hands, touch your face, go to Walmart and lick your shopping cart.

Healthcare workers should not be responsible for your idiot choice to ignore the doctors and epidemiologists.
I never signed off on relinquishing my freedom to healthcare people who don’t know if 2 million or 60K will die.
Stay quaking in your cellar, you need not fret about me because I’m not worried about me, stay locked up and pontificate-you are most likely already on the dole so doing nothing is your comfort zone.

I am not a bit worried about you. I am worried about my daughter who is a doctor. Selfish assholes like yourself put her, and others like her, in danger because you can't stay put for TWO FUCKING MONTHS. Talk about a big fucking crybaby, look in the mirror.
You value health above freedom. I don’t. Your daughter chose the profession she chose and, once again. I am not responsible for her choices nor am I responsible to do what you think Might be in her best interests.

Let me guess, you're one of those old fat fucks who will end up on a ventilator because of his own stupidity.

This right here is why people don't like selfish assholes such as yourself.

You liberals have built yourselves a glorious platform for Election 2020. Can't wait to see how it plays out for you
Me either

We get to run against an economy that is in the dumps and tens of thousands of people dying and a President lying through his teeth.

Your quarantine put the economy in the dumps. You did it, and now you want to blame Trump for it.

No dice
Quest for perfect health=end of perfect freedom
Health addicts-we are not responsible for your well being at the greater expense of our freedom
Here's an idea -

Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid19 document, have it notarized and carry it on your person. Then do whatever the fuck you want. Shake hands, touch your face, go to Walmart and lick your shopping cart.

Healthcare workers should not be responsible for your idiot choice to ignore the doctors and epidemiologists.
I never signed off on relinquishing my freedom to healthcare people who don’t know if 2 million or 60K will die.
Stay quaking in your cellar, you need not fret about me because I’m not worried about me, stay locked up and pontificate-you are most likely already on the dole so doing nothing is your comfort zone.

I am not a bit worried about you. I am worried about my daughter who is a doctor. Selfish assholes like yourself put her, and others like her, in danger because you can't stay put for TWO FUCKING MONTHS. Talk about a big fucking crybaby, look in the mirror.
You value health above freedom. I don’t. Your daughter chose the profession she chose and, once again. I am not responsible for her choices nor am I responsible to do what you think Might be in her best interests.

Let me guess, you're one of those old fat fucks who will end up on a ventilator because of his own stupidity.

This right here is why people don't like selfish assholes such as yourself.

You liberals have built yourselves a glorious platform for Election 2020. Can't wait to see how it plays out for you
Me either

We get to run against an economy that is in the dumps and tens of thousands of people dying and a President lying through his teeth.

Your quarantine put the economy in the dumps. You did it, and now you want to blame Trump for it.

No dice
My quarantine?

The whole world is in quarantine. Somehow, Republicans blame Democrats as they look to trade lives for profit
My quarantine?

The whole world is in quarantine. Somehow, Republicans blame Democrats as they look to trade lives for profit
Did you mean trade lives for economic survival? Because that would be much more accurate and less
partisan and inflammatory.
You tell some family with no money coming in and kids to feed and a roof to keep over their heads
they are just being greedy "republicans" because they need to go back to work.

Don't be surprised if they spit in your stupid face!
This is a great practice for the socialism that these Libtards demand. Shortages and strict government control.
Quest for perfect health=end of perfect freedom
Health addicts-we are not responsible for your well being at the greater expense of our freedom
Here's an idea -

Sign a Do Not Treat for Covid19 document, have it notarized and carry it on your person. Then do whatever the fuck you want. Shake hands, touch your face, go to Walmart and lick your shopping cart.

Healthcare workers should not be responsible for your idiot choice to ignore the doctors and epidemiologists.
I never signed off on relinquishing my freedom to healthcare people who don’t know if 2 million or 60K will die.
Stay quaking in your cellar, you need not fret about me because I’m not worried about me, stay locked up and pontificate-you are most likely already on the dole so doing nothing is your comfort zone.

I am not a bit worried about you. I am worried about my daughter who is a doctor. Selfish assholes like yourself put her, and others like her, in danger because you can't stay put for TWO FUCKING MONTHS. Talk about a big fucking crybaby, look in the mirror.
You value health above freedom. I don’t. Your daughter chose the profession she chose and, once again. I am not responsible for her choices nor am I responsible to do what you think Might be in her best interests.

Let me guess, you're one of those old fat fucks who will end up on a ventilator because of his own stupidity.

This right here is why people don't like selfish assholes such as yourself.

You liberals have built yourselves a glorious platform for Election 2020. Can't wait to see how it plays out for you
Me either

We get to run against an economy that is in the dumps and tens of thousands of people dying and a President lying through his teeth.

Your quarantine put the economy in the dumps. You did it, and now you want to blame Trump for it.

No dice
he's ecstatic about that.
My quarantine?

The whole world is in quarantine. Somehow, Republicans blame Democrats as they look to trade lives for profit
Did you mean trade lives for economic survival? Because that would be much more accurate and less
partisan and inflammatory.
You tell some family with no money coming in and kids to feed and a roof to keep over their heads
they are just being greedy "republicans" because they need to go back to work.

Don't be surprised if they spit in your stupid face!
Like the Texas Lt Governor who said old people have a duty to die to protect their grandchildren’s jobs?
This is a great practice for the socialism that these Libtards demand. Shortages and strict government control.
Looks like Trump is the one resorting to Socialism with him in charge
Health worker responding to protests to loosen virus protections


These workers are risking their lives on a daily basis only to have protestors complaining restrictions are too tough
Protesting is the most American thing you can do, until someone protests something you agree with.
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.
Live free or die! Go Trump! 306 to 232!
One video of the protest showed a woman in a USA shirt leaning out of the passenger window of a pickup truck and shouting at the health workers. She was holding a sign that said, "Land of the Free".
"Land of the free. Go to China if you want communism," she said to the person standing in front of her.

Imagine telling a person who risks their life every day fighting a virus and is told........

Go to China
Health worker responding to protests to loosen virus protections

View attachment 325819

These workers are risking their lives on a daily basis only to have protestors complaining restrictions are too tough

Good. They have the right to protest also.

What they do not have the right to do is prevent others from doing so or block roadways. That's going to end in a bad situation at some point if we see more of it, IMO.

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