Libs going after patriotic nationalists again

I will, but when I do dont assume that I’m saying blacks have none of those qualities already

Because they do

Just not enough

Traditionally (since at least 500 years ago) whites were Christians who believed in education, hard work and family values based on faith in God

Today those values are eroding among whites and their success in our society is eroding with it

But the formula still works for all races that choose to practice it
The white Christians you're talking about enslaved African families, treated their daughters like commodities and enslaved the children they had with their slaves. Your fairytales of what white people were like just because they claimed to be Christian is just that, a fairytale.
Most older blacks are devout Christians

Blacks and whites owned slaves. We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners.

The reparations argument or the idea that white supremacy is alive and well in America is total nonsense. It will be like me an Irishman demanding reparations from British people today.
The difference is you don't see black posters here doing frail cosplay and talking about how slavers were good Christian people.
The white Christians you're talking about enslaved African families, treated their daughters like commodities and enslaved the children they had with their slaves. Your fairytales of what white people were like just because they claimed to be Christian is just that, a fairytale.
If black and arabs in africa were not so backward they could have enslaved white euro’s instead

And would have if they could
That is you speaking out of ignorance. The damage of slavery and Jim Crow doesn't have a damn thing to do with drinking out a water fountain.
It sure does

You are saying that black people are less capable than whites because of Jim Crow laws such as whites-only water fountains that ended generations ago

Even if that were true it only affirms the idea that whites make better employees than black applicants

Do you really want to go to war with that assumption?
If black and arabs in africa were not so backward they could have enslaved white euro’s instead

And would have if they could
So you're backwards if you're not the most successful enslaver? Is that your argument now?
It sure does

You are saying that black people are less capable than whites because of Jim Crow laws such as whites-only water fountains that ended generations ago

Even if that were true it only affirms the idea that whites make better employees than black applicants

Do you really want to go to war with that assumption?
Where did I say that? Please post that quote.

Jim Crow is much deeper than drinking out a water fountain.

The law and racism holds folks who are more than capable from achieving the same things whites can achieve.
I can easily infer your meaning

But explain it your way if you wish
We can argue opinions, can't argue facts.

This is a good book to read.
I asked you a question and you ran away from it
I didn't run away from anything Mac I merely forgot about it in my laughter at your loser predicament. To answer your question though I do have every political intention of enslaving some whites, if we're going to be pedantic about that word, not you however. You frailures I merely mean to push towards cultural extinction and demographic displacement.
I didn't run away from anything Mac I merely forgot about it in my laughter at your loser predicament. To answer your question though I do have every political intention of enslaving some whites, if we're going to be pedantic about that word, not you however. You frailures I merely mean to push towards cultural extinction and demographic displacement.
I dont think that will happen

But if it does you are still the loser because all of America will become poor and disfunctional

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