Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

The democrat majority in congress seems oblivious to anything but the Mueller probe. The dirty little secret is that democrats don't give a damn about the children of illegal aliens. They need the issue for political purposes and they can depend on the MSM to blame the President.

The not so secret is that your hero Trump created this mess on purpose as a deterrent.
Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
That's right according to you that knows everything and nothing at all about migrants.
/——/ Libtards give illegal criminals safe haven in their sanctuary cities.

Outside of being here illegally, no they don't
What happened to personal responsibility? The death of the father and daughter could have been avoided if they never tried to ILLEGALLY cross the border in the first place. The BLAME lies solely on that family who made they decision in the first place. Democrats trying to blame the U.S. are just liars and propagandists.

They should have stayed at home & been slaughtered by drug lords?
If they were comng for asylum, it was not illegal.

If they truly wanted asylum they could have headed to the US Embassy in their home country and asked for it.
They could or they could come here.

By coming here without a valid visa or through a valid port of entry, they are breaking the law.
Nope. Marty is getting dumber by the minute.
You are wrong. The caravans & others are fleeing the dangers in Central America.

You don't get Asylum because your life sucks in your home country. There has to be a tangible specific threat to you.

And again, they can petition the US Embassy in their home country.
They get their chance to argue their case. They should be able to do that without a fat asssed POS bastard stealing their children & keeping them in filth.

Their case should be denied out of hand because they didn't follow the rules.

They broke the law getting in. Back they go.

Every country except North Korea has a US presence that people can go to for asylum petitions.

And you morons encourage it because....well I rightly don't know why you encourage it. TDS? A desire to have more demorcats voting in 20 years?

It's not about humanitarianism for you morons, it's always about power.

It is legal to come here & seek asylum. They broke no law in doing so.

It is legal to seek asylum, if you enter illegally you are still entering illegally.
To seek asylum is not illegal. They can cross anywhere along the border & ask for asylum from any border guard.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

Both are true.

That is why we demand a barrier and security at the border, so people stop risking their lives trying to gain illegal entry. If they drown, or die of dehydration in the desert it doesn't matter. The fact that they'd even try is the problem.

Their countries need to unfuck themselves, and this country needs to unfuck itself. You should not be able to get a job without ID and a valid SS# or tax ID#.

I wouldn't even care if we allowed MORE PEOPLE IN, but they need to be documented. That way they can get ID, the correct numbers, and get some sort of job.

Actually, we prefer these things do not happen. It makes it worse when these events are the direct result of Trump policies & his inability to manage the border.

Bullshit. Your side has said open borders, and then these people believe it and flock to it.

Trump is trying to close the border, and you fight him at every turn.
So that is why Obama increased border security because he wanted open borders.

You assfucks with your open borders lie.

Obama isn't in office anymore. Trump wants to build a wall to assist in border security, by allowing agents to concentrate more in areas by blocking other areas.

You deny him the ability to do this out of hand.
Son were is your proof that Democrats want open borders? Certainly, not when they were running the executive branch. Certainly not when they ran Congress.

So if Dempocrasts want open borders, where are the bills in Congress indicating this?

They psssed funding for border security & your orange buddy vetoed it.

The fact is that you afre just another Trumptard lying all the time to misdirect from the total mess Trump has made at the border.

I mean how fucking stupid do you need to be to order changes that would result in thousands more incarcerations & yet do nothing to increase the incarceration space.

Stupid people support these stupid people that do stupid shit.

The position they take demands it. By giving amnesty to people who come here illegally, you are encouraging more illegal immigration. The result is an open border.

The border security they passed was bullshit.

Amnesty = Open Borders. When you allow something, you encourage it.

Having more people come here to seek asylum is not open borders.

The border security was everything but Trump;'s stupid 40' concrete wall.
People die during the commission of a crime every day. People die just doing stupid shit every day. This is Darwin award material.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

Both are true.

That is why we demand a barrier and security at the border, so people stop risking their lives trying to gain illegal entry. If they drown, or die of dehydration in the desert it doesn't matter. The fact that they'd even try is the problem.

Their countries need to unfuck themselves, and this country needs to unfuck itself. You should not be able to get a job without ID and a valid SS# or tax ID#.

I wouldn't even care if we allowed MORE PEOPLE IN, but they need to be documented. That way they can get ID, the correct numbers, and get some sort of job.

"Their countries need to unfuck themselves" Yes & we need to help them do it.
What happened to personal responsibility? The death of the father and daughter could have been avoided if they never tried to ILLEGALLY cross the border in the first place. The BLAME lies solely on that family who made they decision in the first place. Democrats trying to blame the U.S. are just liars and propagandists.

They should have stayed at home & been slaughtered by drug lords?
At home, they are the drug lords. Just for a different gang. If they faced getting slaughtered by drug lords at home, they will be very comfortable getting slaughtered by drug lords here. And doing the slaughtering themselves.

After all that is how we got MS-13.
Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

'Conservatives think this' or 'liberals think that' is simply a cop out using your own predetermined stereotypes. That's binary thinking based on personal anecdote and doesn't do anything besides pigeonhole parties. There's really no need for hyperbole.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

I think that's a pretty rational explanation that most people could get on board with regardless of politics.
People die during the commission of a crime every day. People die just doing stupid shit every day. This is Darwin award material.
Darwin Award material:

1) Changing the border policy to incarcerate everyone caught illegally crossing the border without increasing the detention capacity.

2) Separating families without sufficient holding facilities for the children

3) Flying these children all across America & then losing track of whose kid belongs to whom

4) Vetoing funding for border security because it did not fund your stupid wall.

5) Cutting off funding to the origin countries so they can do less to make their countries safer.

6) Threaten sanctions on Mexico meant to hurt their economy when doing so would create more people trying to come here illegally

7) paying a corporation $750/day to keep these children & they can't provide a bed or sundries or clean clothes.

8) Threaten another country to make them fix our border problem.

Trump did all of this. He created it, He does not know how to fix it.
Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
That's right according to you that knows everything and nothing at all about migrants.
/——/ Libtards give illegal criminals safe haven in their sanctuary cities.

Outside of being here illegally, no they don't
/——/ Libtards scream: Run and hide Juan, ICE is on the way.
People die during the commission of a crime every day. People die just doing stupid shit every day. This is Darwin award material.
Darwin Award material:

1) Changing the border policy to incarcerate everyone caught illegally crossing the border without increasing the detention capacity.

2) Separating families without sufficient holding facilities for the children

3) Flying these children all across America & then losing track of whose kid belongs to whom

4) Vetoing funding for border security because it did not fund your stupid wall.

5) Cutting off funding to the origin countries so they can do less to make their countries safer.

6) Threaten sanctions on Mexico meant to hurt their economy when doing so would create more people trying to come here illegally

7) paying a corporation $750/day to keep these children & they can't provide a bed or sundries or clean clothes.

8) Threaten another country to make them fix our border problem.

Trump did all of this. He created it, He does not know how to fix it.
Some suggestions.
Tax remittances at 25%
Open the border for hunting.
Anyone caught putting food, water or blankets out to assist the invasion gets a mandatory sentence of 5 years.
Pack up the children within 30 minutes of arrival and send them home.

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