Libs, If banning Arab "refugees" saves even 1 US it worth it?

How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.
Yes, my one American life is far more valuable to me than theirs. Furthermore, this is America, so we get to decide, not them. Our priorities are the only thing that matters, not theirs.
What we are you referring to ?
Love to break this to you slapdick but no life is more valuable than any other no matter what Nationality they claim to be.
Clowns like you represent the very worst of America.

Wrong, asshole. My life is more valuable to me than any other life. The lives of my wife and children are also more valuable to me than any other life. The question you refuse to ask is "of value to whom?" There is no such thing as "intrinsic value." That's a fundamental law of economics, a science leftwing turds like you are unable to comprehend.
3000 were killed on 9/11
My question stands . How many killed by muslim refugees ?

Making this about "refugees" is a diversion. The issue is whether we should allow Muslims into the country.

NO, the issue is whether we can SAFELY VET Muslims coming from Pro-Terrorist Areas.

Even the guy in Orlando who was born here, did you look at his father? HMMMMMMM? The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Do you look like your dad?

Yes, but my Dad isn't a mass murdering muzzie savage. No one even remotely related to him ever killed anyone.
The only difference between that guy and your dad is circumstances.
As to the second part of your bullshit is everybody has a relative or ancestor That has killed another person .
You are falsely claiming that no one in your family line never fought in a war or never committed a crime.
Even Jesus could not claim that.
His dad is the most famous mass murder of all times , if you believe in that myth that is.
Go with temporarily halting all Immigration from known Terrorist-haven nations. That's the more logical effective way to go. Start with nations like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. But other nations should be considered as well.
How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.
Yes, my one American life is far more valuable to me than theirs. Furthermore, this is America, so we get to decide, not them. Our priorities are the only thing that matters, not theirs.
What we are you referring to ?
Love to break this to you slapdick but no life is more valuable than any other no matter what Nationality they claim to be.
Clowns like you represent the very worst of America.

Wrong, asshole. My life is more valuable to me than any other life. The lives of my wife and children are also more valuable to me than any other life. The question you refuse to ask is "of value to whom?" There is no such thing as "intrinsic value." That's a fundamental law of economics, a science leftwing turds like you are unable to comprehend.
You've just proved you are a totally self involved pretentious slapdick.
You consider yourself more important than your wife or children.
Why am I not surprised.
What makes your life more valuable than anyone else's?
Have you. ..
Made any life saving medical or scientific breakthroughs?
Have you ever done anything that is not self serving?
I could spend years pointing out the mostly meaningless life you have lived but that would be stating the obvious.
It's enough to say you are intrinsically meaningless.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....
If banning semi-automatic weapons save 50 Americans lives is it worth it?

Just about every pistol sold in America is a semi-automatic weapon using your criteria. The rifle you are referring to fires at the same rate as the "glock" or the .45 semi-automatic#19 manufactured by Browning.used in WWI.

The Glock 19 can have clips that hold up to 15 bullets. 4 clips could kill 60 people or more.

The only use of fully automatic weapons used in Orlando was by the police SWAT personnel.

The rifle Mateen used fires one bullet every time the trigger is pulled exactly like most modern hand guns.

I find it comical that people with such poor information are bent on destroying the second amendment. If you do not appreciate the foundation this country was founded upon you all are free to go and find a place to live that suits you better. Suggesting that those who's relatives preceded them for centuries all "had it wrong" and your definition of how people ought to live is far more suitable for you and us suggests to me that you are traitors to the very foundation of this nation. Now scoot!

Many if not most Americans support The Preamble, The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These are meaningful and well thought out words. They deemed these rights not arguable. There is a reason why each of these phrases were constructed as they were.

When someone that has no family history in America abuses one or more of the words in the above cited documents I don't go shrieking against the wisdom of our founding fathers. First I look at the individual abusing the intent of our documented way of life. Mateen's father is at least a sandwich short of a picnic his own self.

Clearly the FBI dropped the ball here. They looked hard at this wingnut several times and did NOTHING! The FBI needs to change their name to The Federal Bureau of Indecision.
Visa Program Struggles to Track Missing Foreign Students
The Department of Homeland Security has lost track of more than 6,000 foreign nationals who entered the United States on student visas, overstayed their welcome, and essentially vanished -- exploiting a security gap that was supposed to be fixed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

"My greatest concern is that they could be doing anything," said Peter Edge, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official who oversees investigations into visa violators. "Some of them could be here to do us harm."

Homeland Security officials disclosed the breadth of the student visa problem in response to ABC News questions submitted as p

Maybe we should-

Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??
3000 were killed on 9/11

I'm sorry. I was under the impression that those citizens of Saudi Arabia were here on student visas. Is that the same as what this thread is aiming at? Do you propose we stop issuing travel here in America for the idea of foreigners that want an American education?

Maybe we should vet applicants for student visas with just as much intensity as immigrant applicants.
How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.
Yes, my one American life is far more valuable to me than theirs. Furthermore, this is America, so we get to decide, not them. Our priorities are the only thing that matters, not theirs.
What we are you referring to ?
Love to break this to you slapdick but no life is more valuable than any other no matter what Nationality they claim to be.
Clowns like you represent the very worst of America.

Wrong, asshole. My life is more valuable to me than any other life. The lives of my wife and children are also more valuable to me than any other life. The question you refuse to ask is "of value to whom?" There is no such thing as "intrinsic value." That's a fundamental law of economics, a science leftwing turds like you are unable to comprehend.

It's cheaper to help the muslims at their own countries anyway. And I would much prefer if the libs here would donate for the cause rather than "ask" (coerce) others to pay for it.
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You lied that you don't. Pucker up.

What would it take to prove you wrong?

How can you prove me wrong when you do what I said?

You say I kiss Obama's ass no matter what he does? Right?

Pucker up.

And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
What would it take to prove you wrong?

How can you prove me wrong when you do what I said?

You say I kiss Obama's ass no matter what he does? Right?

Pucker up.

And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.
How can you prove me wrong when you do what I said?

You say I kiss Obama's ass no matter what he does? Right?

Pucker up.

And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.

You better work harder. People like NYcarbineer, Matthew, and other Liberal morons on here are fighting to get in front of you to kiss Obama's ass. If you don't want to get left out, you should keep pushing your way toward the front.

Pucker up.
Temporarily halt Immigration from all known Muslim Terrorist-haven nations. Start with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. American lives will be saved. Do it now.
You say I kiss Obama's ass no matter what he does? Right?

Pucker up.

And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.

You better work harder. People like NYcarbineer, Matthew, and other Liberal morons on here are fighting to get in front of you to kiss Obama's ass. If you don't want to get left out, you should keep pushing your way toward the front.

Pucker up.
another sexually fantasy shared !
Temporarily halt Immigration from all known Muslim Terrorist-haven nations. Start with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. American lives will be saved. Do it now.
ok paulie , how much effect would that have on home grown terror attacks that are far more numerous than so called foreign ones?
Pucker up.

And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.

You better work harder. People like NYcarbineer, Matthew, and other Liberal morons on here are fighting to get in front of you to kiss Obama's ass. If you don't want to get left out, you should keep pushing your way toward the front.

Pucker up.
another sexually fantasy shared !

You confuse telling what people like you do with a fantasy. I have no such fantasy but you have proven that while you do it figuratively, it's obvious you want to do it literally.
And you attack Obama no matter what he does. You're a loserterian freak.

Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.

You better work harder. People like NYcarbineer, Matthew, and other Liberal morons on here are fighting to get in front of you to kiss Obama's ass. If you don't want to get left out, you should keep pushing your way toward the front.

Pucker up.
another sexually fantasy shared !

You confuse telling what people like you do with a fantasy. I have no such fantasy but you have proven that while you do it figuratively, it's obvious you want to do it literally.
really? a fantasy is figurative and you bring it up so often , it's obvious that you dream about sucking
Not a Libertarian.

Pucker up.
No just your basic propaganda pin head.

You better work harder. People like NYcarbineer, Matthew, and other Liberal morons on here are fighting to get in front of you to kiss Obama's ass. If you don't want to get left out, you should keep pushing your way toward the front.

Pucker up.
another sexually fantasy shared !

You confuse telling what people like you do with a fantasy. I have no such fantasy but you have proven that while you do it figuratively, it's obvious you want to do it literally.
really? a fantasy is figurative and you bring it up so often , it's obvious that you dream about sucking

It's obvious you literally do. Pucker up.

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