Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

Why are you blaming a 13 year old girl for her rape?

What kind of asshole are you?

the kind of asshole who doesn't like grifters..

Bubba's accusers didn't evaporate like Trump's did.

Um, no, it took Ken Starr a 70 Million dollar investigation to prove those bitches were all liars.

So if a 13 year old girl has had sex before- she can't be raped?

Really- what kind of asshole refers to a 13 year old girl being raped and sodomized as a 'new and exciting experience for her'?

Apparently your kind of asshole.

a 13 year old grifter who damned well knew what she was doing..

'a 13 year old grifter'

And she is a 'grifter'- to you why? Because a 50 year old man sodomized her? Or because she demanded money- oh wait- she never demanded money.
That is disgusting. The 13yo was raped you idiot. How she has coped with it is a separate issue. But hey: a liberal did it so it's all OK!!?? Not bloody likely!!!

I say "Get over it" when the scum is serving time!! (ffs the incident was even recorded in "The Godfather")

I could care less about Polanski's politics one way or the other. (Is he even a political person, or is it just assumed he is a 'liberal' because he works in Hollywood?)

So let's review. You have this incident, where the prosecutor almost immediately realizes he's dealing with grifters who engaged in a blackmail scheme that went bad. So you negotiate a plea deal where wrongdoing is admitted to because you aren't really sure you'd win in court..

Let's review what really happened- rather than your revisionist history.

There was no blackmail scheme. The only money that may have exchanged hands was over 15 years later after Polansky was sued- and the judge ruled that

The trial judge in the case found “substantial evidence of oppressive conduct by Polanski and a strong likelihood that a jury would find despicable conduct on the part of Polanski.”
That's because the case isn't closed. He fled to avoid prosecution. If he really wants it over, he should return, go through the process and either serve his punishment or be released, and let justice close the books. If he has good lawyers and the case is really as weak as you claim, he should have no problems, right?

But could he get a fair trial after 40 years of people insisting he was guilty?

Seriously, Javert, how far do we chase Jean leJean over that loaf of bread?

That's a pretty lame excuse. Obviously, there are some people who would let him off the hook. How many do you think you represent?

It would appear that you are not as confident that the case would fall apart as you let on.

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Why do assholes like you and Joe insist on defending these rapist assholes?

Why the hell do you blame the victim of his child rape- rather than his victims?

The same goes for both you and Tipsy- both of these men- Hastert and Polansky confessed to sexual crimes against under age minors- children.

Why don't either of you give a damn about what they did to the kids?

Now, if we were talking about a murder or a real rape instead of a bullshit "statutory rape".

Yeah- to assholes like you- inviting a 13 year old girl over to a person's house, giving her drugs, and sticking a dick in her vagina and ass- is just 'bullshit statutory rape'.

Why aren't you defending Dennis Hastert also? And Jerry Sandusky?

It is obvious. We live in a hate filled world, where things like consistency and truth have no place. When you hate enough, whatever you hate becomes pure evil, and you can justify any and every action.

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Look at all the republican priest that got a pass on child rape & sodomy!

What Republican priest? The last I checked, there were no political requirements to the priesthood.

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Look at the 100's of republican priest that got a pass on child rape & sodomy!

Sigh. Were any of them Republican? Or Democrats? Again- why make this about politics rather than the crimes, the victims- and the case of the Catholic Church- the coverup.
He is guilty. He was tried and found guilty. If he wants a new trial he needs to ask a court to vacate the verdict and give him a new trial.

Except he wasn't "tried", he plead to a lower sentence, that the state tried to do backsies on.

No one violated his rights.

The judge having secret meetings with the prosecutor isn't a violation of rights? Really?

Drugging and raping a child is no “loaf of bread”. And Roman Polanski is no Jean Valjean.

A "child" who was already doing drugs and having sex isn't a "child".

Yeah- its pretty obvious that you aren't bothered by Polansky drugging, raping and sodomizing a 13 year old girl.

You just are pissed off that Polansky didn't get away with the little slap on the wrist that had been negotiated.

Nope, can't be bothered by it if her mother dropped her off at a party as part of a ill-conceived blackmail scheme.

And yes, I am pissed off when the state violates the fifth and sixth amendments.

Yeah- to assholes like you- inviting a 13 year old girl over to a person's house, giving her drugs, and sticking a dick in her vagina and ass- is just 'bullshit statutory rape'.

She was already doing drugs, she was already having things stuck in various orifices.

Why aren't you defending Dennis Hastert also? And Jerry Sandusky?

Because those were different cases with different facts?

I also do think that the way that the state went after Hastert - essentially charging him with spending his own money because the statue of limitations expired on the sex - was the kind of big-state abuse most of us should be against. But we do like to see the mighty and powerful get punished.
'a 13 year old grifter'

And she is a 'grifter'- to you why? Because a 50 year old man sodomized her? Or because she demanded money- oh wait- she never demanded money.

and you know this, how?

Here's the thing, the Prosecutor looked at this woman and her mother and didn't want to go to trial with them, so they cut a deal.

There was no blackmail scheme. The only money that may have exchanged hands was over 15 years later after Polansky was sued- and the judge ruled that

That's the point. Money did change hands... So this lady was pimping out her daughter, and that was always the plan.

That's a pretty lame excuse. Obviously, there are some people who would let him off the hook. How many do you think you represent?

It would appear that you are not as confident that the case would fall apart as you let on.

I'm not sure he could get a fair trial at this point, as the state has had 40 years to push their narrative.

The thing is, the countries he is living in also don't think he can get a fair trial, which is why they refuse to turn him over.
'a 13 year old grifter'

And she is a 'grifter'- to you why? Because a 50 year old man sodomized her? Or because she demanded money- oh wait- she never demanded money.

and you know this, how?

Here's the thing, the Prosecutor looked at this woman and her mother and didn't want to go to trial with them, so they cut a deal.

There was no blackmail scheme. The only money that may have exchanged hands was over 15 years later after Polansky was sued- and the judge ruled that

That's the point. Money did change hands... So this lady was pimping out her daughter, and that was always the plan.

That's a pretty lame excuse. Obviously, there are some people who would let him off the hook. How many do you think you represent?

It would appear that you are not as confident that the case would fall apart as you let on.

I'm not sure he could get a fair trial at this point, as the state has had 40 years to push their narrative.

The thing is, the countries he is living in also don't think he can get a fair trial, which is why they refuse to turn him over.

Still a weak argument. Just how much do you think the state has pushed their narrative vs how the glitterati has pushed theirs?

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Yeah- to assholes like you- inviting a 13 year old girl over to a person's house, giving her drugs, and sticking a dick in her vagina and ass- is just 'bullshit statutory rape'.

She was already doing drugs, she was already having things stuck in various orifices.

Why do men like you think that a girl who is no longer a virgin- can't be raped?

Why do men like you excuse a man who gives a 13 year old girl qualudes in order to have sex with an underage minor?

Hell- by your apparent 'standards'- a man who slipping a teenage girl a roofie and raping her unconscious body is okay- if she has done drugs and had sex before.

Polansky had been given a bullshit light sentence for raping a 13 year old girl- and fled the country.

And assholes like you explain why it was the girls fault.
Nope, can't be bothered by it if her mother dropped her off at a party as part of a ill-conceived blackmail scheme.

a) Where is there any evidence of any blackmail scheme? I mean other than your head?
b) Even if the mother was pimping out here 13 year old teenage daughter- Polansky was- and would still be- guilty of:
1) providing drugs to a minor
2) having non-consensual sex with a minor
3) having non-consensual sodomy with a minor.

But you can't be bothered by that.
The girl did not take the quaaludes voluntarily. Polanski poisoned a soft drink. Her mother did not drop her off at a party but at what was sold as a photoshoot.

This is how Michael Jackson got away with so much. He had full liberal support.
Why do men like you think that a girl who is no longer a virgin- can't be raped?

I think it's bullshit to call consensual sex by a minor "rape". Because most people are having sex well below the age of consent.

And most of history, women got married a lot younger than they do now.

Why do men like you excuse a man who gives a 13 year old girl qualudes in order to have sex with an underage minor?

Hell- by your apparent 'standards'- a man who slipping a teenage girl a roofie and raping her unconscious body is okay- if she has done drugs and had sex before.

Except that he handed her the pill and told her what it was.

Polansky had been given a bullshit light sentence for raping a 13 year old girl- and fled the country.

And assholes like you explain why it was the girls fault.

Polanski got a light sentence because the prosecutors looked at Mama Grifter and Baby Grifter and said, "No way are we putting THESE people on the stand."

The girl did not take the quaaludes voluntarily. Polanski poisoned a soft drink. Her mother did not drop her off at a party but at what was sold as a photoshoot.

that's simply not true. The girl drank champaign and took a quaalude knowign what it was. Also, this was the second photoshoot that she did with Polanski. The first one she went topless.

The notion this was an innocent babe in the woods is just silly.

b) Even if the mother was pimping out here 13 year old teenage daughter- Polansky was- and would still be- guilty of:
1) providing drugs to a minor
2) having non-consensual sex with a minor
3) having non-consensual sodomy with a minor.

But you can't be bothered by that.

Nope, just more bothered by the state violating the fifth and sixth amendment rights of someone.
Polanski does deserve a long term in the gray bar hotel. As does Ted Nugent. But the RWNJ's don't dare say that. So one can assume they really don't care about the rape of a child, provided it is a 'Conservative' doing the raping. That is a simple fact. Has a single one of the asshole 'Conservatives' came out and said that we should also prosecute Nugent for exactly the same crime?
Yeah- to assholes like you- inviting a 13 year old girl over to a person's house, giving her drugs, and sticking a dick in her vagina and ass- is just 'bullshit statutory rape'.

She was already doing drugs, she was already having things stuck in various orifices.

Why do men like you think that a girl who is no longer a virgin- can't be raped?

Why do men like you excuse a man who gives a 13 year old girl qualudes in order to have sex with an underage minor?

Hell- by your apparent 'standards'- a man who slipping a teenage girl a roofie and raping her unconscious body is okay- if she has done drugs and had sex before.

Polansky had been given a bullshit light sentence for raping a 13 year old girl- and fled the country.

And assholes like you explain why it was the girls fault.
You’re speaking about progressive behavior
You’re speaking about progressive behavior

The only difference between progressives and conservatives on sex is that conservatives hide their fetishes....

a great day will be when we don't talk about it at all because it isn't anyone's fucking business.
True, it should be no one else’s business, just like firearm ownership.
Still a weak argument. Just how much do you think the state has pushed their narrative vs how the glitterati has pushed theirs?

A lot more, obviously. The very fact they are still pushing this bullshit narrative 40 years later when even the victim has said, "No, really, guys, enough." says a lot.

That's because, instead of facing justice, he ran away. It really would have been over a long time ago had he not done that. He brought this on himself. Now he just wants it all to go away without any further inconvenience to himself.

If the case is really as weak as you keep whining about, a decent lawyer should have no problem getting it tossed. Raping a child SHOULD be something very difficult to make go away.

He should come back, serve whatever time he ducked, and be put on the sex offenders list for the rest of his life. You know, like the way sex offenders who are not connected to the left wing glitterati have to.

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