Libya Libya Libya…


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:
If you think it was fucked up during Oblama you should have seen it during Reagan...
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

what country was fucked up by Obama (other than the USA)?
If you think it was fucked up during Oblama you should have seen it during Reagan...
Libya is even more of a shit hole since the Arab spring… It brought out the true nature of the Muslim.… ISIS
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If you think it was fucked up during Oblama you should have seen it during Reagan...

I recommend you watch Adam Curtis' Hypernormalization. Nothing but lies told about Libya from the start. Though to be honest, even Curtis has been suckered into by lies by the intelligence establishment about lies about Syria and Iran. Paradoxical, isn't it? :badgrin:

Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

The people rose up and overthrew a brutal dictator they hated . We protected the rebels from Qudaffis Air Force . And not one us troop was killed .

Why you all mad about Qudaffi being dead!?!
you republicans sure stopped giving a fuck about benghazi quick
Who says?

Benghazi was where Hillary and Barry sacrificed 4 Americans...where their international arms dealer was smuggling weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS.

No one has forgotten or stopped caring about anything. Benghazi will be an albatross hanging around Hillary and Barry's neck forever - a big part of Obama's 'Legacy'.
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

The people rose up and overthrew a brutal dictator they hated . We protected the rebels from Qudaffis Air Force . And not one us troop was killed .

Why you all mad about Qudaffi being dead!?!
Are you that stupid? they just replaced Quadaffi with ISIS...
The people rose up and overthrew a brutal dictator they hated . We protected the rebels from Qudaffis Air Force . And not one us troop was killed . Why you all mad about Qudaffi being dead!?!

That's the story you're sticking to?

Those 'rebels' we helped had been operating out of a port city in North Eastern Libya for the majority if the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. They had been hiring Jihadists from all over the world for years to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq «

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
-- "Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime"

At the time Barak Obama Un-Constitutionally dragged the US to war in Libya - without Congressional approval to do so - Libyan Leader Gaddafi was HELPING the 'US-Led Coalition' fight (AGAINST) terrorists in Northern Africa. So taking out Gaddafi was a benefit to terrorists in Northern Africa and a loss to the Coalition.

The AMAZING thing is that this was known, that the 'rebels' WERE Al Qaeda - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 why in the HELL would anyone want to drag the US into an UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional war to HELP the terrorists who butchered 3,000 Americans? Barry did!

The State Department and the President were WELL aware of the threat of a pending terrorist attack on the compound in Benghazi on 9/11/12. They were well aware of the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens from an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeda leader by a drone strike a month earlier. They knew about the reports of Al Qaeda flags flying over Benghazi govt buildings, multiple new terrorist camps opening in Benghazi, large gatherings of Al Qaeda there, etc...

Not one US troop was killed in Obama's Un-Authorized, Un-Constitutional War, but he and Hillary sacrificed 4 Americans afterwards.

Liberals have bitched and moaned about how Hussein was NOT a threat to the US and we had no business going into Iraq. The same thing was the case with Libya - Gaddafi was no threat to the US. IN FACT, Gaddafi was HELPING the Coalition fight AGAINST terrorists in Northern Africa.
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

what country was fucked up by Obama (other than the USA)?

Let's see. :) Egypt temporarily when Obama encouraged the overthrow of Mubarak and backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood for the short time they were in power. Coptic Christians especially can attest to the brutality of the MB.

Libya of course was not a "Arab Spring uprising". It was full on terrorists taking over. Backed by Obama and the West.

Gee. How many Syrians are on the run or dead now. Because Obama and the west completely backed Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in the overthrow of Assad. There never was a civil war.

ISIS and al Nusra have foreign fighters. Basically mercenaries to attempt to depose Assad and install another MB regime.

Yemen. Poor Yemen. We're supplying all the weapons for SA to mercilessly bomb the crap out of the poor people.

Iraq. By not stopping the advance of ISIS into Iraq from Syria.

And of course the Ukraine. How's that?
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

The people rose up and overthrew a brutal dictator they hated . We protected the rebels from Qudaffis Air Force . And not one us troop was killed .

Why you all mad about Qudaffi being dead!?!
Are you that stupid? they just replaced Quadaffi with ISIS...


Lyb does have different militias and it's going thru growing pains new countries need to go thru . It is not an isis state .

Shame you prefer the people be under a brutal dictator.

Lyb does have different militias and it's going thru growing pains new countries need to go thru . It is not an isis state .

Shame you prefer the people be under a brutal dictator.
You continue to prove you have no clue about Libya, what it was like before Barry aided Al Qaeda kill Qaddafi, who took over, or what's going on now.

Lyb does have different militias and it's going thru growing pains new countries need to go thru . It is not an isis state .

Shame you prefer the people be under a brutal dictator.
You continue to prove you have no clue about Libya, what it was like before Barry aided Al Qaeda kill Qaddafi, who took over, or what's going on now.

You don't have a clue .

Yeah , some of the fighters had AQ links . Because Qudaffi was hated by everyone !

You also had the "good " rebels who long for a free Lybia .

By the way isis and AQ are enemies . Not interchangeable allies .
By the way isis and AQ are enemies . Not interchangeable allies .
Both Al Qaeda and ISIS are in Libya. Never said they were 'best buds' or the same. Hillary and Barry were running guns to both out of Benghazi, though.

I have already gone through - with proof/links - how the 'rebels' Obama helped were Al Qaeda, how they recruited Jihadists for over a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

You don't willingly - KNOWINGLY - join forces with Al Qaeda, the group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans and who recruited Jihadists to kill US troops for a decade, to help kill and replace the leader of another nation that is helping you FIGHT terrorists in Northern Africa. Barry did.

You still do NOTHING to take away from the fact that:

1. Liberals bitched about an AUTHORIZED war in Iraq that was none of our business yet approve of Obama's UN-Authorized war in Libya that was none of our business.

2. Obama's foreign policy was ignorant, stupid, and F*ed Up - they joined forces with terrorists to overthrow a dictator, destabilized the country because they had no clue what would come next, and allowed terrorists to take over in Libya ....just like they joined forces with terrorists to try to overthrow Assad in Syria, having no f*ing clue what they would do if it worked.....handing the country most probably over to terrorists like they did with Libya.
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

what country was fucked up by Obama (other than the USA)?

Let's see. :) Egypt temporarily when Obama encouraged the overthrow of Mubarak and backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood for the short time they were in power. Coptic Christians especially can attest to the brutality of the MB.

Libya of course was not a "Arab Spring uprising". It was full on terrorists taking over. Backed by Obama and the West.

Gee. How many Syrians are on the run or dead now. Because Obama and the west completely backed Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in the overthrow of Assad. There never was a civil war.

ISIS and al Nusra have foreign fighters. Basically mercenaries to attempt to depose Assad and install another MB regime.

Yemen. Poor Yemen. We're supplying all the weapons for SA to mercilessly bomb the crap out of the poor people.

Iraq. By not stopping the advance of ISIS into Iraq from Syria.

And of course the Ukraine. How's that?

dancer gets this stuff weekly -----the khutbah-jumaat feces fling
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

what country was fucked up by Obama (other than the USA)?

Let's see. :) Egypt temporarily when Obama encouraged the overthrow of Mubarak and backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood for the short time they were in power. Coptic Christians especially can attest to the brutality of the MB.

Libya of course was not a "Arab Spring uprising". It was full on terrorists taking over. Backed by Obama and the West.

Gee. How many Syrians are on the run or dead now. Because Obama and the west completely backed Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in the overthrow of Assad. There never was a civil war.

ISIS and al Nusra have foreign fighters. Basically mercenaries to attempt to depose Assad and install another MB regime.

Yemen. Poor Yemen. We're supplying all the weapons for SA to mercilessly bomb the crap out of the poor people.

Iraq. By not stopping the advance of ISIS into Iraq from Syria.

And of course the Ukraine. How's that?

for the record-----I got my information on COPTIC CHRISTIANS----from
Coptic Christians---------THEY DESPISED MUBARAK------. I get my information on YEMEN-----from Yemenis------the issue for Yemenis ----besides their own
tribal fighting over the past in excess of 60 years is IRAN and its intensive

for those who do not know and are being influenced by the filth of Iranian propaganda-------Saudi Arabia is being ATTACKED by Hezbollah dogs and
the HOUTHI CLIENTS of Iran-----right there over the border----they are building
a wall-------the Saudi targets are the HEAVILY ARMED houthi and Hezbollah
pigs------unfortunately firmly entrenched in the MOST important Yemeni cities---including SANAA and ADEN (hubby was born in Yemen---so he gets to talk
to Yemenis here in the USA) Saudi Arabia has its Imperialist eye on the friggen BLACK ROCK
Looks like a bunch of Muslims were killed in Libya, thousands more Muslims will just take their place in the country that Obama fucked up. Hope and change baby:lmao:

The people rose up and overthrew a brutal dictator they hated . We protected the rebels from Qudaffis Air Force . And not one us troop was killed .

Why you all mad about Qudaffi being dead!?!
Are you that stupid? they just replaced Quadaffi with ISIS...


Lyb does have different militias and it's going thru growing pains new countries need to go thru . It is not an isis state .

Shame you prefer the people be under a brutal dictator.
Wrong, you need to quit falling in the well

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