Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion
Are obummer kids now open season to harass? WTF is wrong with these idiots. I got a hoot that he doesn't understand why he was removed. And that stupid fk has a kid? Wow!

BTW, figures he's a lawyer and an elitistand is above everyone else.
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It'll be interesting to see what happens with those two idiots. Bragging on twitter about harassing Ivanka, in front her kids, was dumber than the act itself. lol
Which of these queens has the most reason to hate Ivanka?

#1. The dude playing the dude. He's angry because he wasn't able to score a woman as beautiful as Ivanka or close. So he's left with #2, no pun intended.

#2. The dude playing the woman. He's angry because he wasn't born a woman. Ivanaka's beauty makes matters worse, and deep down inside he knows his "husband" longs for a real girl.
If the guy can't be on a plane with someone that he can't stand, he should've gotten on another plane since he is the one who has the problem.

God bless you and Ivanka always!!!


Why would a key person in the Trump Organization be flying commercial? Come on, you're smarted than this.

The entire thing stinks of a set-up.
January 21 all registered Democrats go on the "do not fly" list - fitting for terrorists and terrorist-wannabes.
Which of these queens has the most reason to hate Ivanka?

#1. The dude playing the dude. He's angry because he wasn't able to score a woman as beautiful as Ivanka or close. So he's left with #2, no pun intended.

#2. The dude playing the woman. He's angry because he wasn't born a woman. Ivanaka's beauty makes matters worse, and deep down inside he knows his "husband" longs for a real girl.
Wow, they were faggots? Lol
Why would a key person in the Trump Organization be flying commercial? Come on, you're smarted than this.

The entire thing stinks of a set-up.

It could have to do with economics - something you lefties cannot grasp. Were this The First Cow she/he/it would have Air Farce One fired up at your expense for the Imperial Journey.
Is CNN going to go with the headline "Ivanka Trump ruins gay couple's Christmas" or "Ivanka Trump the Grinch." ???
Which of these queens has the most reason to hate Ivanka?

#1. The dude playing the dude. He's angry because he wasn't able to score a woman as beautiful as Ivanka or close. So he's left with #2, no pun intended.

#2. The dude playing the woman. He's angry because he wasn't born a woman. Ivanaka's beauty makes matters worse, and deep down inside he knows his "husband" longs for a real girl.
Wow, they were faggots? Lol

Faggot may be a little strong, but yeah. I guess queen 1 or 2 tweeted his husband was chasing after her. Which one you figure was chasing her, #1 the wanna-be hero or #2 the male-bitch?
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the orange mutant orangutan and his klan better get used to it
Yeah keep it up, when she becomes first lady. You can get killed for threatening her. So come on liberals keep it up!

How is the Daughter of the President the 'First Lady?' Pretty stupid!
Oh well threaten one of Obama's daughters and see what happens. Even though you could entice the oldest daughter with a joint.
the orange mutant orangutan and his klan better get used to it
Yeah keep it up, when she becomes first lady. You can get killed for threatening her. So come on liberals keep it up!

How is the Daughter of the President the 'First Lady?' Pretty stupid!
Oh well threaten one of Obama's daughters and see what happens. Even though you could entice the oldest daughter with a joint.

What threat?
Which of these queens has the most reason to hate Ivanka?

#1. The dude playing the dude. He's angry because he wasn't able to score a woman as beautiful as Ivanka or close. So he's left with #2, no pun intended.

#2. The dude playing the woman. He's angry because he wasn't born a woman. Ivanaka's beauty makes matters worse, and deep down inside he knows his "husband" longs for a real girl.
Wow, they were faggots? Lol

Faggot may be a little strong, but yeah. I guess queen 1 or 2 tweeted his husband his chasing after her. Which one you figure was chasing her, #1 the wanna-be hero, or #2 is a male-bitch?
My bad, shit packin mofo..... better?
I don't need a tissue, you need a full brain, instead of just the half you've been using.

Would you feel the same way had Michele and the girls been accosted on an airplane?

Of course not.

It's all political with you.
Poor little snowflake..........But....but.....what about Michele Obama?

Republicans called her an ape in heels and you whimper because someone was rude to Ivanka
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