"Liberate Michigan"

It’s a pandemic. The country has long held that if your behavior puts others at risk, it can rightfully be abridged.

The only thing these protests do is prolong the need for the thing they’re protesting against
Okay. Prove the Michigan protestors put anyone at risk through their actions.
Still waiting for the first protestor to go to the hospital due to holding up a placard on a street corner.
He is declaring war on some States. He is sending in his army of dumbasses to protest & foment violence. He threatens the governors. Her blames them for his disastrous actions on this virus.

He goes on TV at prime time every night & lies about the virus & lies about his actions.

Every day, they talk about the lies, exagerations & inaccuracies of the previousday virus briefing. He is deliberately misleading his supporters so they refuse to follow guidelines and even gather in groups to proterst.
Its beyond belief at this stage. We watch in horrified fascination. I suspect that the US will survive this a, at least I hope it does.
Is it "horrified fascination" because Trump's moving ahead with the necessary steps to get the US economy up and going again, Tommy? The US WILL survive this but that will only happen if healthy people stop hiding in their homes and return to work. Trump will lead that effort and he'll be resisted by the Left because they desperately want the economy to stay in the toilet for another six months.

So here's how this is going to play out! Red States...led by Republican Governors...are going to open their economies first and slowly but surely things will regain a version of normality. Blue States...led by Democratic Governors will drag their feet for as long as they can on the reopening of their economies. In the five months leading up to the election...Red States are going to be prospering once again and Blue States are going to be lagging way behind! So who do you think THAT helps come November, Tommy? How many blue collar people and independents in Blue States do you think will be looking at what their leadership didn't do to save their jobs and their lives savings and vote for a Democrat?
But you do not know who is healthy or not. People who appear to be healthy may be carrying the virus. You do not know who is healthy because you do not test enough people.
So you let potentially sick people into the population and encourage them to mix with healthy people. You spread the virus, kill more people and set the economy back even further.
This is just desperation on Trumps part and people are going to die because of it.
Anyone healthy is potentially sick. We can't allow healthy people who are potentially sick to mix with healthy people who might be potentially sick themselves.

Where have we heard this before? Oh yes. College campuses where twit girls believe themselves potential rape victims and want all the potential rapists removed.

Testing does not work and cannot work. A test is a snapshot. Someone testing negative can test positive in the next hour.
We are a nation of laws. Our society depends on people following laws. If you do not like laws there are ways of changing them. Civil disobedience is one way, but civil disobedience means being willing to suffer the consequences of breaking laws. Otherwise, you are simply promoting anarchy.
I don't see anarchy breaking out in America. Where do you see it?
And what laws are broken by socially distanced people standing in public with placards and US flags
expressing disdain for the way their governor has handled this so called crisis?

Here's a hint, spanky...people die every single year from differing strains of influenza viruses.
Only this year has it been decreed people should be locked down in their own homes, young healthy or not
in an absolutely indiscriminate fashion.

Usually we quarantine the sick during a public health emergency.
This year everyone is presumed to be infected until proven otherwise.
You are delusional and in denial. Proresrors were not practicing social distancing. The Michigan Constitution gives the Governor authority for declaring an emergency and limiting public assemblies. People who may have caught the virus will depend on taxpayer funds and resources for treating them.
Why does Trump want to encourage revolt in the middle of a pandemic?

He is supposed to provide leadership. Encourage people to make sacrifices for the good of all. Make people understand why we need strict rules
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
You are delusional and in denial. Proresrors were not practicing social distancing.
You aren't referring to the same demonstrations I saw. It's up to you to prove otherwise.

The Michigan Constitution gives the Governor authority for declaring an emergency and limiting public assemblies.
Provided social distancing is followed I don't see anything in the guidelines Fauci and Trump established that would outlaw people using their Constitutionally guaranteed rights to protest.
I certainly didn't see the Michigan governor specifically ban such a thing beforehand.

People who may have caught the virus will depend on taxpayer funds and resources for treating them.
That's bullshit! You have a bad habit of simply making sweeping generalities that in no way
reflect reality.
I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!

The so-called "expert" models were way, way wrong. Americans see it and Americans can't be fooled.

So Americans are going to the beach, and Americans want to go back to work.

Not much more complicated than that, really.
The conservative media was way, way wrong

They told us this was a mere flu
They told us warm weather would make it go away
They told us to believe what Trump was saying
Conservative? The news sources aren’t liberal or conservative, the are left wing and right wing. No principles, they go with their base.
It’s a pandemic. The country has long held that if your behavior puts others at risk, it can rightfully be abridged.

The only thing these protests do is prolong the need for the thing they’re protesting against
Okay. Prove the Michigan protestors put anyone at risk through their actions.
Still waiting for the first protestor to go to the hospital due to holding up a placard on a street corner.
Are you unaware of how a contagious disease spreads?

By gathering in large groups.

Why ask such a ridiculous question?
Are you unaware of how a contagious disease spreads?

By gathering in large groups.

Why ask such a ridiculous question?
Only an infected person can spread a disease. You haven't remotely demonstrated that anyone at the Michigan rally was infected. You are working on a false premise and you are the one who asked a ridiculous question.
Not me.

Still waiting for the lap dog presstitutes to report on the person now stricken with the corona virus due to
being at the Michigan freedom rally. You know they'd love to do it!
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Are you unaware of how a contagious disease spreads?

By gathering in large groups.

Why ask such a ridiculous question?
Only an infected person can spread a disease. You haven't remotely demonstrated that anyone at the Michigan rally was infected. You are working on a false premise and you are the one who asked a ridiculous question.
Not me.

Still waiting for the lap dog presstitutes to report on the person now stricken with the corona virus due to
being at the Michigan freedom rally.

That’s where the risk comes in. We don’t know who has it since we know that there are asymptomatic carriers. This isn’t rocket science.
I understand the protests against tyranny. I understand fighting against being told you have to stay home.

What I don't get is why those idiots have to be told to stay home. The experts, and I mean real experts in virology and communicative diseases, have said the best way to prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed is to stay home and practice social distancing. I'm not talking about Dr Phil here, but people who work at the CDC ect.

Those people screaming about being told what to do are threatening American lives. Why aren't they willing to stay home on their own? Why is the gov't forced to tell them they HAVE to stay home.

Spring breakers wanted to go to the beach. They did and there was a surge in COVID-19 cases.
South Dakota refused to quarantine, and now they are a new hotspot for COVID-19 cases.
How many of those people who decided attending church services were more important than listening to experts are now sick?

These spoiled little assholes demand that they be able to go to the bar, go boating on the lake, play at the beach.

And they take this shit back to people who have compromised immune system. To the elderly.

And they want to call that patriotic? Patriots like that are killing people. American citizens!
While I would agree with most of what you are saying I think you are missing one thing here. Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them. In fact in most cases they would be farther apart then the so called social distancing of six feet.
Just straight to the cabin. No stops required for gas or food supplies or anything else at all? No contact with any other person that is not immediate family? Bullshit.
So you are saying that these same people are not going out to buy groceries or fuel or even toilet paper? Sorry not only do I call that BS but I will say that is likely one of the dumbest posts all week.
I'm responding the the statement as written -

"Most of them are upset that they can not go out on a lake, can not go to cabins that they have in the woods. Both of these do not require anyone but immediate family around them."

Simply not true. Depending on where the cabin is located, their giant SUV will require at least one tank of gas, probably more.

They'll need a trip to the grocery store.

Probably a trip to Walmart to stock up on ammo in case any libs try to invade.

20 miles into the trip, Liddle' Tiffany will need to pee.

40 miles in, Meemaw will get thirsty demand to stop for a Big Gulp.

45 miles in Meemaw needs to pee. Meemaw refuses to pee on the side of the road. Meemaw's a real bitch so you're gonna have to stop.

You get the picture. The best laid plans.

They're putting all kinds of people at risk because their feelings are hurt that they can't go play on the lake, or play at their cabin in the woods.
That’s where the risk comes in. We don’t know who has it since we know that there are asymptomatic carriers. This isn’t rocket science.
So by your illogic we should lock up everyone in a town where a bank has been robbed because we have no idea who did it. Brilliant!

The fact is disease is an unfortunate part of being alive and we can't protect everyone, man, woman, child or even animal, from the effects of viruses.
And apart from good health habits and vaccines already available we have employed, we have never before completely shut down activity in our nation in an attempt to avoid the consequences of what is a completely natural and reoccurring pattern of sickness and health.

Everyone takes a small risk just walking out his front door every day. I do. Everyone does. And I accept this risk
and it hasn't stopped me from going to the store, for instance.

So okay, we have put hundreds of business' out of business, hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs and savings and millions of lives have been put on hold in a limbo that may repeat this cycle next year
if we don't learn from our mistakes now.
Let's just accept we can't stay frozen in place and wait for a perfect disease free environment when
everyone will mercifully be released from an effective quarantine which doesn't really exist anyway.

Government already admits not everything can come to a screeching halt: Grocery stores are still open, gas stations, Walmart, the mail still gets delivered every day by a postal drone who, for all you know, may
be leaving behind the corona virus on every single piece of mail he handles every day.
Yet we accept all this....we are living in an idiotic make believe virus free bubble!
Let's end this farce and let people get on with their lives.
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That’s where the risk comes in. We don’t know who has it since we know that there are asymptomatic carriers. This isn’t rocket science.
So by your illogic we should lock up everyone in a town where a bank has been robbed because we have no idea who did it. Brilliant!

The fact is disease is an unfortunate part of being alive and we can't protect everyone, man, woman, child or even animal, from the effects of viruses.
And apart from good health habits and vaccines already available we have employed, we have never before completely shut down activity in our nation in an attempt to avoid the consequences of what is a completely natural and reoccurring pattern of sickness and health.

Everyone takes a small risk just walking out his front door every day. I do. Everyone does. And I accept this risk
and it hasn't stopped me from going to the store, for instance.

So okay, we have put hundreds of business' out of business, hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs and savings and millions of lives have been put on hold in a limbo that may repeat this cycle next year
if we don't learn from our mistakes now.
Let's just accept we can't stay frozen in place and wait for a perfect disease free environment when
everyone will mercifully be released from an effective quarantine which doesn't really exist anyway.

Government already admits not everything can come to a screeching halt: Grocery stores are still open, gas stations, the mail still gets delivered every day, ect.
Let's end this farce and let people get on with their lives.
Robbing a bank is not a contagious disease.

Stop being so selfish. There are lives at stake.
Robbing a bank is not a contagious disease.
I forgot how stupid you were and how you always fixate on exactly the wrong point in a simple analogy.

Holding everyone hostage for the actions of one or two people is the point. Putting an entire nation on lock down because a very tiny percentage of people have the corona virus is the thing you cannot discern
because you are as dumb AF!

An intelligent public health approach would have been to identify the people most vulnerable to this disease
and quarantine them (instead of everyone everywhere) and then be prepared to stamp out all the little outbreaks when they occur by quickly quarantining other cases as need be.

Stop being so selfish. There are lives at stake.
Why don't you tell that to the small business owners who have been ruined by shutting down their only source of income? Tell the countless number of people thrown out of work sitting at home with no money coming in not to be selfish.

You are the sort of selfish dimwitted dick who would put the lives of hundreds of millions of people
in limbo instead of proactively identifying the people with health problems to begin with and seeing
they are quarantined, if need be.
I forgot how stupid you were and how you always fixate on exactly the wrong point in a simple analogy.

Holding everyone hostage for the actions of one or two people is the point. Putting an entire nation on lock down because a very tiny percentage of people have the corona virus is the thing you cannot discern
because you are as dumb AF!
It’s a stupid analogy. Just stupid. It makes no sense and is completely worthless.

The more people who congregate the more widespread the disease gets. We aren’t keeping the country locked down because a very tiny percentage has Coronavirus, we are keeping the country locked to KEEP it a tiny percentage of the population.

This isn’t a punishment. It’s protecting people. You’re looking at this backwards.
Freedom is scary.
It really isnt. Freedom is living without fear.

You can’t drive to an empty property you own, you can’t drive just to drive, you can’t go boating, hell, you can’t buy the cheap nails you put on yourself, can’t buy any non-essential item, can’t advertise non-essential items, it is not freedom.

I understand why we are doing this, however there are ways to do this and talking down to the people that elected you. The rhetoric from some governors and mayors is just making the situation worse.
It’s a question of....can we go half way and still be safe?

Right now, they are saying
Stay home, don’t go anywhere and they are removing temptations
As soon as they open something up.....people flock there
It’s a stupid analogy. Just stupid. It makes no sense and is completely worthless.
Oh yeah, and I also forgot how you never offer a rationale that makes any sense to discredit
the analogy you claim is "worthless".

You just call something stupid and double down on never established points in the first place that
are false and pernicious.

The more people who congregate the more widespread the disease gets.
Then why does Walmart stay open in Michigan? Why do grocery stores still let people
through their doors? The fact is some crowds are recognized as an acceptable risk.
The only reason this relatively tiny gathering in Lansing, Michigan is boo-hooed is because
an outbreak of freedom of thought is feared more by the governor than the Covid 19 virus.

Why does the Post Office still go door to door there
passing around mail that is potentially teeming with corona virus germs? Why is boating deemed
safe yet boating with an outboard motor is verboten by governor Whitmer? Why are the purchase
of seeds banned under her reign of illogical rule? Why is mowing your lawn banned?

This isn't sensible governance! It's lunacy with no logical reason for being.

We aren’t keeping the country locked down because a very tiny percentage has Corona virus, we are keeping the country locked to KEEP it a tiny percentage of the population.

This isn’t a punishment. It’s protecting people. You’re looking at this backwards.
The cure is worse than the disease, goober.
Tens of thousands of people die every year from flu season in this country. Not once have we
closed down the nation and brought economic misery and hardship to so many innocent people
because of it. But you think it's a good idea.

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