Libs and Cons: Successful points in defending gun issues

Which issues help reach agreement on guns and defense

  • Explaining cases where assault rifles were necessary for law enforcement by citizens

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • make laws by consensus, not ask police or military to enforce laws conflicting with Constitution

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not bypassing due process to take rights from citizens who do not commit or intend crimes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • equal training, procedures, oath in Constitutional defense as best control on gun crimes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • redirecting prison resources to medical help to resolve health care and mental/criminal issues

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other points that WORKED to reach agreement or common focus

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Dear Fellow Democrats and Republicans:
If you are concerned about refocusing the debate on gun control (which isn't really about slavery or hunting and whether the President can shoot skeet),
here are some points I used to successfully explain the conservative viewpoint
to a fellow liberal Democrat who understood after I explained it this way:

(1a) why not ban assault weapons all together, who needs those?
(1b) I explained that for people along the border, and in the case of the LA riots, people who visibly displayed such arms for defense prevented violence by deterring attackers. I also agreed the point is NOT to wait until there is a mass mob, but to try to deter before that point. see 2 below:

(2a) isn't it lawless for officers or military to refuse to follow laws then say they are defending the Constitution
(2b) I cited cases where military or police have put the Constitution first and refused to enforce laws that would negate or conflict with their duty; that the point is NOT to put officers in a conflicted situation with contradictory orders. So even more so, we need to make decisions by consensus to prevent putting people in this compromising situation. Also the best gun control IS to have everyone take the same training and oath as a military or police officer, so the same "regulations" and procedures that apply to police apply to all citizens with firearms.

(3a) why are the conservatives so opposed to the regulations
(3b) no one is opposed to enforcing the current background checks, but the idea of having federal powers to make decisions about one's medical conditions opens the door to abuse. I cited a friend who was falsely declared mentally incompetent *without any examination by a doctor* for the purpose of stripping her rights to petition in court, in order to "legally justify" seizing, selling and demolishing her property without defense. So that system cannot be trusted to be enforced fairly, especially on the federal level that is too big and bureaucratic, but it better done by localized authority to prevent abuse. That is why so many conservative Republicans push for localized state jurisdiction and oppose relying on federal govt which makes it too big and burdensome, and harder to check and balance democratically.

I explained that the objection is to taking away someone's rights without them committing a crime and going through due process, where they cannot enjoy the same rights they should have as citizens who have NOT committed crimes. It is pre-emptively judging them. He understood this.

Other things we talked about where we agreed:
A. promoting equal education, enforcement and training in Constitutional laws and defense, where everyone takes the same oath and training as the best form of defense and gun control
B. promoting scientific proof and methods of spiritual diagnosis, treatment and healing of mental disorders and criminal addictions and illness; so if the focus is on medical treatment and detention of dangerous conditions rather than fear of prosecution and punishment then people would not be running from authorities who need medical help and supervision. So actually it tied in with health care reform that could be funded by cleaning up the criminal justice system, turning those resources into medical facilities and treatment centers, and solving both problems at once.

I will add a poll below, asking all of you to try working out these issues with someone from the opposing view. Please indicate which concepts helped to resolve the conflicts or write in your own. Thank you! Please share your successes with others, not just your failures.
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Why is there a debate about gun control? Is there a specific problem that it will solve? Or is it just another "feel good" item on the Liberal agenda?
In all reality, it is unlikely that anyone will convince an anti-gun loon that their mindless, ignorant, and bigoted position is flawed - it doesnt matter how much truth you expose them to, how many facts you present, and how sound an argument you lay out, they wil refuse to even consider they are wrong.

The reason for this should be obvious.
Why is there a debate about gun control? Is there a specific problem that it will solve? Or is it just another "feel good" item on the Liberal agenda?

Clearly it depends on the person.
At least with the gentleman I was meeting with at a county Democratic gathering, this issue gave us the opportunity to share HONEST questions and answers. It's amazing that when you stick to the points that are really causing the misunderstanding, you can clear up misperceptions. But going into it ready to insult, attack or defend with vengeance prevents that from happening.

For some people the guns are the real issue.
For others, the real issue is the difference in approach to law enforcement
and "who has authority" so it runs deeper than just the guns. Same with abortion, etc.
In all reality, it is unlikely that anyone will convince an anti-gun loon that their mindless, ignorant, and bigoted position is flawed - it doesnt matter how much truth you expose them to, how many facts you present, and how sound an argument you lay out, they wil refuse to even consider they are wrong.

The reason for this should be obvious.

If someone is a loon, then it doesn't matter what the issue is, does it?
It's the looniness preventing civil discourse and conflict resolution.

The common issue in being off balance or biased to the point of never coming to agreement is projecting something that is "unforgiven" or "unresolved" from the past.

You are right - some people need more therapy than one conversation on a board can straighten out. Over time, being and sharing in an environment of openness and healing can actually start to reverse or undo some of that negative conditioning and hardened bias.

I can't control if someone else forgives or denies and projects blame.
I can just make sure I don't do that, or if I do I apologize and correct myself.

I'm sure I come across as unwavering on some issues,
so if I want people to forgive me when I have my weird pet peeves,
then it makes sense I forgive others where they have quirks or even blow up on some issues.
I've blown up verbally on people also, I ain't perfect either!!!
Why is there a debate about gun control? Is there a specific problem that it will solve? Or is it just another "feel good" item on the Liberal agenda?

P.S. What is the equivalent question regarding abortion:

(a) Why is there a debate about abortion? Life begins at conception and termination is either killing or murder. Next?
(b) Why is there a debate about pro-choice? As long as people religiously disagree, the government can't pass laws restricting or dictating choice or it's against the 1st Amendment.
If you're against abortion, you can CHOOSE NOT to support that. What is the issue then?

If addressing gun violence is targeted as a "feel good" issue,
what are abortion and racism? Feel bad issues???
Are all issues just used to push agenda into public discourse?

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