Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion

Good for him! If I knew his name I'd send him a Christmas card.

Don't you mean you'd send him a Holiday Card?
What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion

Wow, can you imagine someone yelling at Obama's kids like that?

And he got mad because she was flying coach. Usually, they bash the right for affording private planes. Not a big deal with Gore or any other lib to travel on private jets, but conservatives are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

And the idiot doesn't know the difference between harassing someone and exercising freedom of speech. Not the slightest regard for the children who might have been frightened having a stranger yell like that.

So now Trumps don't have the right to travel with the public. And the entire family will be fair game for the intolerant left.

Trump's kids sit in on meetings with heads of different state and countries. Ivanka pushed her jewelry line in one press interview. She's getting a reality check now. How delicious that these assholes will have to give up their freedoms since they are hell-bent on taking ours.

We don't want to kill our country...

Hey Ivanka!
Get your stinky pussy off this airplane!
<I love locker rom talk>


What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy
Harassment of women and children in airplanes..

the kind of freedoms democrats hate to see vanish
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

No, it is not acceptable to berate someone in front of their kids while they are going about their business. Especially when she isn't the president and doesn't know the person. The children don't know what is going on and they certainly shouldn't be subjected to that. Furthermore, he placed his own kid in a difficult situation having to see his father go off the rails in public. Nice message to send. He probably gets road rage with his kid in the car too, who knows where it might lead.

If this had been done to any politicians family it would be offensive. He should save his complaints for Trump, once Trump actually becomes president and makes some presidential decisions.
What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy
Leftards continue their war on women and children.

We don't want to kill our country...

Hey Ivanka!
Get your stinky pussy off this airplane!
<I love locker rom talk>


What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves

I'm glad you think that harassment was 'telling it like it is'.

Forces my low opinion of you even lower

Poor, poor Snowflake

Can I find you a "Safe Space" full of unicorns and rainbows?
What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy

Big Daddy is going to find out who this guy is and harass him with death threats. That's what he does. There will be thugs on this guy's front lawn tonight, lighting cigarettes in the dark and flicking the matches onto his porch.
What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy

The guy would probably curl up in the fetal position and use his Obunglescare to seek counseling from the Twitter assault
Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy

Big Daddy is going to find out who this guy is and harass him with death threats. That's what he does. There will be thugs on this guy's front lawn tonight, lighting cigarettes in the dark and flicking the matches onto his porch.
No, there won't.
What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves

I'm glad you think that harassment was 'telling it like it is'.

Forces my low opinion of you even lower

Poor, poor Snowflake

Can I find you a "Safe Space" full of unicorns and rainbows?

No, but you could offer to use your common sense, and the manners you were taught as a child.

But then if you did, you'd lose the respect of your fellow democrats on the board, so I don't see it happening
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

So Obama's kids are fair game now?
Yes. As members of his Administration, you're damned right they are.

And they are adults.

And they are Trump's kids. It's not like they have never heard name calling before.

With her own kids, young kids right there?

You have crossed the line from political to animal, and you are an embarrassment to the human race. the world will be a better place when you are 6 feet under the surface of it.

Need some butthurt cream, honey?

You get the same response, bitch-tits.

please take up smoking and get it over with.

Please set your toupee on fire and save us all your hypocrisy and fake rage.
This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy

Big Daddy is going to find out who this guy is and harass him with death threats. That's what he does. There will be thugs on this guy's front lawn tonight, lighting cigarettes in the dark and flicking the matches onto his porch.
No, there won't.

Don't think so????

Union Boss Gets Death Threats After Trump Blasts Him on Twitter
Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

The guy was just telling it like it is a value the American voter loves

I'm glad you think that harassment was 'telling it like it is'.

Forces my low opinion of you even lower

Poor, poor Snowflake

Can I find you a "Safe Space" full of unicorns and rainbows?

No, but you could offer to use your common sense, and the manners you were taught as a child.

But then if you did, you'd lose the respect of your fellow democrats on the board, so I don't see it happening

You mean a little "consideration and respect of others"????

If you want that shit, you should have voted for Obama
Harassment of women and children in airplanes..

the kind of freedoms democrats hate to see vanish

Man up, Buttercup

If women can't take a little locker room talk they shouldn't appear in public
I'd ask what if your wife was always screamed at by strangers because you're and asshole, but we all know no woman would have you.
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