Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her, your best choice is no words.
Considering it is likely that you don't know WHO on the plane said this to her,

Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.

From your 'link'...

"The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.""

apparently, the 'meeting' wasn't an accident.

and what, btw, does her selling jewelry have to do with the airplane episode?

You're spinning it and/or don't understand. There's no way a passenger has access to the passenger manifest list.
And why not throw in a nugget about her pimping her jewelry? It's not like I'm trying to deflect to Obama or Hillary, like you idiots do.

Who said he had access to the passenger list?
I merely cut and pasted what the mans husband said.

You did see it on your facebook link, didn't you?

Did you also see that Ivanka didn't want to make a big deal out of it?

right, comparing Obama or the Clintons actions are the same as touting jewelry...

only in the mind of a half wit.

Read your own damn post: "...the 'meeting' wasn't an accident". Then what was it?
Ivanka was embarrassed to be sitting on a cheap flight in a middle coach seat, idiot. Her daddy has his own jet.
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

The guy was a total douchebag.

If I got on a plane and saw Trump's trollopes, Uday or Qusay or Lucretia, I would have said/done the same thing. I say make 'em pay for helping the fucking potentate get elected. He is going to ruin the country, along with help from his butt-buddy Putin.
Of course you would do the same thing. All low life scumbags act the same
Have you ever had a two digit IQ?

Passenger gets in her face about her father and his policies is not likely to be a RWer.

Use some common sense.

(If you have any)

Actually, digging into this deeper, very unlike any rightie on this board would do, the guy spoke out loud to the people on the plane and said, "First they ruin our country and now they ruin our flight". This according to the guy sitting in front of Ivanka Trump on the plane:
Marc Scheff - UPDATE : if you agree that this whole... | Facebook

And since Ivanka is always pimping her jewelry when she's not pimping for her father, I say touché, mo'fo'.
Ivanka Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Appearance Used To Hawk $10K Bracelets
She's nothing but a slick saleswoman herself.

From your 'link'...

"The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.""

apparently, the 'meeting' wasn't an accident.

and what, btw, does her selling jewelry have to do with the airplane episode?

You're spinning it and/or don't understand. There's no way a passenger has access to the passenger manifest list.
And why not throw in a nugget about her pimping her jewelry? It's not like I'm trying to deflect to Obama or Hillary, like you idiots do.

Who said he had access to the passenger list?
I merely cut and pasted what the mans husband said.

You did see it on your facebook link, didn't you?

Did you also see that Ivanka didn't want to make a big deal out of it?

right, comparing Obama or the Clintons actions are the same as touting jewelry...

only in the mind of a half wit.

Read your own damn post: "...the 'meeting' wasn't an accident". Then what was it?
Ivanka was embarrassed to be sitting on a cheap flight in a middle coach seat, idiot. Her daddy has his own jet.

I quoted YOUR link, 2020.

I called you a half wit earlier, I apologize.

I gave you too much credit
Wilson told the truth. Obama was lying.
Didn't you read the story? Turns out Wilson was wrong.
So illegal immigrants aren't getting healthcare?

Turns out that Joe's claim was

So you are stating that illegal immigrants don't get healthcare?
Name one time bush lied. ONE!

Was "read my lips no new taxes" a lie?
Yeah and he lost the election because of it. You freaks praise Obama for it. Gruber is proud.
I'm so tired of fags - and it has NOTHING to do with their sex lives at all - because I find their attitude and behavior so detestable. They are easily the shallowest, attention-whoring, entitled crybaby, obnoxious bullies I've ever seen. Morever, they're too stupid to support. Even after Orlando most of these teenage-girls-in-men's-bodies STILL support the most gay public executing, gay torturing, homosexual slaughterhouse in the world, Pisslam. So I have ZERO sympathy for the Orlando victims. As far as I'm concerned gay idiots wanted Islam in this country and by god they got it, didn't they? If one needs further proof of homosexual stupidity, look at their gigantic rate of one of the most easily preventable diseases on earth! I don't hate gays' turn-ons, but I LOATHE their egotistical malice. Truly people who are Fucked with a capital F.
Why is she flying coach on Jet Blue?

I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
What does that mean...cuz they're well off
Apparently the rich are not allowed to intermingle with the middle class nor are they permitted to be frugal.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.

We don't want to kill our country...

Hey Ivanka!
Get your stinky pussy off this airplane!
<I love locker rom talk>


What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

How about when trump raped a 13-year-old child? Was that a "gotcha" moment?
How about when trump raped a 13-year-old child? Was that a "gotcha" moment?
Your ass must be pretty jealous
of all the shit that comes out of your mouth
the orange mutant orangutan and his klan better get used to it

What a repulsive, vicious, non-carbon-based, iridium-speckled piece of meteorite shit you are! You are sooo amoral you think it's okay to terrorize a mother and her children because you have a paranoia psychosis over a politician related to them. Why can't walking obscenities like you just do the right thing and die of cancer? You don't have a single civilized, respectable cell in your hobgoblin body.. Coward son of a bitch.
This harassment by the mentally ill Crooked Hillary douchebag was a hate crime and also child endangerment and should be prosecuted as such.

We don't want to kill our country...

Hey Ivanka!
Get your stinky pussy off this airplane!
<I love locker rom talk>


What a mighty keyboard commando you are.

At least the asshole on the plane had the balls to do it in public. you just sit behind your keyboard wanking it when progs act like assholes.

Your defense of Political Correctness is ...Killing this Country!

This is not even close to "PC", there was an actual hostile confrontation in an enclosed space. Not a lecture, or a common area.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking idiots. You think you have a "gotcha" moment, and you run with it no matter how stupid it makes you look.

How about when trump raped a 13-year-old child? Was that a "gotcha" moment?

Going to that debunked crap shows you are a complete idiot, a troll, or an idiot troll.

Go assume room temperature somewhere, soon, please.

It's "debunked"? Why, because the accuser was threatened with her life by Trump-humpers?
Why is she flying coach on Jet Blue?

I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
What does that mean...cuz they're well off
Apparently the rich are not allowed to intermingle with the middle class nor are they permitted to be frugal.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Do you ever wonder what life would be like
if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?
The delusional Jewish, Democrat mental case Dan Goldstein should be locked up for a hate crime and child abuse.
Every citizen has every right to rebuke a Trump every time one is seen in public.

Having to take another flight may be part of the price, but there you go.

The guy was a total douchebag.

If I got on a plane and saw Trump's trollopes, Uday or Qusay or Lucretia, I would have said/done the same thing. I say make 'em pay for helping the fucking potentate get elected. He is going to ruin the country, along with help from his butt-buddy Putin.
Of course you would do the same thing. All low life scumbags act the same

Yeah, they really do.....

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