Libs, If banning Arab "refugees" saves even 1 US it worth it?

I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....
The left never support the preservation of life - even if it's fellow leftists.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....

As long as you can live with the deaths of tens of thousands of refugees on your conscience, just keep on spewing your xenophobic bullshit.

Far, far, far, far more Muslims are victims of terrorism than you pants shitting cowards. Conflating them with the very terrorists they are trying to flee from is the asshole move of the Millennium.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....

As long as you can live with the deaths of tens of thousands of refugees on your conscience, just keep on spewing your xenophobic bullshit.

Far, far, far, far more Muslims are victims of terrorism than you pants shitting cowards. Conflating them with the very terrorists they are trying to flee from is the asshole move of the Millennium.

When have any of these refugees ever been in danger of getting killed? Turds like you they have to wait 18 months to get approved. If they aren't getting killed in 18 months, then why are they going to be killed in 36 months? 72 months?

As always, the pro-muzzie importation morons reveal their dishonesty before they even open their mouths.
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.
If you died it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
Nor would anyone in your layer of trash.
The true liberal seething toward anyone who has a different set of beliefs comes out. How intolerant of you.
How melodramatic and false.
Please post "the imaginary seething".
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.

Ya...Ya...The "liberals" have some really stupid ideas. I'm especially angry towards their position on gun ownership. They come up with some extremely bad logic.

On the other hand you are not exactly bristling with intelligence either when it comes to this refugee issue.

There are many good reasons to deny entry to refugees. For one the cost of supporting them while they are finding jobs among others. How is it OUR problem in the second place? The meddling we did that created huge pockets of conflict was not in a vacuum. The whole region was/is unstable and has been for a very long time.

The problem this thread is focusing on seems the least defensible.

Saying that "some time in the future." we will be facing a lot of home grown attacks by these refugees is just sheer unfounded speculation with no evidence to support it.

I think first we should investigate these people asking every question that could relate to terrorism in some location other than here in the USA before even thinking about allowing them entry.

I am not sure how this refugee problem is a democrat or republican issue. It seems some are trying to make it pounding a square peg into a round hole.
It's and American protection issue.
Best non answer so far.
How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.
Yes, my one American life is far more valuable to me than theirs. Furthermore, this is America, so we get to decide, not them. Our priorities are the only thing that matters, not theirs.
What we are you referring to ?
Love to break this to you slapdick but no life is more valuable than any other no matter what Nationality they claim to be.
Clowns like you represent the very worst of America.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....
The left never support the preservation of life - even if it's fellow leftists.
Total bullshit.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....
The left never support the preservation of life - even if it's fellow leftists.
Total bullshit.
I stand corrected, the left do support the preservation of life in one case - murderers.
Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??
3000 were killed on 9/11
My question stands . How many killed by muslim refugees ?

Making this about "refugees" is a diversion. The issue is whether we should allow Muslims into the country.

NO, the issue is whether we can SAFELY VET Muslims coming from Pro-Terrorist Areas.

Even the guy in Orlando who was born here, did you look at his father? HMMMMMMM? The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....
The left never support the preservation of life - even if it's fellow leftists.
Total bullshit.
I stand corrected, the left do support the preservation of life in one case - murderers.
More total bullshit.
Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??
3000 were killed on 9/11
My question stands . How many killed by muslim refugees ?

Making this about "refugees" is a diversion. The issue is whether we should allow Muslims into the country.

NO, the issue is whether we can SAFELY VET Muslims coming from Pro-Terrorist Areas.

Even the guy in Orlando who was born here, did you look at his father? HMMMMMMM? The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Do you look like your dad?
Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??
3000 were killed on 9/11
My question stands . How many killed by muslim refugees ?

Making this about "refugees" is a diversion. The issue is whether we should allow Muslims into the country.

NO, the issue is whether we can SAFELY VET Muslims coming from Pro-Terrorist Areas.

Even the guy in Orlando who was born here, did you look at his father? HMMMMMMM? The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Do you look like your dad?

Yes, but my Dad isn't a mass murdering muzzie savage. No one even remotely related to him ever killed anyone.

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