Lies Also Inform


Sep 23, 2010
This has to be the weirdest thing Barack Taqiyya ever said:

"How business is done in this town has to change," Obama said during a press conference. "Now that the government is reopened and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do — and that's grow this economy."

Obama hits bloggers, radio 'talking heads' who 'profit from conflict'

Obama hits bloggers, radio 'talking heads' who 'profit from conflict' -

There are so many lies in that paragraph the man has become a walking, talking, catastrophe. First off, the Affordable Care Act will finish off the economy he and congressional Democrats wounded.

Secondly, the majority of Americans did not give him a second term so he could grow the government which is what he lies about every time he talks about growing the economy and jobs.

Thirdly, the parasite class is not the majority by any definition. He won a second term because Romney was worse than John McCain.

Before the election in 2012, I said that Taqiyya would be better than Romney because he would not get a grace period. I said that the contempt he accumulated in his first term would grow, uninterrupted, in a second term. Peggy Noonan uses much kinder words to say the same thing:

[ame=]Obama Got To Point Where People Stopped Listening To Him Faster Than Most Presidents - YouTube[/ame]​

Worst of all, when Taqiyya the Liar tells the American people who they should NOT listen to —— he is also saying “Listen to me.” Does he not realize that by now Americans know he lies about everything. His lies about the ACA before he signed it are well-documented, yet he piles lie on top of lie in order to implement the “train wreck.” Many American voters are uninformed to be sure, but the same lies told day after day finally accomplish the one thing he does not want to do —— INFORM THE PUBLIC.

The party of liars

Apparently, Taqiyya is unaware of the cumulative impact Pelosi’s lies have on his lies.

Nancy Pelosi still insists that Obamacare will improve the lives of average Americans, despite over 20 reports indicating otherwise.

"Because of the law, in the coming months Americans will have expanded choices and more affordable care." Pelosi said at a recent Capitol Hill briefing. "We will be enhancing patients' rights, putting money back in the pockets of consumers, reducing costs and strengthening the economic, financial, and health security of working families."

She goes further to say that Obamacare will even lower the nation's debt.

"The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector," said Pelosi. "And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down."

But what she doesn't realize is that her numbers are flawed.

"Despite promises that the law will lower costs, [Obamacare] will in fact cause the premiums of many Americans to spike substantially," a report released by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce concluded. "The broken promises are numerous, and the data reveals that many Americans, from recent college graduates to older adults, will not be able to afford the law's higher costs."

The report is based on responses from 17 insurance companies to a letter from Congress asking them to estimate the effects Obamacare would have on premiums and found that individuals in about 90% of all states would likely face "significant premium increases."

Furthermore, the committee found that some individuals may see premium increases up to 413%.

On top of higher premiums, Obamacare will create no fewer than twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people.

Most of the new taxes go into effect January 1, 2014, but they are already infuriating millions of Americans.

Will Pelosi Cost You Your Full-Time Job?
By Money Morning Staff Reports

Money Morning

Throw in all of the ACA lies being told by leading Democrats like Harry Reid, Biden, Durbin, et al. and the public cannot help but learn the truth. Even the parasites do not believe the lies. Naturally, parasites benefit from the lies without believing them. Imagine what that does to polls about the ACA.

Bottom line: Few Americans believe anything said by anyone in the party of liars. It will get worse if the ACA is NOT repealed. On the plus side nothing will change if it is repealed. The ACA lies are set in stone for all time.

Finally, Barack Taqiyya & Company are going to push amnesty for illegal aliens before the midterms. They are not going to take a chance on losing the Senate. American voters should keep that in mind. Think about adding permanent open-borders to the ACA:

Obama plans immigration push after fiscal crisis ends
October 16, 2013 7:44 AM

Obama plans immigration push after fiscal crisis ends

Here’s something Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2014 should think about. The lies about stricter border protections, pathway to citizenship nonsense, and so on will not reward the existing parasite class as does the ACA. In fact, millions of illegals diving into the public trough will take away from the parasites already there. So it will interesting to see if illegal aliens are enough to make the lies stick when a vast majority are against amnesty for illegals.
Abortion has to be one of the reasons Taqiyya the Liar does not want Americans listening to anyone but him. My emphasis in the second paragraph:

As the Obamacare exchanges have gone “live” this month, it has become evident that it is nearly impossible for individuals seeking exchange plans to identify which, if any, plans on their state exchange exclude abortion.

The new law requires premium payers to be assessed an abortion surcharge every month to pay for abortions. But many pro-life Americans may unwittingly purchase pro-abortion plans because of a marketing secrecy clause embedded in Obamacare which stipulates that the surcharge be minimally disclosed only at the time of enrollment. In other words, bury it in the fine print.


If we fail to ask, the new law will compel us to directly subsidize the killing of unborn children by our surcharge payments to an abortion-only fund. Purchasing a pro-abortion health insurance plans makes us complicit in the culture of death.

Rep. Smith: Obamacare ‘subsidizing a culture of death’
By: Rep. Chris Smith
10/21/2013 09:20 AM

Rep. Smith: Obamacare 'subsidizing a culture of death' | Human Events

Question: How much input did Planned Parenthood have in writing abortion into the ACA?

NOTE: John Roberts’ ruling now means that taxing Americans to pay for abortions is constitutional.
Abortion has to be one of the reasons Taqiyya the Liar does not want Americans listening to anyone but him.

Assuming the number one baby butcher does not plead the Fifth:

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has agreed to testify to Congress on ObamaCare's botched rollout soon — but not this week.

Sebelius to testify on ObamaCare's rocky rollout (Video)
By Elise Viebeck and Russell Berman - 10/21/13 02:01 PM ET

Sebelius to testify on ObamaCare's rocky rollout (Video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Remember that Nancy Pelosi said the ACA would create 4 million jobs. So one question to Sebelius should be: How many parasites who sign up will get one of those 4,000,000 jobs?

Kathleen Sebelius: Exchange enrollment goal is 7 million by end of March

For Obamacare the magic number is 7 million.

That’s how many people the Obama administration hopes to enroll in its new health insurance marketplaces by the end of March.

Kathleen Sebelius: Exchange enrollment goal is 7 million by end of March - Jennifer Haberkorn -

My guess is that the liars in the Administration see 7 million as attainable when the parasites are combined with frightened, misinformed, Americans.

You can bet that the SEIU is going to pull out all stops helping future parasites (future dues paying members) sign up.

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