Libs demand government study on hate speech

Libfags seem to have forgotten About sticks and stones may break my bones.... And this the constitution is not longer an issue
Is it the word "study" that is throwing the far-righties into such a tizzy?

They know what they know and don't want to hear new info!!

Kind of like the Muslim extremist in that regard.

does this 'hate speech' throw you into a tizzy....?

One is "hate" speech against skin color according to some. The other is "hate" speech against gender. Both are shitty and both are protected.

What makes me uncomfortable is that you don't know what's in my heart. "A trained monkey" is a common phrase. For instance, I've got step by step instructions on how to perfom critical duties of mine in a binder on my desk. If I get hit by a bus, my staff will be able to last days before the franchise owner has to pull someone from another location ... so a trained monkey can do my job. There is no hate at all, but if said in front of a sensitive person, could conceivably offend. As sensitive as our society has become in certain areas, this is a bit scary. My grandmother is 95 and donates her time and money to the poor of all shades. She has zero hate in her heart but she is from a different era. She still aches that the daughter in law that she loves is a Jew. She aches because she believes that loved one's soul to be in danger, not because she hates Jews.

I've heard her say "******" (knocker and rigged), Mulatto, Jew, Dago and Protestant in ways that could land her in trouble in your world. No hate, though, and she devotes her life to all of us ... all God's children to her. She will be gone all too soon for me, and probably not soon enough for some. She is the last of my extended family to not cringe at that vocabulary spoken out loud. I suspect her children are ok with it in thought, but embarassed at it spoken. My generation does not even think in categories like that. It is dying, as it should. There is no need to legislate her speech.

I am curious, would both sides be legislated? Can we ban those words for ALL people? Also, "whore" has a special place in a lot of women's hearts. It has been a very specific weapon against us. More than half the country loves a slut ... but a whore? Even her customers disdain her for her financial control of her body. How is that less hate than chimp? Both are derogatory against a protected class still struggling for equality.


False analogy.

Try again.

Stop straw manning and stick to what I said.

Calling her a whore is just ugly and tasteless partisan speech.

So please explain the difference between calling Sarah Palin a whore and calling Barack Obama a chimp.
This ought to be good.

Honestly, if you need that explained to you, then nothing I say is going to help you better understand where I'm coming from.
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Is it the word "study" that is throwing the far-righties into such a tizzy?

They know what they know and don't want to hear new info!!

Kind of like the Muslim extremist in that regard.

does this 'hate speech' throw you into a tizzy....?


Great cartoon!!

Just like this one:

Well, it appeared in the Onion and depicted Moses, Jesus, Buddha and a Hindu God in explicit sex act. (not sure of the rules here so I'm not posting it) but it's one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen and the point is no one died because of the cartoon.

The cartoon is not hate speech, it's satire. As no reasonable person believes someone's head is actually, literally a bomb.

Didn't you see the Larry Flynt movie?
Oh wait a minute they aren't even going to restrict it (supposedly).

They just want to do a study to see if encouraging hate crimes on teh interwebz actually causes hate crimes to be performed.

That's different and if a way can be found to lower the crime rate without restricting freedom of speech, I'm cool with it.
"Hate Speech" in Europe is (according to the political and judicial hacks) done only by Whites.

A White guy can be arrested just for saying "Islam is evil" in public while a bunch of Muslims can carry signs calling for a British 9/11 over a cartoon while walking down Downing Street.

This is what these 13 Lib retards are ultimately trying to push. And it all starts with a "study". The "study" concludes that "there is a hate speech" and the next thing we know, some Liberal douche is calling for "Hate Speech" laws like the ones they have in Europe.
The core problem with such limits will always be the fact that "dangerous" or "hate" must be defined and is completely subjective.

Excellent FA! You hit it right on the bullseye!

"Hate speech" and "extremist/racist" has been so broadly defined over the last 30 years. Up until a few years ago, the main perpatrator (besides Sharpton and Jackson) has been the Southern Poverty Law Center. Even if someone has no beef with Hispanics, yet still is opposed to illegal immigration, that someone would be labelled a "racist" by the SPLC.

Now, with Obama being elected, the biggest offenders of throwing out the "racist/extremist" label have been mainstream race baiters like Al Sharpton and politicans like those in the Congressional Black Caucus or just plain old Democrats.

But if Congress wants to "limit hate speech", that means some political stinkbug is going to be in charge of defining "hate speech". How broad are they going to be defining it?
Is it the word "study" that is throwing the far-righties into such a tizzy?

They know what they know and don't want to hear new info!!

Kind of like the Muslim extremist in that regard.

does this 'hate speech' throw you into a tizzy....?


Great cartoon!!

Just like this one:

Well, it appeared in the Onion and depicted Moses, Jesus, Buddha and a Hindu God in explicit sex act. (not sure of the rules here so I'm not posting it) but it's one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen and the point is no one died because of the cartoon.

The cartoon is not hate speech, it's satire. As no reasonable person believes someone's head is actually, literally a bomb.

Didn't you see the Larry Flynt movie?

why didn't the Onion include Mohammed ?...looks like everybody else was included.....oh wait....that would be a 'hate crime' against least in the twisted PC minds of liberals who don't believe the pornography itself is a sick hate crime....which is why Larry Flynt is their hero....
does this 'hate speech' throw you into a tizzy....?


Great cartoon!!

Just like this one:

Well, it appeared in the Onion and depicted Moses, Jesus, Buddha and a Hindu God in explicit sex act. (not sure of the rules here so I'm not posting it) but it's one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen and the point is no one died because of the cartoon.

The cartoon is not hate speech, it's satire. As no reasonable person believes someone's head is actually, literally a bomb.

Didn't you see the Larry Flynt movie?

why didn't the Onion include Mohammed ?...looks like everybody else was included.....oh wait....that would be a 'hate crime' against least in the twisted PC minds of liberals who don't believe the pornography itself is a sick hate crime....which is why Larry Flynt is their hero....

You missed the point of the joke -- that no one died with the depiction of moses and jesus in gang bang with Buddah….

Boy, that went right over your head.
Great cartoon!!

Just like this one:

Well, it appeared in the Onion and depicted Moses, Jesus, Buddha and a Hindu God in explicit sex act. (not sure of the rules here so I'm not posting it) but it's one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen and the point is no one died because of the cartoon.

The cartoon is not hate speech, it's satire. As no reasonable person believes someone's head is actually, literally a bomb.

Didn't you see the Larry Flynt movie?

why didn't the Onion include Mohammed ?...looks like everybody else was included.....oh wait....that would be a 'hate crime' against least in the twisted PC minds of liberals who don't believe the pornography itself is a sick hate crime....which is why Larry Flynt is their hero....

You missed the point of the joke -- that no one died with the depiction of moses and jesus in gang bang with Buddah….

Boy, that went right over your head.

but why wasn't Mohammed included...? chickenshits...

the Left is always making exceptions for Muslims.....they are on their 'Preferred List' is the very existence of these special exceptions that makes defining 'hate speech' untenable...
One is "hate" speech against skin color according to some. The other is "hate" speech against gender. Both are shitty and both are protected.

What makes me uncomfortable is that you don't know what's in my heart. "A trained monkey" is a common phrase. For instance, I've got step by step instructions on how to perfom critical duties of mine in a binder on my desk. If I get hit by a bus, my staff will be able to last days before the franchise owner has to pull someone from another location. There is no hate at all, but if said in front of a sensitive person, could conceivably offend. As sensitive as our society has become in certain areas, this is a bit scary. My grandmother is 95 and donates her time and money to the poor of all shades. She has zero hate in her heart but she is from a different era. She still aches that the daughter in law that she loves is a Jew. She aches because she believes that loved one's soul to be in danger, not because she hates Jews.

I've heard her say "******" (knocker and rigged), Mulatto, Jew, Dago and Protestant in ways that could land her in trouble in your world. No hate, though, and she devotes her life to all of us ... all God's children to her. She will be gone all too soon for me, and probably not soon enough for some. She is the last of my extended family to not cringe at that vocabulary spoken out loud. I suspect her children are ok with it in thought, but embarassed at it spoken. My generation does not even think in categories like that. It is dying, as it should. There is no need to legislate her speech.

I am curious, would both sides be legislated? Can we ban those words for ALL people? Also, "whore" has a special place in a lot of women's hearts. It has been a very specific weapon against us. More than half the country loves a slut ... but a whore? Even her customers disdain her for her financial control of her body. How is that less hate than chimp? Both are derogatory against a protected class still struggling for equality.

So please explain the difference between calling Sarah Palin a whore and calling Barack Obama a chimp.
This ought to be good.

Honestly, if you need that explained to you, then nothing I say is going to help you better understand where I'm coming from.

Some people are offended by a sunny day. Fuck them. Grow a pair. My job is not to go around not offending people. My job is to speak the truth. If some people are offended by the truth or the way I express it, that is their problem.
Your grandmother sounds liek a fine person from a byegone era. I mourn the passing of such people.
Racist and homophobes are worried their words may get them in trouble.

When you demean a person by constantly referring to them as something lower to human, you are dehumanizing them for the purposes of violence or motivating others to cause them harm.

When you that and post their address on the internet, you have committed a crime IMO.

The two elements of the crime should be dehumanizing rhetoric + pointing toward a specific act on a specific person. When you post someone's address, you are implying "go there and cause trouble".

You mean like calling the Tea Party "the Taliban," fuckwad?

Oh, but that's different, because it's against enemies of the party.
Did you want to comment specifically on which examples I gave indicate I'm a "stalinist" ??


Stalin was SOFT, you are more Khmer Rouge of a Pol Pot mold....

You realize that NAMBLA promote pedophile?

They claim they are just expressing their "views" when telling members how to seduce and molest boys.

Are supporting the potation of their "speech"?

If they advocate for the commission of a crime, they can be arrested, No need for your thought police, Comrade.
Another Stalinist reveals his cloven hoof.

Did you want to comment specifically on which examples I gave indicate I'm a "stalinist" ??

You realize that NAMBLA promote pedophile?

They claim they are just expressing their "views" when telling members how to seduce and molest boys.

Are supporting the potation of their "speech"?

Once you prohibit speech for skinheads, prohibiting it for everyone else you dont like comes next. There is no real way to distinguish the two other than "I dont like X".
If you dont like hate speech, don't engage in it.

Slippery slope = Logical fallacy.

One does not necessary follow or lead to the other.

Try again.

We are able to distinguish legal pornography from obscenity.

Seems to me racists and bigots can still have their parties until it escalates to a point leading to a specific action.

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