Libs, If banning Arab "refugees" saves even 1 US it worth it?

How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.
Yes. The government's job is to protect American lives, not those of other countries. It's even worse if in the process of saving the citizens of another country, they end up allowing their own citizens to die.
You're awfully young to have such a hardened attitude. Refugees, carefully vetted, are not the problem. The terrorists may enter Europe in the chaotic waves of refugees, but that is not how it is done here. Why would a terrorist risk being found out during 18 months of scrutiny? They will enter with a Visa or come across the border illegally, and more likely than either of those, they will simply continue to spread their vile poison via Internet and adherents already in the country. The problem is already here. The refugees have had their homes blown up and are forced to move to a foreign country where they don't speak the language, know the food, share the culture--nothing. They just want a place to be safe and live their lives. When we refused to allow in the German Jews during WWII, look what happened. It was not one of our prouder moments, being part of a world that allowed so many Jews to be murdered by the Nazi's. We are all part of human kind, Pumpkin Row. Someday, I hope you understand that.
Terrorists are willing to die as long as they take some of us with them, I highly doubt that they care if they're found out.

This 'proud human kind' is separated into different governments, in different countries, on different continents. It's their government's job to protect their citizens from foreign and domestic threats. Their government failing to do its duty is not our problem, it's their problem, and because our government failing to protect us, due to trying to protect them means that our government isn't doing its duty. Our government's duty to American people comes first.
Of course. And how many refugees have committed terror attacks in this country? Not immigrants, but refugees?
BTW, if everyone relied on their governments for the well being of the world, we would have become extinct long ago.
Oh great! We are talking about guns again. So needed.

We didn't start the conversation. Your Muslim president did. Tired of it already?

You didn't start discussions about guns?

Muslim president? Is that a rational or an emotional comment?
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?
We didn't start the conversation. Your Muslim president did. Tired of it already?

You didn't start discussions about guns?

Muslim president? Is that a rational or an emotional comment?
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?
Claims to be a Christian, but his actions certainly imply he's a Muslim.
We didn't start the conversation. Your Muslim president did. Tired of it already?

You didn't start discussions about guns?

Muslim president? Is that a rational or an emotional comment?
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?

He's a Muslim. I'm now judging him on his actions more than his words.
How many refugees die because we won't let them in? Is your 1 American life that much more valuable than theirs? Oh, wait--I know your answer.

You're God damn right it is. THEY aren't Americans. We spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives trying to stabilize THEIR shithole homeland and THEIR peers wouldn't civilize.

Now you say we should accept some terrorists just for the sake of letting some of them come in here???

Fuck that.


Actually the US spent trillions destabilizing the region... The NeoCon policy created the conditions for ISIS and other extreme element in the region to flourish... Remember Colin Powell 'You Break it, you bought it'

The US hold responsibility here....


The sudden flood of emigrants created a major refugee crisis. President Franklin D. Roosevelt convened a conference in Evian, France, in July 1938. Despite the participation of delegates from 32 countries, including the United States, Great Britain, France, Canada, and Australia, only the Dominican Republic agreed to accept additional refugees. The plight of German-Jewish refugees, persecuted at home and unwanted abroad, is also illustrated by the voyage of the "St. Louis."

During 1938–1939, in an program known as the Kindertransport, the United Kingdom admitted 10,000 unaccompanied Jewish children on an emergency basis. 1939 also marked the first time the United States filled its combined German-Austrian quota (which now included annexed Czechoslovakia). However, this limit did not come close to meeting the demand; by the end of June 1939, 309,000 German, Austrian, and Czech Jews had applied for the 27,000 places available under the quota.

By September 1939, approximately 282,000 Jews had left Germany and 117,000 from annexed Austria. Of these, some 95,000 emigrated to the United States, 60,000 to Palestine, 40,000 to Great Britain, and about 75,000 to Central and South America, with the largest numbers entering Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia. More than 18,000 Jews from the German Reich were also able to find refuge in Shanghai, in Japanese-occupied China.

At the end of 1939, about 202,000 Jews remained in Germany and 57,000 in annexed Austria, many of them elderly. By October 1941, when Jewish emigration was officially forbidden, the number of Jews in Germany had declined to 163,000. The vast majority of those Jews still in Germany were murdered in Nazi camps and ghettosduring the Holocaust.
Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??

19 immigrants killed 3000 in 2001.'re trying to equate a net crime total of a 330,000,000 person nation to that of a wave of immigrants that's 0.01% the size. Sorry. I'm too smart for the liberal tricks you morons use on your college freshmen.

Hey idiot... They were not immigrants.... Get your facts right
You didn't start discussions about guns?

Muslim president? Is that a rational or an emotional comment?
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?
Claims to be a Christian, but his actions certainly imply he's a Muslim.

You are not answering the question.
You didn't start discussions about guns?

Muslim president? Is that a rational or an emotional comment?
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?

He's a Muslim. I'm now judging him on his actions more than his words.

I see. That's very fair and unemotional of you. It's also just a little bit crazy.
I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....

If you agree to ban all guns, I'll agree to ban all Muslims.
We need said guns to protect ourselves from the Islamic Extremist Terrorists you guys love so much.

You think someone here loves Islamic extremist terrorists? Is that you being profound again?

Yes. YOUR PARTY....Obama, Hillary, Democrats.....will be seen in 20 years by historians as the ones who allowed in, via hordes of refugees, at least a dozen or so terrorists who WILL commit large attacks in the coming 20 years.

When?? 2017? 2020? 2024? 2028? Who knows.

But it's almost guaranteed that several will occur and many of those who will commit them ARE COMING IN right now with groups of refugees.

Surely you can't deny that fact?

When, exactly are these refugees supposed to start killing Americans at home. Are you counting the homo who just recently killed a bunch of people in Orlando? Of course he wasn't a refugee. We all know that. Other than him there were the brothers at the Boston Marathon but they had nothing to do with Iraq, Iran or Syria refugees either.

Since this is a "hot" topic lately I did a little research because I like to know the facts before formulating an opinion. As it turns out the instances of refugees from the areas you and the more reactionary types are referring haven't killed ANY Americans here at home.

Sure, I'm on board with preventing bringing these terrorists here if they are killing Americans. The truth...the sad truth is that they haven't killed anyone here. So what the hell is it that you are talking about?

According to the information I have been looking at a bit more than 750,000 Mid East refugees have been allowed to enter the USA since 9/11.

The viral claim that ‘not one’ refugee resettled since 9/11 has been ‘arrested on domestic terrorism charges’

It seems you and a few others are screaming bloody murder to the high heavens with absolutely nothing to base your chicken little "the sky is falling" prognosticating.

There are certainly some areas in the world where ISIS and Al Kaida have presented themselves in force and people from these very troubled regions must be vetted intensely. It seems we are doing that already.

Maybe the information I just in this early afternoon, discovered is all lies and the warnings you and others are belly aching about are your "god's honest truth". Somehow it actually appears you are wrong. Imagine THAT!
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Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.
Guns kill thousands of Americans each year. How many are killed by muslim refugees ??

Even in Germany the refugees have managed to kill many in a year. Not to even speak about rapes (which are worse than death according to the regressive liberal ideology).

And unlike with gun control, banning the immigrants will for a fact save lives.

Not to even speak about all the other crime they commit. The resources could be used to save lives at hospitals.
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I hear this argument ALL THE TIME from the left on all sorts of grand ideas to mandate or ban or regulate when the result won't make much difference.

Well...."If it saves even 1 American's worth it."

They say it about gun control.


How about refugees? CIA says ISIS is sneaking operatives in. We know this. If banning them all prevents the ISIS guys...and just 1 life saved.....

If you agree to ban all guns, I'll agree to ban all Muslims.
We need said guns to protect ourselves from the Islamic Extremist Terrorists you guys love so much.

You think someone here loves Islamic extremist terrorists? Is that you being profound again?

Yes. YOUR PARTY....Obama, Hillary, Democrats.....will be seen in 20 years by historians as the ones who allowed in, via hordes of refugees, at least a dozen or so terrorists who WILL commit large attacks in the coming 20 years.

When?? 2017? 2020? 2024? 2028? Who knows.

But it's almost guaranteed that several will occur and many of those who will commit them ARE COMING IN right now with groups of refugees.

Surely you can't deny that fact?

When, exactly are these refugees supposed to start killing Americans at home. Are you counting the homo who just recently killed a bunch of people in Orlando? Of course he wasn't a refugee. We all know that. Other than him there were the brothers at the Boston Marathon but they had nothing to do with Iraq, Iran or Syria refugees either.

Since this is a "hot" topic lately I did a little research because I like to know the facts before formulating an opinion. As it turns out the instances of refugees from the areas you and the more reactionary types are referring haven't killed ANY Americans here at home.

Sure, I'm on board with preventing bringing these terrorists here if they are killing Americans. The truth...the sad truth is that they haven't killed anyone here. So what the hell is it that you are talking about?

According to the information I have been looking at a bit more than 750,000 Mid East refugees have been allowed to enter the USA since 9/11.

The viral claim that ‘not one’ refugee resettled since 9/11 has been ‘arrested on domestic terrorism charges’

It seems you and a few others are screaming bloody murder to the high heavens with absolutely nothing to base your chicken little "the sky is falling" prognosticating.

There are certainly some areas in the world where ISIS and Al Kaida have presented themselves in force and people from these very troubled regions must be vetted intensely. It seems we are doing that already.

Maybe the information I just in this early afternoon, discovered is all lies and the warnings you and others are belly aching about are your "god's honest truth". Somehow it actually appears you are wrong. Imagine THAT!
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.
If you died it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
Nor would anyone in your layer of trash.
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.
If you died it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
Nor would anyone in your layer of trash.

Liberal tolerance?

Thanks for showing what your ideology is all about once more... it's not like we haven't got enough material though.
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.

Ya...Ya...The "liberals" have some really stupid ideas. I'm especially angry towards their position on gun ownership. They come up with some extremely bad logic.

On the other hand you are not exactly bristling with intelligence either when it comes to this refugee issue.

There are many good reasons to deny entry to refugees. For one the cost of supporting them while they are finding jobs among others. How is it OUR problem in the second place? The meddling we did that created huge pockets of conflict was not in a vacuum. The whole region was/is unstable and has been for a very long time.

The problem this thread is focusing on seems the least defensible.

Saying that "some time in the future." we will be facing a lot of home grown attacks by these refugees is just sheer unfounded speculation with no evidence to support it.

I think first we should investigate these people asking every question that could relate to terrorism in some location other than here in the USA before even thinking about allowing them entry.

I am not sure how this refugee problem is a democrat or republican issue. It seems some are trying to make it pounding a square peg into a round hole.
Liberals would rather have people die than hurt some element of our social stratas whittle feewings.

Ya...Ya...The "liberals" have some really stupid ideas. I'm especially angry towards their position on gun ownership. They come up with some extremely bad logic.

On the other hand you are not exactly bristling with intelligence either when it comes to this refugee issue.

There are many good reasons to deny entry to refugees. For one the cost of supporting them while they are finding jobs among others. How is it OUR problem in the second place? The meddling we did that created huge pockets of conflict was not in a vacuum. The whole region was/is unstable and has been for a very long time.

The problem this thread is focusing on seems the least defensible.

Saying that "some time in the future." we will be facing a lot of home grown attacks by these refugees is just sheer unfounded speculation with no evidence to support it.

I think first we should investigate these people asking every question that could relate to terrorism in some location other than here in the USA before even thinking about allowing them entry.

I am not sure how this refugee problem is a democrat or republican issue. It seems some are trying to make it pounding a square peg into a round hole.
It's and American protection issue.
He armed, trained, and funded a known Islamic terrorist organization, so suspecting him of being Muslim is rational.

Such a sweet, polite nutbag.
You must have forgotten how he armed that Muslim Brotherhood. If I were supporting Obama, I'd try to ignore it, too.

Is President Obama a Muslim or a Christian?

He's a Muslim. I'm now judging him on his actions more than his words.

I see. That's very fair and unemotional of you. It's also just a little bit crazy.
I fail to see how it's crazy to judge someone by their actions. Though, I'm sure you judge people only by their words.
That Bucky sure is tricky! He comes up with these really deep thoughts several times per day.

He should collect all of these ethical dilemmas, write them on cards and sell it as a board game.

No. It's not tricky.

It's simply asking liberals to apply their logic consistently to different issues. You morons judge each topic in a vacuum based on feel and emotion....and that's why you all are so hypocritical.
You’re an idiot.

Are you also going to ban Afghani refugees, Mateen’s father was from Afghanistan – not an Arab; he was also an American citizen, he wouldn’t have been stopped by your ‘Arab ban.’

You and others on the right are at liberty to live in fear, blinded by your bigotry, ignorance, and hate – indeed; with every bigoted, hateful post you score a victory for the terrorists.

You’re doing exactly what the terrorists want you to do – what you and others on the right are in fact doing – abandoning the fundamental tenets of this great Nation, and you’re too stupid and hateful to even realize it.

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