Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

He has nothing to hide. His taxes get audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have screamed it from the rooftops?

His return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it and dominate the news for weeks with bullshit. That's why they want them and you fricken well know it.
He promised repeatedly that he was gonna release them. Cant keep promises?
What does it matter?
A man keeps his promise...but the filthy orange pig proved many times he doesnt.
Ha ha! Eat it, clown.
Democrats aren't looking for cheating. They are looking for embarrassing or humiliating. They are looking for evidence that he's not as rich as he says he is. That he has made socially inappropriate donations. Anything that can be twisted into something that it isn't.

Please help me. I've signed dozens and dozens of tax returns and not a single one has shown my net worth. Please share with us which form and line where my net worth appears.

Thank you!
"Dozens and dozens?" How old are you, Methuselah?
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

LOL...that's the official Trumpbot excuse? Talk about lame? people are not too imaginative in your excuse-manufacturing.
And I bet you almost no Trumpbots will buy it.

Trump is already POTUS, he said he would (on many occasions) and there is ZERO, available factual evidence that his claimed wealth is genuine.
All three great reasons for people to demand he release them.

Not to see if he did anything illegal - but just to prove what a liar he (probably) is about his 'wealth'.
Trump doesn't need an excuse. There's no law requiring him to publish his tax returns, just as there is no law requiring Hillary to publish her speech to Wall Street big wigs.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.) In fact, Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns. That means he's hiding something. The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

So if you want to see Trump's income tax returns you will have to vote BLUE this midterm November.

Make it happen.

Wrong, asshole. He's not required to release his returns:

Trump Tax Returns: Is it illegal for President Trump to forego releasing his taxes?

Members of Congress are required to. Not the President.
No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

That's just not true.

Mr. Romney showed his tax returns, there were no conflicts of interest, yet he was still attacked because of his wealth as well as the fact he paid more than he was required to.

There is no reason to think that Mr. Trump would not be similarly attacked.

BTW, one of Mr. Trump's tax returns - I believe the 2006 return- was leaked and exposed by Rachel Maddow.

It turned out that Mr. Trump is as clean as a hound's tooth.

Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

Again the ONLY purpose in releasing income tax returns is not to determine how much money anyone makes, or how much in taxes they paid. It's to look for CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Financial investments that could sway a politicians decision on a matter. Hell--they have to sell their stocks & bonds--they can't have any investments that would sway them in any way.

Trump's got a shitload of Foreign investiments. That's what he is worried about, and why he won't release returns. Senate & House Republicans have let him get away with it.
Trump is already POTUS, he said he would (on many occasions) and there is ZERO, available factual evidence that his claimed wealth is genuine.
All three great reasons for people to demand he release them.

Not to see if he did anything illegal - but just to prove what a liar he (probably) is about his 'wealth'.

WTF would anybody care? What does his wealth have to do with him being President. You guys say that Trump lies all the time, so you don't need to see anymore lies.
Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

The President isn't required to do anything of the sort.[/QUOTE
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.



President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
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George W. Bush
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Bill Clinton
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George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

Even if Congress was slightly Democrat, and even if they could get a hold of Trump's tax returns, it's still illegal to release that to the public.
What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

He has nothing to hide. His taxes get audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have screamed it from the rooftops?

His return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it and dominate the news for weeks with bullshit. That's why they want them and you fricken well know it.

The American people have a right to know where Trump is getting his money. It can influence his decisions

His tax returns wont tell you that. Do you care where the Clintons got their millions, or Pelosi, or Feinstein, or Schumer, or any democrat?

I explained why the dems and media want Trump's returns, I gave you the real reason. You are smart enough to understand but your partisan bias has blocked your brain from proper operation.

You posted your bullshit reason.

Trump's tax returns are complicated. The IRA is frequently over run by corporate lawyers &accountants.

So how about a real investigation. Lets look at what the NYT said. If Trump has nothing to hide, lets see them.

Quit defending a fraud, business cheat who cheated this country out of hundreds of millions.

My God, if a poor c]black woman collectdc $50 a month too much in food stamps, you'd be screaming running "OMG OMG OMG"

Trumps cheats our country out of hundreds of millions and you Trumpettes don't care.

first of all you have no idea if he cheats on his taxes, but you post this bullshit like you have proof of it. "trump cheats our country out
of hundreds of millions..." that's your fricken quote. How the fuck do you KNOW that? You are no better than the media hacks who lie about everything 24/7/365.
CNN somehow got a copy of Trump's 2005 return and could find nothing wrong with any part of it. In fact it showed that he paid a higher per centage than the dems in his same income bracket.

This is, and has always been, a fake issue designed to take the attention away from his many successes as president. But once again, dems and libs-------------------------YOU FAILED.
The American people have a right to know where Trump is getting his money. It can influence his decisions
Repubs don't care if he is owned by Putin.

it is much more likely that Hillary is owned by Putin. Who do you think paid for the fake Russian dossier? who paid bill Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow? Who put 145 million in the Clinton campaign fund shortly after Hillary transferred 20% of our uranium to Russian interests?

Trump has increased economic sanctions on Russia, would someone owned by Russia do that? You are FOS.
Hillary isn't president. What do I care?

you claimed he was owned by Putin, I posted some facts to prove you wrong.
No, you babbled about Hillary. I said you don't care if he is owned by Putin. Every president provided their taxes, repubs just now don't care. They put party before country. A sad state.

If he was "owned by Putin" does it make sense to you that he would increase economic sanctions on Russia? If Hillary was not owned by Putin, why did she transfer 20% of our uranium to Russian interests, why did Russians contribute 145 million to the Clinton foundation, why did Putin pay Bill Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow?

You and your lib friends never have any facts, just talking points and bullshit. That's why the American voters keep rejecting your candidates.
"Dozens and dozens?" How old are you, Methuselah?

Yes, dozens and dozens. Older than dirt at 74. But I still have my Harley. That should scare the heck out of anyone else on the road. :D
Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

The President isn't required to do anything of the sort.[/QUOTE
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.



President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
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George W. Bush
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



Bill Clinton
1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999



George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

he gets audited by the IRS every year, so what exactly do you think the Obama IRS was not able to find? His 05 return was somehow stolen and released by CNN, they found nothing wrong with it and in fact found that he paid a higher % than most people in his income bracket. If you don't like the tax code that includes breaks for the very rich, call your democrat in congress, they wrote most of it since the dems have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

LOL...that's the official Trumpbot excuse? Talk about lame? people are not too imaginative in your excuse-manufacturing.
And I bet you almost no Trumpbots will buy it.

Trump is already POTUS, he said he would (on many occasions) and there is ZERO, available factual evidence that his claimed wealth is genuine.
All three great reasons for people to demand he release them.

Not to see if he did anything illegal - but just to prove what a liar he (probably) is about his 'wealth'.

OK, for the very last time. Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the media and the dems would take out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news for weeks with bullshit like you post here every day.

That's why you want them and if you are honest you would admit it, but you are not honest soooooooooooooooooooooooo.
first of all you have no idea if he cheats on his taxes, but you post this bullshit like you have proof of it. "trump cheats our country out
of hundreds of millions..." that's your fricken quote. How the fuck do you KNOW that? You are no better than the media hacks who lie about everything 24/7/365.

Actually, there is real proof that he doesn't cheat on his taxes.

The fact that the IRS has been auditing the man's returns for years and he's still at liberty tells me that the EXPERTS at tax law agree that the President's tax returns are as clean as a hound's tooth.
You posted your bullshit reason.

Trump's tax returns are complicated. The IRA is frequently over run by corporate lawyers &accountants.

So how about a real investigation. Lets look at what the NYT said. If Trump has nothing to hide, lets see them.

Quit defending a fraud, business cheat who cheated this country out of hundreds of millions.

My God, if a poor c]black woman collectdc $50 a month too much in food stamps, you'd be screaming running "OMG OMG OMG"

Trumps cheats our country out of hundreds of millions and you Trumpettes don't care.

One of the most foolish posts I've seen in quite some time.

It's the IRS, the IRA is the Irish Republican Army. I am skeptical that many corporate lawyers are overrunning the IRA.

Being a multi-billionaire, do you honestly believe that every single tax return of Donald Trumps has NOT been audited for many decades?

Where is your feigned outrage about the real millions in back income taxes owed by the Rev. Al Sharpton?
What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

He has nothing to hide. His taxes get audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have screamed it from the rooftops?

His return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it and dominate the news for weeks with bullshit. That's why they want them and you fricken well know it.
He promised repeatedly that he was gonna release them. Cant keep promises?
What does it matter?
A man keeps his promise...but the filthy orange pig proved many times he doesnt.
Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

The President isn't required to do anything of the sort.[/QUOTE
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.



President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



George W. Bush
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



Bill Clinton
1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999



George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

Even if Congress was slightly Democrat, and even if they could get a hold of Trump's tax returns, it's still illegal to release that to the public.

They don't have to release it to the public, but they have every right to check for Conflicts of Interest. You know while you were cheering him on when he was bragging about 4 bankrupcies and burning American banks to the tune of 900 MILLION dollars, did you ever consider where he gets his loans from now-a-days to expand the Trump empire? No American bank would ever loan hiim another dollar bill after that one.

Well here it is: Redirect to another thread on this board to watch a couple of video's on this.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

The President isn't required to do anything of the sort.[/QUOTE
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.



President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



George W. Bush
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



Bill Clinton
1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999



George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

he gets audited by the IRS every year, so what exactly do you think the Obama IRS was not able to find? His 05 return was somehow stolen and released by CNN, they found nothing wrong with it and in fact found that he paid a higher % than most people in his income bracket. If you don't like the tax code that includes breaks for the very rich, call your democrat in congress, they wrote most of it since the dems have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.

I am not certain what this has to do with Obama, because he released many years of his returns.

You can still release returns during an audit. And you'll never convince me that all of his returns for the last 20 years are still being auditied--:auiqs.jpg:

And like I just stated--after burning American banks for 900 MILLION dollars over 4 bankrupcies, who in the hell do you think is loaning him money to expand the Trump empire now-a-days? Trump says he is the "king of debt" & loves DEBT, so I imagine he is indebted to someone or something.
Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

Redirect to this thread to find out who it is.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

1. You can't rent a dump today without producting a credit report--(which requires an income tax return to produce a credit report.)
2. You can't get a car loan.
3. You can't get a mortgage on your home without producing 2 to 3 years of income tax returns
4. You can't get a 2nd mortgage without producing 2 to 3 years of income tax returns.

Yet you have elected a President who has refused to release any of his.


And of course the Trump tower plaza in downtown Moscow that he was planning while he was running for POTUS. Where in the hell do you think that money is coming from?

While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
As part of the discussions, a Russian-born real estate developer urged Trump to come to Moscow to tout the proposal and suggested that he could get President Vladimir Putin to say “great things” about Trump, according to several people who have been briefed on his correspondence.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

The only way you're going to know who Trump is indebted too, is to vote BLUE this midterm. If Democrats become the majority in the house, they can get them from the "Ways & Means" committee, which Republicans have also REFUSED to to.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Last edited:
You can still release returns during an audit. And you'll never convince me that all of his returns for the last 20 years are still being auditied--:auiqs.jpg:

Since the returns are being audited by the Leftards at the IRS, Trump would be charged if there was a problem with them.

Outside of that, why should I care? Why should you or anyone else?
You can still release returns during an audit. And you'll never convince me that all of his returns for the last 20 years are still being auditied--:auiqs.jpg:

Since the returns are being audited by the Leftards at the IRS, Trump would be charged if there was a problem with them.

Outside of that, why should I care? Why should you or anyone else?

Trump tards never cease to amaze. Republicans have the owned the House of Representatives for the last 8 YEARS, meaning it's been them that have been in charge of the "Ways & Means committee" who is the OVERSITE of the IRS dumbass.


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