Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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Poor, poor Snowflake

Can I find you a "Safe Space" full of unicorns and rainbows?

No, but you could offer to use your common sense, and the manners you were taught as a child.

But then if you did, you'd lose the respect of your fellow democrats on the board, so I don't see it happening

You mean a little "consideration and respect of others"????

If you want that shit, you should have voted for Obama

Considering it was likely an Obama voter that cause the ruckus, "consideration and respect of others" isn't the best choice of words for you.

Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her, your best choice is no words.
Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her,

Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.
No, but you could offer to use your common sense, and the manners you were taught as a child.

But then if you did, you'd lose the respect of your fellow democrats on the board, so I don't see it happening

You mean a little "consideration and respect of others"????

If you want that shit, you should have voted for Obama

Considering it was likely an Obama voter that cause the ruckus, "consideration and respect of others" isn't the best choice of words for you.

Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her, your best choice is no words.
Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her,

Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.

From your 'link'...

"The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.""

apparently, the 'meeting' wasn't an accident.

and what, btw, does her selling jewelry have to do with the airplane episode?
The insane left showing why America has made the Democratic Party irrelevant in 2017. Yeah, fly private jets like the elite who say your carbon footprint is too large.

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, “Your father is ruining the country.” The guy went on, “Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.” The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

Ivanka Trump Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight (PHOTO + UPDATE)
Poor snowflake...

Upset because someone wasn't "Politically Correct" with Ivanka?
The guy was just telling it like it is

Can I get you a Safe Space?
Upset because someone wasn't "Politically Correct" with Ivanka?
The guy was just telling it like it is
Ok, I know you're still dazed and confused since the election but...

Right, the guy wasn't "politically correct"
So, he's not telling it like it is....

The guy is obviously dazed and confused as well...
The only one STILL managing to add more ruin to our country....

He's getting in all he can before he leaves office...
Piece of shit he is!

Stupidity is not a crime, so feel free to go now

How, exactly? Provide specifics.
How, exactly? Provide specifics.
He secured federally funded abortions

He has started and continues starting crap with Russia

He has secured a deal with India to build our military aircraft

Another 6.3 billion dollars for funding cancer research...
1 billion of which is earmarked for substance abuse disorders

And, why any president gets a pension is beyond me...
Not to mention, he gave himself and living ex presidents, a raise
What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion
No, they were kicking him off for being a legendary jack ass.

We really need to bring back horse whipping shit4brains like this. Utter pain and humiliation is the only thing that will make them act like civil human beings.
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Yeah and for all we know they have, even on that flight...but they would be allowed to fly because they didn't take the liberal "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME" approach!

"Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go."

perhaps they should "rebuke" him altogether
Left have no problem with accosting women and children because they feel oppressed.

Ivanka is a big girl....

If she doesn't like it, she can whip out her smartphone and write a mean Tweet about the guy

Big Daddy is going to find out who this guy is and harass him with death threats. That's what he does. There will be thugs on this guy's front lawn tonight, lighting cigarettes in the dark and flicking the matches onto his porch.
No, there won't.

Don't think so????

Union Boss Gets Death Threats After Trump Blasts Him on Twitter
Fake news that doesn't even bother to photoshop any fake tweets. All we have is the word of a leftist union thug boss.
Which, compared to your word, is much better.
You mean a little "consideration and respect of others"????

If you want that shit, you should have voted for Obama

Considering it was likely an Obama voter that cause the ruckus, "consideration and respect of others" isn't the best choice of words for you.

Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her, your best choice is no words.
Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her,

Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.

From your 'link'...

"The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.""

apparently, the 'meeting' wasn't an accident.

and what, btw, does her selling jewelry have to do with the airplane episode?

You're spinning it and/or don't understand. There's no way a passenger has access to the passenger manifest list.
And why not throw in a nugget about her pimping her jewelry? It's not like I'm trying to deflect to Obama or Hillary, like you idiots do.
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

The guy was a total douchebag.

If I got on a plane and saw Trump's trollopes, Uday or Qusay or Lucretia, I would have said/done the same thing. I say make 'em pay for helping the fucking potentate get elected. He is going to ruin the country, along with help from his butt-buddy Putin.
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

The guy was a total douchebag.

If I got on a plane and saw Trump's trollopes, Uday or Qusay or Lucretia, I would have said/done the same thing. I say make 'em pay for helping the fucking potentate get elected. He is going to ruin the country, along with help from his butt-buddy Putin.
He is going to try.
Considering it was likely an Obama voter that cause the ruckus, "consideration and respect of others" isn't the best choice of words for you.

Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her, your best choice is no words.
Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her,

Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.

From your 'link'...

"The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.""

apparently, the 'meeting' wasn't an accident.

and what, btw, does her selling jewelry have to do with the airplane episode?

You're spinning it and/or don't understand. There's no way a passenger has access to the passenger manifest list.
And why not throw in a nugget about her pimping her jewelry? It's not like I'm trying to deflect to Obama or Hillary, like you idiots do.

Who said he had access to the passenger list?
I merely cut and pasted what the mans husband said.

You did see it on your facebook link, didn't you?

Did you also see that Ivanka didn't want to make a big deal out of it?

right, comparing Obama or the Clintons actions are the same as touting jewelry...

only in the mind of a half wit.
Why is she flying coach on Jet Blue?

I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
How do you think that they get pretty well off?

They aren't that well off, or else the asshole would release his tax returns. They fund a lot of money into appearances. And Ivanka Trump didn't want to make a big deal out of the incident because it doesn't look good for the CEO of a jewelry empire to be sitting in the middle seat in coach on a cheap-o airline.
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