Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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Why is she flying coach on Jet Blue?

I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
What does that mean...cuz they're well off
Apparently the rich are not allowed to intermingle with the middle class nor are they permitted to be frugal.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Do you ever wonder what life would be like
if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?

I wonder what life would be like if you (and other neanderthals) had never been born.
What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion
was she grabbed by the pussy?
Liberals have no class

Then Ivanka must be liberal. Oh wait! They are! LMAO.....

Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Jennifer Kerns February 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Liberal =/= democrat dumbfuck

So true.
Trump in '04: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
Liberals lost the election. Democrats crossed sides and gave Trump the victory.
Liberals have no class

Then Ivanka must be liberal. Oh wait! They are! LMAO.....

Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Jennifer Kerns February 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Liberal =/= democrat dumbfuck

So true.
Trump in '04: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
Liberals have no class

Then Ivanka must be liberal. Oh wait! They are! LMAO.....

Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Jennifer Kerns February 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Liberal =/= democrat dumbfuck

So true.
Trump in '04: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
I've posted that link many times. In case you hadn't noticed, no one gives a fuck what he said pre primaries. He won, get it? YOU FUCKING LOST
Why is she flying coach on Jet Blue?

I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
How do you think that they get pretty well off?

They aren't that well off, or else the asshole would release his tax returns. They fund a lot of money into appearances. And Ivanka Trump didn't want to make a big deal out of the incident because it doesn't look good for the CEO of a jewelry empire to be sitting in the middle seat in coach on a cheap-o airline.
Well, he's got some pretty good appearances for a broke guy. Maybe he's borrowing heavily from a payday loan place.

But Ivanka would be wrong if she flew coach, first class, dad's plane or rode a bicycle so why take you seriously?
What an idiot. Does this guy even realise that Trump isn't even in office yet?

Furthermore, what sort of emotional stability does someone possess when he does that on a plane with a child in his arms? In front of her kids. Yelling at someone he doesn't know in and of itself is an odd approach. It's not as if he was being harassed or having his flight impeded.

Report: Passenger removed from plane after harassing Ivanka Trump

An unruly passenger had to be removed from a JetBlue flight leaving New York on Thursday after he began loudly harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children, according to TMZ and posts on social media.

Ivanka, the daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was flying in coach with her husband, Jared Kushner, her children and several cousins when an unidentified man began yelling at her.

“Your father is ruining the country,” the man said, according to TMZ. “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

The man was reportedly holding a young child in his arms during the tirade. Trump tried distracting her kids during the incident.

When JetBlue security escorted the man off the plane, he reportedly complained they were “kicking me off for expressing my opinion
The man's "husband" My husband expressed displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane."
I kinda wondered that as well.... I believe they are pretty well off.
What does that mean...cuz they're well off
Apparently the rich are not allowed to intermingle with the middle class nor are they permitted to be frugal.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Nor are they allowed to hear locker room talk unless it comes out of daddy's mouth.

What goes around, comes around. Trump has made rudeness, insults, and foul language the order of the day.
Do you ever wonder what life would be like
if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?

I wonder what life would be like if you (and other neanderthals) had never been born.
I wonder what life would be like if you (and other neanderthals) had never been born.
yea....great comeback!

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out a smarter statement than whatever you just said.
Liberals have no class

Then Ivanka must be liberal. Oh wait! They are! LMAO.....

Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Jennifer Kerns February 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s Kids Donate to Democrats
Liberal =/= democrat dumbfuck

So true.
Trump in '04: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
Liberals lost the election. Democrats crossed sides and gave Trump the victory.

That's right. I did after bernie got shafted and Trump seemed a better choice to make America great again anyway. Quite a few others I know did the same. Glad we sent clinton to the trash bin of history.
The insane left showing why America has made the Democratic Party irrelevant in 2017. Yeah, fly private jets like the elite who say your carbon footprint is too large.

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, “Your father is ruining the country.” The guy went on, “Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.” The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

Ivanka Trump Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight (PHOTO + UPDATE)

Prove it someone from the Left....

Could very easily be an actual conservative...
The left has no shame.

Well, it looks like a couple of them on this board are anyway, up to this point. How can anyone defend this guy's actions, especially in front of kids? Another insight into some of the people who wanted clinton over Trump. I don't believe all dems are this low, though.
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like
if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?"

I wonder what life would be like if you (and other neanderthals) had never been born.

Think about it, no righties=lefties still living at home in the cave of their neanderthal ancestors with only each other to convince how smart they are...i.e. the latter post more or less confirms the former post.
If the guy can't be on a plane with someone that he can't stand, he should've gotten on another plane since he is the one who has the problem.

God bless you and Ivanka always!!!

The airlines are already bowing to Trump. Boeing CEO Says He Assured Donald Trump the New Air Force One Will Cost Less Than $4B

I think what we will see in future is a lot fewer nuts on the flights. Get used to that, psychotic commie scumbags.

Psst...we're going to build a lot more prisons and nuthatches right off the bat. So when you stupidly attack people you will be scooped up and deposited where you can never harm anybody again, ever...except each other.

First: The Air Force One Program was always scheduled to be less then $4B.

Secondly: Why is crappy clowns Daughter flying commercial? Her net worth is $150M, come-on.....

NetJets: Fractional Private Jet and Aircraft Ownership
Appears they're a couple of queens too. See, it's Ivanaka's fault their conscious tells them they're dicks by referring to their boyfriend as husband.
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