Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

No matter what might or might not be in his tax returns, Progressives would scream that something was wrong with them and demand he be impeached.

Of course, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama released all his returns. He never had a meaningful job. He once had a job as a lower level attorney at a firm where he was introduced to and worked on the accounts of their clients, Rod Blagojevich now serving time in prison and Tony Rezko also now serving time in prison. Tony Rezko helped the Obama's purchase their mansion in Chicago.

Beyond that, he's worked for the government.
The Great Obama was honest in his returns

Crooked Donnie is obviously ashamed he does not pay taxes

Yeah, that trick worked on Romney.

Fool me once, shame on you...........
So knowing about Romney was a trick & you believe that this shit should be hidden in electing our President?

Really? Trump should not release his taxes because it is bad & people might not vote for him,.....and you think that is a good thing? You must really hate America.

No, Trump should not release his tax returns because it's a trick just like they did to Romney. The only difference is that Romney is a professional politician and probably paid more than he had to in order to look good for the public.

More than likely, Trump used every deduction he could to pay the lowest amount he could in taxes....legally.
How much patience can we afford? Deficits are almost a trillion in a good economy.

It fazed you not in the least when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama doubled our debt while presiding over, what you call, a great economy. Why?
How much patience can we afford? Deficits are almost a trillion in a good economy.

It fazed you not in the least when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama doubled our debt while presiding over, what you call, a great economy. Why?
I didn't like it at all. So you voted for Trump so he could do the same as Obama? You should be praising Obama then.
Ps, ISIS is alive.
And you don't care about our new debt?

ISIS is on life support having had the wrath of President Donald Trump turned loose on them.

As for the debt, why didn't it bother you for eight years?
Did you elect Trump to run up debt like Obama? I thought he was supposed to be different....
Trump was elected to reverse the obama attack on our country that traitors like you want. Doing a good job so far. Now go attack some kids in a restaurant.
He sure is going the wrong way on deficits.
You sure are a liar.
Ps, ISIS is alive.
And you don't care about our new debt?

ISIS is on life support having had the wrath of President Donald Trump turned loose on them.

As for the debt, why didn't it bother you for eight years?
Did you elect Trump to run up debt like Obama? I thought he was supposed to be different....
Trump was elected to reverse the obama attack on our country that traitors like you want. Doing a good job so far. Now go attack some kids in a restaurant.
He sure is going the wrong way on deficits.
You sure are a liar.
The U.S. budget deficit widened to $898 billion in the 11 months through August, exceeding the Congressional Budget Office’s forecast for the first full fiscal year under the Trump presidency.
What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

No matter what might or might not be in his tax returns, Progressives would scream that something was wrong with them and demand he be impeached.

Of course, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama released all his returns. He never had a meaningful job. He once had a job as a lower level attorney at a firm where he was introduced to and worked on the accounts of their clients, Rod Blagojevich now serving time in prison and Tony Rezko also now serving time in prison. Tony Rezko helped the Obama's purchase their mansion in Chicago.

Beyond that, he's worked for the government.
The Great Obama was honest in his returns

Crooked Donnie is obviously ashamed he does not pay taxes

Yeah, that trick worked on Romney.

Fool me once, shame on you...........
So knowing about Romney was a trick & you believe that this shit should be hidden in electing our President?

Really? Trump should not release his taxes because it is bad & people might not vote for him,.....and you think that is a good thing? You must really hate America.

No, Trump should not release his tax returns because it's a trick just like they did to Romney. The only difference is that Romney is a professional politician and probably paid more than he had to in order to look good for the public.

More than likely, Trump used every deduction he could to pay the lowest amount he could in taxes....legally.
Trump does not have to and he shouldn't. As complex as his tax return has to be with his extensive real estate holdings, the Democrats would have their Media attack dogs, the IRS and the DOJ chewing on every page. It would be an endless stream of "Oh yeah, what about this?"
No matter what might or might not be in his tax returns, Progressives would scream that something was wrong with them and demand he be impeached.

Of course, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama released all his returns. He never had a meaningful job. He once had a job as a lower level attorney at a firm where he was introduced to and worked on the accounts of their clients, Rod Blagojevich now serving time in prison and Tony Rezko also now serving time in prison. Tony Rezko helped the Obama's purchase their mansion in Chicago.

Beyond that, he's worked for the government.
The Great Obama was honest in his returns

Crooked Donnie is obviously ashamed he does not pay taxes

Yeah, that trick worked on Romney.

Fool me once, shame on you...........
So knowing about Romney was a trick & you believe that this shit should be hidden in electing our President?

Really? Trump should not release his taxes because it is bad & people might not vote for him,.....and you think that is a good thing? You must really hate America.

No, Trump should not release his tax returns because it's a trick just like they did to Romney. The only difference is that Romney is a professional politician and probably paid more than he had to in order to look good for the public.

More than likely, Trump used every deduction he could to pay the lowest amount he could in taxes....legally.
Trump does not have to and he shouldn't. As complex as his tax return has to be with his extensive real estate holdings, the Democrats would have their Media attack dogs, the IRS and the DOJ chewing on every page. It would be an endless stream of "Oh yeah, what about this?"

Plus they are running out of things to attack him for. The Russia thing has been fizzling for several months, Kavanaugh successfully made it to the Supreme Court, and now that there is no Pokemon to find, they are looking for a new one which of course, Trump will not give them.

It's one thing if Trump didn't show his returns with a fair media, but much like after he took office, the media has been reporting over 90% negative on everything he does in spite of his great successes particularly the economy. But the left will never blame themselves.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.
If he doesn't - and I dont think he will - he's just that much more of a liar, which still doesn't seem to have phased many Republicans. You have to ask yourself why you think he didn't produce them when he said he would, and try not to default to a partisan hit on the left.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.) In fact, Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns. That means he's hiding something. The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

So if you want to see Trump's income tax returns you will have to vote BLUE this midterm November.

Make it happen.

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No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

That's just not true.

Mr. Romney showed his tax returns, there were no conflicts of interest, yet he was still attacked because of his wealth as well as the fact he paid more than he was required to.

There is no reason to think that Mr. Trump would not be similarly attacked.

BTW, one of Mr. Trump's tax returns - I believe the 2006 return- was leaked and exposed by Rachel Maddow.

It turned out that Mr. Trump is as clean as a hound's tooth.
No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

That's just not true.

Mr. Romney showed his tax returns, there were no conflicts of interest, yet he was still attacked because of his wealth as well as the fact he paid more than he was required to.

There is no reason to think that Mr. Trump would not be similarly attacked.

BTW, one of Mr. Trump's tax returns - I believe the 2006 return- was leaked and exposed by Rachel Maddow.

It turned out that Mr. Trump is as clean as a hound's tooth.

Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

Again the ONLY purpose in releasing income tax returns is not to determine how much money anyone makes, or how much in taxes they paid. It's to look for CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Financial investments that could sway a politicians decision on a matter. Hell--they have to sell their stocks & bonds--they can't have any investments that would sway them in any way.

Trump's got a shitload of Foreign investiments. That's what he is worried about, and why he won't release returns. Senate & House Republicans have let him get away with it.
What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns

He has nothing to hide. His taxes get audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have screamed it from the rooftops?

His return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the corrupt lying media and the corrupt lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it and dominate the news for weeks with bullshit. That's why they want them and you fricken well know it.
He promised repeatedly that he was gonna release them. Cant keep promises?
What does it matter?
A man keeps his promise...but the filthy orange pig proved many times he doesnt.
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.
Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

The President isn't required to do anything of the sort.[/QUOTE
Trump really doesn't have any say in this matter. As President he is REQUIRED to release his yearly income tax return, (which he has not done.)

So please show us where this requirement is written. The requirements for a person to run for President is outlined in something you know little of, and that is the US Constitution.

Trump is the only PRESIDENT in the last 40 years that refused to release any of his income tax returns.

No, Ford did the same thing.

The ONLY reason he has gotten away with it so far, is because Republicans are the majority in both houses, and their only interest is in protecting him.

No, the only reason he doesn't have to abide to the left is because there is no requirement to show his tax returns.

If Democrats win the House next month they will most certainly obtain Trump's tax returns, whether he likes it or not. They will do it through the "Ways & Means" committee in the house, and they have every legal right to do it. REPUBLICANS as the majority in the house have refused to obtain Trump's income tax returns, via the Ways & Means committee.

No, the federal law protects disclosure of tax returns. The only way the Democrats can force him is to rescind the law, have it approved through the Senate, and then signed by him.



President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



George W. Bush
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



Bill Clinton
1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999



George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Trump condemned Obama’s deficit

He increased it

He still has over six years to make a difference. Unless the Democrats take the House and Senate and then our debt will skyrocket as it did with failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Yes I remember that. BUT--Trump as President is REQUIRED to release his income tax returns PERIOD. He has refused to do that.

Again the ONLY purpose in releasing income tax returns is not to determine how much money anyone makes, or how much in taxes they paid. It's to look for CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Financial investments that could sway a politicians decision on a matter. Hell--they have to sell their stocks & bonds--they can't have any investments that would sway them in any way.

Trump's got a shitload of Foreign investiments. That's what he is worried about, and why he won't release returns. Senate & House Republicans have let him get away with it.

Do you get a great deal of pride after posting lies?

There is no requirement, whatsoever, that President Donald Trump releases his tax returns. NONE. He's doing an incredibly great job, I don't give a rip about his tax returns.

The President of the United States is NOT required to sell a single stock or bond they own when taking office. They are put into a blind trust. President Donald Trump turned all his holdings over to his kids.

Everyone knew President Trump was a billionaire, owning properties all over the world. That was well known, or did you have your head up your sand? In spite of that, President Trump won in a landslide and he is proving that a businessman, and NOT a politician is who is best suited for the Oval Office, the Executive Branch of our government.

Is he not doing a remarkable job? Why do you hate that and want it changed?

Perhaps instead of broadcasting your ignorance of how our government works, you could take some time to educate yourself.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

LOL...that's the official Trumpbot excuse? Talk about lame? people are not too imaginative in your excuse-manufacturing.
And I bet you almost no Trumpbots will buy it.

Trump is already POTUS, he said he would (on many occasions) and there is ZERO, available factual evidence that his claimed wealth is genuine.
All three great reasons for people to demand he release them.

Not to see if he did anything illegal - but just to prove what a liar he (probably) is about his 'wealth'.

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