Liberty, Democracy, and Envy warped the idea has become.

6. "Affirmative Action" is a plan to give special rewards and punishment based on skin color.
If we recognize race, ethnicity or sex as the basis for reward, it becomes clear that the achievement principle has been discarded in America today.

a. “The real threat of contemporary mass society [is]…that it has recently shown a tendency to renounce the principle of achievement as a factor in the struggle of certain groups for power, and has suddenly established blood and other criteria as the major factors to the far-reaching exclusion of the achievement principle.”
Karl Mannheim, “ Man and Society,” p. 91

b. " If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants."
David Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge," chapter 23

7. “Modern liberalism has corrupted the concept of ‘equality,’ and replaced it with a radical egalitarianism: equality is imposed even when normal distinctions militate against it. That notion caused the prompt skewing of the non-discrimination laws by the bureaucrats and courts into whose care the implementation of the policy was given. Non-discrimination became discrimination, but against different people: white males.

The new discrimination did not violate the tenets of radical egalitarianism, because modern liberals, who control these policies, do not think in terms of individuals but in terms of groups. Thus, proportional representation of groups in the workplace, on faculties, and in student bodies looks like non-discrimination to them. That is the rationale for affirmative action.”
Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 79

There was a message in Orwell's "Animal Farm" that our Liberal pals seem to have overlooked.
The world is not entirely comprised of "liberal" vs. "conservative" choices. Some of us see that approach as a rather naive one.

Well, in truth, you are rather naive....
No, you are . . .

Here....this might make you appear somewhat brighter....

I'm polymerized tree sap, you're an inorganic adhesive. Any verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off me, returns to its original trajectory and adheres to you.
There are those who insist on the rich not earning more, to be taxed more. But also they insist that the poor be made able to attain position of wealth; the exact position they say is the cause of poverty among the poor. So, how can a poor person attain wealth without being condemned for being rich and being deemed a cause of the poorness he once experienced?

Who insists that the poor must be made rich?

The preachers of the Prosperity Gospel?

Accusing others of envy is how the Rich attempt to insulate themselves from criticism.

Probability is that you are as wrong about this as you are about everything else.

'Class envy' and 'class warfare' are cards that the RWnuts play all the time, as if they magically win the argument.

Sans lies you'd be mute.
The world is not entirely comprised of "liberal" vs. "conservative" choices. Some of us see that approach as a rather naive one.

Well, in truth, you are rather naive....
No, you are . . .

Wicked comeback!
You're still in junior high school....right?

Now you're catching on...

...when you have nothing to say, be brief.
A drastic change in the original view of our nation, from the one currently favored by the party in power, is, as noted earlier, a shift from the primacy of the individual, to that of the collective, via appeal to groups.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states:
“ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Liberty is strangled by resorting to group identity rather than individuals.

8. Another difference between the views of the Left and that of the Founders is that the latter believed human nature to be indelible, while Leftists, whether they be communists, fascists, socialists, Liberals, Progressives, is that they can govern in such a way as to alter human nature.

Consider the desire for self aggrandizement, to gather, by any means, that which benefits one's self.....can one imagine a universal populace not having that as its central motive?

Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Leftists have been shown to be the cost of over 100 million lives.

The desire for self aggrandizement will never be eliminated.

But....the resulting corruption, found everywhere, can be considered as a sort of lubricant reducing friction between old elites and new ones demanding a piece of the pie. So writes Samuel Huntington ("Political Order in Changing Societies"). In fact Edward Gibbon said long ago: "Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty."

It is an eternal part of human nature, and, held back by the very notion that Progressives railed against: 'checks and balances,' a necessity for there to be liberty.
I've been on this earth for 76 years. I see how the country has changed also in the fact that its all about greed now. In my heyday people in the US were a lot less greedy and were into helping people out. Although you cite how the socialists and Marxists have hurt this country, I also take note of how big business has hurt this nation as well. They want to control the shots. They don't want any regulations. They want to chisel away at the benefits of those who are working their butts off to make them their massive profits. Things are shifting slowly against the average worker. I don't care what one does with their money. What is offensive is when uber wealthy entities use their money to influence the political process. And I speak of BOTh parties who are equally guilty in taking our country hostage. We have shifted away from a country of helping each other to a country of getting ahead of the neighbor at all costs. Yes perhaps the liberals have done their damage, but so have those who are heckbent to make sure big business gets what they want and need. They are just as guilty. I made plenty of money in my life so I don't envy anyone. But big money now controls things and frankly the founding fathers surely were against this.

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