Libs at salon write another pro pedophile piece

What is it like to be wrong all of the time but convinced you're right?
You're the the professional , you tell me.
I know one thing for sure...The next six months politically will be more fun for me than it will be for you.
Wrong again .
I'm sure you're a nice person and I respect your devotion to your ideology. Some people don't care and they are harmful to everyone you care and that's commendable. But's going to be a blowout. Trump will win more states than any other Republican since Reagan. Hillary has no chance and Bernie has even less. Even if the two team up...Trump will win. It's not just white folks that support Trump. He already has more votes than any other Republican ever in a primary and it's not even over yet. This is a movement and it is self propelled, people are pissed.
Drawz101 is a man purse wearing house husband. Who cares what he thinks.
Try pulling out the butt plug before you speak.

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