Liberty, Democracy, and Envy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --" Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

2. The document was understood at the time not to promise equality of condition.
Equality, as an abstract, was modified by the American idea of reward according to achievement, and a reverence for private property.
Unfortunately, said concept has been modified with the growth of modern liberalism, and the ‘egalitarian’ impulse that fuels it. We have witnessed the constant expansion into areas in which equality of sorts is seen as desirable and/or mandatory.

a. Now, we proceed into the shadowy world of unintended consequences.... The intuitive deTocqueville wrote:

" In a democracy private citizens see a man of their own rank in life, who rises from that obscure position, and who becomes possessed of riches and of power in a few years; the spectacle excites their surprise and their envy, and they are led to inquire how the person who was yesterday their equal is to-day their ruler. To attribute his rise to his talents or his virtues is unpleasant; for it is tacitly to acknowledge that they are themselves less virtuous and less talented than he was. They are therefore led (and not unfrequently their conjecture is a correct one) to impute his success mainly to some one of his defects; and an odious mixture is thus formed of the ideas of turpitude and power, unworthiness and success, utility and dishonor."
Tocqueville, "Democracy in America," chapter VIII

3. Well, in a democracy, once a portion of the electorate views the success of another, and compares same to himself, it begins ".. to impute [own lack of] success mainly to some one of his defects; and an odious mixture is thus formed of the ideas of turpitude and power, unworthiness and success, utility and dishonor"...and this is the very explanation of "Occupy Wall Street," they appeal to those in power ready to ignore right and wrong, laws, and tradition, and pander to the envious.

a. Everyone, it seems, wants to believe that he is just as good as the next guy, and in a democracy, the government adds its authority by the ‘leveling’ process.

“But what his heart whispers to him, and the law proclaims, the society around him incessantly denies: certain people are richer, more powerful than he, others are reputed to be wiser, more intelligent. The contradiction between social reality and the combined wishes of his heart and the law, therefore incites and nourishes a devouring passion in everyone: the passion for equality. It will never cease until social reality is made to conform with his and the law’s wishes.”
Pierre Manent, “An Intellectual History of Liberalism,” p. 107-8.

Of course, there are curs who see this flaw of human nature as their path to power.....they practice, successfully, 'Identity Politics,' based on stirring up enmity between people, and pandering.
Sadly, it works.

4. “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.”
Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

Envy is one of those human characteristics which should be held in check. But when 'democracy' looks the other way, and accepts it, it becomes the basis for governmental action.
There are those who insist on the rich not earning more, to be taxed more. But also they insist that the poor be made able to attain position of wealth; the exact position they say is the cause of poverty among the poor. So, how can a poor person attain wealth without being condemned for being rich and being deemed a cause of the poorness he once experienced?
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
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This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?

You're slipping, PC. You're arguing against yourself. You quote opposition sources ("liberals") to defend your premises.

John Locke provided his beliefs, but I am not compelled to abide by those ideas. There are plenty of opposing views as well. You may as well cite Marx.
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?

You're slipping, PC. You're arguing against yourself. You quote opposition sources ("liberals") to defend your premises.

John Locke provided his beliefs, but I am not compelled to abide by those ideas. There are plenty of opposing views as well. You may as well cite Marx.

"You may as well cite Marx."

Why already did.
I do envy guys with bigger third legs than I, but as far as anything else. It's all in relationship to what you want to make in your life. I gave up on massive consumerism and dollar worship in the 1990's. Minimalism is an easier way to live...
As far as you thinking that equality is universal? It can be since we don't have the social constricts the Founders had to deal with and unfortunately did not allow all to be free and equal in the US because of slavery, racism, bigotry and religious censorship and peer pressure by the non-seculars...
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...
5. Why should we think of ‘equality’ in the economic sense?

Cultural elites and intellectuals, such as Christopher Lasch, state that “economic inequality is intrinsically undesirable…Luxury is morally repugnant, and its incompatibility with democratic ideals, moreover, has been consistently recognized in the traditions that shape our political culture…[A] moral condemnation of great wealth must inform any defense of the free market, and that moral condemnation must be backed up with effective political action.”
Christopher Lasch, “The Revolt of the Elites, and the Betrayal of Democracy,” p. 22

Extension of this view changes democracy into socialism: the political ‘one person, one vote,’ becomes the economic mandate of socialism.

a. Since one cannot see any objective harm done to the less wealthy by another’s greater wealth, the explanation for the ‘economic equality imperative’ can only be envy.
The resentment of luxury in another is evil, in that there is no benefit to depriving others with no gain to ourselves. What is the satisfaction of seeing the better off lessened?

b. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.”
Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

I don't believe that any of the Liberal elites who champion such equality actually believe it.....isn't it obvious, when Obama cashes the checks he received for the books he 'wrote'?

The real question is, how stupid are the supporters of the Democrat Party who actually believe the propaganda???

Ever see Joe Biden;s house?
Value: $2,968,000
Joe Biden 8217 s House Endures the Media Swarm 8211 Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats Celebrity Real Estate and Zillow News


Almost as much as my place!
Last edited:
I do envy guys with bigger third legs than I, but as far as anything else. It's all in relationship to what you want to make in your life. I gave up on massive consumerism and dollar worship in the 1990's. Minimalism is an easier way to live...
As far as you thinking that equality is universal? It can be since we don't have the social constricts the Founders had to deal with and unfortunately did not allow all to be free and equal in the US because of slavery, racism, bigotry and religious censorship and peer pressure by the non-seculars...

Do you envy those of us with bigger IQs?

Them's a whole lot of envy's!!!
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?
I do envy guys with bigger third legs than I, but as far as anything else. It's all in relationship to what you want to make in your life. I gave up on massive consumerism and dollar worship in the 1990's. Minimalism is an easier way to live...
As far as you thinking that equality is universal? It can be since we don't have the social constricts the Founders had to deal with and unfortunately did not allow all to be free and equal in the US because of slavery, racism, bigotry and religious censorship and peer pressure by the non-seculars...

Do you envy those of us with bigger IQs?

Them's a whole lot of envy's!!!
No, cause the ones with higher IQ's are letting them go to waste, plus them being so smart they have never heard of humility...
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?
I do envy guys with bigger third legs than I, but as far as anything else. It's all in relationship to what you want to make in your life. I gave up on massive consumerism and dollar worship in the 1990's. Minimalism is an easier way to live...
As far as you thinking that equality is universal? It can be since we don't have the social constricts the Founders had to deal with and unfortunately did not allow all to be free and equal in the US because of slavery, racism, bigotry and religious censorship and peer pressure by the non-seculars...

Do you envy those of us with bigger IQs?

Them's a whole lot of envy's!!!
No, cause the ones with higher IQ's are letting them go to waste, plus them being so smart they have never heard of humility...

Funny you should mention that....

I've always felt that what the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?'d get in the same way you got into college....

...with a crowbar at 3 in the morning.
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?
I do envy guys with bigger third legs than I, but as far as anything else. It's all in relationship to what you want to make in your life. I gave up on massive consumerism and dollar worship in the 1990's. Minimalism is an easier way to live...
As far as you thinking that equality is universal? It can be since we don't have the social constricts the Founders had to deal with and unfortunately did not allow all to be free and equal in the US because of slavery, racism, bigotry and religious censorship and peer pressure by the non-seculars...

Do you envy those of us with bigger IQs?

Them's a whole lot of envy's!!!
No, cause the ones with higher IQ's are letting them go to waste, plus them being so smart they have never heard of humility...

Funny you should mention that....

I've always felt that what the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
If you haven't been humiliated as a genius, you've never been married...
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?'d get in the same way you got into college....

...with a crowbar at 3 in the morning.
Screwdrivers work as well...I hated living in the dorms...
This is actually a good piece. The problem, though, is that you assume certain qualifications to establish metrics--in this case, productivity. Not everyone subscribes to that as a measure of a human's worth. As a right wing capitalist, you assume these things exist as a component of some kind of "natural law." That is an error in thinking. The world you describe is only the world as you see it--nothing more, nothing less.

One stark example is your concept of "property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense. If ownership was a natural law, it couldn't be usurped by bankruptcy, insurrection, disaster, or mortality.

1. "... as a measure of a human's worth.
What one earns has nothing to do with their worth as a human being.
Conflating the two is what makes one a Liberal.

Obama selected a czar to lead healthcare, who praises the British system...
"NICE had set a general limit of £30,000, or about $49,000, on the cost of extending life for a year.? much is your life worth?

2. "..."property rights." It can be argued that nothing is "owned" by anyone--it is merely controlled in a temporary sense."

These are the words of an imbecile.
Are you an imbecile?

"OCCUPY WALL STREET GENIUS SAYS HE’S AGAINST “PRIVATE” PROPERTY, NOT “PERSONAL” PROPERTY... because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan."
Occupy Wall Street Genius Says He s Against Private Property Not Personal Property Human Events

John Locke has written of private property as an indication of liberty. you lock your doors?
No, I do not lock my doors, I am afraid I will lose my keys...

Bet I know why you don't put a combination lock on the door.......
Why, I'd get locked out?

Here's a little trick....
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I only lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.

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