Libya Goes Islamic And We Helped Pave The Way

Yes Saddam was the same way, in those "elections" nobody ran against Saddam, you either voted yes or not, voting no would cause you alot of problems and a visit by the secret police to ask why you didn't vote for Saddam.
That's right Gravity...and saddam did that without sharia law.

Iraq wasn't all that religious under Saddam, in fact he didn't trust religious people and had them under surveilence in his country, if Saddam wasn't such a dick and played ball with us he would still be around.
Saddam saw how much influence religious leaders had in Iran, and didn't want to share.

Places like Saudii Arabia have sharia law....and they don't really oppress their own people, but they do oppress foreign've got nothing to worry about in Saudii Arabia, unless you fornicate, or eat shellfish, or are a blasphemer.....other than's not a bad place I hear
It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

Where is shariah law practiced in a democracy?

Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.

Women get to vote, democratically in those nations? Christians (people that have lived there for centuries) have a say in those nations? They might be a "democracy" in name only, but they are NOT democracies.
Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.

I would say those are theocracies :dunno:

THe people democratically elect their leaders. Most of them are parliamentary democracies. They elect members of parliament, and their leaders. What makes them theocracies is that there is a state mandated religion that all must follow or be punished.

What "people"? Who do they get to vote for? Figureheads put up by islam? You can vote for this cleric, that cleric, or yes, this other cleric. Anyone that does not intend to run the country under direct influence of Shariah is accused of blasphemy and MURDERED. Yeah, that is the same as us (NOT).
I'm against all violent invasions of any countries. Sharia law would never be insituted on my block, it's not consitutional

Well, neither is Obamacare. :eusa_shhh:
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.

I would say those are theocracies :dunno:

THe people democratically elect their leaders. Most of them are parliamentary democracies. They elect members of parliament, and their leaders. What makes them theocracies is that there is a state mandated religion that all must follow or be punished.

What "people"? Who do they get to vote for? Figureheads put up by islam? You can vote for this cleric, that cleric, or yes, this other cleric. Anyone that does not intend to run the country under direct influence of Shariah is accused of blasphemy and MURDERED. Yeah, that is the same as us (NOT).

Much better if they vote for who we want them to vote for. Now THAT'S true freedom and democracy. :tank:
Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.

Iran is not a democracy, they have a President but the Ayatollahs have the most power in that country which supercedes the President, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard answer directly to the Ayatollah, not the Pres. Also Iraq and Egypt were not really democracies, anyone who didn't vote for Saddam or Mubarak would get visited by the secret police.

They had the vote! They were nominally democracies. Which is pretty much how democracy works over there.

So now you are adding "qualifiers" for democracy ("over there")? Hey if you can't say what you mean, just make it sound good and then change the definition(s), afterwards.
I wouldn't trust any election, the next US election is doubtful.

Under Mubarak, Egypt was peaceful and at peace in the region. So was Libya. That is no longer going to be the case.

Well, Mussolini DID get the trains to run on time and I understand domestically speaking, the Third Reich was very peaceful...except for that whole WWII thingee.
So.... what is Obama doing for Christians in the ME (since you want to point out the failures of Bush)? Is he stopping the slaughter in Pakistan, Afganistan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, or any other African or ME nation? Has he even mentioned this in any of his saturated air time? Has he been critical of any islamic movement the way he criticizes Jews and Christians when they are attempting self-preservation? Seriously, who is doing the "attacking"?

What can he do? Republicans tore through the Middle East like a bull though a China shop. Then left this country bankrupt and the military depleted. This isn't the infinite country with infinite money and infinite poor to use as cannon fodder. Republicans squeezed everything they could out of this country. And they assume they can just keep squeezing.

Well, they can't. There isn't that much left to squeeze. And for some strange reason, they want to keep it that way. They know an educated population will never accept their far right wingnut religious ideology. That's why they are so against education. It's not about what is good for the country. They just want to bully the rest of America into submission.

When I think about what is good for the country, I think equal rights, education, jobs, a strong defense, a good economy, a clean environment.

Republicans have a different take. They think they are preparing the country for the return of Jesus. That there really will be a "rapture". This is why they support Israel. That "really good" Christians are only wanted if they are ignorant and will float up into heaven. They think they are fighting to SAVE America from those minorities.

And the Republicans who don't share those views? They believe that the country should be treated like a great big corporation. That companies should rule. That only rich people know how to spend money. They believe rich people will "take care of them" as long as they toe the line and work hard. They also don't believe in education. Education is "just a piece of paper". That government is bad. Government wants to take over your life. Government wants to take everything you have and leave you to live in a piano box while poor people live it up on food stamps and large screen TVs.

The right wing has deluded themselves so much, they work to defeat anything Obama does and then call him a failure.

And what has the right wing done in the last 20 years that they can be proud of? They have been challenged with that question again and again and they so pathetic, they are reduced to trying to take credit for what Obama has done. Getting Bin Laden. Why do more than 100 Republican congressmen and senators call the stimulus a failure when they take credit for creating thousands of jobs that come directly from the stimulus they say failed? It didn't fail for them.

And when did it become acceptable to yell out "let him die" and applaud executions?

Are you nuts?

Holy toledo kid get a grip. What the hell does the stimulus have to do with this thread?

Why is it I envision you in your jammies singing "I'm koo koo for coco puffs" whilst posting?


It's all related. Bizarre ideology is driving the Republican Party. It infects everything they do.

What can Obama do for the Christians in the ME? They've been driven from Iraq when Bush and the Republicans were in power. Many have been taken in by European countries. That's what I mean. Republicans don't take responsibility for their disasters. They argue back with "What has Obama done" all the while, stopping Obama from doing anything.

You can't complain he isn't doing anything and at the same time, block him from doing everything. Or, maybe you can. In fact, that's exactly what Republican do.
I wish I could say im surprised, but did anyone seriously not see this coming?

The Arab Spring has never been about liberty. It's been about establishing an Islamic Caliphate one nation at a time.

Well, neither is Obamacare. :eusa_shhh:
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.

Republicans tore down the government of Iraq and then helped them write Islam into their constitution to create an even worse government. Republicans say, "Let them alone". Which is what we should have done in the first place.
It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

Where is shariah law practiced in a democracy?

My understanding is that Sharia Law is practiced throughout the ME. But the point is that it's the choice of Libyans as to whether or not they want to incorporate Sharia Law or some variation of SL into their new constitution.

Then let's not pretend that these places are democracies.
The biggest bully controls the country. The person that is willing to cut up relatives of enemies into little pieces and deliver them to their enemies (rivals) gets to rule. That is how they get to rule. That is how they keep ruling, until someone more ruthless introduces themselves thru violence.
Yes, Shariah, it is anarchy (you are not allowed to question the "faith", you are not allowed to question authority, you are not allowed to disagree), what a life!

Well, neither is Obamacare. :eusa_shhh:
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.
I lived in the middle east from 2000-2004, and my wife was Alevi Muslim.....I didn't see any of that you're talking about.

Not saying it doesn't exist...but that's in crazy places like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, African Muslim countries, and other places nobody should ever go to.

That crap won't ever happen in the US on an insitutional scale.
These are the new freaks running Libya. And they're all ours. I'm ashamed of my country...

[ame=]Moammar Gaddafi Sodomized With Stick Before Execution. Does Obama Gets Credit for This Too? - YouTube[/ame]
I really, really, really really hate to break to you but the United States has no right, nor does have any purpose of right to dictate what form of Government another Sovereign Nation, or Nation State can or cannot have.

It is the RIGHT of the LIBYAN PEOPLE to decide what form of Government they shall have, NOT THE UNITED STATES.

But on the other hand, no doubt your one of those "Right To Life" assholes whose religion dictates the rights of others.

Its no so much the government you oppose, its the religion.

After WWI, we said "never again". After WWII, we said "never again". Well, it is happening again. Those that have lived thru the experience are trying to warn us. Those that assisted with those evils are naming names. Yet, still people like you want to pretend that evil, corruption, and destruction are not on the way. People like you, ignore the tortures, the mutilation, the selective breeding, the amassing of power and military forces. How many do you think will die, when they are really prepared to attack, not just trying to "sting" us? The last time, it was hundreds of thousands in a few battles; how many will die because people like you ignore the building violence, and restrain those that would expose the crimes, truthfully.

I am Christian. My beliefs are DIFFERENT from islam. My beliefs are different from Hindus and Buddhists, also. Yet, I do not interfer with those countries or their beliefs. Why? Maybe, it is because those faiths have not threatened to convert, kill, or subjugate me and every (yes that is EVERY) person that disagrees with their beliefs. If islam wants to seperate the spiritual from the gov't system (Shariah), I will take a second look at their beliefs. Until them, I will call Shariah as I see it: CORRUPTION, DECAY, EVIL.
Sounds like the United States.

Which makes me wonder why your panties are in such a bunch about it here but in the Middle East it's all hunky-dorry.

I'll tell you what, since you're so numb to reality why don't you ask the first person you see at work to kick you in the ass cuz you probably won't feel that ether.

Where are my "panties in a bunch"? In every election I've had the choice between the Christian or the Christian. Why are YOUR "panties in a bunch" because the same holds true for Muslims in countries dominated by Muslims?

You don't like Christians? Isn't that discrimmination? Isn't that predjudice?
THe people democratically elect their leaders. Most of them are parliamentary democracies. They elect members of parliament, and their leaders. What makes them theocracies is that there is a state mandated religion that all must follow or be punished.

What "people"? Who do they get to vote for? Figureheads put up by islam? You can vote for this cleric, that cleric, or yes, this other cleric. Anyone that does not intend to run the country under direct influence of Shariah is accused of blasphemy and MURDERED. Yeah, that is the same as us (NOT).

Much better if they vote for who we want them to vote for. Now THAT'S true freedom and democracy. :tank:

Nice to see that you still don't let "truth" get in the way of a good story.
Christians are now being masscared on a mass scale in these Muslim nations we helped "Liberate." Our Foreign Policy is a real fuster cluck. When it will ever change? Haven't we had enough of Blow-Back yet? Americans better be very careful what they wish for over there. It likely wont end well for them in the end.
What can he do? Republicans tore through the Middle East like a bull though a China shop. Then left this country bankrupt and the military depleted. This isn't the infinite country with infinite money and infinite poor to use as cannon fodder. Republicans squeezed everything they could out of this country. And they assume they can just keep squeezing.

Well, they can't. There isn't that much left to squeeze. And for some strange reason, they want to keep it that way. They know an educated population will never accept their far right wingnut religious ideology. That's why they are so against education. It's not about what is good for the country. They just want to bully the rest of America into submission.

When I think about what is good for the country, I think equal rights, education, jobs, a strong defense, a good economy, a clean environment.

Republicans have a different take. They think they are preparing the country for the return of Jesus. That there really will be a "rapture". This is why they support Israel. That "really good" Christians are only wanted if they are ignorant and will float up into heaven. They think they are fighting to SAVE America from those minorities.

And the Republicans who don't share those views? They believe that the country should be treated like a great big corporation. That companies should rule. That only rich people know how to spend money. They believe rich people will "take care of them" as long as they toe the line and work hard. They also don't believe in education. Education is "just a piece of paper". That government is bad. Government wants to take over your life. Government wants to take everything you have and leave you to live in a piano box while poor people live it up on food stamps and large screen TVs.

The right wing has deluded themselves so much, they work to defeat anything Obama does and then call him a failure.

And what has the right wing done in the last 20 years that they can be proud of? They have been challenged with that question again and again and they so pathetic, they are reduced to trying to take credit for what Obama has done. Getting Bin Laden. Why do more than 100 Republican congressmen and senators call the stimulus a failure when they take credit for creating thousands of jobs that come directly from the stimulus they say failed? It didn't fail for them.

And when did it become acceptable to yell out "let him die" and applaud executions?

Are you nuts?

Holy toledo kid get a grip. What the hell does the stimulus have to do with this thread?

Why is it I envision you in your jammies singing "I'm koo koo for coco puffs" whilst posting?


It's all related. Bizarre ideology is driving the Republican Party. It infects everything they do.

What can Obama do for the Christians in the ME? They've been driven from Iraq when Bush and the Republicans were in power. Many have been taken in by European countries. That's what I mean. Republicans don't take responsibility for their disasters. They argue back with "What has Obama done" all the while, stopping Obama from doing anything.

You can't complain he isn't doing anything and at the same time, block him from doing everything. Or, maybe you can. In fact, that's exactly what Republican do.

Fourteen trillion is not enough debt. Vote for him again, he will add sixteen more trillion to the national debt. You can be his number one cheerleader!
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.

Republicans tore down the government of Iraq and then helped them write Islam into their constitution to create an even worse government. Republicans say, "Let them alone". Which is what we should have done in the first place.

Very good, blame others' actions (those of people in the ME) on the "republicans", because, clearly those nations loved Bush so much, they listened to what he said. Obama, told us that "he" would make a difference by "reaching out" to islam. Be honest, how is that working? Personally, I see no improvement, but things actually getting worse in the ME, while "our President" lectures anyone that tries to stop the corruption of Shariah rule. It is good that you keep your head in the sand, where ever islam marches ends up sand and dust.

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