Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

And again, you ignore what I said about that. You see, it's simply not incumbent upon me to immediately start complaining about every sexual pervert when someone defends one of them. It took you long enough to mention him.

I kind of didn't think I had to... Generally, wasted way too much time with your obsession about the butt stuff to point out you guys have just as many bad actors on your side.

The thing is, your sex life should be your sex life. It shouldn't be ANYONE else's business.
And again, you ignore what I said about that. You see, it's simply not incumbent upon me to immediately start complaining about every sexual pervert when someone defends one of them. It took you long enough to mention him.

I kind of didn't think I had to...

And neither did I, yet you insisted on dragging him into it. It wasn't my idea, it was yours.

Generally, wasted way too much time with your obsession about the butt stuff to point out you guys have just as many bad actors on your side.

You keep pretending that child sexual assault has a side. It does not, and I think you are about the only one out here that would make it of less importance than partisan advantage. Sad.

The thing is, your sex life should be your sex life. It shouldn't be ANYONE else's business.
What Polanski did was not a private sex life. He raped a 13 year old girl. That you would think that is no one else's business is, quite frankly, why we tell you to stay away from children.
And neither did I, yet you insisted on dragging him into it. It wasn't my idea, it was yours.

Naw, you just like to pretend he doesn't exist. That Courtney Love must be a liar! She broke up Nirvana, or something.

You keep pretending that child sexual assault has a side. It does not, and I think you are about the only one out here that would make it of less importance than partisan advantage. Sad.

But yet you guys only go on and on and on about left wing adulterers.

You try to pretend your guys don't exist when you invite them to the White House.

What Polanski did was not a private sex life. He raped a 13 year old girl. That you would think that is no one else's business is, quite frankly, why we tell you to stay away from children.

No, he had sex with a young woman who was already out of control. Just like Courtney Love was if she was sneaking backstage before she developed breasts. For that Polanski plead guilty and went to Jail. Nugent gets invited to the White House and treated like a hero.

Right Wing Hypocrisy... it never gets old.
After raping a child he fled the country to avoid prosecution...
He now admits to raping the child...
'It is over now', he claims...because he says so...
His lawyers want him to be allowed to come back to the US without being charged for his crime...

View attachment 152521
What The.....?!

Roman Polanski finally admits to child rape but says, "It's over" - Hot Air
Being a child molester has absolutely nothing to do with whether one is a liberal or conservative or any political leaning. It is a mental illness not related to politics. Trying to imply that it is a liberal thing is ludicrous. There are as many child molesters who are conservative as their are those who are liberal. Has nothing to do with political leanings.
And neither did I, yet you insisted on dragging him into it. It wasn't my idea, it was yours.

Naw, you just like to pretend he doesn't exist. That Courtney Love must be a liar! She broke up Nirvana, or something. [\quote]

Since I didn't say that, are those the ravings of a lunatic? I've called you out before for making wild accusations that don't hold up under scrutiny. Found evidence yet that Nugent admitted he banged Courtney Love when she was 12? Because you said he did. Of course you haven't, because it doesn't exist. IOW, you made it up. If you're going to complain about something, complain about factual things.

What you are describing are the actions of partisans who put principals aside. I don't see you, for example, decrying perversion on the democrat side of things. Yet, even after I condemn Nugent for going after underage girls, you still pretend I support him for it.

You keep pretending that child sexual assault has a side. It does not, and I think you are about the only one out here that would make it of less importance than partisan advantage. Sad.

But yet you guys only go on and on and on about left wing adulterers. [\quote]

You're wandering off the path again. Polanski raped a young girl. That's not adultery.

You try to pretend your guys don't exist when you invite them to the White House. [\quote]

I didn't invite anyone to the White House.

What Polanski did was not a private sex life. He raped a 13 year old girl. That you would think that is no one else's business is, quite frankly, why we tell you to stay away from children.

No, he had sex with a young woman who was already out of control. Just like Courtney Love was if she was sneaking backstage before she developed breasts. For that Polanski plead guilty and went to Jail. Nugent gets invited to the White House and treated like a hero.

Right Wing Hypocrisy... it never gets old.

A difference being that Nugent didn't coerce anyone or lure anyone into sex with him under false pretenses.

Partisans decry things in opponents that they accept in teammates. I get that. I see it happen all the time. But you can't claim only Republicans do it, and when you fling wild, unsupported accusations around it doesn't help your case at all.
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Since I didn't say that, are those the ravings of a lunatic? I've called you out before for making wild accusations that don't hold up under scrutiny. Found evidence yet that Nugent admitted he banged Courtney Love when she was 12? Because you said he did. Of course you haven't, because it doesn't exist. IOW, you made it up. If you're going to complain about something, complain about factual things.

I found the evidence, you want to ignore it. We have Courtney Love's testimony and him singing songs about how wonderful it is.

What you are describing are the actions of partisans who put principals aside. I don't see you, for example, decrying perversion on the democrat side of things. Yet, even after I condemn Nugent for going after underage girls, you still pretend I support him for it.

The point is, you aren't calling for him to get dragged in front of a judge 40 years later, insisting that he has to plead guilty to something, like you are for Polanski. Nope. Ted denies it, and that's good enough for you!!!!

A difference being that Nugent didn't coerce anyone or lure anyone into sex with him under false pretenses.

Neither did Polanski. Little Grifter knew what she was doing.

Partisans decry things in opponents that they accept in teammates. I get that. I see it happen all the time. But you can't claim only Republicans do it, and when you fling wild, unsupported accusations around it doesn't help your case at all.

No, guy, the problem is, only one team is trying to be the "Sex Police".

Only one side is telling people they shouldn't have abortions or birth control or gay marriage or sex reassignment surgery.

The difference is, on the left, when a line is crossed, their are consequences. Polanski went to jail and he paid restitution. Elliot Spitzer resigned. Anthony Weiner Resigned and went to jail. Harvey Weinstein was fired.

Ted gets invited to the White House and poses with Sarah Palin whose daughter has had two out of wedlock children.


No Class.

Clarence Thomas gets sent to SCOTUS after sexually harassing women, Denny Hastert gets to be speaker of the house after molesting boys. Trump talks about Grabbing Pussy and gets to be president.

The Right Wing is the party of "Do as I say, not as I do!"
Since I didn't say that, are those the ravings of a lunatic? I've called you out before for making wild accusations that don't hold up under scrutiny. Found evidence yet that Nugent admitted he banged Courtney Love when she was 12? Because you said he did. Of course you haven't, because it doesn't exist. IOW, you made it up. If you're going to complain about something, complain about factual things.

I found the evidence, you want to ignore it. We have Courtney Love's testimony and him singing songs about how wonderful it is. [\quote]

This is what I'm talking about. You said very specifically that Nugent admitted to banging Courtney Love. I assume that means you don't accept Bubba Clinton's definition of sex then. But, if you want to go down that road, are you sure I couldn't find something in one of Polanski's movies that I could claim is him admitting he raped that girl?

What you are describing are the actions of partisans who put principals aside. I don't see you, for example, decrying perversion on the democrat side of things. Yet, even after I condemn Nugent for going after underage girls, you still pretend I support him for it.

The point is, you aren't calling for him to get dragged in front of a judge 40 years later, insisting that he has to plead guilty to something, like you are for Polanski. Nope. Ted denies it, and that's good enough for you!!!! [\quote]

It is very frustrating when you flail around like this. Go back and read what I actual wrote instead of what you wish I had written. Nugent didn't deny the incident occurred. He said he didn't remember it, and given his lifestyle at the time, is be surprised if he remembered significant portions of it. That, of course, would not be a good defense of he were in front of a judge.

A difference being that Nugent didn't coerce anyone or lure anyone into sex with him under false pretenses.

Neither did Polanski. Little Grifter knew what she was doing. [\quote]

Oh, that's right. She wasn't a virgin. That seems to be very important to you.

Partisans decry things in opponents that they accept in teammates. I get that. I see it happen all the time. But you can't claim only Republicans do it, and when you fling wild, unsupported accusations around it doesn't help your case at all.

No, guy, the problem is, only one team is trying to be the "Sex Police".

Only one side is telling people they shouldn't have abortions or birth control or gay marriage or sex reassignment surgery. [\quote]

Apparently, you're not paying attention. First, abortion isn't about having sex, it's about destroying a human life. Second, no one is trying to prevent anyone from getting birth control. There are people who don't want to be forced to buy it for someone else. That's different. Third, separate out legal aspects of marriage from the religious ones and you'd probably see that issue go away. Fourth, you can have your dick cut off if you want, just don't expect us to pay for it, and don't put minor children through that kind of body modification until they're old enough to decide that for themselves.

The difference is, on the left, when a line is crossed, their are consequences. Polanski went to jail and he paid restitution. Elliot Spitzer resigned. Anthony Weiner Resigned and went to jail. Harvey Weinstein was fired.

Ted gets invited to the White House and poses with Sarah Palin whose daughter has had two out of wedlock children.


No Class.

Clarence Thomas gets sent to SCOTUS after sexually harassing women, Denny Hastert gets to be speaker of the house after molesting boys. Trump talks about Grabbing Pussy and gets to be president.

The Right Wing is the party of "Do as I say, not as I do!"

IOW, they're politicians. Congratulations, you figured it out. Now that you know that Washington is infested with slime balls, you can relax a bit about Republicans. Spread the hate around.
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IOW, they're politicians. Congratulations, you figured it out. Now that you know that Washington is infested with slime balls, you can relax a bit about Republicans. Spread the hate around.

You miss my point, again. Seriously do you have some kind of learning disability.

The problem is, only ONE party is telling the rest of us how to conduct our sex lives.

The democrats aren't. The Republicans are.

Now, if that isn't bad enough, one party can't even seem to live up to it's own standards.

And as I've said, I was one of hte Wingnuts who screamed "Impeach Clinton" back in the 1990's.

And then Bush got in, and I realized that the President lying about getting a blow job isn't the worst thing ever.

A president fucking up the economy and wiping out decades of accumulated wealth is.
For what he did, he deserves long time. Forgiveness from the victim doesn't count because he i too evil and he has too much money and power.

I am proud of the judge. Any plea deal that sees him walking is no deal
I could post thousands and thousands of reports of members of the church raping children.
I could post thousands or even tens of thousands of white male hicks in the south having incest with their sister or brother.

You conservatives are so full of shit.
I could post thousands and thousands of reports of members of the church raping children.
I could post thousands or even tens of thousands of white male hicks in the south having incest with their sister or brother.

You conservatives are so full of shit.

Yes the ol' I will defend the rape of children, because the other side does it!

Silly far left drones!
Being a child molester has absolutely nothing to do with whether one is a liberal or conservative...
Actually, in this case it does...
Bullshit. In this case it is your biased world view, not a fact, not something you can prove with empirical evidence.

Pedophilia isn't relegated to just the demcrat party because there are plenty of neocons that are up to their necks in this shit and have been compromised.....Dennis Hastert being just one example....if you want more disgusting proof? Google "The Franklin Scandal...go to youtube and put in "Conspiracy Of Silence" but I will warn you to watch it on an empty stomach because the revelations in it will make you want to puke.

Pizzagate? It's real but just a very small piece of a huge iceberg. The revelations of Harvey Weinstein, the Hollyweird liberal mover and shaker is just the beginning as it pertains to sexual abuse, satanic rituals and pedophilia that runs rampant in Hollyweird. Former Prime Minister of England Edward Heath was a murderous homosexual pedophile that liked
young teenaged boys provided to him by BBC celebrity Jimmy Savile that had a pipeline to orphanages of the "throw away" kids. His problem was that they were old enough to identify after he abused them, he had his security toss them overboard on his yacht. The Jimmy Savile pedophile case goes all the way up the chain from the House of Parliament, the House of Windsor and the Vatican. Does anyone know why the prior pope "retired"? He had to call for roadside service one night at 2 in the morning and he had a naked adolescent in his front seat. Child trafficking is the third most profitable venture outside of arms and drugs. Snuff films are sold for 50K a copy......about the same price as a child that they have at an auction where sick elitist fucks bid on kidnapped or "throw away" children (taken in by the CPS that got lost in the system) but who gives a fuck, right? I mean, it's not YOUR child that has been snatched thus this issue doesn't exist, correcto-mundo???

Fuck this partisan political bullshit.....both parties are full of compromised pedophile, luciferian corporate officers masquerading as politicians i.e "representatives" of the dumbed down masses.
Pizzagate? It's real but just a very small piece of a huge iceberg.

You mean the molestation that was happening in a basement in a building that didn't have a basement?

Yup... conspiracy theorists... there's no end to the nuttiness.
Bill Clinton, Polanski, Weiner, Weinstein ...

Why is it when someone brings up these sexual deviants who have preyed on women and children, snowflakes inmediately run to their defense instead of condemn them, as any descent human being should do...?
Bill Clinton, Polanski, Weiner, Weinstein ...

Why is it when someone brings up these sexual deviants who have preyed on women and children, snowflakes inmediately run to their defense instead of condemn them, as any descent human being should do...?

Okay, let's look at that list.

Clinton- After a 70 Million dollar panty sniffing investigation, it was found he had consensual sex.
Polanski- Plead guilty, served a sentence, paid restitution to the Little Grifter
Wiener- Resigned, sent to prison.
Weinstein- fired from his job.

Now, let's look at some Republican Pervos...

Hastert- Got to be the Speaker of the House.
Trump- Got to be president after bragging about sexually assaulting women
Ted Nugent - Had sex with Courtney Love before she had breasts, sings songs about "Jailbait", got legal custody of a 17 year old so he could have sex with her, and still gets invited to the White House
Tim Foley- Hit on male pages in Congress.

NOw, here's the thing. Only ONE party wants the government to be the Sex Police.

The other doesn't, but when they have someone who breaks the law, that person is punished.
Bill Clinton, Polanski, Weiner, Weinstein ...

Why is it when someone brings up these sexual deviants who have preyed on women and children, snowflakes inmediately run to their defense instead of condemn them, as any descent human being should do...?

After raping a child he fled the country to avoid prosecution...
He now admits to raping the child...
'It is over now', he claims...because he says so...
His lawyers want him to be allowed to come back to the US without being charged for his crime...

View attachment 152521
What The.....?!

Roman Polanski finally admits to child rape but says, "It's over" - Hot Air

Five MORE women come forward to accuse disgraced movie director Roman Polanski of sexual assault

The women, who have submitted their stories via a website called, take the total number of alleged Polanski accusers to 10."
Five MORE women come forward to accuse disgraced movie director Roman Polanski of sexual assault

Hollywood Liberals Celebrate Child Rapist

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