"Liberate Michigan"

I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!
While I would agree with most of what you are saying I think you are missing one thing here. Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them. In fact in most cases they would be farther apart then the so called social distancing of six feet.
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.
So you are saying that these same people are not going out to buy groceries or fuel or even toilet paper? Sorry not only do I call that BS but I will say that is likely one of the dumbest posts all week.
I'm responding the the statement as written -

"Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them."

Simply not true. Depending on where the cabin is located, their giant SUV will require at least one tank of gas, probably more.

They'll need a trip to the grocery store.

Probably a trip to Walmart to stock up on ammo in case any libs try to invade.

20 miles into the trip, Liddle' Tiffany will need to pee.

40 miles in, Meemaw will get thirsty demand to stop for a Big Gulp.

45 miles in Meemaw needs to pee. Meemaw refuses to pee on the side of the road. Meemaw's a real bitch so you're gonna have to stop.

You get the picture. The best laid plans.

They're putting all kinds of people at risk because their feelings are hurt that they can't go play on the lake, or play at their cabin in the woods.
So you think that simply because they are doing something in a diffrent place that they are putting more people in danger. Yet somehow you skip over the fact that they are doing those same things while at home. That little fifteen hundred foot cabin uses less resources compared to the large house but there might be a slight chance that they might run across someone and infect them instead of the normal people they come in contact with.

I really wonder how many of today's people would have gotten of the ships during DDay.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Some of the comments here just go to show how easily the public can be duped through nonstop fearmongering and propaganda. When people are in a state of fear and panic, they don’t think rationally, just the opposite happens. The PTSB know that fear/panic works every time to get people to willingly surrender their rights and freedom, and go along with whatever preplanned agenda they have ready to roll out. Which is why they always must have a “crisis” or ”emergency” to achieve their agendas. Once again, Problem – Reaction - Solution.

I am glad to see that more and more Americans are fed up with the tyrannical insanity or waking up to what is actually going on.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Right now, they are saying don’t travel with minimal exceptions. I have a second home in MD that I haven’t seen in over a month. Not much I can do about it but wait it out.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Right now, they are saying don’t travel with minimal exceptions. I have a second home in MD that I haven’t seen in over a month. Not much I can do about it but wait it out.
Again, how is it added risk?
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Right now, they are saying don’t travel with minimal exceptions. I have a second home in MD that I haven’t seen in over a month. Not much I can do about it but wait it out.
Again, how is it added risk?
In the absence of a vaccine and an abundance of test kits, the risk is having people of unknown status out and about touching things and spreading germs to all kinds of nasty places
I am an American. I have liked some presidents and disliked others. But this guy is a traitor and he poses a definite threat to the U.S. as a whole. It is astonishing that his followers wrap themselves up in the U.S. flag (as well as confederate traitor flags and nazi flags) and symbols of the Christian faith, yet truly aim to destroy our country.
It is frightening.

And it truly hurts, too. No matter what nation a person lives in, they are taught loyalty to it. I was raised to pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. I was raised Christian in a Christian family and I was taught to respect the religions of others. I was raised to be a loyal member of our community. When I was little, the adults raised money for a children's charity and an envelop was passed from door to door so that people put their money in and delivered it to the neighbors, all on the honor system. We went trick-or-treating with boxes for the UN children's fund.

trump and his followers are dedicated to tearing this all down and leaving nothing but chaos in its place. There is nothing sacred to them; not the nation, not the various religions adhered to by millions of our fine Americans, not the fellowship that we have with our neighbors. This is chilling.

BTW: I live in Virginia. This bastard better not try to cross the Potomac River.
Their loyalty is to themselves. The cult of ME !!

I remember from history (not born yet) the way the UK united in solidarity during the blitz. Everybody in together. Everybody doing their part. Even (then) Princess Elizabeth worked in the motor pool, did she not? Now we face, and everybody faces across the world, a crisis that again requires "all hands on deck." That we Americans have to cope with this crisis without a national leader who can honestly unite us is almost too much to take. This is not a time to blame it all on the opposition party and hold up relief checks so that one's name can appear on it.

The Nazis were a credible threat to everyone.

Your virus is a bust, dearheart, and Americans can see it, sorry

Which Americans? Go back to blowing skanky frankie.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Right now, they are saying don’t travel with minimal exceptions. I have a second home in MD that I haven’t seen in over a month. Not much I can do about it but wait it out.
Again, how is it added risk?
In the absence of a vaccine and an abundance of test kits, the risk is having people of unknown status out and about touching things and spreading germs to all kinds of nasty places

Driving from your home to a second home that is empty is a risk how?
Why does Trump want to encourage revolt in the middle of a pandemic?

He is supposed to provide leadership. Encourage people to make sacrifices for the good of all. Make people understand why we need strict rules
Trump IS providing leadership. You just don't like the leadership he is providing. Liberate Michigan. Liberate Kentucky, Virginia. Turn New Jersey red.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there

Going to your second home in the state and staying there doesn’t create added risk. If you go to a store for groceries and they have those fake nails, how is hat added risk?
Right now, they are saying don’t travel with minimal exceptions. I have a second home in MD that I haven’t seen in over a month. Not much I can do about it but wait it out.
Again, how is it added risk?
In the absence of a vaccine and an abundance of test kits, the risk is having people of unknown status out and about touching things and spreading germs to all kinds of nasty places

Driving from your home to a second home that is empty is a risk how?
You are not home

Easier to not have a thousand reasons for people to be out and about. Stay home

Easiest guidance
Why does Trump want to encourage revolt in the middle of a pandemic?

He is supposed to provide leadership. Encourage people to make sacrifices for the good of all. Make people understand why we need strict rules
Trump IS providing leadership. You just don't like the leadership he is providing. Liberate Michigan. Liberate Kentucky, Virginia. Turn New Jersey red.
That is exactly what s wrong with Trumps lack of leadership

His inability to provide consistent guidance. He should be backing his governors and saying we are all in this together. Not advocating insurrection against rules meant to keep the public safe.
I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!
While I would agree with most of what you are saying I think you are missing one thing here. Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them. In fact in most cases they would be farther apart then the so called social distancing of six feet.
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.
So you are saying that these same people are not going out to buy groceries or fuel or even toilet paper? Sorry not only do I call that BS but I will say that is likely one of the dumbest posts all week.
I'm responding the the statement as written -

"Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them."

Simply not true. Depending on where the cabin is located, their giant SUV will require at least one tank of gas, probably more.

They'll need a trip to the grocery store.

Probably a trip to Walmart to stock up on ammo in case any libs try to invade.

20 miles into the trip, Liddle' Tiffany will need to pee.

40 miles in, Meemaw will get thirsty demand to stop for a Big Gulp.

45 miles in Meemaw needs to pee. Meemaw refuses to pee on the side of the road. Meemaw's a real bitch so you're gonna have to stop.

You get the picture. The best laid plans.

They're putting all kinds of people at risk because their feelings are hurt that they can't go play on the lake, or play at their cabin in the woods.
So you think that simply because they are doing something in a diffrent place that they are putting more people in danger. Yet somehow you skip over the fact that they are doing those same things while at home. That little fifteen hundred foot cabin uses less resources compared to the large house but there might be a slight chance that they might run across someone and infect them instead of the normal people they come in contact with.

I really wonder how many of today's people would have gotten of the ships during DDay.

The governor is not afraid of visiting a second home. She is afraid of the freedom being exercised. Freedom is contagious. It is far more contagious than the virus.
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.

Wow....do you smoke weed before you post crap like that?

The only ones working against the United States are the democrat party members of the press, the democrat party congressional members and the democrat party members in the states.........they want the economy crushed....it gives them power.........and they actually have violent thugs already working for them in antifa........

There are also likely anti-Trumpers at the CDC and the NIH who helped promote the lockdown....
Why does Trump want to encourage revolt in the middle of a pandemic?

He is supposed to provide leadership. Encourage people to make sacrifices for the good of all. Make people understand why we need strict rules
Trump IS providing leadership. You just don't like the leadership he is providing. Liberate Michigan. Liberate Kentucky, Virginia. Turn New Jersey red.
That is exactly what s wrong with Trumps lack of leadership

His inability to provide consistent guidance. He should be backing his governors and saying we are all in this together. Not advocating insurrection against rules meant to keep the public safe.
He's the president. He cannot advocate insurrection. Insurrection is what is being exercised against him. The democrat governors are in sedition. When a politician is seditious against a duly elected head of state it is the right and duty of the people to oppose that tyranny.

And that is why this is rapidly developing into a very bitter civil war.
Actually, having the nation on lockdown is “woe”
People need to be aware of the dangers of the virus and how easy it spreads. In the absence of a vaccine, separation is the only remedy.
The President blowing sunshine up peoples asses and telling them to revolt against regulations is not a solution.

Quick: how long does a vaccine for a coronavirus usually take to develop?
This seems to be something darker than the obvious stupidity on display.

An impotent Pres stirring up the gutter dwellers in his base to take direct and potentially life threatening action against fellow citizens.

I am not an expert on the US constitution but I am aware that some things are at the remit of the Pres and some things under control of the States. Tweeting anarchy is not a role that can be assigned to any of the players.

It looks like Trump has found a new weapon in his heroic fight for re-election. He has a private army of idiots at his command and able to bring the country to its knees.

The President is actively working against the interests of Americans and unless he reins in his loony mates there will be blood on the streets.

Trump is pushing the country to its limits.

Wow....do you smoke weed before you post crap like that?

No way. He does NOT come up with something that stupid on pot...not even cheap ditch weed.

Dried horse shit dosed with LSD, maybe.
Why does Trump want to encourage revolt in the middle of a pandemic?

He is supposed to provide leadership. Encourage people to make sacrifices for the good of all. Make people understand why we need strict rules
Trump IS providing leadership. You just don't like the leadership he is providing. Liberate Michigan. Liberate Kentucky, Virginia. Turn New Jersey red.
That is exactly what s wrong with Trumps lack of leadership

His inability to provide consistent guidance. He should be backing his governors and saying we are all in this together. Not advocating insurrection against rules meant to keep the public safe.
He's the president. He cannot advocate insurrection. Insurrection is what is being exercised against him. The democrat governors are in sedition. When a politician is seditious against a duly elected head of state it is the right and duty of the people to oppose that tyranny.

And that is why this is rapidly developing into a very bitter civil war.
What is the matter with our President?

Can’t he get along with anyone? We need national and international cooperation right now. Not petty infighting with the governors, media, Obama, China, WHO
Actually, having the nation on lockdown is “woe”
People need to be aware of the dangers of the virus and how easy it spreads. In the absence of a vaccine, separation is the only remedy.
The President blowing sunshine up peoples asses and telling them to revolt against regulations is not a solution.

Quick: how long does a vaccine for a coronavirus usually take to develop?
Quick......what does “in the absence of a vaccine” mean?

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